0h my l0ve歌词女人的泪是那首歌歌里的歌词

我到处乱窜地也找不到404. La Loca这首啊,楼主:(((
  @挂甲人  17:32:20        265. Hijo De La Luna        这首动听的歌曲来自西班牙乐队美卡诺(Mecano),乐队的灵魂人物José María Cano早年是约翰列侬的粉丝,疯狂地热爱着音乐创作,后来他又拉上了自己的弟弟Nacho Cano以及一位女主唱Ana Torroja组成了这个三人组合,一度在80年代风靡欧洲以及拉美。    ......  -----------------------------  做记号~!
我到处乱窜地也找不到404. La Loca这首啊,楼主:(((  -----------------------------  我电脑里面有,版本还不错,忘了从哪里下载的了。
        405. La Mer    La Mer是法语“大海”的意思,这首歌的创作和演唱都是来自四十年代的法国歌王查尔斯德内Charles Trenet。    查尔斯德内的作品无不精致典雅,充满了法兰西清新浪漫的韵味,前面有一首动听的英文歌曲I Wish You Love(第326首),其原版也是一首来自于查尔斯德内的法语香颂Que Reste-T-Il De Nos Amours。    自经典的La Mer问世之后的几十年来,这首名作被演绎为多种版本,世界三大顶尖轻音乐团保罗莫利哀(Paul Mauriat)、詹姆斯拉斯特(James Last)、曼托凡尼 (Mantovani)全部都演绎过这首作品,建议感兴趣的朋友都听一遍,可以对此三大乐团的不同风格有清晰的领略。    而该曲的英文版本Beyond the sea也成为了电影《海底总动员Finding Nemo》的主题歌,尽管电影里面的版本是著名的坏小子罗比威廉姆斯Robbie Williams,但我还是愿意推荐凯尔特女人(Celtic Woman)的版本。        歌词  La mer  Qu'on voit danser  Le long des golfes clairs  A des reflets d'argent  La mer  Des reflets changeants  Sous la pluie    La mer  Au ciel d'été  Confond ses blancs moutons  Avec les anges si purs  La mer  Bergère d'azur  Infinie        Voyez  Près des étangs  Ces grands roseaux mouillés  Voyez  Ces oiseaux blancs  Et ces maisons rouillées      La mer  Les a bercés  Le long des golfes clairs  Et d'une chanson d'amour  La mer  A bercé mon cœur  Pour la vie  
14:02:00  我到处乱窜地也找不到404. La Loca这首啊,楼主:(((  -----------------------------  @挂甲人  22:08:44  我电脑里面有,版本还不错,忘了从哪里下载的了。  -----------------------------  能麻烦你发给我吗?邮箱我已经短信给你啦,谢谢:)))
  恳求楼主帮帮忙,这首歌很久前听过一次,一直念念不忘,一直找不到:女生超高音质,音色稍沙哑磁性,舒缓开头,高潮震撼,结尾意犹未尽,节奏极强,MV貌似现场录制,歌曲结尾舒缓重复i don't want to(or wanna) think about it , i don't want to know。恍惚记得当时看MV前奏时标了john lennon,是谁翻唱的么?就记得这么多了,有些信息还可能不准确。  PS。1.歌词可能不准确,没字幕;  
        406. La Paloma    这首著名的“鸽子”是19世纪西班牙作曲家塞巴斯丁依拉迪埃Sebastian Yradier的作品,他在美国担任乐团指挥期间曾在古巴短暂生活过,这首歌就是在那里创作的,而歌词内容也包括了关于“故乡哈瓦那”的内容,同时歌曲的曲风又有墨西哥音乐的味道,因此一度也被认为是古巴民歌或者墨西哥民歌。    这首歌曲已经问世超过一个半世纪了,太多经典的演唱和演奏版本,推荐西班牙情歌之王胡里奥伊格莱西亚斯(Julio Iglesias)以及希腊天后娜娜穆斯库莉(Nana Mouskouri)的演唱版,纯音乐版则推荐詹姆斯拉斯特乐团(James Last)、曼托凡尼乐团(Mantovani)、小提琴大师赫尔穆特扎哈里亚斯(Helmut Zacharias)等等。        歌词  Una canción me recuerda aquel ayer   cuando se marchó en silencio un atadecer   se fué con su canto triste a otro lugar   dejó como compa&era mi soledad.   Una paloma blanca me canta al alba   viejas melancolías, cosas del alma   llegan con el silencio de la ma&ana   y cuando salgo a verla vuela a su casa.   &Dónde va? que mi voz   ya no quiere escuchar,   &Dónde va? que mi vida se apaga   si junto a mi no está.   Si quisiera volver   yo la iría a esperar   cada día, cada madrugada   para quererla más.    
  @robee123  17:34:49    恳求楼主帮帮忙,这首歌很久前听过一次,一直念念不忘,一直找不到:女生超高音质,音色稍沙哑磁性,舒缓开头,高潮震撼,结尾意犹未尽,节奏极强,MV貌似现场录制,歌曲结尾舒缓重复i don't want to(or wanna) think about it , i don't want to know。恍惚记得当时看MV前奏时标了john lennon,是谁翻唱的么?就记得这么多了,有些信息还可能.....  -----------------------------  抱歉,我暂时也想不起来这是那一首歌,看你的描述,这个女歌手是不是席琳迪翁?
  楼主真是辛苦  谢谢了    能不能说,汇总帜里边放的那几首是什么歌名的呀,超听好。  想下来听。  
        407. La Vie En Rose    法兰西歌后“小麻雀”艾迪特皮雅芙Edith Piaf出生于1915年的巴黎,一生命远多舛,不到50岁就去世了(在此不多说,,推荐大家看一下有关她的传纪电影《玫瑰人生La Vie En Rose》)。    艾迪特皮雅芙最著名的代表作品就是这首她在四十年代带来的La Vie En Rose,由她本人填词,歌曲哀而不伤、沁人心脾,可谓法国香颂中的巅峰之作。    这首著名作品自然也有很多的翻唱,推荐派翠西亚凯丝(Patricia Kaas)、小野丽莎的版本;英文版翻唱推荐托尼班尼特(Tony Bennett) 和K.D. Lang的对唱版;纯音乐版毫无疑问还是保罗莫利哀(Paul Mauriat)、曼托凡尼 (Mantovani) 、詹姆斯拉斯特(James Last)这三大轻音乐团的更经典。      歌词  des yeux qui font baiser les miens  Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche  Voila le portrait sans retouche  De l'homme auquel j'appartiens  Quand il me prend dans ses bras  Il me parle tout bas je vois la vie en rose  Il me dit des mots d'amour  Des mots de tous les jours et ca me fait quelque chose  Il est entre dans mon coeur  Une part de bonheur dont je connais la cause  C'est lui pour moi, moi pour lui dans la vie  Il me l'a dit, l'a jure pour la vie  Et des que je l'apercois  Alors je sens en moi mon coeur qui bat  Des nuits d'amour a ne plus en finir  Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place  Des enuis des chagrins, des phases  Heureux, heureux a en mourir      英文歌词  Hold me close and hold me fast  The magic spell you cast  This is La vie en rose  When you kiss me heaven sighs  And tho I close my eyes  I see La vie en rose  When you press me to your heart  I'm in a world apart  A world where roses bloom  And when you speak angels sing from above  Everyday words seem to turn into love songs  Give your heart and soul to me  And life will always be  La vie en rose  
  D 顶了再说。。
  一直跟踪楼主的帖子 下了不少好歌  谢谢楼主!
