用steal,already一起造句 怎多么多么造句

1) I am not good at speaking English. I tend to stammer when I do not have the exact answer framed in mind.
2) I live in an isolated area. So, I do not have friends to interact with so that I could practice speaking English.
3) I need a quick remedy of sorts because I have got a job interview in the next 20 days or even less. What is the maximum that I can do about it?
Answered by Kaicheng Liang
Kaicheng Liang的回复:
This is a technique known as ‘shadowing’ that I learnt in Japanese class, which I find tremendously helpful for short-term oral fluency improvement.
Watch your favorite English language TV show or movie, and as the characters speak, repeat loudly the exact words they are saying the moment you hear them. In other words, ‘shadow’ their dialog in real-time. Don’t worry about getting every word or sound right - focus on listening carefully, moving along quickly and keeping pace. After the movie ends, repeat the exact same movie and do it again. And again.
By forcing yourself to speak at native speed, your brain becomes hyper-receptive to what you are hearing, and you will find yourself not only picking up the words quicker and quicker, but also unconsciously mimicking the inflections and vocal nuances that are usually difficult to learn for a non-native. It will also fix the stammer that comes with uncertainty or lack of confidence. In this way, the actors in the movie become your speaking partners.
This will be perfect practice just before your interview. Look for some interview practice videos on YouTube, then shadow the entire conversation. Practice the same dialogs again and again. You will be amazed how that will improve not only your speaking, but also your ability to actively listen and react. Best of luck.
This is done even at some places frequented by many Western guests. Most of my friends find it very annoying and silly, like we are not trusted to pay our tab.
Answered by Ryan Chew
Ryan Chew的回复:
Shall I let you in on a secret?
The restaurants are afraid of you, but not for the obvious reasons.
I used to own a restaurant, and there’s a term we use in the industry.
Table Turnover
Simply put, the more times a restaurant can serve a particular table, clean it, seat a new customer, serve the new customer, rinse and repeat, the more money the restaurant makes.
Think about it.
When you’re having a sit-down meal, you’re not just paying for the food, you’re renting a small piece of real estate. To maximise yield, it is in the restaurant’s interests to serve you and kick you out the door as soon as you’re done. But of course, restaurants can’t do that. So instead, they make you pay upfront.
The Psychology
We’ve actually experimented with prepaid vs postpaid meals in our restaurant. The verdict? Upfront payment increased table turnover by over 80%.
The difference is that customers who haven’t paid can justify their occupation of a table. They surf facebook. They chat away for hours on end. They get comfy. It matters not whether they intend to order more stuff, the mere possibility of them ordering more gives them the moral upper hand.
Customers who have paid up on the other hand, do not have moral justification. They could order more food, but diminishing marginal utility and inertia discourages that act. They get edgy. They feel guilty. They leave.
It all depends on the restaurant’s business model. If it’s a low-end restaurant, this tactic will serve it well. If it’s a high end restaurant, paying $150 for that bottle of wine buys you a little more time.
Additional notes:
One recurring debate in the comments section below is why restaurants with upfront payment and free WiFi have seemingly low table turnover. Allow me to explain:
To forestall future lawsuits let’s invent a purely hypothetical and entirely fictional coffeehouse called Steerbuggs. Any resemblance to actual businesses is coincidental.
Steerbuggs makes its money from takeaway. That’s why their drinks come packaged ready to go. You pay upfront, and if you can’t find a table you can just as easily take your drink elsewhere. As soon as the barista hands you your drink, as far as Steerbuggs is concerned, you’ve already been “turned over”; their goal of making a profit is done.
Think about it.
If you left then and there, Steerbuggs will be none the poorer. So why would Steerbuggs pay more rent for a bigger space when a much smaller one would do, and why would they encourage customers to linger with comfy sofas, free WiFi, and conveniently placed power outlets?
The psychology
I call it the honeypot trap. The more activity you perceive a restaurant to have, the better you assume the product to be, regardless of its actual quality. So while the crowd of people you see at Steerbuggs may not have bought anything for the past couple of hours, their purpose is to draw even more people in just by virtue of being there.
