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请各位大虾告诉我 此女女叫什么名字 一直很想知道
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出门在外也不愁请各位大虾看看有什么问题,语法啊,语病啊等等,要毕业答辩了,This design is the intelligent gas water heater,and it uses the STC89C51 single-chip microcomputer as the controller.At the same time,the design also analyses the feasibility of the intelligent gas _百度作业帮
请各位大虾看看有什么问题,语法啊,语病啊等等,要毕业答辩了,This design is the intelligent gas water heater,and it uses the STC89C51 single-chip microcomputer as the controller.At the same time,the design also analyses the feasibility of the intelligent gas
This design is the intelligent gas water heater,and it uses the STC89C51 single-chip microcomputer as the controller.At the same time,the design also analyses the feasibility of the intelligent gas water heater which based on the single-chip microcomputer.The design uses temperature sensor,hydraulic pressure sensor,gas solenoid valve,three-phase stepping motor,and so on.In the aspect of the hardware design,the paper has carried on detailed introduction to the following sections:the extension of the smallest single-chip microcomputer system,the power circuit module,the keyboard,the display circuit,the interface circuit,the alarm circuit,the hydraulic pressure detect circuit,the temperature detect circuit,the control circuit of the three-phase stepping motor,the control circuit of the DC motor,and the control circuit of the firelighter and the gas solenoid valve.And the paper also has carried on detailed introduction about the main chips which used in this design,including STC89C51,PMM8713,PCF5,DS18B20.In the aspect of the software design,the paper has carried on detailed introduction to the every function of the intelligent gas water heater,so that the programmers know how to write programs.The intelligent gas water heater is easy and well designed.By using the software,it can realize the following functions:intelligent detecting water temperature,intelligent heating the water,so it can improve the reliability and accuracy of the intelligent gas water heater.
This design is an intelligent gas water heater. The main component used is a STC89C51 single-chip microcomputer. At the same time, the design also analyses the feasibility of the intelligent gas water heater which based on the single-chip microcomputer. The circuit is made up of temperature sensor, hydraulic pressure sensor, gas solenoid valve, three-phase stepping motor, and so on. In the aspect of hardware design, the paper following has detail information for these sections, the extension of the smallest single-chip microcomputer system, the power circuit module, the keyboard, the display circuit, the interface circuit, the alarm circuit, the hydraulic pressure detect circuit, the temperature detect circuit, the control circuit of the three-phase stepping motor, the control circuit of the DC motor, the control circuit of the firelighter and the gas solenoid valve. The article also discusses about the main chips which used in this design, including STC89C51, PMM8713, PCF5 and DS18B20. On the other hand, software design, every function of the intelligent gas water heater is introduced clearly, so that the programmers will be able to know how to program after finishing the paper.
The intelligent gas water heater is simple and well designed. With suitably programming, it can realize the following functions: intelligent detecting water temperature and heating water. So it can improve the reliability and accuracy of the intelligent gas water heater第三句我不太明白你要表达什么意思 不知道怎么该啊
1楼 21:46&|
收起回复3楼 21:48&|
如果只是玩玩,请放过她。 等你跟她在一起了。 带她逛街别让她穿高跟鞋,她会脚疼。 每次她皱眉头,一定要好好哄她。 她不喜欢大热天,一热她就急躁。 不说这些,这些你慢慢都会知道的。 说说你不知道的。 她左奶比较大,因为我一直习惯右手摸。以后你就专攻右边的吧,平衡点。 如果你跟她ML,不要一直让她在上面,那样她很累的。 我跟她只用过三种姿势,你也可以多开发一点。她喜欢新的。 她最喜欢的是,让我从后面进,她害羞,不好意思,但是那个姿势她最舒服了。 你要主动点。 对了,她只用杜蕾斯。但是别用清凉装,那个她不喜欢,因为太凉。你可以买凸 点的,我没用过。她应该会喜欢。 其实她一直不要我用套子的,因为怕我难过。可是还是用吧。怀孕了不好。她不抗拒给我KJ,你也可以试试,就是技术不怎么样,因为我也不忍心一直让 她这样。 她很喜欢我给她KJ,真的,她会抗拒,但是真的喜欢的,你强硬点。她每次都 很享受的。 她有很多很性感的内裤,都是她妈妈给她买的,一有新的每次都会穿给我看的。她好多BRA都是我陪她一块买的,都是我喜欢的。我最喜欢她的黑BRA,可是压坏了。 她的耳朵是最敏感的点,RT也挺敏感的。她水很多的。很舒服的。 还有,她很会挑逗人,很会打KISS。好像也没什么了。就这些吧。 祝你们幸福哈。 我知道我说这些我很贱,我一边码字一边说自己贱呢。贱就贱吧。 对了,你们牵手的时候别想到她的手模过我的老二。 对了,你们KISS的时候别想到她的嘴被我的老二塞满过。 对了,你们ML的时候别去想她对着我的时候也是这个表情。 好了,就这些吧,再说我也说不下去了
4楼 21:49&|


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