  must mark
  Beautyful music
  La Loca这首,帮忙发给我一下吧,邮箱短信给你
        408. Lady    肯尼罗杰斯(Kenny Rogers) 出生于三十年代的德克萨斯,从小喜欢唱歌,早期曾经加盟过一些乐队,六十年代后期开始自组乡村摇滚乐队Kenny Rogers And The First Edition并开始走红。    可惜好景不长,七十年代中期因内部管理原因导致乐队解散,而肯尼罗杰斯甚至因此负债累累,四处卖唱为生,直到被制作人Larry Butler发掘,为其精心打造了个人专辑予以推出,肯尼罗杰斯浑厚性感的嗓音立刻征服了无数歌迷,很快在乡村乐和流行乐两个领域都成绩斐然,唱片热卖的同时也得到了多项格莱美大奖、全美音乐奖、乡村音乐学院奖等等的肯定。    七十年代末期,迪斯科开始火爆,以轻柔抒情的乡村乐曲风著称的肯尼罗杰斯也受到了一定冲击,此刻一支带有R&B风格的乐队“海军准将The Commodores”引起了肯尼罗杰斯的注意,更确定地说,是注意到了乐队中的灵魂人物莱昂纳尔里奇(Lionel Richie)。    肯尼罗杰斯诚邀莱昂纳尔里奇为其创作了Lady这首歌曲,后者还同时担任了歌曲的制作和钢琴演奏,这首沉稳大气而又柔情款款的旋律立刻在当时的一片迪斯科热潮中脱颖而出,最终在流行、乡村、R&B三个榜单都拿到冠军,从而彻底奠定了肯尼罗杰斯纵贯七八十年代的超级巨星地位。    而歌曲的创作者莱昂纳尔里奇同样收获颇丰,肯尼罗杰斯投桃报李,鼓励才华横溢的莱昂纳尔里奇单飞发展并利用自己的人脉为其牵线搭桥,最终单飞后的莱昂纳尔里奇也凭借Endless Love、Hello、Say You Say Me等名曲红遍天下。    可以说,作为献给女士的经典情歌Lady也同时见证了两大男性巨星的惺惺相惜之情。        歌词  Lady   I'm your knight in shining armor and I love you  You have made me what I am and I am yours  My love  there's so many ways I want to say I love you  Let me hold you in my arms forever more  You have gone and made me such a fool  I'm so lost in your love  And oh we belong together  Won't you believe in my song  Lady   for so many years I thought I'd never find you  You have come into my life and made me whole  Forever  let me wake to see you each and every morning  Let me hear you whisper softly in my ear  In my eyes I see no one else but you  There's no other love like our love  And yes oh yes I'll always want you near me  I've waited for you so long  Lady your love's the only love I need  And beside me is where I want you to be  'Cause my love there's something I want you to know  you're the love of my life   you're my lady    
        409. Lady Marmalade    前面的第341首歌里面,我曾经介绍了祖母级的灵歌天后佩蒂拉蓓尔(Patti Labelle),这首Lady Marmalade就是她的又一首代表作,歌词异常大胆、充满挑逗意味。    2001年,好莱坞歌舞片《红磨坊/Moulin Rouge》曾轰动一时,而Lady Marmalade也成为了这部电影的主题歌 ,由Christina Aguilera、Lil Kim 、Mya 、Pink四大辣妹共同送出,如果说佩蒂拉蓓尔的原版功力浑厚的话,四大辣妹的版本则是载歌载舞、劲爆香艳,倒也十分符合红磨坊的味道。        歌词  Where’s all mah soul sistas  Lemme hear ya’ll flow sistas  Hey sista, go sista, soul sista, flow sista  Hey sista, go sista, soul sista, go sista  He met Marmalade down IN old Moulin Rouge  Struttin’ her stuff on the street  She said, “Hello, hey Jo, you wanna give it a go?” Oh! uh huh  Giuchie, Giuchie, ya ya dada (Hey hey hey)  Giuchie, Giuchie, ya ya here (here)  Mocha Chocalata ya ya (oh yea)  Creole lady Marmalade  What What, What what  ooh oh  Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir  Voulez vous coucher avec moi  yea yea yea yea  He sat in her boudoir while she freshened up  Boy drank all that Magnolia wine  All her black satin sheets, suede's, dark greens  yeah  Giuchie, Giuchie, ya ya dada (da-da-da)  Giuchie, Giuchie, ya ya here (here ohooh yea yeah)  Mocha Choca lata ya ya (yea)  Creole lady Marmalade  Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir (ce soir, what what what)  Voulez vous coucher avec moi  yea yea uh  He come through with the money and the garter bags  I let him know we bout that cake straight up the gate uh  We independent women, some mistake us for whores  I'm sayin‘, why spend mine when I can spend yours  Disagree? Well that's you and I’m sorry  Imma keep playing these cats out like Atari  Wear ideal shoes get love from the dudes  4 bad ass chicks from the Moulin Rouge  hey sistas, soul sistas, betta get that dough sistas  We drink wine with diamonds in the glass  bottle case the meaning of expensive taste  if you wanna Giuchie, Giuchie, ya ya  Mocha Chocalate-a what?  Real Lady Marmalade  One more time C’mon now  Marmalade... Lady Marmalade... Marmalade...  hey Hey Hey!  Touch of her skin feeling silky smooth  color of cafe au lait alright  Made the savage beast inside roar until he cried,  More-more-more  Now he's back home doin' 9 to 5  Sleepin' the grey flannel life  But when he turns off to sleep memories creep,  More-more-more  Giuchie, Giuchie, ya ya dada (da daeaea yea)  Giuchie, Giuchie, ya ya here (ooh)  Mocha Choca lata ya ya (yea)  Creole lady Marmalade  Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir (ce soir)  Voulez vous coucher avec moi (all my sistas yea)  Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir (ce soir)  Voulez vous coucher avec moi (C‘Mon! uh)  Christina...(oh Leaeaa Oh)  Pink... (Lady Marmalade)  Lil’ Kim...(hey Hey! uh uh uh uh...)  Mya...(Oh Oh oooo)  Rot wailer baby...(baby)  Moulin Rouge... (0h)  Misdemeanor here...  Creole Lady Marmalade Yes-ah......    