In other words, when you partake in Steerbugg’s free WiFi, you’re volunteering to act as bait.
Knowing this, on our restaurant’s opening day, we hired a platoon of students to stand in line and fill up the seats. As the real customers queued up, we rotated our actors towards the back of the line.
We were full from the very first day.
You might not know it, but every time you dine out you’re engaged in psychological warfare.
Don’t mix up comets and asteroids.
mix up表示“混淆,弄混,弄错”,这里可以是弄混两个人,也可以是弄混两样东西。mix up还可表示“弄乱,胡乱堆放”,比如把衣服混搭在一起,mix up clothes,这里就是把很多不同的东西混在一起了。在中文翻译上,这两个意思都可以表述为“弄混”,但实际上使用的语境不同,释义也有很大区别,这也就是为什么我们推荐大家在有一定基础之后,要用英文学英文了。
If you mix up two things or people, you confuse them, so that you think that one of them is the other one.
If you mix up a number of things, you put things of different kinds together or place things so that they are not in order.
mix up表示弄混,be mixed up却不是过去式。如果你被mixed up了,表示你感到头脑混乱,迷惑不解,通常是出于情感原因,或是社会问题导致的。比如我们常说的没有方向感,就可以说,“I get mixed up about places.”。如果你被mixed up in something/with someone,则表示“卷入……的,牵连进……的,与……厮混在一起的”,比如被卷入一起谋杀案,be mixed up in a murder。
If you are mixed up, you are confused, often because of emotional or social problems.
To be mixed up in something bad, or with someone you disapprove of, means to be involved in it or with them.
I never thought it would wind up like this.
wind up的释义比较多,在本句中表示“最终落得,以……告终”。与此类似的有end up,表示“结果,到头来”。这两个短语都可以表示结果并非人所愿,但end up后面不可以接形容词。所以我们可以说wind up unhappy,但不可以说end up unhappy。
If you wind up in a particular place, situation, or state, you are in it at the end of a series of actions, events, or experiences, even though you did not originally intend to be.
大家应该见过需要上发条的八音盒或者钟表,这里的“上发条”就是wind up,也可以直接用wind。以前出租车的车窗都是手摇式的,wind up也可指摇上车窗,wind the window up。相对的,转动手柄摇下、降低,或者用吊车绞下,拧松发条等,则可用wind down。如果某人被拧紧了,someone is wound up,则表示这个人很焦躁不安,很紧张或恼怒。如果机械装置是wind-up的,则指该装置装有发条,或需要用手柄操作。比如老式的手摇唱机,an old-fashioned wind-up gramophone。
It is up to you whether we can succeed or not.
up to表示“取决于,由……决定的,由……负责”。
说到“取决于”,我们还常用到depend on,hinge on,rest on/with等等。其中,up to强调一种责任;depend on强调某物受其他因素的影响,或者取决于某物;hinge on强调完全取决于某物,一般情况下可以和depend on互换,但依赖程度更深。
If you say that it is up to someone to do something, you mean that it is their responsibility to do it.
I specialize in global sourcing.
specialize in指“专门从事,专门经营,专攻”,表示你很了解某事,在上面花费了非常多的时间和精力,尤其是指工作或者专业。类似的有major in,翻译时仍可翻为“专攻”,但特指美国大学学生专攻、主修某一专业。specialize还可以用来表示餐厅主打什么风味的菜肴,比如主要做海产,specialize in seafood。
If you specialize in a thing, you know a lot about it and concentrate a great deal of your time and energy on it, especially in your work or when you are studying or training. You also use specializeto talk about a restaurant which concentrates on a particular type of food.
If a student at a university or college in the United States majors in a particular subject, that subject is the main one they study.
I went to the supermarket along with David.
along with表示“和……一起”,我们也会用go along with someone表示和某人一起去。用作短语动词时,go along with表示“服从,遵守”,比如规则、决定或政策,或表示“赞同,支持”,后接人或某种想法。
除了along with,我们还可以用together with,两者用法相同。
You use along with to mention someone or something else that is also involved in an action or situation.
