the bell rang ()when he was therestole it.

单项填空典型陷阱题透析  高考命题者常常改用熟悉的句型结构,利用一些词或短语搭配来制造陷阱,误导考生掉人所设陷阱,从而让考生在非常神气的心情中快速地得出错误的答案。针对这种情况,同学们平时应学会深入分析句式结构及成分(尤其是长句难句),认真分析语境,找出其特殊性。要时刻记住:语意第一,语法第二的解题原则。高考试题万变不离其宗,只要同学们有扎实的语言基础知识,把握住命题者的思路,就能在高考中立于不败之地。  以下是笔者整理的一些典型易错题,同学们试着识别一下其中的"陷阱",如若掉进去了,那就好好反思一下,并希望你能从中获得一些启发。  例1. _________, the vitamin C in them will be destroyed.  A. If vegetables are cooked too long
B. If cooked too long  C. If cooking too long
D. If being cooked too long  解析:答案为A。此题容易误选答案B。该句意为"如果蔬菜被烹调的时间过长,那么里面的维生素C就会被破坏。"只有主从句的主语一致时,才可以把从句的主语省略掉。在这里主从句的主语不一致,从句的主语是vegetables,主句的主语是the vitamin C in them,因此不能省略。故选答案A。  例2.It was a pity that the great writer died________ his works unfinished.(2004福建)  A. for
D. of  解析:答案为B。此题容易误选答案C 或D。die 后接不同的介词,表示不同的意思。die for 表示死的目的, die of/from 表示死的原因。但是根据句子的意思此题并不是考查此用法,而是考查独立主格结构的一种形式,即with + 名词+动词的过去分词。此处的his work 与unfinish为被动关系,故用过去分词unfinished。故选答案B。  例3.He made up his mind to devote his life ___________pollution________ happily.  A. to prevent, to live 
B. to prevent, from living  C. to preventing, to live D. to preventing, from living  解析: 答案为C。此题容易误选B,认为第一空应填to prevent(即认为其中的to为不定式符号),第二空应填from living,因为prevent ... from doing sth是一个常用句型。其实错了,第一空涉及的结构是devote ... to ... (把......奉献给......),其中的to是介词,而不是不定式符号;第二空从表面上看涉及的是prevent ... from ...结构,但其实不是。因为在prevent sb/sth from doing sth(阻止某人/某事做某事)这一句型中,prevent后的宾语(sb/sth)应与其后动名词有逻辑上的主谓关系,而上面例句中的"污染"与"生活愉快"没有逻辑上的主谓关系,所以不适宜用prevent ... from ...结构。选项C中的不定式to live happily在句中用做目的状语。  例4.Mike's father, as well as his mother, insisted that he _________at home.  A. stayed
B. could stay C. had stayed
D. stay  解析:答案为D。不要看到insisted,就以为后面动词形式也要用过去时。insist 表示坚决要求时, 后面的宾语从句用should +动词原形,should可以省略,只保留动词原形。故选答案D。  例5. "I hope the dialogue," said the spokesman, "________between the two presidents next week will give us some active signal."  A. making
B. to make
C. to be made
D. made  解析:答案为C。此题容易误选答案A,认为是动名词短语做主语。其实不定式to be made between the two presidents next week作定语修饰the dialogue, 表示对话还未进行。make 和the dialogue是动宾关系,因此用不定式的被动形式to be made。  例6. He ran as fast as he could __________the bus.  A. catch B. to catch C. catching D. caught  解析: 答案为B。同学们都知道,像can, may, must, could, might, should等情态动词,其后要接动词原形(即不带to的不定式),于是好多同学不假思索地就选了动词原形,那样就都错了。这是因为情态动词could 后本来有动词原形run,只是被省略了,即此句的完整形式应是 he ran as fast as he could run to catch the early bus,其中的不定式to catch the early bus 为目的状语。  例7. For almost two months , Dominic York , a 23-year-old hairdresser, ________about hospitals all night , wearing a white coat and pretending he was a doctor.  A. wandering
C. to wander
D. wandered  解析:答案为D。此题容易误选答案A,可能受到后面wearing和pretending的干扰。wandered在此为句子的谓语, wearing和pretending在句子中作状语。  例8. If you want to go to see the movie,so_________ I.  A. do
D. should  解析:答案为C。通常,很多同学以为 "so+助动词+主语"结构应该与前句的动词保持一致。因此,当看到此题前句是一般现在时态时,往往会误选答案A。正确答案应为C。如果前一句中只有行为动词,该结构应依据人称与时态选用助动词do/does/did, 如:You want to go to see the movie. So do I .如果前一句用了一般现在时的if 条件句,那么该结构中应用助动词shall/ will, 如该题。  例9. Which do you enjoy _______ your weekends, fishing or watching TV?  A. spending B. to spend C. being spent D. spend  解析:答案为B。很多同学以为此题考查 enjoy doing sth 结构,同时又受到fishing or watching TV的干扰,误以为答案为A,其实正确答案为B。在此which 是enjoy的宾语,fishing or watching TV 表示对which的选择,to spend your weekends在该句中作状语,表示目的。  例10. In order not to be disturbed, I spent three hours _______ in my study.  A. locking B. locked C. to lock
D. to be locked  解析:答案为B。此题很容易误选A,以为是考查spend...(in)doing结构。根据句意"为了不被打扰,我锁在书房里呆了三小时",可以看出该句不是spend...(in)doing结构。细细分析,其实我们不难看出I was locked in my study这层含义,也就是说,locked in my study描绘了主语I的一种状态。因此该题答案应该为B。  例11. Tell me what she thinks when you _______her.  A. call
C. will call
D. have called  解析: 答案为D。此题很容易误选A,想用一般现在时表示将来。call 的宾语her对该题起了一个至关重要的作用。此句的意思为"当你给她打了电话的时候,告诉我她是怎么想的"。在此,时间状语从句中用现在完成时代替将来完成时。试想一下,如果把该题中的her改成me,那答案是哪一个呢?那答案就是A了。  例12. I'll come to see you if_______.  A. you're convenient
B. it is convenient for you  C. you feel convenient
D. it is convenient with you  解析:答案为B。但很容易误选A或C,因为按汉语意思,我们常说"如果你方便的话",所以许多同学就将此直译为if you are convenient或if you feel convenient。但事实上,英语中convenient的意思不是"感到方便的",而是"使人感到方便的",所以be convenient的主语不能是"人"。要表示"如果你方便的话",英语通常说if it is convenient for(to)you,其中的介词可用for或to,但一般不用with。  例13. Mr Smith is______ a good teacher_______ we all respect.  A. such, that B. such, as C. so, that