  please go on,再次感谢
        410. Lambada    Lambada本意是指巴西一种热情奔放的热舞,不过歌曲Lambada是有特指的,这首歌最早是由玻利维亚乐队Los K'jarkas带来的《Llorando Se Fue》,旋律来源是古老哀伤的印加民谣。    80年代中后期法国有一支叫做kaoma的乐队,其成员大多来自加勒比、南美地区,他们对Llorando Se Fue进行了重新的改编,令其更带有浓郁的Lambada舞曲色彩,节奏强劲、欢快奔放,他们的这个版本成为了好莱坞歌舞片《Lambada》的主题歌,一经推出立刻红遍全球,二十多年来在全世界拥有无数的翻唱及演奏版本。        歌词  Chorando se foi quem um dia só me fez chorar  ]Chorando se foi quem um dia só me fez chorar  Chorando estará ao lembrar de um amor  Que um dia n&o soube cuidar  Chorando estará ao lembrar de um amor  Que um dia n&o soube cuidar  A recorda&&o vai estar com ele aonde for  ]A recorda&&o vai estar para sempre aonde for  ]Dan&a sol e mar guardarei no olhar  ]O amor faz perder encontrar  Lambando estarei ao lembrar que este amor  ]Por um dia um instante foi rei    A recorda&&o vai estar com ele aonde for  A recorda&&o vai estar para sempre aonde forChorando estará ao lembrar de um amor  Que um dia n&o soube cuidar  Can&&o riso e dor melodia de amor  ]Um momento que fica no ar      
  从一家慕名而来  非常喜欢对歌曲、歌手和背景故事的介绍,歌曲因其背后的故事和情感而更加动听  多谢了
        411. Larger Than Life    超级偶像后街男孩(Backstreet Boys) 前面已经介绍过了,这首Larger Than Life是他们的又一首畅销金曲,劲爆十足的动感旋律,宏大震撼的MV制作。        歌词  I may run and hide  When you're screamin' my name  All right  But let me tell you now  There are prices to fame  All of our time spent in flashes of light  All you people can't you see can't you see  How your love's affecting our reality  Every time we're down  You can make it right  And that makes you larger than life  Looking at the crowd  And I see your body sway  C'mon  Wishin' I could thank you in a different way  'Cause all of your time spent keeps us alive  All of your time spent  Keeps us alive  Yeah  Every time we're down  You can make it right  And that's what makes you larger than life  And that makes you larger  That makes you larger  Than life      
        412. Last Christmas    在前面的第116首Careless Whisper里面已经介绍过著名的威猛乐队(Wham!)了,这首Last Christmas则是威猛乐队的又一支名曲,翻唱版本也有很多,推荐一下美国新锐美女歌手爱希丽提丝黛儿(Ashley Tisdale)的版本,与男性版本不一样的味道。          歌词  Last Christmas I gave you my heart  But the very next day you gave it away  This year to save me from tears  I'll give it to someone special  Last Christmas I gave you my heart  But the very next day you gave it away  This year to save me from tears  I'll give it to someone  I'll give it to someone special  Once bitten and twice shy  I keep my distance but you still catch my eye  Tell me baby do you recognize me  Well it's been a year  It doesn't surprise me  Happy Christmas  I wrapped it up and sent it  With a note saying I love you I meant it  Now I know what a fool I've been  But if you kissed me now  I know you'd fool me again  Last Christmas I gave you my heart  But the very next day you gave it away  This year to save me from tears  I'll send it to someone special  Last Christmas I gave you my heart  But the very next day you gave it away  This year to save me from tears  I'll give it to someone special  A crowded room friends with tired eyes  I'm hiding from you and your soul of ice  I thought you were someone to rely on  Me I guess I was a shoulder to cry on  Last Christmas I gave you my heart  But the very next day you gave it away  This year to save me from tears  I'll give it to someone special  Last Christmas I gave you my heart  But the bery next day you gave it away  This year to save me from tears  I'll give it to someone special  Last Christmas I gave you my heart  But the very next day you gave it away  This year to save me from tears  I'll give it to someone special  I'll give it to someone special  La la la la  
        413. Last Kiss    珍珠酱(Pearl Jam)是90年代美国一支著名的另类摇滚乐队,他们的这首Last Kiss取材于一个真实的事件,描述了一对恋人遭遇车祸、女孩不幸身亡、男孩悲伤不已的情景。    很多时候,感人至深的情歌都是出自那些放荡不羁、颓废迷茫的摇滚人之手,一丝冷嘲、几分倦怠,蕴藏着最悲天悯人的博大情感。          歌词   Oh where oh where can my baby   The Lord took her away from me  She's gone to heaven so I've got to be good  So I can see my baby when I leave this world  We were out on a date in my daddy's car  We hadn't driven very far  There in the road straight ahead  A car was stalled the engine was dead  I couldn't stop so I swerved to the right  I'll never forget the sound that night  The screamin' tires the bustin' glass  The painful scream that I heard last  Oh where oh where can my baby be  The Lord took her away from me  She's gone to heaven so I've got to be good  So I can see my baby when I leave this world  When I woke up the rain was pourin' down  There were people standing all around  Something warm rollin' through my eyes  But somehow I found my baby that night   I lift her head she looked at me and said  Hold me darling just a little while  I held her close I kissed her our last kiss  I found the love that I knew I would miss  Well now she's gone  Even though I hold her tight  I lost my love my life that night  Oh where oh where can my baby be  The Lord took her away from me  She's gone to heaven so I've got to be good  So I can see my baby when I leave this world  Ooooooooo  Ooooooooo  Ooooooooo  Ahhhhhhhh  Ahhhhhhhh  Ahhhhhhhh  Ahhhhhhhh    
  楼主,我很喜欢Vangelis的《Conquest of paradise》和ERA乐团的《The Mass》,但是有人告诉我说Conquest of paradise是德军装甲师的军歌,也有说The Mass是德军装甲师军歌的,我到网上搜了一下,众说纷纭,莫衷一是。我很困惑,所以想问问楼主,以楼主对音乐的了解,这两首曲子是德军装甲师的军歌吗?还是仅仅是毫无根据的谣传?