This job calls for someone with more than five years’ experience.
call for在此表示“需要,要求”,此外也可指“要求,呼吁”,比如要求某人辞职,call for someone’s resignation。
我们一般说去接某人的时候,都会讲pick someone up,其实我们也可以用call for,这两个短语的区别在于,call for是你去别人那儿接人,好一起去另外一个地方,pick up通常指开车接人或取东西,比如去机场接人,或者去洗衣店取衣服,有等待被接的意思。
If something calls for a particular action or quality, it needs it or makes it necessary.
He became rich at the cost of his health.
cost除了可以表示“费用,花费”,还可表示“代价,损失”,at the cost of也就是“以……为代价”,我们也可以说at the expense of。
将cost用作动词,可以表示“使损失,使丧失”;无论如何、不惜任何代价都要做到某事,需要用be done at any cost,而不惜任何代价都要避免某事,则需要用be avoided at all costs;如果一件事让你付出了代价,吃了苦头,则可以说to your cost;事前或事后计算某事的代价,则需要用count the cost of。
The cost of something is the loss, damage, or injury that is involved in trying to achieve it.
He is in the habit of eating five meals a day.
habit表示习惯,习性,in the habit of即指“有……的习惯,习惯于”,我们也可以说have the/make a habit of doing something。如果只是刚开始养成某种习惯,则可以说get into the habit of doing something,以上用法中of为介词,后接动词时需用-ing形式。
表示“习惯于”时,我们还可以说out of habit,from force of habit,表示出于习惯而做某事;如果你想戒除某种习惯,则可以用kick/break the habit。
If you are in the habit of doing something, you do it regularly or often. If you get into the habit of doing something, you begin to do it regularly or often.
We met each other by accident.
each other表示“彼此,互相”,类似的还有one another。这两个词组在词义和用法上极为接近,通常可以互换,但one another侧重两人以上,而each other侧重与两人之间。
You use each other when you are saying that each member of a group does something to the others or has a particular connection with the others.
by accident表示某事纯属巧合,“偶然,意外”,我们也可以用by chance,后者表示非人为,强调的意味没有前者重。
大家应该看过这种新闻,某个不在地震带上的区域发生了地震,后查明可能和建水库有关,想表示某些事看似偶然,但实际上事出有因,我们就可以说it’s no accident (that)。
If something happens by accident, it happens completely by chance.
Something that happens by chance was not planned by anyone.
We often compare Japan with China.
compare with表示“相比”,我们也可以用compare to,都是在同类事物中比好坏、高低。其中,compare with通常与否定词连用,比如,“The flowers here do not compare with those at home.”,这儿的花比不上家乡的花。
类似的用法我们以前也讲过很多,比如在的讲解中,我们讲到了形成对比,in contrast with,表示在两种事物或一事物的两个方面相对比较。
往期的中,我们还讲到了in comparison to,表示“与……相比,与……比较而言”,也可以说in/by comparison with。讲过了“相比”,那么想表示比得上、比不上,我们可以怎么说呢?
If you say that something does not compare with something else, you mean that it is much worse.
In contrast to many rumours, I don’t know everything.
in contrast to在此表示“相比之下,与……相反”,我们也可以用by contrast或in contrast,强调与前文所述的情况截然不同。
contrast一词本身就有“差异,悬殊”的意思,如果你想表示两件事截然不同,形成了鲜明对比,可以说A is in contrast to B,而表示截然不同的那个事物,则可将contrast用作名词,A is a contrast to B。contrast A with B是将两事物进行“对比,对照”,而如果A contrasts with B,则是说两者“截然不同,对比明显”。contrast的用法较多也很类似,大家可别记混啦。
You say by contrast or in contrast, or in contrast to something, to show that you are mentioning a very different situation from the one you have just mentioned.
She blushed in his presence.
When you blush, your face becomes redder than usual because you are ashamed or embarrassed.
