
上传时间: 17:45:00
悠长如幻的夏日,麦浪随风的那边山坡,罂粟花盛开…美好爱情的隽永回忆如潮汐暗涌而来,夹杂海风里泪水的咸腥,将时间掩埋。没错,这只是点滴细碎呓语拼凑成的寥寥感觉。在夏天明媚日头忽而闪过眼睛的一瞬,回想起爱情明媚中咸腥的感觉。灵感来自——宫崎骏 和 James Ivory 填词没有完全按照两部原作的设定,只是尽量保留了原作质朴空灵的美好意境,笔力有限,言辞不到之处,万望听众们见谅。
Poppy-covered hillside原曲 手岛葵【再见夏天】词
顾惜人Once more the summer comesBack again the brilliant sun
Shall I spell out your name Like you’ve never leave long
Once more a summer time
Back again the blossom tideSomeday encountered meWill you lit up with smileWhen I take your handWill you seize on mine Can we hold Till the whole world passing byEnfold me in your armsClose to your beating heart So real,that I feel
Here you are Once more a summer day Who take the smile away Can I follow the wind
To find where do they stayfar off the crowdy townfield road I walk alongI saw a view from back why the figure so gloomdown by the barley seafresh scent came right to meand I wander and wanderas though in a dream
if I sing your songwill you echo my humcan we stayas the time never turn aroundthere comes from your lipssunshine happen on mesuddenly,I can feelmy heart freedown by the camphor treeold days blow in the windseed in the memoriesthey become blossom tree
歌曲名:【英文填词】poppy-covered hillside(虞美人盛开的山坡/再见夏天)
相关歌曲音乐人:顾惜人音乐人:逝雪莲华音乐人:小给北Poppy & Red的插画纹样设计作品 插画艺术--创意图库600x600&&153kb600x600&&196kb600x600&&119kb600x600&&128kb600x600&&111kb600x600&&164kb600x600&&159kb600x600&&172kb页面生成时间: 0.010686以ven.vent为词根的单词
venture v n.冒险,冒险做(vent+ure 来到[危险]→冒险)
venturesome a 冒险的(venture+some 有点…的)
adventure n 冒险(ad 表增强+venture 冒险)
adventurous a 爱冒险的
advent n 到来,出现(ad 加强动作+vent→来到)
adventitious a 偶然的,不定的(advent 来到+itious→[突然]来到的→偶然的)
convent n 女修道院(con 聚集+vent→大家聚集来[修道]→[女]修道院)
convention n 集会;惯例(con 聚集+vent+ion→大家聚集到→起→集会)
conventionality n 老一套;习俗(convention 习俗+ality性质)
event n 事件(e 出+vent→出来的事→事件)
eventful a 变故多的(event+ful→事件多→多变故的)
eventual a 最终的(event 事件+ual→出事[之后]→最终的)
eventuality n 不测事件(eventual+ity)
invent v 发明,创造(in 进+vent→走进来→发明出)
inventive a 有创造能力的(invent+ive)
prevent v 防止,阻止(pre 预先+vent→预先来到→抢先一步,防止别人)
preventive a 预防性的
convene v 召集,召唤(con 全部+ven+e→来到一起→召集)
convenience n 方便,便利(con 聚集+ven 来+ience→大家能够聚集到一起→方便)
revenue n 收入,岁入(re 回+ven+ue→回来的东西→收入)
avenue n 大路,道路(让人可以走来走去)
contravene v 违反(contra+en+e→反着来→违反)
covenant n 协议,契约(co 共同+ven+ant→共同走来→协议)
intervene v 干涉,介入(inter 中间+ven+e→进入到中间去→干涉)
inventory n 清单,财产目录(in 进+vent+ory→进来的[全部财产]清单)


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