  @XNYLYYHN  15:08:53    楼主现在怎么不贴地址了?  -----------------------------  我前面解释过,不知为何现在帖子里含有地址就发不出来,所以我只好在天涯微博里面同步贴出了,在那直接点击就可以打开下载地址。
  @风中颤动的麦芒  10:14:16    楼主,我很喜欢Vangelis的《Conquest of paradise》和ERA乐团的《The Mass》,但是有人告诉我说Conquest of paradise是德军装甲师的军歌,也有说The Mass是德军装甲师军歌的,我到网上搜了一下,众说纷纭,莫衷一是。我很困惑,所以想问问楼主,以楼主对音乐的了解,这两首曲子是德军装甲师的军歌吗?还是仅仅是毫无根据的谣传?  -----------------------------  The Mass是德国作曲家卡尔奥尔夫Carl Orff()的音乐剧《布兰诗歌Carmina Burana》中的开场大合唱,没有证据证明这首旋律曾被德军装甲师用作军歌,至于Vangelis的《Conquest of paradise》更不可能,Vangelis是1943年才出生的。
  @挂甲人  20:30:22    The Mass是德国作曲家卡尔奥尔夫Carl Orff()的音乐剧《布兰诗歌Carmina Burana》中的开场大合唱,没有证据证明这首旋律曾被德军装甲师用作军歌,至于Vangelis的《Conquest of paradise》更不可能,Vangelis是1943年才出生的。   -----------------------------  我还看到一种说法,说The Mass的曲作者以及范吉利斯的《Conquest of paradise》是借鉴了德军装甲师的军歌而创作的,希望也是无稽之谈。  
  @挂甲人  20:30:22  The Mass是德国作曲家卡尔奥尔夫Carl Orff()的音乐剧《布兰诗歌Carmina Burana》中的开场大合唱,没有证据证明这首旋律曾被德军装甲师用作军歌,至于Vangelis的《Conquest of paradise》更不可能,Vangelis是1943年才出生的。   -----------------------------  @风中颤动的麦芒  20:39:25  我还看到一种说法,说The Mass的曲作者以及范吉利斯的《Conquest of paradise》是借鉴了德军装甲师的军歌而创作的,希望也是无稽之谈。  -----------------------------  我也没听过正宗原版的德军装甲师的军歌,所以无法判断,呵呵。
          414. Laughter in the Rain    前面介绍第46首歌Angel Queen时曾说过,其演唱者Dara Sedaka是美国老牌巨星尼尔西达卡Neil Sedaka的女儿。    
关于尼尔西达卡早期的故事我们后面介绍到其成名作&Oh, Carol&那首歌时会讲到的,先说这首Laughter in the Rain。    尼尔西达卡成名于50年代末期,60年代中期以披头士为首的英国入侵(British Invasion)事件也令他深受冲击,一度在美国国内没有市场,只好去了英国发展,但也不见太大起色。到了70年代,他推出的这首Laughter in the Rain只在英国拿到了第15名,而美国的唱片公司甚至没人愿意发行。    
一个偶然的机会,生活在伦敦的尼尔西达卡与比自己小8岁的著名英国歌星埃尔顿约翰Elton John结识了,后者十分欣赏尼尔西达卡的才气,而埃尔顿约翰此刻在美国已经成立了属于他个人的唱片公司,因此他又将尼尔西达卡签下并为其在美国发行专辑,结果这首Laughter in the Rain立刻拿到了排行榜冠军,尼尔西达卡在祖国迎来第二春。    
一个美国的老牌巨星,最后要靠英国后辈的提携才能重返美国市场,真是让人哭笑不得的一件事。          歌词  Strolling along country roads with my baby   It strars to rain,it begins to pour   Without an umtrella we're soaked to the skin   I feel a shiver run up my spine   I feel the warmth of her hand in mine  Oo,I hear laughter in the rain   Walking hand in hand with the one I love  Oo,how i love the rainy days  And the happy way I feel inside   After a while we run under a tree   I turn to her and she kisses me   There with the beat of the rain on the leaves   Softly she breathes and I close my eyes  Sharing our love under stormy skies   Oo,I hear laughter in the rain   Walking hand in hand with the one I love   Oo,how I love the rainy days  And the happy way I feel inside   I feel the warmth of her hand in mine   Oo,I hear laughter in the rain   
          415. Lay All Your Love on Me    著名的ABBA乐队已经多次出场了,不多介绍,这首经典的Lay All Your Love on Me同样有很多翻唱版本,大家可以都来听听。      歌词  I wasn't jealous before we met  Now every woman I see is a potential threat  And I'm possessive, it isn't nice  You've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice  But now it isn't true  Now everything is new  And all I've learned has overturned  I beg of you...  Don't go wasting your emotion  Lay all your love on me  It was like shooting a sitting duck  A little small talk, a smile and baby I was stuck  I still don't know what you've done with me  A grown-up woman should never fall so easily  I feel a kind of fear  When I don't have you near  Unsatisfied, I skip my pride  I beg you dear...  Don't go wasting your emotion  Lay all your love on me  Don't go sharing your devotion  Lay all your love on me  I've had a few little love affairs  They didn't last very long and they've been pretty scarce  I used to think that was sensible  It makes the truth even more incomprehensible  'Cause everything is new  And everything is you  And all I've learned has overturned  What can I do...  Don't go wasting your emotion  Lay all your love on me  Don't go sharing your devotion  Lay all your love on me    
        416. Le Cose Che Vivi    这首悦耳动听的Le Cose Che Vivi是意大利新天后劳拉宝西妮(Laura Pausini)的代表作,她生于74年,嗓音大气、浑厚,力道十足,而且除了母语意大利语外,还擅长西班牙语、葡萄牙语、英语、法语等语种,如此出众的才艺,想不红也难,多项意大利、欧洲的大奖以及数次格莱美大奖都是对她最大的肯定。          歌词  Quando l'amicizia  Ti attraversa il cuore,  Lascia un'emozione,  Che non se ne va.  Non so dirti come,  Ma succede solo  Quando due persone  Fanno insieme un volo.  Che ci porta in alto,  Oltre l'altra gente,  Come fare un salto  Nell'immensita  E non c'è distanza, non c'è mai  Non ce n'è abbastanza, se  Se tu sei già dentro di me,  Per sempre  In qualunque posto sarai,  In qualunque posto sarò,  Tra le cose che vivi  Io per sempre vivrò.  In qualunque posto sarai,  Ci ritroveremo vicino,  Stretti l'uno nell'altro,  Oltre il destino  Su qualunque strada,  In qualunque cielo,  E comunque vada  Noi non ci perderemo.  Apri le tue braccia,  Mandami un segnale,  Non aver paura, che ti troverò  Non sarai mai solo ci sarò  Continuando in volo che,  Che mi riporta dentro te  Per sempre  In qualunque posto sarai,  In qualunque posto sarò,  Tra le cose che vivi  Io per sempre vivrò.  In qualunque posto sarai,  Non esisteranno confini  Solamente due amici  Più vicini  Credi in me,  Non avere dubbi mai,  Tutte le cose che vivi  Se sono vere come noi,  Lo so, tu lo sai  Che non finiranno mai  In qualunque posto sarai,  In qualunque posto sarò,  Tra le cose che vivi  Io per sempre vivrò.  In qualunque posto sarai,  In qualunque posto sarò,  Se mi cerchi nel cuore,  Nel tuo cuore vivrò  In qualunque posto sarai,  Ci ritroveremo vicino,  Stretti l'uno nell'altro,  Oltre il destino  In qualunque posto sarai,  In qualunque posto sarò,  Tra le cose che vivi  Io per sempre vivrò.  