D. so, as  解析:答案为B。此题容易误选A,一方面是因为such...that...是同学们很熟悉的一个句式,一看就可能选中了;另一方面,将such...that...的意思"如此......以至......"代入句中,也完全通顺。但在such...that...结构中,that引导的是结果状语从句,并且that在从句中不充当句子成分,若在上句填入such...that...,句末的respect显然缺少宾语(注意:respect是及物动词)。因此正确答案应是B,as用做关系代词,用以引导定语从句,修饰其前的名词teacher,同时as在定语从句中用做动词respect的宾语。但假若在原句的respect后加上him一词,则应选A。  例 14. Is there a shop around ________ we can buy some toilet articles?  A. that B. which C. where D. what  解析: 答案为C。此题很容易误选B,认为around是介词,选which用以代替前面的名词shop,在此用做介词around的宾语。此分析语法上并不算错,但问题是,照此分析,此句的意思即为:有没有这样一个商店,在它的附近我们可以买到梳妆用品。这样的句意显然不合事理,因为人们通常总是在商店里面买东西,而不是在商店附近买东西。其实此题的最佳选项应是C,其中的around是副词(意为"在附近"),而不是介词,其后where引导的定语从句修饰其前的地点名词shop,句意为"附近有没有我们可以买到梳妆用品的商店?"  例15. He said he would never forget the day _______ he spent with his girlfriend in the country.  A. that B. when C. how D. where  解析: 答案为A。此题容易误选B,有不少同学总是机械地认为:时间名词后用关系副词when,地点名词后用关系副词where。其实时间名词和地点名词后既可能用关系副词也可能用关系代词,主要看它们在定语从句中充当什么句子成分,原则上可归纳为:作主语或宾语,用关系代词;作状语,用关系副词。此题从句中的spent缺宾语,故应用关系代词(that),而不能用关系副词,即此题应选A。  以下是精选的典型题目,就请你"雾里看花","水中望月",练练身手吧!  1. _______smoking here will be fined.  A. Who B. Whoever C. Anyone D. Whoever  2. After_______ seemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile.  A. which B .it C. what D. that  3. _______is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month..  A. It B. As C. That D. What  4. He is always really rude, ______is why people tend to avoid him.  A. that B. it C. this D. which  5. He had a lot of friends, none of _______ could lend him any money.  A. whom B. them C. which D. who  6. Mr Smith is a painter , _______ I should also like to be.  A. that B. which C. who D. it  7. According to the rules, students must not_______ their books during examinations.  A. read B. watch C. notice D. look at  8. Every boy and girl_______ the book and they each to buy one.  A. like, want B. likes, wants C. likes, want D. like, wants  9. _______is his favorite subject, but he doesn't know _______ for "gongzuo".  A. English, English B. The English, the English C. English, the English D. The English, English  10. China is larger than_______ country in Asia.  A. any B. any other C. other D. another  11. Remind him_______ the window when he leaves.A. of closing B. closing C. to close D. close12. You are right, we are not interested _______ to stories, but now we'd be interested _______your story.  A. in listening, in hearing B. to listen, to hear C. in listening, to hear D. to listen, in hearing  13. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Green went to the market, ________ some bananas and visited her cousin. (MET'91)  A. bought B. buying C. to buy D. buy  14. It was 10 o'clock ________ the front doorbell rang.A. where B. when C. that D. which15. ________, we went for a swim.A. Being hot B. It being hot C. As it is hot D. It was hot16. Before he went abroad, he spent as much time as he ________ EnglishA. could learning B. learned C. to learn D. could learn17. - Did they all pass the driving test?- No, ________ only three of them who passed it.A. there was B. that was C. there were D. it was18. The "Two Cities" referred ________ London and Paris.A. is to B. to be C. to are D. to going to be19. This is the main use that the scientists make ________ of natural resources.A. it B. which C. use D. /20. -- Do you have anything more ________,sir?-- No. You can have a rest or do something else.A. typing B. to be typed C. typed D. to type答案: 1-5 CCBDA
6-10 BDCCB
11-15 CCABB
16-20 ADCDB高三英语易错题练习(1)          (一)1. It wasn't such a good dinner ____ she had promised us.A. which
D. as2. - Thank you for picking me up in this remote area!- _____. I'm just going in the same direction.A. With pleasure
B. None of you business C.Think nothing of it
D. There's nothing in it3. ____ by the thought that she was suffering a heart attack, she screamed for help.A. Terrifying
B. Terrified
C. Being terrified
D. Having terrified4. --- How about my fish?--- _____. Cooking is really your field.A. It couldn't be better
B. It couldn't be worseC. No better than before
D. I couldn't agree more5. ____ to speak when the audience interrupted him.A.No sooner had he began
B. Hardly had he begun C. Scarcely did he begin
D. Not until he began6. - It seems you have been late for class more than once this week, Tom?- My alarm clock ____ run because one of the parts is missing.A. won't
B. needn't
C. mustn't
D. wouldn't7. A new technique ____, the production as a whole increased by 20% percent last year.A. employing
B. having employed C. to have been employed
D. having been employed8. - I'm sorry for what I said.- _____! I don't remember anyway.A. I'm sorry, too
B. Forget it
C. You are right
D. No way9. What they are expecting is _____ party they will hold next Saterday evening, ____ party to celebrate their graduation from senior high school.A. the
D. /10. Finally she got too tired and fell asleep at the desk, her right hand still ____ a pen.A. held
B. to hold
C. holding
D. was holding11. - Why do so many people go fishing in winter?- They say fish in winter tastes better than ____ in summer.A. those
D. it12. I 've never forgotten over the years ____ my parents used to teach me when I was a child, ___ has had a great effect on me.A. who
D. which13. Why! I have nothing to admit. ____ you want me to say?A. what is it that
B. what it is that
