
Four-year-old father, a man 40 to spend, and women 40 jerry, dad birthday, we went to fly a kite, go home, my father bought a cake, put a candle, blow out, he cut the cake. Dad really happy today, ah
您可能关注的推广我要过生日,爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶帮我庆祝,心情开心英语作文不少于5 句话_百度作业帮
我要过生日,爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶帮我庆祝,心情开心英语作文不少于5 句话
我要过生日,爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶帮我庆祝,心情开心英语作文不少于5 句话
my birthday is coming,parents are preparing for me.in that special day,grandparents and parents celebrated together.it was really a wonderful day.关于生日的英语作文,必须原创!关于生日父母怎么给自己过生日的英语作文必须原创,大学水平!_百度作业帮
Do you celebrate your family members' birthday party?Cause my parents do.They always manage to give me a surprise on my birthday.The surprises are so surprising that they surprised me.I remember in my 12th birthday,my mother told me to go the market to get some vegetables.I was so upset,because I thought they had forgotten it's my birthday.I almost cried on my way to the market.But when I got to it,I found out the real reason they send my here.There was a big cake in the maket that had words"happy birhtday" on it.And my parents came out from nowhere,handed me all the beautiful present.I was too shocked to react.Is there a better way to celebrate one's birthday?I don't think so.
Everyone wants to live in a hamonious family,and I am very lucky to be living in one.My parents love me very much.They try their best to give me whatever I want,or whatever they want me to have,which ...
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09-04-23 &匿名提问 发布
现在我九岁半了,过了九次快快乐乐的生日,都是妈妈给我操办的,妈妈不只给我过生日,也给姥姥、姥爷、爸爸过生日。前几天是妈妈的生日,妈妈三十六岁了,我想让妈妈享受一下过生日的乐趣。况且,今年又是妈妈的本命年。 在妈妈过生日的前两天,我就瞒着妈妈,和爸爸一起商量怎么给妈妈过一具既快乐又有意义的生日,我和爸爸就开始为妈妈的生日做准备了。我准备为妈妈送上三朵康乃馨,康乃馨代表着对妈妈的爱,听花店的阿姨说:“红色的康乃馨祝愿母亲健康长寿;黄色康乃馨代表对母亲的感激之情;粉色康乃馨祈祝母亲永远年轻。因此,我准备买这三种颜色的康乃馨来表示对妈妈最热烈的爱。我还找出了我们家的装饰蜡烛。爸爸也到蛋糕店去为妈妈订了“小狗狗”生日蛋糕。 妈妈生日那天,放学后我立刻冲出了校门,三步并做两步地跑向校门对面,寻找花店,可是,我记忆中的花店却不见了,当时,我急得像热锅上的蚂蚁似的团团转,不停地四处张望,心里面不停地祈祷,千万要找到花店,我走过一条街又一条街,可是还没有看见花店的影子,当时我急得就差没掉眼泪了!就在我一筹莫展的时候,我一抬头,发现了一个店门口立着两个花篮,我怀着既紧张又兴奋的心情飞奔到店里,急切地问:“阿姨,有卖康乃馨的吗?”阿姨说:“小朋友,这边就是康乃馨!”当时我一听,高兴得都快跳起来了!我急忙挑了三枝漂亮的康乃馨,并让阿姨给康乃馨包上了漂亮的玻璃纸,系上粉色的印花蝴蝶结。我小心翼翼地捧着美丽的康乃馨回家了。 回到家里,看爸爸已经把丰盛的菜肴摆到了桌上,我刚把花插进花瓶,就听见“叮咚,叮咚”的门铃声,我赶快和爸爸点好了生日蜡烛,在门铃再一次响起时,我们一起打开门,唱起了“祝你生日快乐,祝你生日快乐……”的歌曲,我还拿起了康乃馨送给了妈妈,对妈妈说:“妈妈,这是我给你买的康乃馨,祝愿生日快乐!”妈妈激动地一殷抱住了我不停地亲着我蠊:“悦悦长大了,知道孝顺妈妈了。还给妈妈买花呢,还是女儿好,女儿的心真细!”爸爸也用时拿起相机拍下了这激动人心的一幕。 我们全家就一起围坐在桌旁尽情地享受美味。妈妈说:“她今天过了一个许多年来最有意义和最快乐的生日。”她说:“她永远忘不了这一天。”看着妈妈那么开心,我也觉得非常高兴,因为我做了一件让我非常开心也难以忘怀的事。
请登录后再发表评论!有关介绍爸爸妈妈的生日 年龄 爱好的英语作文 初一年级60至80词
有关介绍爸爸妈妈的生日 年龄 爱好的英语作文 初一年级60至80词
范文:My father is 44 years old,and he was born in the third of June in 19xx.He is very interested in chess,when I back home after class every day, I always saw my father
to play chess with our neiborhood,and he was concentrated on their game,whatever I said,he all is
ignoring me!My mother is 44 too,but
the diffrient from them is brithday,my mother's brithday is in August 16th.My mother is a traditional female,so she preference for drinking tea,because she thought the tea like our life,all sufferings have their reward.范文2:My parents are my good friends. They love me and I love them too. My father was borned on July1, 1979
and my mum was born on Aug 8, 1980. They like reading and dancing. My father is a manager in
factory. My mum is an office lady. They like their jobs. I am studying in a primary school.I love my teachers and my parents.
的感言:真心佩服你,谢谢! 相关知识


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