If you flush, your face goes red because you are hot or ill, or because you are feeling a strong emotion such as embarrassment or anger.
in someone’s presence表示“当着……的面,在……面前”,我们也可以说in the presence of someone。如果只是someone’s presence,则表示某人出席,到场。
presence还可用于表示一个人镇定自若。在遇到紧急情况时,我们可能会很慌张,这个时候就需要冷静下来动脑想解决办法,have the presence of mind to do something,也就是说一个人做事很沉着冷静了。
If you are in someone’s presence, you are in the same place as that person, and are close enough to them to be seen or heard.
Some of the patients left off treatment.
leave off在本句中表示“停止,中断”做某事,后接名词或动词ing形式。如果中断的事情又重新开始了,则可说某事continues from where it left off。除了“中断”,leave off还可表示从名单中剔除、被排除在外,也可用被动语态,someone/something is left off a list。
If someone leaves off doing something, they stop doing it.
How did Diana respond to the criticisms?
respond to后接需求、挑战或危机,表示“应对,作出回应,作出反应”,而如果某人或某种疾病is responding to treatment,则指治疗有积极效果,反应良好。
respond也可表示对事情或言论的回应,比如,用炮火予以反击,respond with gunfire;积极回应,respond positively to something。
When you respond to a need, crisis, or challenge, you take the necessary or appropriate action.
We shook off our fears.
shake off在此表示“治愈,摆脱”,比如疾病、坏习惯等等。不知道大家有没有听过泰勒·斯威夫特最近推出的一首歌,叫做《Shake It Off》,在这首歌里,她大方地自黑自己的曲风和感情史,表示要一直前进下去,将负能量都甩开,用的也就是shake off啦。
shake off还可指“甩开,甩掉”,比如甩掉跟随你的人,shake off someone who is following you,或者争吵时甩开对方的手,就可以说shake off someone’s hand。
If you shake off something that you do not want such as an illness or a bad habit, you manage to recover from it or get rid of it.
shake off还可指抖落、摇出,但这里的off是跟在动词shake后的介词,不是动词短语,比如女生把头发披散在肩头,就是shake someone’s hair off her shoulders,这里的披散会伴随一个摇头的动作。男生呢,小时候可能会在树上捉点小昆虫,装在瓶子里,这里就可以说shake the small insects into a jar。
To shake something into a certain place or state means to bring it into that place or state by moving it quickly up and down or from side to side.
Any trait, or small trick, or life-hack, anything, other than some trivia or fact. Something one can learn in 10 minutes or so (and perhaps with a bit of practice every day, can excel at it), but it must be useful for the person for the remainder of his or her life.
Answered by Cyndi Perlman Fink
Cyndi Perlman Fink的回复:
How to buy strawberries …
Smell them. If they smell like strawberries buy them, they will taste divine. If they look gorgeous but have no smell, they will have no taste.
Simple and foolproof. If people give you a strange look because you’re smelling the strawberries, let them not smell and buy the tasteless ones.
Answered by Karen Opas
Karen Opas的回复:
How to tell if you are about to buy a juicy orange or grapefruit, no matter what the skin looks like:
Pick up the orange or grapefruit. If it feels light, it’s not juicy and will taste rather woody.
Go through the bin picking the ones that feel heaviest compared to oranges or grapefruits of a similar size. They’ll be the tastiest ones.
I was shown this trick by a very ancient and rather irritable gentleman when I was in my early 20′s. He literally slapped the orange I was about to bag out of my hand and explained his system. Thanks to him, I’ve enjoyed decades of juicy oranges and grapefruits.
Answered by Julie Hume
Julie Hume的回复:
When your dog won’t come back to you on a walk, don’t chase after her yelling. She’ll think that is the best game in the world and … good luck catching her.
Instead, shout happily, “Yeah, Bella, you can’t catch me!” and run like hell in the other direction laughing like a crazy person. Your dog will think you are having a great time and gallop after you to join in.
And once you have her back again, don’t scold her for running away. If you do she’ll equate the telling off to her return, not to her bolt for freedom and she will be that much less likely to come to you on recall the next time. Always make coming to you the best thing ever.
Answered by Philip Liou
Philip Liou的回复:
If you ever feel there’s something in your eye, like dust, just do this:
Look down, open your eyes wide, and keep blinking.