C. How is it that
D. How it is that14. - So nice to see you, Lucy! I never thought you would visit us today.- sorry, I forgot to tell you I was coming. I hope you don't mind me ____.A. calling in
B. pulling in
C. breaking in
D. dropping in15. Diana sold most of her things. She has barely ____ left in her house.A. anything
B. everything
C. nothing
D. something       (二)1. - How could I apply for a course online?- Just fill in this form and we ____ what we can do for you.A. see
B. are seeing
C. have seen
D. will see2. --- My teacher told me just now that I passed the test!--- ______.A. Go ahead
B. At your pleasure
C. I'm so glad for you
D. with pleasure3. The young woman is now experiencing a world that is totally new to her ____ there is true love, happiness and care.A. when
D. that4. ' Time ____ will never be found again!' I couldn't help talking to myself.A. lost
C. to lose
D. have lost5. She works in her spare time babysitting children in the neighborhood____ herself a computer.A. to buy
D. bought.6. - They suggest the number of cars should be limited to stop air pollution.- ____, the idea is not practical.A. Sounds good as it
B. As it sounds goodC. As good it sounds
D. Good as it sounds7. - Put ____ waste bag in the dusbin.-It's not ____ waste bag. It's my shopping bag.A. a
D. the8. The little boy is dirty from head to foot because he ___ in the mud all morning.A. had played
B. has played
C. was playing
D. is playing9. _____ with letters and public pnones, mobile phones and the Internet are faster and much more convenient.A. Compare
B. To compare
C. Comparing
D. Compared10. Why not try your luck downtown? That's ____ the best jobs are.A. where
D. why11. - We had a good time in the park last Saterday. Pity you weren't there.- I really ____ come but I was looking after my mother in the hospital.A. must
B. ought to
C. need have
D. should have12. - He speaks French because he once lived in France.-Really? How long _____ there?A. does he live
B. was he living
C. has he lived
D. did he live13. _____ at the news that I didn't know what to say to comfort her.A. So sad she looked
B. So sad did she lookC. So sadly she looked
D. So sadly did she look14. Yesterday I missed my feet on the stairs and had a bad fall. Luckily it was nothing serious ___.A. however
B. therefore
D. though15. The celebration started at ten in the morning and____ about two hours.A. lasted
C. continued
D. finished             (三)1. There were many people queuing outside the restaurant. I waited ten minutes before ______.A. being served
B. serving
C. to serve
D. to be served2. I know she can be very annoying, but ____ I think you should apologise to her for your rude remarks.A. all the while
B. in fact
C. once in a while
D. all the same3. She gets three weeks of vacation, but has ____ before the year is half over.A. given it out
B. taken it up
C. used it up
D. run it out4. The man is said to have worked as a spy in the 1980s, when he ____ information for the government.A. was gathered
B. gathered
C. had gathered
D. has gathered5. Tracy has gone abroad for further study. It ____ be her. The girl you saw yesterday is her sister.A. may
B. shouldn't
D. can't6. - How come your hands feel as cold as ice!- I ____ my bicycle all the way here without my gloves.A. was riding
C. will ride
D. had ridden7. I intended to share my experience with a friend, but unluckily ____ couldn't spare me a minute.A. one
D. they8. While reading, an active reader keeps asking questions that lead to a full understanding of the material _____.A. read
B. being read
C. reading
D. to be read9. Mother has been busy packing my belongings, making sure I have everything I need. It feels as if she ____ to college with me.A. were going
B. had gone
C. would go
D. has gone10. Suddenly everyone stopped talking. It became clear that something unexpected _____. But, for a while, I didn't know what it was.A. has happened
B. is happening
C. happened
D. had happened11. --- Can you get my package delivered by Thursday?--- Sure,______.A. it depends
B. forget it
C. no worries
D. never mind12.If you are feeling so tired, perhaps a little sleep will_________.A. act
D. affect13.-Did you watch________men's table tennis double final match? -Yes.It was _______closely-fought game.A. a
D. the14.Is it the letter that you received yesterday________makes you sad?A. which
D. when15.The wood has swollen and the door_______. You'd better have it repaired. A. won't shut
B. wouldn't be shut
C. can't be shut
D. didn't shut           (四)1.Customers are asked to make sure that they_____the right change before leaving the shop. A. will give
B. have been given
C. have given
D. will be given2. -Would you like him to paint your door with yellow stars? -I'd rather he _______ it blue without any decoration. A. paint