  看了前面两页,歌曲名字全是A开头的。        后面相信也一样,楼主跟A有缘。  ------------------------------------------  我也相信这位哥们不知道什么事都得有个顺序
        这是个庞大的工程      我喜欢你推荐的歌        不要半途而废啊!!            
          417. Le Papillon    同名法国电影《蝴蝶》主题歌,演唱者就是片中的一老一小两个演员米歇尔塞侯(Michel Serrault)和柯莱儿布翁尼许(Claire Bouanich),他们虽然不是职业歌手,但其淳朴清新的风格更加令人有心灵上的触动。    几年前红遍中国大江南北的“吉祥三宝”曾经被指抄袭了这首曲子,抄袭也许有些言重,但借鉴是有的吧。          歌词  Pourquoi les poules pondent des oeufs?   Pour que les oeufs fassent des poules.   Pourquoi les amoureux s’embrassent?   C’est pour que les pigeons roucoulent.   Pourquoi les jolies fleurs se fanent?   Parce que ?a fait partie du charme.   Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu?   C’est pour faire parler les curieux.   Pourquoi le feu br?le le bois?   C’est pour bien réchauffer nos coeurs.   Pourquoi la mer se retire?   C’est pour qu’on lui dise &Encore.&   Pourquoi le soleil dispara?t?   Pour l’autre partie du décor.   Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu?   C’est pour faire parler les curieux.   Pourquoi le loup mange l’agneau?   Parce qu’il faut bien se nourrir.   Pourquoi le lièvre et la tortue?   Parce que rien ne sert de courir.   Pourquoi les anges ont-ils des ailes?   Pour nous faire croire au Père No?l.   Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu?   C’est pour faire parler les curieux.   Ca t’a plu, le petit voyage?   Ah oui beaucoup!   Vous avez vu des belles choses?   J’aurais bien voulu voir des sauterelles   Des sauterelles ? Pourquoi des sauterelles ?   Et des libellules aussi,   A la prochaine fois, d’accord.   D’accord.   Je peux te demander quelque chose?   Quoi encore?   On continue mais cette fois-ci c’est toi qui chantes.   Pas question.   S’il te plait.   Non, mais non.   Allez, c’est le dernier couplet.   Tu ne crois pas que tu pousses un peu le bouchon?   Pourquoi notre coeur fait tic-tac?   Parce que la pluie fait flic flac.   Pourquoi le temps passe si vite?   Parce que le vent lui rend visite.   Pourquoi tu me prends par la main?   Parce qu’avec toi je suis bien.   Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu?   C’est pour faire parler les curieux.   
  @挂甲人  09:34:47    %    372. It's So Easy        取这个名字的歌曲有好几首,但最经典的一曲无疑来自摇滚史上的传奇人物——英年早逝的眼镜摇滚英雄巴迪霍利(Buddy Holly)。    ......  -----------------------------  发现王心凌翻过这首,意外
          418. Le Temps du Muguet    这首歌是俄罗斯著名歌曲《莫斯科郊外的晚上》Подмосковные вечера,因为无法在MP3文件上敲出俄文字母在电脑里储存,所以我在它的英文版Moscow Nights和法语版Le Temps du Muguet(这里所谓的法语,也只不过还是用英文字母来体现)之间选择了法语版本,这首歌就被分类到L系列了,纯属巧合。    歌曲本身是50年代前苏联一部纪录片的主题曲,创作时属于政治任务,而且据说领导们也并不满意,但随着影片的上映,歌曲先是在东欧各国引起了强烈反响,并且开始风靡整个欧洲,各种翻唱和纯音乐版本层出不穷。    法语版本里面推荐80年代的法国女歌手Dorothee,英文版本推荐比利时跨界歌手Helmut Lotti,嗯,其实我个人偏爱各种纯音乐版本,觉得更有味道。        俄语歌词  Не слышны в саду даже шорохи,  Все здесь замерло до утра.  Если б знали вы, как мне дороги  Подмосковные вечера.  Речка движется и не движется,  Вся из лунного серебра.  Песня слышится и не слышится  В эти тихие вечера.  Что ж ты милая, смотришь искоса,  Низко голову наклоня?  Трудно высказать и не высказать  Все, что на сердце у меня.  А рассвет уже все заметнее...  Так, пожалуйста, будь добра,  Не забудь и ты эти летние  Подмосковные вечера!        英文版歌词   Stillness in the grove, not a rustling sound   Softly shines the moon clear and bright.   Dear, if you could know how I treasure so   The most beautiful Moscow night.   Dear, if you could know how I treasure so   The most beautiful Moscow night.   Lazily the brook, like a silv’ry stream   Ripples gently in the moonlight,   And a song afar fades as in a dream,   In the spell o this summer hight.   And a song afar fades as in a dream,   In the spell o this summer hight.   Dearest, why so sad, why the dpwncast eyes,   And your lovely head bent so low?   Oh,It’s hard to speak---and yet not to speak   Of the longing my heart does know.   Oh,It’s hard to speak---and yet not to speak   Of the longing my heart does know.   Promise me, my love,as the dawn appear   And the darkness turns into light,   That your’ll cherish,dear,thru the passing years   This most beautiful Moscow night.   That your’ll cherish,dear,thru the passing years   This most beautiful Moscow night.      法文版歌词  Il est revenu, le temps du muguet  Comme un vieil ami retrouvé  Il est revenu fla;ner le long des quais  Jusqu'au banc où je t'attendais  Et j'ai vu refleurir  L'éclat de ton sourire  Aujourd'hui plus beau que jamais  Le temps du muguet ne dure jamais  Plus longtemps que le mois de mai  Quand tous ses bouquets déjà seront fanés  Pour nous deux rien n'aura changé  Aussi belle qu'avant  Notre chanson d'amour  Chantera comme au premier jour  Il s'en est allé, le temps du muguet  Comme un vieil ami fatigué  Pour toute une année, pour se faire oublier  En partant il nous a laissé  Un peu de son printemps  Un peu de ses vingt ans  Pour s'aimer, pour s'aimer longtemps      
