
The results showed: blanching 3~5min in 100℃
In the meantimc, the affects on the POD activity and colorprotection were also developed by adding citric acid,in comparison with thoseof the Na_2CO_3, CuSO_4.A proper concentration additives Na_2CO_3(10 ̄(-5)M)orSuSO_4(4 ×10 ̄(-4)M)in blanching water show that the enzyme inactivation andthe color protection are effective.
还进一步比较研究了添加柠檬酸、Na_2CO_3、CuSO_4等化学药品对蔬菜烫漂处理中POD活性的影响,结果用适宜浓度的Na_2CO_3(10 ̄(-5)M)或CuSO_4(4.0×10 ̄(-4)M)溶液烫漂处理具有护色和杀酶的协同效果。
The results show that the best compound is CH2OH(CHOH)4COOZn,the concentration is 2 μg /ml, the adding volume is 12 ml /100 ml and the blanching conditions are 90~92 ℃,5 minutes.
结果表明,最佳护色剂为葡萄糖酸锌,其浓度为2 μg/ml,添加量为12 ml/100 ml; 烫漂温度为90~92 ℃,烫漂时间为 5 min。
The solution of Cu2+、Mg2+、Zn2+、Ca2+ and their mixture are used to maintain the green of winter wheat juice. The experiments are mainly about the variety and concentration of the compound and the blanching time and temperature.
There was no signifident difference between blanching and no -blanching 12 kinds of vegetables nitrate content (P>0. 05).
The experimental results showed that the preserved fruit was of good taste and high quality with a natural tinct and crystal looking when it was processed according to the following technology: scalding at 90℃ for 5 min,hardening in 0.2% CaCl_2+0.3% NaHSO_3 for 10 h,sugar permeating under 0.085 MPa twice and 20 min each,and drying at 50~60℃ for 6~10 h.
试验表明:在加工过程中采用90℃5、min的烫漂护色,0.2%CaCl2+0.3%NaHSO3硬化,在真空度0.085 MPa条件下进行2次渗糖,每次20min,在50~60℃下烘干6~10 h制作的猕猴桃脯酸甜适口,色泽自然,透明饱满,质量优良。
the results showed that the best scalding temperature was 95~96℃,its POD activity decrease 95.5% in 4 minutes.
Factors included, NaHCO3(0.1%,0.5%,1%,1. 5% and 2%), Scalding temperature (50℃, 60℃, 70℃, 80 and 90℃) and scalding time (0. 5min, 1min, 1. 5min 2min and 2. 5min), resulting in 25 treatment combinations.
即烫漂液浓度分别为:0.1%、0.5%、1%、1.5%和2%; 烫漂时间分别为:0.5分、1分、1.5分和2分钟;
Different pretreatments, such as scalding, brining, sulfurated or freezing, with microwave respectively on sugar permeability have been studied through tracking down the content variations of VC and sugar in the sugared apples.
The optimum processing conditions were found. The concentration of edible alkali in the scalding liquid was 0.2%,the scalding temperature was 85~90℃ and the scalding time was 4 minutes. Then the string bean was penetrated into the edible alkali liquid which was 0.1% for 10~15 minutes.
The best method to maintain green is to blanch the fresh vegetable in 65℃ water for two minutes,then put them into 0.5% NaHSO_3 and 0.5% CaCl_2 solution, after two hours soaking, rinsing out the vegetable with fresh water, and perfusing liquid with 0.5 % CaCl_2 and 0.5% ZnCl_2, the satisfying effect will be got in the end.
The mixed solution of CuSO_4 (100 mg/kg) and Na_2SO_3 (100 mg/kg) gave the best result when used at 95℃ to blanch C. Speciosus for 2.0 minutes.
The result of the experiment shows that the best processing condition is to blanch brasenia schreberi at 99-102℃,and then smash after 1.5 minutes,and protect tint with 0.03%vitamine C. Then add 116u/100m of papain for 4 hours,and extract with 9 times boiled water for 1 hours. At last,mix and pack into bottle, and sterilize for 10 minrtes at 90℃.
2.By using different blanching temperature, blanching times and soaking times which may affect the color of the natural vegetable were studied. The result showed that the best method to maintain green is to blanch the fresh vegetable in 90-95 ℃ water, for 80s, twenty minutes soaking.
Based on carrot drying in a batch fluid bed,the thesis investigated the effects of gas flow rate, gas temperature,bed load, particle diameter,and blanch on drying rate,product quality,and thermal efficiency,and the mechanisms involved were discussed.