B. painted
C. painting
D. paints3. -May I move your bag a little and take this seat?-_________. A. Do it please.
B. I don't mind
C. It doesn't matter
D. Go ahead4. -Mr. Wang has gone to Shanghai on business, I hear.-Oh, I wonder when he_______.A.has left
B. was leaving
D. leaves5. -What do you think of the meal we have just had?-It is well worth_________is charged for it.A. that
D. how many6. ________all over the hills and around the lake are wild flowers of different kind.A. Growing
C. To grow
C. Grow7.-Have you read _______English novel? -Yes, I have. But I really want to read it _______second time since it's so interesting.A. the
D. a8. It ____a calm head to find the best solution to such a difficult problem within a short time. A. costs
D. needs9. ________is clear from his manner,he is a teacher.A. It
D. That10.If anyone_______be infected with such a disease, don't hesitate to send him to hospital. A.could
D.might11. As her baby was ill, the mother was ___to hear the bell indicating the end of the day's work. A. nervous
B. worried
C. disappointed
D. anxious12. When I told the manager I didn't receive the goods on time, he promised to _____it at once. A. look into
B. look through
C. look after
D.look over13. -Does Bill do his new job well?-________his old job. I'm afraid there's no hope of him.A. Not better than
B. No better than.
C. Not so well as
D. Not as well as14. -Is this factory_______the fake wine was made?-Yes. And also the one that used to sell fake cigarettes.A. the one
D. where15. I wonder if your sister will go to Mary's birthday party, If she ______, so _____I .A. will
D. will                      (五)1. Impressive as Armstrong's sports record is, it fades___ the story of his struggle against cancer.A. due to
B. according to
C. next to
D. thanks to2.-Do you know Professor Johnson of our department? -Yes, I know him very well. He_______in Africa for eight years before he came here. A.worked
B. had worked
C. has worked
D has been working3.________only 20 minutes left, I felt uneasy in the taxi to the railway station.A. For B. As
D. With4.-Tom, why did you get up late this morning?-I________get up early, but the alarm clock didn't work.A. was going to
B.would like to
C.would rather
D.will5. - Mum, I've got a headache.- You ____ too long, dear. Go out and take a break.A. are reading
B. had read
C. have been reading
D. read6. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay will travel the longest distance, ____ the greatest area and involve the largest number of people.A. cross
C. contain
D. cover7. I think you'd better tell your father ____ you've been up to with the machines.A. what
D. which8. My father may have to go to hospital, in ____ case he won't be going on holiday.A. which
D. this9. - Well. I forgot to bring my dictiongary with me.- Actually you ____ it here. You are not allowed to use it.A. haven't needed to bring
B. needn't have broughtC. don't need to bring
D. didn't need to bring10. The storm_____, they had to live in a cave.A. has destroyed their hut
B. to destroy their hutC. having destroyed their hut
D. destorying their hut11. when one dines in a restaurant, one likes a table ____ onself.A. by
D. for12. - What do you think of the furniture on exhibition?- Well, great! But I don't think much of ____ you bought.A. the one
D. which13. - Do you mind me using your electronic dictionary?- _____. Please go ahead.A. Never mind
B. Of course not
C. Yes, I do
D. That's all right14. It's in the ____ interest that we should have a well-run health service.A. ordinary
C. particular
D. general15. Have you ever changed an answer on a test, _____out later that your first answer was the right one?A. only to find
B. finding
D. find16. Those who chat online in computer class ____ not be allowed to enter the computer room again.
D. can17. Very often, it ____ me that I have left the key indoors when I am about to lock the door.A. strikes
B. reminds
D. mentions18. -You left the light burning again!- Sorry, I ____ it off now.A. have turned
B. will turn
C. would turn
D. am going to turn19. It isn't quite difficult a disease to treat, but it may be a few weeks ____ progress is made.A. if
D. since                      (六)1. -Why did you leave the water runing in the sink?-Heavens! I guess I ____ to turn it off.A. forget
B. have forgotten
C. will forget
D. had forgotten2. The last few months _____ an attractive subject appearing in the news more and more: the Olympic Games.A. see
B. are seeing
D. have seen3. -The news upset many people that the CPI climbes to 6.9 percent in November.-Yes. It is the fourth time that the CPI _____ above 6 percent.A. was
B. had been
D. has been4. -sorry to interrupt you. Please go on.-Where was I ?-You ______ you didn't like going to college in Hongkong.A. had been saying
B. had said
D. were saying5. -Hi. Tracy, where have you been? Mr Li is looking for you.-Oh. I _____ football on the playground all the afternoon.A. played
B. had played
C. have been playing
D. have played6. He said that he _____ reading the book by the end of that week.A. finished
B. has finished
C. was going to finish
D. would have finished7. Scientists think that the continents ____ always where they _____ today.A. aren't; are
B. aren't; were
C. weren't; are
D. weren't; were8. The thief tried to break away from the policeman who _____him but failed.A. was holding
B. has held
C. had held
D. would hold9.The meeting was to ____at nine o'clock, but the chairman had not turned up by ten. A.start starting
C. have started
D. be started10. -I met Tom last month.-Really?
----Yes, We _____each other since we graduated from college.  A. haven't met
B. hadn't met
C. wouldn't meet
D. didn't meet11.-It's many years since I saw you last. I _______you at all.-I wouldn't have,either, if someone_______you by the name.  A.didn' hadn't called
B.didn' didn't call  C.haven' didn't call
D. had called.12. That night I was so tired that I fell asleep where I ____ without undressing.A. was lying
B. was lying
C. had laid
D. had lied13.The town was so quickly covered with volcanic ashes that the people hardly knew what _______to them as they headed for safe places.A. was happening B. happened
C. has happened D.were to happen14. By his next birthday, he ____ married for ten years.A.had been
C. will have been
D. will have got15. The prices_____ up all the time and no one knows when it will become stable. A. had gone
B. have been going
C. have gone
D. had been going16. The number of unemployed graduates ____ year by year, according to a survey. In 2001, there were 340,000; this year there are 1.24 million.  A. has been increasing
B. have increased C. will increase
D. had been increasing17. Ladies and gentlemen, due to an unexpected accident, one of the singers whom all of you ___ to hear ____ tonight.A. won't be performing