          419. Lead Me On    活跃于70年代的英国女歌手Maxine Nightingale知名度并不高,比较出色的作品只有这首Lead Me On,歌曲柔情款款、曼妙迷人,成为了情歌中的经典之作。        歌词  I've often heard you say  You love me as a friend  But I love you more than anyone  you know I can't pretend no longer  I would give you anything  I've thrown my world away  But you don't wanna hear that anymore  And you wanna hear me say  Come on and lead me on  Come on and tease me all night long  Loving you I know it's right  I'll always need you  I'll never leave you  Come on and lead me on  Tease me all night long  I'd rather be a fool with a broken heart  Than someone who never had a part of you  You know I told you from the start  Exactly how I feel  Times goes on, seems nothing's changed  And I'm in love for real  We have never played the games that real lovers do  So maybe we are better off  Baby I'd still like this from you  Come on and lead me on  Come on and tease me all night long  Loving you I know it's right  I'll always need you  I'll never leave you  Come on and lead me on  Tease me all night long  I'd rather be a fool with a broken heart  Than someone who never had a part of you  Come on and lead me on  Tease me all night long  I'd rather be a fool with a broken heart  Than someone who never had a part of you  Come on and lead me on  Come on and tease me all night long  Loving you I know it's right  I'll always need you  I'll never leave you  Come on and lead me on  Tease me all night long    
          420. Leader of The Band    美国民谣诗人丹佛格伯Dan Fogelberg生于1951年,在父亲的影响下,他从小就打下了坚实的钢琴和吉他的基础,并且拥有出色的创作才华,其清新流畅的旋律,婉转醉人。    这首Leader of The Band就是他创作并演唱的一首佳作,以自传的方式讲述了自己成长过程中父亲对他的重要作用。    2007年,56岁的丹佛格伯因病去世,但他带来的多首动人经典金曲还会陪伴着我们,后来将陆续介绍到。          歌词  An only child alone and wild  A cabinet maker's son  His hands were meant for different work  And his heart was known to none  He left his home and went his lone  And solitary way  And he gave to me a gift I know  I never can repay  A quiet man of music  Denied a simpler fate  He tried to be a soldier once  But his music wouldn't wait  He earned his love through discipline  A thundering velvet hand  His gentle means of sculpting souls  Took me years to understand    The leader of the band is tired  And his eyes are growing old  But his blood runs through my instrument  And his son is in my soul  My life has been a poor attempt  To imitate the man  I'm just a living legacy  To the leader of the band    My brothers' lives were different  For they heard another call  One went to Chicago  And the other to St. Paul  And I'm in Colorado  When I'm not in some hotel  Living out this life I've chosen  And come to know so well    I thank you for the music  And your stories of the road  I thank you for the freedom  When it came my time to go  I thank you for the kindness  And the time when you got tough  And papa I don't think I said  I love you' near enough  The leader of the band is tired  And his eyes are growing old  But his blood runs through my instrument  And his son is in my soul  My life has been a poor attempt  To imitate the man  I'm just a living legacy  To the leader of the band  I am a living legacy  To the leader of the band  
          421. Lean on Me    创作型歌手比尔威瑟斯(Bill Withers)绝对属于大器晚成,他1938年出生在美国一个家境贫寒、子女众多的黑人家庭,从小还有口吃的毛病。    比尔威瑟斯先是当兵、退伍后在工厂当工人,业余时间自己写歌、唱歌,直到1970年终于有一家唱片公司对他寄出的歌曲Demo产生兴趣,决定为他录制专辑,此刻的他已经32岁了。    比尔威瑟斯的首张专辑就大获成功拿到了格莱美,接着推出的第二张专辑里,他为大家带来了这首他自己创作的Lean on Me,这是他以前在工厂打工时写给周围工友的歌,歌中颂扬了普通人之间那种纯真无私的友情,经历坎坷、苦尽甘来的比尔威瑟斯此刻唱出的这首歌立刻打动了无数歌迷,歌曲在1972年拿到了排行榜冠军。    到了十五年后的1987年,一支叫做Club Nouveau 的美国乐队翻唱了这首Lean On Me ,这首歌因此再次走红,不仅拿到了排行榜冠军、而且也获得了格莱美。    到了93年,巨星迈克尔波顿(Michael Bolton)也推出了自己的翻唱版夲,更是传唱一时。      歌词  Sometimes in our lives  we all have pain  we all have sorrow  But if we are wise  we know that there's  Always tomorrow  Oh,yeah    Lean on me  when you're not strong  and I'll be your friend   I'll help you carry on  for  it won't be long  'til I'm gonna need  Somebody to lean on  Please swallow your pride  If I have things  you need to borrow  For  No one can fill  Those of all your needs  That you won't let show    You just call on me brother  When you need a hand.  We all need somebody to lean on  I just might have a problem  That you'll understand  We all need somebody to lean on  Lean on me  When you're not strong   I'll be your friend   I'll help you carry on   For  it won't be long   I'm gonna' need till i'm gonna need somebody   Somebody to lean on  You just call on me brother  when you need a hand  We all need somebody to lean on  I just might have a problem  That you'll understand  We all need somebody to lean on  If   There is a load  You have to bear   That you can't carry on  I'm right up the road  I'll share your load   If you just call me  Call me(call me)   If you need a friend  Call me(call me)   Oh  Lean on me  When you're not strong   I'll be your friend   I'll help you carry on   For  It won't be long   I'm gonna' need(till i'm gonna need somebody )  Somebody to lean on.  Lean on  If you need a friend   Call me...Call me...   Lean on....  You can lean on me  Lean on....  Lean on me...  