Additionally, if the particle is in the extremities, move your eyeball in the opposite direction of where you feel the pain. So if you feel pain at the top, do the above steps but roll your eyeball to the bottom and keep blinking.
Learned it from my teacher in first grade and works every time. Even when I’m wearing contacts.
My boss tends to find fault with everyone and everything.
tend to在本句中表示“往往会,经常就”,强调某事通常如此。
If something tends to happen, it usually happens or it often happens.
我们一般比较熟悉tend to作为“倾向于”的用法,类似的还有tend towards,be inclined to,be apt to等等。其中,tend to do something表示有做某事的趋势,而tend towards的倾向于,强调的是有表现出某种特性的趋势,比如“容易持‘左倾’观点”,tend towards left-wing views。
在翻译上,有时不必将单词完全译出,也能表达应有的意思。比如前面说的容易持有某种观点。大家应该也看过这样的说法:“I tend to think she is right. 我倾向于认为她是对的。”这里的倾向于其实表示的是个人想法上的倾向,我倾向于持有某种观点,也就可以说,“我个人认为/觉得她是对的”。
You can say that you tend to think something when you want to give your opinion, but do not want it to seem too forceful or definite.
find fault with表示“挑剔,找茬儿,指责”,这里fault用作名词。fault用作动词也可表示挑剔,但通常与否定式连用。比如,你不能因为他们缺乏创新就指责他们,“You can’t fault them for lack of invention.”。
有一种说法叫“过犹不及”,就是说事情做过头,就跟做得不够一样,都是不合适的。即使是大方、谦逊这样的好品质,过头了也不对,这个时候我们就可以说to a fault,比如,他大方得过了头,“He is generous to a fault.”。
If you find fault with something or someone, you look for mistakes and complain about them.
If you say that someone has a particular good quality to a fault, you are emphasizing that they have more of this quality than is usual or necessary.
Do you want to get ahead in life?
ahead指“在……前面”,ahead of即可表示“领先于”。比如在比赛中领先于某人,或者学业上比某人出色,都可以说ahead of someone。get ahead引申一下也就是“获得成功”,这里的成功更多的是强调事业上的成功。
If you want to get ahead, you want to be successful in your career.
The police began to go into the murder case.
begin to do something表示“开始、着手做某事”,如果你想说“从……开始/着手”,则可用begin with/by doing something。
To begin to do something means to start doing it.
go into在此表示“调查,研究”,也可指“描述,叙述”,比如警方拒绝透露这起凶案的细节,“The police refused to go into details about the murder case.”。
go into还可表示从事某种职业或工作,或时间、精力钱等被用于某处。比如,这项研究有大量的人力和资金投入,“There is a lot of effort and money going into this research.”。
If you go into something, you describe or examine it fully or in detail.
He has a reputation of never listening to anybody’s advice.
reputation指“名声,声誉”,如果某人声名狼藉,我们可以说他has a bad reputation。要说具体是什么样的名声,则可说have a reputation of,或者someone’s reputation as。
如果一个人名声在外,那么我们即使不认识这个人,也可能会听说一些和他相关的事迹。这时就可以用到by reputation,“听说,耳闻”,比如,听说她的组织能力很强,“She was by reputation a good organiser.”。
To have a reputation for something means to be known or remembered for it.
The idea is not in itself a bad one.
in itself表示“实质上,本身,就其本身而言”,类似的还有in nature,in essence。我们也可以就用itself,原句也可表述为:“The idea itself is not bad.”。
itself也可用在抽象名词之后,表示“极度,非常”,比如,他非常有魅力,“He is charm itself.”。
You use itself to emphasize the thing you are referring to.
If you say that someone is, for example, politeness itself or kindness itself, you are emphasizing they are extremely polite or extremely kind.
Women get married at 25 on average in Asia.
get married表示“结婚”,更正式一些的说法是marry,比如“They married a month after they met.”,他们相识一个月后就结婚了。
小编曾听过一件和marry有关的糗事,有个女生问一个刚认识的牧师朋友,“Would you marry me?”牧师有点惊慌说,我们刚认识,是不是太快了点?然后女生才意识到自己说错话了。这里的歧义在于,marry可以表示娶和嫁,也可以表示牧师或官员为新人主持婚礼,所以“Would you marry me?”这句话,可以理解成“你愿意嫁给我吗/你愿意娶我吗?”也可以理解成,“你愿意来主持我的婚礼吗?”