采用间歇流化床干燥胡萝卜 ,考察和分析了气体流量、进气温度、床层载荷、物料粒径以及烫漂预处理对干燥速率、产品质量及能量利用效率的影响 ,并对影响的过程和机理进行了详细的分析
It indicated that the best hot floating time is 2min,the temperature is 90℃;
The results showed that the perfect quality and shelf life were obtained when the materials were blanched with the solution of 0.05% citric acid for 10 minutes at 100℃,and then canned using the compounded solution of 0.10% citric acid and 4.0%NaCl as soup, at last sterilized according to the formula 5′-10′/100℃.
The optimum heating process of the carrot were: 3min,particle size 10mm,the ration between carrot ant water 1∶4,voltage 220V;
而胡萝卜通电加热的最佳烫漂工艺为,烫漂时间3 min,颗粒尺寸10 mm,料液比(g:mL)1∶4,电压220 V;
The result shows that single heating (85~100℃) and metal ions both can protect the color of green and the effect will be better after combining both of them, i.e. spinach is disposed in Zn(CH3COO)2·2H2 O solution with 500 ppm zn2+ and PH 8~8.5 for 1 to 3 minutes.
The optimum heating process of the rape were: the ratio between rape ant water 1∶4,0.5min under 220V.
油菜通电加热烫漂的适宜工艺条件为料液比(g:mL)1∶4,烫漂时间0.5 min,电压220 V。
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The reduced and total vitamic C contents in 40 kinds of vegetables and melons and 18 kinds of fruits were measured. Their variations in different seasons were also investigated.The results showed that, many vegetables and melons were rich in vitamin C in different seasons, such as Chinese cabbage, shallot, spinach, chives in spring, cabbage, spinach, radish, sweetbell greenpepper in summer and chili greenpepper, cabbage, spinach, Chinese cabbage, potato, Chinese potato, turnips, etc. in autumn and winter.Th... &&&&&&&&&&&&采用2,6—二氯酚靛酚和2,4—二硝基苯肼法对沈阳市市售蔬菜及水果中还原型维生素及总维生素C含量进行了测定,并对同一种蔬菜的季节变化;个别蔬菜不同部位的维生素C含量;以及部分蔬菜经烫漂、冻结储存后的维生素C损失情况进行了观察。结果表明:市售的蔬菜和水果含有较多的维生素C;其含量的季节性变动有一些规律;通常弃去的部分,有时含维生素C更高;冷冻前的烫漂处理可使蔬菜的维生素C遭到严重损失。&&&&&&&& The effects of blanching time on the activities of peroxidase and polyphenaloxidase and vitamin C content were studied. The optimal blanching times for conserving color and firmness of the products with the leost destruction of vitamin C were found to be: apple 4 pear 6 lettuce 3 green pepper 2 minutes . &&&&&&&&&&&&测定了大国光苹果、雪梨、莴苣和青椒经不同时间沸水烫漂后,其过氧化物酶、多酚氧化酶活性和维生素C含量的变化。结果表明,钝化过氧化物酶和多酚氧化酶的最适烫漂时间是:苹果为4分钟,雪梨为6分钟,莴苣为3分钟,青椒为2分钟。在上述最适烫漂时间内,维生素C的损失率较小,色泽、硬度等感官指标均符合质量标准。&&&&&&&& Walnut Leaf consists of Vitamin C, B, D, E, carotin benzine and many other nutriments, especially with high content of vitamin C (700~1200 mg vitamin C in 100g fresh walnut leaf). Among the series of prod-ucts made from fresh walnut leaves, tea is characterized with good pattern, transparancy and fresh green colour, pure taste and rich vitamin C (475. 2mg/100g); Soda water is distinquished with original colour of walnut leaf, moderate sour and sweat, strong flavor and the content of vitamin C is 14mg in a 2... &&&&&&&&&&&&核桃叶中含有维生素C、B、D、E和胡萝卜素、挥发油等多种营养物质,尤以维生素C的含量为高,100g鲜叶中含700~1200mg。用核桃鲜叶制做的系列产品,茶叶成形好,茶汤鲜绿、透明,味纯正,维生素C含量为475.2mg/100g茶叶;汽水为原核桃叶颜色,酸甜适度,杀口感强,维生素含量为14mg/250ml瓶装。在加工过程中要注意防止氧化;在烫漂时间一定时,水温90~99℃为宜;浸提时间以16小时为最好。&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
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