          422. Leaving on a Jet Plane    乡村巨星约翰丹佛(John Denver)大家应该很熟悉了,早年时,尚未成名的他还是一个叫做The Chad Mitchell Trio的民谣乐队中的一员,但已经开始尝试自己写歌,一个偶然的机会,他写的Leaving on a Jet Plane这首歌被美国大名鼎鼎的民谣三重唱组合Peter Paul And Mary(彼得、保罗和玛丽)看上并录制在他们1967年发行的专辑里面。    当时这首歌曲并不是作为主打歌,因此也没能引起太大反响,而推出此专辑后三人组合中的玛丽开始生小孩,三人决定暂时先不推出新歌,休息一段时间再说。    三人这一歇就是两年多,害得大量的歌迷望眼欲穿,最终一个美国电台的DJ开始炒冷饭,反复播出Leaving on a Jet Plane这首歌,让彼得、保罗和玛丽的狂热粉丝们先解解渴。    结果歌曲播出后立刻引起轰动,大家纷纷感叹,这么好的一首歌差点就成为遗珠之作了,结果歌曲在推出2年4个月之后咸鱼翻生拿到了排行榜冠军;同时歌曲的作者约翰丹佛也获得唱片公司的青睐开始单飞发展,其首张专辑中当然少不了让他走红的这一曲Leaving on a Jet Plane。    Leaving on a Jet Plane的本意就是乘喷气飞机离去,而在1997年,54岁的约翰丹佛死于飞机失事,Leaving on a Jet Plane一语成谶。    造化弄人啊。            歌词  All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go  I'm standing here outside your door  I hate to wake you up to say goodbye  But the dawn is breaking, it's early morn'  The taxi's waiting, he's blowing his horn  Already I'm so lonesome I could die  So kiss me and smile for me  Tell me that you'll wait for me  Hold me like you'll never let me go  Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane  I don't know when I'll be back again  Oh baby, I hate to go  There's so many times I've let you down  So many times I've played around  I tell you now, they don't mean a thing  Every place I go I think of you  Every song I sing I'll sing for you  When I come back, I'll wear your wedding ring  So kiss me and smile for me  Tell me that you'll wait for me  Hold me like you'll never let me go  Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane  I don't know when I'll be back again  Oh baby, I hate to go    Now the time has come to leave you  One more time, oh let me kiss you  And close your eyes and I'll be on my way  Dream about the days to come  When I won't have to leave alone  About the times that I won't have to say  kiss me and smile for me  Tell me that you'll wait for me  Hold me like you'll never let me go  Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane  I don't know when I'll be back again  Oh baby, I hate to go  I'm leaving on a jet plane  I don't know when I'll be back again  Oh baby, I hate to go  
  mark 谢了
  A New Day Has Come  这首歌是要听听··· 马克下··觉得不错·
          423. Lemon tree    有两首同叫柠檬树Lemon tree的歌曲,都非常经典。    先介绍时间上比较近的一首,90年代,五个德国小伙子组成了乐队Fool's Garden 愚人花园(也有翻译为傻瓜花园),他们最著名的作品就是这首Lemon tree,这是一首描写失恋心情的歌曲,慵懒无奈中又带有一丝清新和活泼,配器上也十分考究。        歌词  I'm sitting here in a boring room  It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon  I'm waisting my time, I got nothing to do  I'm hanging around, I'm waiting for you  But nothing ever happens, and I wonde  I'm driving around in my car  I'm driving too fast, I'm drving too far  I'd like to change my point of view  I felt so lonely, I'm waiting for you  But nothing ever happens, and I wonder  I wonder how, I wonder why  Yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky  And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree  I'm turning my head up and down  I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around  And all that I can see is just another yellow lemon tree    I'm sitting here, and I miss the power  I'd like to go out taking a shower  But there's a heavy clound inside my mind  I feel so tired, and put myself into bed  Where nothing ever happens, and I wonder  Isolation is not good for me  Isolation I don't want to sit on the lemon-tree  I'm stepping around in a desert of joy  Baby, anyhow I get another toy  And everthing will happen, and you wonder    I wonder how, I wonder why  Yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky  And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree  I'm turning my head up and down  I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around  And all that I can see is just another yellow lemon tree  I wonder how, I wonder why  Yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky  And all that I can see  And all that I can see  And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree  
Lemon tree    第二首Lemon tree则更为古老,它最早是一首拉美民谣Meu lim?o, meu limoeiro,60年代时曾被巴西歌手Wilson Simonal以爵士乐的风格演绎,更我前面刚刚介绍过的著名的民谣组合彼得、保罗和玛丽Peter、Paul And Mary则以清新的民谣风格、完美的和声带来了一曲英文版本。    彼得、保罗和玛丽的版本在六七十年代红遍整个欧美,而我更早介绍过的澳大利亚组合The Seekers也有一版与他们风格接近的版本,没办法,The Seekers当年就是号称“澳洲的彼得、保罗和玛丽”嘛。        歌词  When I was just a lad of ten, my father said to me,  Come here and take a lesson from the lovely lemon tree  Don't put your faith in love, my boy&, my father said to me  I fear you'll find that love is like the lovely lemon tree  Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet  But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat  Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet  But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat  One day beneath the lemon tree, my love and I did lie  A girl so sweet that when she smiled the stars rose in the sky  We passed that summer lost in love beneath the lemon tree  The music of her laughter hid my father's words from me  Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet  But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat  Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet  But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat  One day she left without a word. She took away the sun.  And in the dark she left behind, I knew what she had done.  She'd left me for another, it's a common tale but true  A sadder man but wiser now I sing these words to you  Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet  But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat  Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet  But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat  Lemon tree...  
    顶起来,LZ辛苦啦。。。  等待分页
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Les Parapluies de Cherbourg    米歇尔勒格朗(Michel Legrand),法国音乐大师,曾为200多部电影配乐,多次赢得奥斯卡奖。    这首Les Parapluies de Cherbourg就是他的代表作品,来自于60年代经典的同名爱情电影(中译名为“瑟堡的雨伞”或“秋水伊人”), 原唱就是影片的男女主角凯瑟琳德纳芙 Catherine Deneuve和尼诺卡斯特尔诺沃Nino Castelnuovo, 影片问世后引起巨大轰动,而其主题曲更是不胫而走、红遍全球,几十年来拥有大量的翻唱和演奏版本。        歌词  Non, je ne pourrai jamais vivre sans toi,  Je ne pourrai pas, ne pars pas, j'en mourrai!  Un instant sans toi et je n'existe pas,  Mais mon amour, ne me quitte pas.  Mon amour, je t'attendrai toute ma vie,  Reste prs de moi, reviens, je t'en supplie!  J'ai besoin de toi, je veux vivre pour toi,  Oh, mon amour, ne me quitte pas.  Ils se sont spars sur le quai d'une gare.  Ils se sont loign dans un dernier regard.  Oh, je t'aime! - ne me quitte pas.  Non, je ne pourrai jamais vivre sans toi,  Je ne pourrai pas, ne pars pas, j'en mourrai!  Un instant sans toi et je n'existe pas,  Mais mon amour, ne me quitte pas.  Mon amour, je t'attendrai toute ma vie,  Reste prs de moi, reviens, je t'en supplie!  J'ai besoin de toi, je veux vivre pour toi,  Oh, mon amour, ne me quitte pas.    