When two people get married or marry, they legally become husband and wife in a special ceremony. Get married is less formal and more commonly used than marry.
说到结婚,大家可能会吐槽,我连对象都没有,怎么结婚?于是不可避免地就会说到相亲。表示相亲时,我们可以用blind date,指由第三方安排的男女初次约会。还有一种,就是父母选好对象做好安排,marry (someone’s daughter) off/to someone,“把……嫁给,为……娶亲”。
If a parent marries their child to someone, the parent chooses who their child will marry and arranges it.
If you marry someone off, you find a suitable person for them to marry.
on average在本句中表示“平均起来,按平均值”,也可以说on an average。此外,on average也可表示“基本上,大体上”,比如,“On average, vegetarians are slimmer than meat eaters.”,一般来说,素食者比肉食者更苗条些。
You say on average or on an average to indicate that a number is the average of several numbers.
In comparison to her, I am still older.
in comparison to表示“与……相比,与……比较而言”,我们也可以说,in comparison with,by comparison with等等。
类似的还有compare with,表示“相比”,但通常与否定词连用,如“The flowers here do not compare with those at home.”,这儿的花比不上家乡的花。表示比不上,无法相提并论的时候,我们还可以说there is no comparison between A and B;相对的,表示比得上,可以与之相媲美,则可说stand/bear comparison with,这里可以用于人,也可以用于物。
如果大家看过《卑鄙的我》,应该记得小女儿最后在婚礼上朗诵了一首诗,里面说道,“…and my new mom Lucy is beyond compare.”,这里就出现了“比不上”的另一种用法,beyond compare,表示“无与伦比,无可比拟”。
表示“相比”时,我们还可以用compared with或者compared to,这两个词组也指“相对……而言,对照”。
If you say, for example, that something is large or small in comparison with, in comparison to, or by comparison with something else, you mean that it is larger or smaller than the other thing.
It’s time we took a stand on equal rights for women.
It’s time someone did something表示“(从事特定活动的)合适时候”,我们也可以说,it is time for something/to do something。
类似的表达还有about time和it is high time,均表示“早该……了,是时候……了”。如果你想强调某件事“早该如此”,也可以在你的陈述后加上not before time,如,这种病毒正受到越来越多的关注,其实早该如此。“The virus is getting more and more attention, and not before time.”。
If you say it is time for something, time to do something, or time you did something, you mean that this thing ought to happen or be done now.
stand可以表示“立场,态度”,take/make a stand即指“表明态度、立场”。也可以说,我们表明了对妇女权利平等问题的立场,“We showed where/how we stand on the issue of equal rights for women.”。where/how someone stands on something,也就是对某事“持……态度、立场”。
If you take or make a stand, you do something or say something in order to make it clear what your attitude to a particular thing is.
I will stick to my promise.
stick to的释义比较多,在此指“遵守,坚持”,如诺言、协议、决定或原则。
stick本身有“粘”的意思,所以stick to也可表示“黏附,附着在”,粘在诺言上,也就是遵守诺言,强调自己说到做到。我们也可以说遵循规则,stick to rules,强调按别人要求的做;或者表示“坚持不变”,比如坚持写作,stick to writing;如果你在旅途中stick to something/someone,则指“紧随,呆在……旁边”,比如沿着灯比较亮的路走,“Stick to well-lit roads.”。
If you stick to a promise, agreement, decision, or principle, you do what you said you would do, or do not change your mind.
在往期的中,我们还讲过一个词组,keep someone’s word,表示守信。
keep一次本身就有“信守”的意思,即按照自己说的去做,所以有keep someone’s promise,指“信守诺言”。而word一词,除了指单词,也指话语、诺言,可以在这个词组中替代promise。
You should give up smoking.