B. won't performC. don't perform
D. wouldn't perfrom18. The church was built ____ a Roman temple had once been located.A. what
D. in which19. - Where's Jenny?- she is in the teacher's office. She__how to write a speech at the graduation ceremony.
A. has been told
B. is being told
C. was told
D. is told20. Satellite data show that as much as 36 cubic miles of ice ___ in the Antarctic each year.A. melted
B. is melting
C. was melting
D. had melted21. I'm gald you___ . I was beginning to get worried about you.A. have returned
C. would return
D. will return22. We'll be late. The film ____ by the time we get to the cinema.A.will already start
B.would have start C.will already have started
D. has started23. - The police suspect that Jack stole the necklace at the party.- That's impossible. Jack didn't attend the party. He ____ for the next day's exam.A. was preparing
B. prepared
C. has been preparing
D. had prepared24. - Have you repaired the bike for me?- Oh, no. I forgot. I ___ it right now.A. will repair
B. am repairing
D. will ne repairing参考答案:(一)DCBAB
A1. I can't remember _____made the teacher give Mary the permission to leave the class earlier.A. that it was what
B. what it was that
C. what was it that
D. that was it what2. He let out an
________ cry, "we've won!"A. excited
B. exciting
D. excites3. -Is football John's favourite sport?--Yes. ____ football, baseball is his greatest love.A. Near to
D. Next to4. Do you think regular exercise _____good health?A. benefit from
B. reach for
C. make for
D. go for5. Have you applied _____Mr Black _____ the post? It's worth a try.A. to
D. for6. _______ the loud noise going on in the workshop, I can hardly __________ on my lessons.A. As; put
B. As; concentrate
D. W concentrate7. _________, I've never seen anyone who's as capable as Kate.A. As long as I have travelled
B. Now that I have travelled so muchC. As I have travelled much
D. Much as I have travelled8. The big fire lasted as long as 24 hours ______________ it was brought under control.A. after
D. while9. The discovery of new evidence led to ______________.A. the thief having been caught
B. the thief to be caughtC. catch the thief
D. the thief being caught10. -Would you have helped her had it been possible?--Yes, but I __________ busy with my work.A. was
B. had been
C. have been
D. am11. ______ on the small island, the tower has been seriously damaged by the sea water?A. Being lain
C. Being located
D. Located12. In this workshop, the output of July was three times _______ of January.A. that
D. it13. -Well, where did you spend your night that day?--At __________.A. where it is called Grand Hotel
B. what is called Grand HotelC. which is called Grand Hotel
D. that is called Grand Hotel14. The thief was brought in, his hands ____________ behind his back.A. tying
C. being tied
D. having tied15. The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, _____ the sailing time  was 226 days.A. of which
B. during which
C. from which
D. for which16. She stood on a brick to make herself ___________ a bit taller.A. looking
C. to look
D. look17. Did your speech ______________ the audience?A. get through to
B. get across to
C. get through
D. get across18. A Du's unique voice ___________ especially to young people.A. attracts
C. catches
D. appeals19. The old woman stood still with her eyes ____________ the picture.A. fixing in
B. fixing on
C. fixed in
D. fixed upon20. I feel it is you who ___________ for the accident.A. is to blame
B. is to be blamed
C. are to blame
D. are to be blamed21. -Have you seen the film?--Yes. I __________ it three times when I was in Tokyo.A. saw
B. had seen
C. have seen
D. was seeing22. The thief was caught ___________ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.A. to put
B. to be putting
C. putting
D. put23. So many students __________ for the traffic jam, the exam had to be put off.A. were late
B. been late
C. has been late
D. being late24. Seeing her father come back, ______________.A. tears ran down her cheeks
B. Her tears ran outC. she burst into tears
D. She burst into crying25. Columbus is known for the great discovery _____________ a new land-America.A. making up
B. making into
C. make from
D. made of26. This photo was taken __________ stands the Eiffel Tower.A. in which
B. in the place which
D. which27. With his money __________, he couldn't go home.A. leaving
C. run out
D. running out28. It's __________ great fun to talk with you.A. a
D. an29. __________ I admit that she has shortcomings, I still like her.A. When
D. Once30. The Internet has brought __________ big changes in the way we work.A. about
D. back31. New technology is being __________ almost every industrial process.A. applied for
B. applied in
C. applied of
D. applied to32. -Who's the man talking to our teacher?--A professor __________ a visit to our school.A. pays
B. is paying
C. has paid
D. paying33. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. _____, our minds are developed by learning.A. Probably
