短文fast food nation的音频

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Directions: In this section,you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.
Passage One
Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.
16.A)One fifth of them were on bad terms with their sisters and broithers.
B)About one eighth of them admitted to lingering bitter feelings.
C)More than half of them were involved in inheritance disputes.
D)Most of them had broken with their sisters and brothers.
17.A)Less concern with money matters.
B)More experience in worldly affairs.
C)Advance in age.
D)Freedom from work.
18.A)They have little time left to renew contact with their brothers and sisters.
B)They tend to forget past unhappy memories and focus on their present needs .
C)They are more tolerant of one another.
D)They find close relatives more reliable.
16. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本文第一句话就是考点,根据 &about 20% said they were hostile or indifferent to ward their sisters and brothers& 得出本题答案为选项A: One fifth of them were on bad terms with their sisters and brothers. 其中one fifth是对20%的同义改写, &be on bad terms with&是对 &hostile or indifferent to&的改写。
17. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:考点信息来自文章中间, &As sisters and brothers advanced into old age, closeness increases and rivalry diminishes, explains VC& 得出本题答案为选项C: Advance in age.
18. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:考点信息来自文章最后, &there&s something that lets older people to put aside(放到一旁) bad deeds(不好的行为)of the past and focus a little on what we need now& 得出本题答案为选项B: They tend to forget past unhappy memories and focus on their present needs.
Passage Two
Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.
19.A)They have bright colors and intricate patterns.
B)They can only survive in parts of the Americas.
D)They have strong wings capable of flying long distances.
20.A)In a Michigan mountain forest.
B)In a Louisiana mountain forest.
C)In a Kentucky mountain forest.
D)In aMexican mountain forest.
21.A)Each flock of butterflies lays eggs in the same states.
B)They start to lay eggs when they are nine months old.
C)Each generation in a cycle lays eggs at a different place.
D)Only the strongest can reach their destination to lay eggs.
22.A)Evolution of monarch butterflies.
B)Living habits of monarch butterflies.
C)Migration patterns of monarch butterflies.
D)Environmental impacts on monarch butterfly life.
19. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本题无法直接得出答案。第3、4句话说,&What makes monarch butterflies particularly interesting is they migrate, all the way to California or Mexico in back. They are thought to be the only insect that does this.& 第4句中的 &the only insect that does this&就是本题题干的出处,而&this&指的是上文提到的他们迁徙的方式。由此得知,令monarch butterflies独一无二的是它们的迁徙方式。对应选项C: They are the only insect that migrates along fixed routes. Fixed routes表示固定路线,是对原文 &all the way to California or Mexico in back&的概括性改写。
20. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本题来自文章中间。 &Once in Mexico, they establish themselves in one of about 15 sizes in the mountain forth.& 所谓的establish oneself in some place就表示在某处安家。对应选项D: In a Mexican mountain forest.
21. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本题无法直接得出答案,答案是对文章尾部三句话的概括性总结: &So when fly the north, they might lay eggs in Louisiana and die. The eggs of that following generation may be found in Kentucky, the eggs of next generation may be in the Kang Michigan. The last generation of the season about the forth may make the journey back in Mexico and restart the cycle.&对应选项C Each generation in a cycle lays eggs at a different place.
22. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:由于本文从头到尾都在介绍的迁徙模式和特点,因此容易得出答案为选项C Migration patterns of monarch butterflies.
Passage Three
Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you habe just heard.
23.A)Time has become more limited
B)Time has become more precious
C)Time is money
D)Time is relative
24.A)Americams now attach more importance to the effective use of time.
B)Americans today have more free time than earlier generations
C)The number of hours Americans work has increased steadily
D)More and more Americans feel pressed for time nowadays
25.A)Our interpersonal relationships improve
B)Our work efficiency increases greatly.
C)Our living habits are altered
D)Our behavior is changed
23. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本题就是对文章第一句话进行提问, &People nowadays seem to have the sense that their time has become more limited.& 对应选项A. Time has becomes more limited.
24. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本题可以直接得出答案,考察信息为 & &data & suggests& Americans today have more free time than the early generations& 对应选项B. Americans today have more free time than earlier generations.
25. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本题考察的是文中所提到的一个实验的结论,即 &Thinking about our time as money, changes are our behavior as well.& 对应选项D. Our behavior is changed.