我们通常比较熟悉give up作为“放弃,投降”的用法,在本句中,give up指“放弃,戒除”,强调不再做某事或不再拥有某物,比如“不抱希望”,give up hope,“戒烟”,give up smoking。
give up还可表示“辞职”,give up teaching,辞去了教书的工作。我们常说的“让座”,也可以用give up来表示,比如某人将长椅上的位子让了出来,give up someone’s place on the bench。give oneself up则指“自首,投案”。
需要注意的是,give up on something/someone表示“对……不抱希望,对……绝望”,be given up/over to表示“专门用于”,小心不要弄混了。
If you give up something, you stop doing it or having it.
The minutes also underlines a debate focused on Fed’s commitment to maintain a low interest rate in an “relatively long period” after October. However, it does not pass out a clear signal about whether it will abandon this rhetoric in December.
They also highlight a debate about the Fed’s pledge of low rates for a “considerable time” beyond October. However, the minutes send no strong signal about whether the language will be scrapped in December.
突显:underline, highlight
焦点是:focused on, about
承诺:commitment, pledge
相当长时期:relatively long time, considerable time
10月后:after October, beyond October
传递:pass out, send
明确的:clear, strong
弃用:abandon, scrap
说辞:rhetoric, language
大家觉得不错的话,不妨去知乎上为我的回答 “”点个赞。
Answered by Ryan Chew
Ryan Chew 回答:
My wife and I were sharing a bowl of noodles,
I looked at her. She looked at me.
I said, “let’s get married.”
She said, “sure, why not?”
We continued eating our bowl of noodles.
Answered by Amit Banerjee
Amit Banerjee 回答:
I had a friend who was quite introvert and played percussion in our band. In one concert, he decided to do something weird. He took one of his cymbals, went straight to the audience and asked a girl—
“Would you like to play some percussion?”
The girl agreed and here we are on stage, some random girl playing percussion along with him as we stand there trying to figure out what’s going on.
It has been 10 years that incident happened. The band split in a few months and all the members lost contact.
I was chatting with this friend on Facebook and figured out that he married that same girl. They have a daughter now.
When I asked him how did he propose, he said:
“Well, I did not propose in that way. I just said: ‘You play really well without knowledge.’ To this she said: ‘Why don’t you teach me more?’ To this I had said: ‘Well then, you will have to marry me, that is the fee.’
So she did.”
“呃,我没有正儿八经地求过婚。我只是说:‘你没学过,能玩成这样真的很不错。’ 她回答:‘那你再教我一些呗。’ 我就说:‘那你得嫁给我,算是学费。’
Answered by Phillip Remaker
Phillip Remaker 回答:
My friend tells the story about his wife proposing to him.
Future Wife: “How is December 3rd?”
Friend: “For what?”
Future Wife: “For our wedding day.”
Friend: “OK, but I’m going to Honduras on December 4th whether you’re coming or not.”
They had a great honeymoon in Honduras, and have been married for more than 20 years.
Kimberly Domangue
Kimberly Domangue 回答:
“I want my proposal to be unique!”
“I want my proposal to be a surprise!”
Be careful what you wish for ladies and gentlemen, this could be you:
Byokov, from Omsk, Russia, knew he wanted to marry his girlfriend, Irena Kolokov—but he had to be sure that the feeling was (really, really) mutual.
So he did what anyone who takes “til death do us part” literally would do. He hired a screenwriter, director, movie stuntmen and makeup artists to stage a gruesome car crash, where he instructed Kolokov to meet him.
She arrived to her boyfriend not kneeling on bended knee, but rather lying on the ground covered in fake blood.
“When I arrived there were mangled cars everywhere, ambulances, smoke and carnage…a paramedic told me he was dead and I just broke down in tears,” Kolokov told .
The tears, apparently, were good enough for Byokov, who sprang to his feet and proposed–fake blood, bandages, and all.
Byokov insists the act was designed for Kolokov to realize how empty life would be without him. Does he feel the same about her? Does it matter? She said yes regardless, and the betrothed couple posed for some you-had-to-be-there engagement photos.
Yeah… no. Let’s hope this proposal stays one-of-a-kind.
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