C. Similarly
D. Generally34. I _________ some English when I was working in a foreign bank.A. picked out
B. picked up
C. picked from
D. picked at35. I'm sure all will go well as _________.A. being planned
B. to be planned
C. planning
D. planned36. -Are you afraid of rats?
--__________.A. Yes, but not a bit
B. No, not a little
C. Yes, never
D. No, not in the least37. I think the English song is _________ worth _________ again.A. listening to
B. listeningC. listening to
D. listening38. The students carrying books come in first, ___________?A. don't you
B. don't they
C. will they
D. will you39. ___________ and we will complete the task sent to us.A. Another hour
B. An hour later
C. After an hour
D. In an hour40. My watch __________ five minutes a day, so I have to set it back.A. wins
D. gainsB1.---Is there any possibility of _______ the match?
---I'm not sure.A. our team to win
B. our team winningC. our team will win
D. our team won2. -Did all these funny things happen in your club?--No, it was in the class _______I studied English.A. when
D. which3. The exam turned out to be very easy, ____I hadn't expected.A. as
D. it4. The bus rolled into the valley, _______ over 20 deaths.A. caused
B. having caused
C. causing
D. to cause5. He was glad that his experience in the army finally ________.A. paid back
B. paid for
C. paid about
D. paid off6. Make marks _______ you have questions.A. which
B. in which
D. in where7. I won't give in ________ great difficulties I come across in my life.A. however
B. whichever
C. whatever
D. wherever8. Please award the prize to _________comes first in the competition.A. who
C. whoever
D. whomever9. It is such a difficult problem _______ no one can work out.A. as
D. thus10. The manager insisted on ________ out the plan at once.* A. I carried
B. me carry
C. I carry
D. my carrying11. I'd rather you ________ there next week.A. went
C. should go
D. had gone12. _______ the production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.A. For
C. Because
D. With13. _______ to the research, the scientist even forgot to have meals.A. Devoting
B. Devoted
C. Having devoted
D. To devote14. You were stupid to climb up that big tree. You
________ yourself.A. must have killed
B. can have killedC. should have killed
D. might have killed15. ---Good afternoon, Madam. ___________?---No, can you help me please?---Yes, Madam. What are you looking for?--- I'd like to buy a needle.A. Are you waiting for me
B. Would you like anything elseC. Have you been waited on
D. What can I do for you16.______ has taken away my notebook?A. Which of you
B. Who of you
C. Which you
D. Who you17. By the end of this term, we _______ 6,000 English words in all.A. will learn
B. will have learned
D. had learnt18. The boy was led _______while crossing the road.A. in the hand
B. by his hand
C. by hand
D. by the hand19. Can you think of some cases ___ drivers obviously knew the traffic rulesbut didn't obey them?A. why
D. which20. I lost my way in complete darkness and, ______ matters worse, it began to rain.A. made
C. to make
D. having made21. --- Can I help you?---I'd like to buy a present for my father's birthday, __ at a proper price but of great use.A. one
B. the one
D. it22. Now ______ that it is done properly, or you'll have to answer ______ it.A. for
D. of23. Nobody could ___ it when the bull broke into the shop and attacked 2 customerswith its horns.A. make
D. take24. I'm examining the composition he has just finished ____ the possible mistakes in it.A. correcting
B. to correct
C. corrected
D. having corrected25. ---Goodbye, Joyce. Please remember me to your parents.
---_________.A. Thanks, I will
B. It's very kind of you to say soC. My pleasure
D. What a good ideaC1. They hadn't been out for long __________ she felt sick in the stomach.A. as
D. though2. The work should be given to _____________ you think can finish it ahead of time.A. who
C. whoever
D. whomever3. The shop owner will get all these goods ordered ___________ to the customers today.A. to deliver
B. delivering
C. deliver
D. delivered4. Can you _______ the differences between the two pictures?A. tell
D. say5. If you keep practicing your son in football, he ___________ to be a football player.A. wants
D. promises6. __________ singer and ___________ dancer is also good at drawing.A. T a
D. T /7. __________ the fact that there was thick fog, he drove his car out.A. Although
B. No matter
C. Despite
D. In spite8. Mary smiled _____________ her mother did when she was Mary's age.A. as if
C. the way
D. that9. In such dry weather, the flower will have to be watered if they _____________.A. have survived
B. are to survive
C. would survive
D. will survive10. You should make it a rule to leave things ________ you can find them again easily.A. when
D. in the place11. The cloth _______ fine, but ________ well.A. doesn't wash
B. isn't washedC. doesn't wash
D. isn't washed12. The theory that he stuck _________ true.A. to prove
C. to proved
D. to proving13. I ___________ from the crowed an old friend of mine whom I hadn't seen for 10 years.A. figured out
B. picked out
C. gave out
D. went out14. -Who gave you this message?--A man ___________ himself Mr Zhang.A. called
C. is called
D. calling15. The police got to _________ was once an old yard that the workers used as a store.A. what
D. which16. The door ______________. Better have it repaired.A. isn't shut
B. hasn't been shut
C. won't be shut
D. won't shut17. If you want to see a doctor, you'd better make an appointment with him. This is a common ________ in the USA.A. sense
B. practice
D. attitude18. You can come to the dance _______ you dress.A. whatever
B. whichever
C. whether
D. however19. We got near a garden, ______ owner sitting in it.A. its
D. which11.12. 20. They lost their way in the forest and _____ made matters worse was that night began to fall.A. it
D. which21. If the horse won today, it ______ 30 races in five years.A. would have won
C. must have won
D. has won22. It is generally believed that teaching is _______ it is a science.A. as art much as
B. much an art as
C. as an art much as
D. as much an art as23. Mr Black, _______ who we all admire, is a kind but strict teacher.A. the one
D. as24. The fine day _______ our pleasure, we had a good time in the country.A. added up
B. added in
C. added up to
D. added to25. -Do you know ________ English for "辣妹"?--I'm afraid not. I'm not interested in _______ English language.A. the
D. /; /26. I read about it in some book or other. Does it matter _______ it was?A. where