Let It Be    对披头士Beatles 无需更多介绍。    这首歌是他们的最后一支单曲,作者是乐队里除约翰列侬John Lennon外的另一大灵魂人物保罗麦卡特尼Paul McCartney。    在60年代末期,乐队四名成员之间已经貌合神离,解散成为必然选择。保罗麦卡特尼曾试图自己出头来整合团队重振旗鼓但效果不佳,约翰列侬去意已决要和小野洋子(Yoko)开创新天地,乔治哈里森George Harrison早已不满在乐队中的从属地位,林戈斯塔尔Ringo Starr也心灰意冷,天下没有不散的宴席啊。    有感而发,保罗麦卡特尼写出了这首“顺其自然Let It Be”,有几许无奈,但更有一种解脱和淡定。    这首披头士的绝唱以其充满睿智的内涵和精彩的旋律再次轰动天下,成为了不朽的神作,几十年来被加拿大天后安玛莉Anne Murray、意大利天后米娜Mina、情歌圣手爱伦奈维尔(Aaron Neville)、R&B天后艾瑞莎弗兰克林Aretha Franklin、民谣天后琼贝兹Joan Baez、乡村歌王约翰丹佛John Denver等无数大牌歌手以及詹姆斯拉斯特(James Last)、伦敦交响乐团(London Symphony Orchestra)等著名乐团多次翻唱、演奏。    当一首歌曲用流行、摇滚、乡村、灵魂、民谣都可以演绎为经典的时候,它的伟大不言而喻。          歌词  When I find myself in times of trouble  Mother Mary comes to me  Speaking words of wisdom let it be  And in my hour of darkness  She is standing right in front of me  Speaking words of wisdom let it be  Oh let it be let it be  Let it belet it be  Whisper words of wisdom let it be  And when the broken hearted people  Living in the world agree  There will be an answer let it be  For though they may be parted there is  Still a chance that they will see  There will be an answer let it be  Oh let it be let it be  Let it be let it be  There will be an answer let it be  Oh let it be let it be  Let it be let it be  Whisper words of wisdom let it be    Oh let it be let it be  Let it be let it be  Whisper words of wisdom let it be  For though they may be partedThere   There is still a light that shines on me  Shine on until tomorrow let it be  I wake up to the sound of music  Mother Mary comes to me  Speaking words of wisdom let it be  Let it be let it be  Let it be let it be  There will be an answer let it be  Oh let it be let it be  Let it be let it be  There will be an answer let it be  Let it be  
Let It Be Me    吉尔伯特彼高德(Gilbert Becaud),出生于20年代的法国音乐人,自幼接受钢琴训练,成年后一直从事演奏和作曲,后来在法兰西玫瑰天后埃迪特皮亚芙(Edith Piaf)的鼓励下开始开口演唱并逐渐走红。    50年代,他创造并演唱的Je t’appartiens轰动法国,而在大洋彼岸,美国词作者Mann Curtis将其填上了英文歌词名为Let It Be Me,由女星Jill Corey唱出,但反应一般。    接着,著名的艾佛利兄弟二重唱The Everly Brothers( 我在前面的All I have to do is dream、Bye bye love 、Devoted To You等歌曲里已经介绍过他们)也推出了自己的版本,这个版本立刻引起了轰动,就连猫王、鲍勃迪伦(Bob Dylan)、汤姆琼斯(Tom Jones)、威利尼尔森(Willie Nelson) 、妮娜西蒙(Nina Simone)、佩杜拉克拉克(Petula Clark)等巨星也都纷纷推出自己的翻唱。    还有一个现象,本来这首歌无论法语原版还是英文首唱版都是独唱,但由于艾佛利兄弟版本的和声非常美妙,以至于后来又有大批的翻唱版本效仿此道、用两人对唱的模式来演绎此歌,包括60年代的著名黑人R&B歌星杰里巴特勒Jerry Butler和贝蒂埃弗雷特Betty Everett、鼎鼎大名的正义兄弟组合Righteous Brothers、乡村歌王肯尼罗杰斯Kenny Rogers和多蒂威斯特Dottie West、英国猫王克利夫理查Cliff Richard音乐剧女王伊莲佩姬Elaine Paige、格伦坎贝尔Glen Campbell和芭比珍翠Bobbie Gentry等等。    我个人比较偏爱的对唱版本有两个,一个来自加拿大天后安玛丽Anne Murray与乡村歌手文斯基尔Vince Gill的男女对唱,另一个则是来自于西班牙情歌之王胡里奥伊格莱西亚斯Julio Iglesias与加芬克尔Garfunkel(就是经典组合西蒙与加芬克尔Simon & Garfunkel中的那个加芬克尔)的男男合作。          歌词  I bless the day I found you  I want to stay around you  And so I beg you  Let it be me  Don't take this heaven from one  If you must cling to someone  Now and forever  Let it be me  Each time we meet love  I find complete love  Without your sweet love  What would life be  So never leave me lonely  Tell me you love me only  And that you'll always  Let it be me  Each time we meet love  I find complete love  Without your sweet love  What would life be  So never leave me lonely  Tell me you love me only  And that you'll always  Let it be me    
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  jiao ji deng dai!!!
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          428. Let Me Be There    前面在第333首I Honestly Love You里面我已经介绍过70年代著名女歌手奥莉维亚纽顿约翰(Olivia Newton John),今天的这首Let Me Be There就是她的成名作。    英国出生的奥莉维亚纽顿约翰儿时全家移居澳大利亚,后来她和好友Pat Carroll组成女子二重唱组合Pat & Olivia在选秀比赛中脱颖而出,又赢得了去英国发展的机会。    奥莉维亚在英国与英国猫王克利夫理查(Cliff Richard)的专属乐队The Shadows的成员Bruce Welch相恋,而Pat Carroll则回到澳洲,嫁给了当地的一名吉他手John Farrah。    后来The Shadows解散,Bruce Welch却和John Farrah一见如故,两人开始合作,共同为奥莉维亚写歌以及制作(Pat Carroll不知为何不唱了,否则又是一个经典的ABBA式的四人组合)。    他们在英国开始小有名气并且被美国的唱片公司看中,为了进军美国市场,Bruce Welch和John Farrah联手制作了Let Me Be There这首带有乡村风格的作品,结果歌曲在美国一炮而红,最终为奥莉维亚赢到了格莱美的最佳乡村女歌手。    这个事在当时一度引起了轩然大波,因为奥莉维亚是英国人,曾经公开承认自己不太懂乡村音乐,而制作这首歌的Bruce Welch和John Farrah也都不是美国人,让他们拿了格莱美的乡村音乐大奖,这对于乡村乐这种地道的美国本土音乐真是一个讽刺,以至于当时曾有部分乡村乐手退出了美国乡村乐协会表示抗议。    但是不管怎么样,Let Me Be There算是红了,连大名鼎鼎的猫王都来翻唱。      歌词  Wherever you go  Wherever you may wander in your life  Surely you know  I always wanna be there  Holding your hand  And standing by to catch you when you fall  Seeing you through  In everything you do  Let me be there in your morning  Let me be there in your night  Let me change whatever's wrong and make it right  (Make it right)  Let me take you through that wonderland  That only two can share  All I ask you is let me be there  (Oh let me be there)  (Music)  Watching you grow  And going through the changes in your life  That's how I know  I'll always want to be there  Whenever you feel  You need a friend to lean on here I am  Whenever you call  You know I'll be there  Let me be there in your morning  Let me be there in your night  Let me change whatever's wrong and make it right  (Make it right)  Let me take you through that wonderland  That only two can share  All I ask you is let me be there  (Oh let me be there)  Let me be there in your morning  Let me be there in your night  Let me change whatever's wrong and make it right  (Make it right)  Let me take you through that wonderland  That only two can share  All I ask you is let me be there  (Let me be there)  All I ask you is let me be there  (Let me be there)    


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