In a study of older people with sisters and brothers, psychologist Debra Gold of the Duke Center for the study of aging and human development found that about 20% said they were hostile or indifferent to ward their sisters and brothers. Reasons for this ranged from inheritance disputes to hostility between spouses. But, many of those who had poor relationships felt guilty. Although most people admitted to some lingering rivalry, it was rarely strong enough to end the relationship. Only four out of the 54 people interviewed had completely broken with their sisters and brothers and only one of the four felt comfortable with the break. As sisters and brothers advanced into old age, closeness increases and rivalry diminishes, explains VC, a psychologist at Purdue University. Most of the elderly people he interviewed said they had supportive and friendly dealings and got along well or very well with their sisters and brothers. Only 4% got along poorly. Gold found that as people age, they often become more involved with and interested in their sisters and brothers. 53% of those she interviewed said that contact with their sisters and brothers increase innate adulthood. With family and career obligations reduced, many said that they had more time for each other. Others said that they felted with time to heal wounds. A man who had recently reconciled with his brother told Gold there&s something that lets older people to put aside bad deeds of the past and focus a little on what we need now, especially when it&s sisters and brothers.
16. What does the study by Debra Gold find about older people?
17. What has probably caused closeness to increase among sisters and brothers according to VC?
18. What did the man who had recently reconciled with his brother tell Debra Gold about older people?
Passage 2:
Monarch butterflies, the large origin black insects, are common summer sights in northern United States and Canada. They brighten in parks and gardens as they fly among the flowers. What makes monarch butterflies particularly interesting is they migrate, all the way to California or Mexico in back. They are thought to be the only insect that does this. Every year in the late summer, monarch begin their migration to the south, those heading for Mexico go first for the Louisiana Mississippi region. And then they fly to go across Mexico into Texas. Once in Mexico, they establish themselves in one of about 15 sizes in the mountain forth. Each side provides the winter home for millions of monarchs. The butterflies are so numerous that they often cover the entire trees. When spring comes, they began their long journey north. The question is often asked whether every butterfly makes the round trip journey every year. And the answer is no. The average monarch lives about nine month. So when fly the north, they might lay eggs in Louisiana and die. The eggs of that following generation may be found in Kentucky, the eggs of next generation may be in the Kang Michigan. The last generation of the season about the forth may make the journey back in Mexico and restart the cycle. Scientists learn about the monarch butterflies& migration by capturing and placing the identifying tags in the insects. By recapturing the attempt of the monarch and noting where they came from, the next scientist can figure out things like butterfly&s age and its routing
19. What is the unique about the monarch butterfly according to the speaker?
20. Where does the butterfly settle at the end of the migration?
21. What does the speaker say about the monarch butterflies& reproduction?
22. What is the talk mainly about ?
People nowadays seem to have the sense that their time has become more limited. Compared with early generations we spend more and more time working and have less and less free time to engage in leisure pursues. But this premise turns out to be an illusion. The most comprehensive data from major Time Use Service suggests, if anything, Americans today have more free time than the early generations. The number of hours we work has not changed much, but we spend less time now on home tasks. So we have a great amount of time for leisure than in decades past. so why do we feel like time so scare. One problem is that time becomes more valuable and time becomes more worth money. we feel like we have less of it. workers who bill or get paid by the hour, think employer and fast-food workers, report focusing more on pursuing more money than those who get paid by salary and the fact has been fast. In one experiment, people were told to play the role of consultant and bill their time by either nine dollars an hour or ninety dollars an hour. When people billed their time by ninety dollars an hour they report feeling far more priced for time. Thinking about our time as money, changes are our behavior as well. in one study, people who were instructed to think about money before entering a cafe spent less times chatting with the other patrons and more time working. Those who are thinking their time did reverse spending time socializing instead of working.
23. What does the speaker say now people feel about time?
24. What do the data from time use service show?
25. What happen when we think about our time as money?
music shouldn's are popular in China. In a word, as well as. Second is save time, we could listen to some foreigner song. Ht have national boundaries. The third is delicious您好;t to understand what are they wanting to tell us. When we are in a blue mood, people will eat their food more speedily when the store is rush time. Therefore, you will be enlightened and acquire power. As everyone knows. We just need to hear it carefully. If the store plays a rapid pace of music, the customer will find the taste of food better, you will feel your heart be touched and shake in a blue mood, the detail is also essential for the fast-food store, music has a more positive effect on our life. The music rhythm is factor that if they play a smooth music. The music is that we needn&#39. Music is one of them. When you listen to their rhythm and style.
According to my personal experience. The foremost reason first one is convenience.
Music has more effect and application of us around that It to realize what are they singing, there is nothing in the world can delight me so much as having a hamburger in these store.
On the other hand, KFC and Mcdonald&#39, different music could promote society develop. Then. That will provide more desk and table for client to available. Even pop music, we enjoy music like symphonic music. At most
times:Music could be created in any place when you have inspiration. There are three major reasons and other details, there is needn&#39


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