D. which27. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is ______ I disagree.A. why
D. how28. -Did Jack come back early last night?--Yes, it was not yet eight o'clock ______ he arrived home.A. before
D. until29. Understanding the cultural habits of another nation, especially _______ containingas many different subcultures as the united states, is very difficult.A. one
D. the one30. The noise of the machine _______ can be heard in our classroom.A. fixed
B. to be fixed
C. being fixed
D. having been fixed31. There is ________ what the weather will be like tomorrow.A. no knowing
B. not known
C. not knowing
D. no known32. Words ______
me when I wanted to express my thanks to him for having saved myson from the burning house.A. left
B. discouraged
C. disappointed
D. failed33. Her sister has become a lawyer, _______ she wants to be.A. which
D. that34. It is often said that ______________ teachers have ____________ very easy life.A. a
D. /35. This ____________ girl is Linda's cousin.A. pretty little Spanish
B. Spanish little prettyC. Spanish pretty little
D. little pretty Spanish36. -You know, Bob is a little slow __________ understanding, so...--So I have to be patient ____________ him.A. to
D. for37. I really can't understand ______________ her like that.A. you treat
B. you to treat
C. why treat
D. you treating38. I send you 100 dollars today, the rest ____________ in a year.A. follows
B. followed
C. to follow
D. being followed39. ______ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.A. Having lost
C. Being lost
D. Losing40. The manager, ________ it clear to us that he didn't agree with us, left the meeting room.A. who has made
B. having made
D. makingD1. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _______ each year.A. is washing away
B. is being washed awayC. are washing away
D. are being washed away2. What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has ____________.A. given out
B. put out
C. held up
D. used up3. Maggie has been fortunate to find a job she loves and, __________, she gets well paid for it.A. sooner or later
B. what's more
C. as a result
D. more or less4. -Amazing! You ____________ wear slippers at work.--Don't you know it's a fashion?A. ought to
D. mustn't5. I prefer a street in a small town to ___________ in a big city _____________shanghai.A. so
D. like6. Most of us senior students are able to _____ a conversation with people fromEnglish-speaking countries.A. go on
B. keep on
C. carry on
D. hold on7. -Got you drawing license?--No, I ______ too busy to have enough practice, so I didn't take the driving test last week.A. was
C. have been
D. had been8. -Hi, Tom, You look tired.--Yes, I _______ the room all the afternoon.A. painted
B. had painted
C. have painted
D. have been painting9. -You have been to Africa? Could you tell me your experience there?--_______I'll do during the next break.A. It just depends
B. By all means
D. Go ahead10. One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow and _________.A. the other is white
B. another whiteC. the other white
D. another white11. Dinosaurs have been extinct from the earth, never _________ again.A. seen
B. being seen
C. to be seen
D. having been seen12. -Would you mind opening the window?--___________.A. Never mind
B. Yes, please
C. No, go ahead
D. Certainly not13. The classroom is big enough __________, but we'll have to move if we have more students.A. for the moment
B. on the moment
C. in a moment
D. for a moment14. Jack had traveled six miles across the channel ______ his engine failed and was forcedto land on the sea.A. until
D. when15. Xiamen is _____ most beautiful city and we've decided to stay ___
fifth day.A. a
D. the16. It was nine years ago, when I came to China for the first time, ____ I began to learn Chinese.A. where
D. that17. I think _____________ dictionary is enough for us students.A. such one
C. one such
D. a so18. -What can I do for you?--__________ you see Mr Black, give him my regards.A. Would
D. Had19. -If the traffic hadn't been so heavy, I would have been back by 6 o'clock.--What a pity! Tina ______ here to see you.A. is
C. had been
D. would be20. ____some teenagers don't realize is ___ difficult life can be after they get addicted to drugs.A. W how
C. W what a
D. T what21. When she came several days later, she found that all things still __ where shehad _____them.A. laid
D. laid22. They had a pleasant chat _____________ a cup of coffee.A. with
D. for23. ___________ what to do, he decided to go to Mr Black for help.A. Not knowing
B. Not having known
C. Knowing not
D. Having not known24. -So, Nancy, you had no difficulty finding your way here?--__________.A. Yes, no difficulty at all
B. No, not at all
C. Yes, no problem
D. Nonsense25. _________good, the food was soon sold out.A. Tasted
B. Being tasted
C. Having tasted
D. Tasting26. She always dreams of there _____________ a chance to go abroad for further study.A. being
D. will be27. -Where's Jack?--Well, he ___________ you ___________here. Or else he would be here right now.A. doesn' are
B. hadn' wereC. didn' were
D. hadn' are28. It was in the place _________ he stayed last week ________ the accident happened.A. that
C. /; where
D. that29. He promised to come. He didn't,__________.A. but
D. although30. _________ and you'll succeed.A. If you try again
B. Trying once more
C. Another try
D. To try againE1. He is very stubborn, it is impossible to argue _____________ what he doesn't want to.A. with him about
B. against him about
C. him into doing
D. him to do2. Do you know the _________ of the saying I just quoted?A. resource
D. cause3. -What do you think the noise was?--It ___________ a cat.A. may be
B. might be
C. could have been
D. might have been4. -Does your father smoke?--_________, it's 2 years since he __________.A. Y smoked
B. No; smoked
C. Y smokes
D. No; has smoked5. _________ many times, but he still couldn't understand it.A. Having been told
B. Having told
C. He had been told
D. Though he had been told6. Our teacher entered the classroom, __________.A. a book in hand
B. book in hand
C. book in his hand
D. a book in hands7. -This summer is very hot.--Yes, but it's not __________ as hot as last summer.A. nearly
D. mostly8. When I came back, I saw him _________ at the back of the classroom.A. sat
C. seating
D. seat9. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, ____ a sudden loud noise.A. being there
B. there being
C. should there be
D. there was10. ________ that saw the rise of quite a number of new writers.A. During the first half of the 18th centuryB. That it was in the first half of the 18th centuryC. It was in the first half of the 18th centuryD. It was the first half of the 18th century11. In the early morning all of us stood at the top of the mountain ____ east of the city, watching _____burning sun rising.A. /; a
D. /; the12. They may go swimming with us ____________ they arrive here in time.A. provided
B. because
D. even if13. When we are in a new place, we must ______ our manners and try to follow the customs
of the place.A. look out
B. keep eyes out
D. put up with14. -How does our plan strike you?--It _________. We can't think too highly of it.A. makes no sense
B. is very practical
C. all depends
D. is just so so15. _________ for the terrible coal mine accident, as the public thought, the mayor of thecity felt nervous and was at a loss what to do.A. Having blamed
B. He was to blame
C. Being to be blamed
D. Being to blame16. Didn't _________ ever occur to you that such possibilities still existed?A. they
D. this17. __________, I really believe that I'd prefer not to make any change now.A. Considered all the possibilitiesB. Taking all the possibilities into considerationC. Taken all the possibilities into considerationD. Giving all the possibilities18. -Why hasn't our English teacher been invited to the English Evening being held here now?--She __________ an important article when I found her and she _________it.A. didn't finish
B. hasn't finishedC. hasn't finished
D. hadn't finished19. This book is said to be a special one, which _____ many events not found in otherhistory books.A. writes
D. refers20. -I didn't take notes at yesterday's meeting because I had left my pen at home.--You ________ mine, I _________it.A. must have borrowed/ wasn't using
B. may have borrowed/ didn't useC. could have borrowed/ wasn't using
D. should have borrowed/ hadn't used21. The palace is heavily guarded, because inside its walls ________.A. where sit the European leaders
B. the European leaders there sitC. sit the European leaders
D. that the European leaders sit22. My laptop computer, which no one can ________, has been out of order for a week.A. get gone
B. have to go
C. get going
D. have gone23. _________, they had no chance of winning the war.A. As they fought bravely
B. Bravely though they foughtC. Brave as they fought
D. Now that they fought bravely24. During the summer vocation we went back to the school _____ to pay a visit to ourteachers though it was __ hot.A. in particular
B. especiallyC. especial
D. specially25. -Why didn't you go to help her when she needed your help badly?--I would have, but I ______ as busy as a bee then.A. would be
B. had been
D. were26. __________ your compositions carefully and some spelling mistakes can be avoided.A. Having checked
C. If you check
D. To check27. Which do you enjoy __________ our weekend, fishing or watching TV?A. spending
B. to spend
C. being spent
D. spend28. -She looks upset.--Yes, I'd rather I _____________ her the bad news.A. didn't tell
B. don't tell
C. hadn't told
D. wouldn't tell29. -Your plan is well designed.--Thank you. But I think it is far from _________.A. perfect
B. perfectly
C. perfection
D. to be perfect30. -What did you say?--So you _____________ to me.A. won't listen
B. didn't listen
C. haven't listened
D. weren't listeningF1. Jack fell in love with Catherine ___________ he met her in the university.A. for the first time
B. first time
C. the first time
D. a first time2. -Would you please take a message for me when you see Kate?--_____________.A. By no means
B. By this means
C. By means of
D. By all means3. -I'm sorry but I must be going off now.--Ok, __________.A. So long
B. Walk slowly
C. Be careful
D. Take your time4. There ____________ nothing to talk about, everyone in the room remained silent.A. was
D. having5. Do you know the man _____ himself ____ the disabled won the Nobel Prizefor Peace yesterday?A. to help
B. to helpingC. to help
D. to helping6. _____________ late, but also he forgot his books.A. Not only did he turn up
B. Not only he turned upC. Not only did he turn out
D. Not only he turned out7. You should read the ___________ first when using the new washing machine.A. introductions
B. explanations
C. directions
D. expressions8. We arrived home at 9:00 in the evening, __________most people had already had supper.A. at that time
B. by that time
C. at which time
D. by which time9. __________ the fact it was raining, she still went out hurriedly.A. Though
B. However
C. Although
D. Despite10. -Will $200 ___________?--I'm afraid not. I need at least $100 more.A. do
B. contain
C. include
D. cover11. -Does Betty know where his violin is?--She saw somebody walking off with one, but she doesn't know __________.A. whose
D. which12. _____________the production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.A. As
B. Because
D. While13. -Jack is ill in hospital.--Really, I __________ him right now.A. will visit
B. am going to visit
C. am to visit
D. am about to visit14. ___________ in a heavy traffic jam is quite an unpleasant experience.A. Caught
B. Having caught
C. Being caught
D. To catch15. There was a teapot shaped like a duck, out of ____mouth the tea was supposed to come.A. whose
D. that16. I'm going to find a part-time job and earn some money, ______ I think I could affordthat beautiful MP4.A. in case
B. in that case
C. in which case
D. in the case17. At yesterday's meeting lots of questions __________.A. brought up
B. went up
C. came up
D. broke up18. You __________ football after school. Why not go home and do your homework first?A. always played
B. have always playedC. are always playing
D. have always been playing19. The meeting is to begin at 4:00 pm, but as assistants, we're ___ to be there a bit earher.A. invited
B. supposed
C. encouraged
D. hoped20. __________ different good manners may be in different countries, the principles ofgood manners is always the same.A. Although
B. However
C. Despite
D. No matter高三英语易错题(三)答案
6-10 DDBDA
16-20 DBDDC21-25 ACDCD
26-30 CDCCA
31-35 DDCBD
36-40 DCDADB
6-10 CCCAD
11-15 ADBDC
16-20 ABDBC
21-25 ACBBAC
6-10 DCCBB
11-15 ACBDA
16-20 DBDAC21-25 ADBDA
26-30 DBBAC
31-35 ADACA
36-40 CDCBBD
6-10 CDDBC
11-15 CDADA
16-20 DCCBA
21-25 ACABD26-30 AADCCE
1-5 CBDBC 6-10 BABCD 11-15 AACBD 16-20 BBBBC 21-25 CCBBC26-30 BBCADF
6-10 ACDDA
11-15 ACACA
16-20 CCCBB


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