beauty and beastfashion的范文120字

Fashion trends in 2008:The 50's is back By :Morph The world of fashion is constantly changing,more and more designers are looking to the
what's old is new,and nowadays fashion is shaped by all the cultural influences from around the globe.The past continues to be the inspiration for the future but more than ever,designers are concerned about where fashion and beauty trends originate.The styles and trends you will see in 2008 will inevitably reflect modern interpretations of past designs,while also keeping an eye on emerging global trends in beauty and culture.A fashion conscious person never misses the fashion trends for the year to come.If you are already reading this article,this means that you are interested in what to wear in 2008.Do you like the fashion of the fifties?Well,you should,because it will come back in 2008 and that entire craze will be in style again.As a matter of fact,this trend of the 50s comeback has already started before 2008,so you are at least a bit familiar with the concept.Such items as high heeled pumps,slim skirts,large belts,and loose blouses with puffy collars and sleeves appear to be becoming all the rage once again.It appears that the days of butts hanging out of low-rise jeans are ending and a more sophisticated look is returning to the mainstream.Here are some of the latest staples of your wardrobe should be:* A slim skirt * A wide belt * A great fitting pair of slacks * A fitted jacket * Shaped t-shirts * Wrap blouses and dresses * Metallic accents including grey metals and gold * Denim items The colors that are dominant for the style for 2008's spring and summer are the grey,black,red,white plus yellow.This color is a problematic color that does not suit with everything,so it must be worn with great care.Use these colors to add to your classic wardrobe in unique ways.However,next year,dare to wear yellow and see how it looks.The accessories must match also the outfit.The oversized bags are still in style,while the super huge earrings and necklaces will compliment the overall clothing.The jewels may be made of plastic or more natural materials such as wood or even clay.These can be ethno influenced and create a great effect on the entire apparel,making the body look small and giving an interesting perspective.So,are you ready for spring and the summer of 2008?Get your wardrobe ready for this year's style and buy some great new trendy apparel online or in the stores that you usually visit.For those who love to shop online,i recommend to visit Designer Clothing Shop
and feel free to browse from their wide range collection of designer items.Now you know what to hunt for,just go and get them.
Something you don't know about fashionSwapping clothes is the cheapest way to change your wardrobe. The world spends more than a $1 trillion every year on clothes and textiles. And, unfortun...关于fashion的英语作文_百度知道
I think the jumper is made of cotton. Maybe they are made of leather or cotton.
The trainers are young people’s favourite, light blue is the best colour of the jean. I think the trainers are beautiful and comfortable if they’re made of leather. I like white. It is a little big.
However. Maybe we can jumper higher and farther. They are long and tight. They are very smart, so it is good for us to do some sports. Because it is clean and beautifulFashion clothes
I think the trainers the jeans and the jumper are in fashion now
but her heart is very beautifulMany pet understand the meaning of fashion. I think fashion is not very special. Her clothes while not fashion, she was wearing an old coat and dirty pants.
A week, it is common. My mom and I to go shopping. On the way there I saw a woman. She was helped old man to cross the street and help the old man to take food. I think fashion heart appear in every corner of the world, that is because they didn&#39
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&&& fashion 英文详细解释。流行趋势&&& The term "fashion" usually applies to a prevailing mode of expression, but quite often applies to a personal mode of expression that may or may not apply to all. Inherent in the term is the idea that the mode will change more quickly than the culture as a whole.&&& The terms "fashionable" and "unfashionable" are employed to describe whether someone or something fits inq with the current popular mode of expression. The term "fashion" is frequently used in a positive sense, as a synonym for glamour and style. In this sense, fashions are a sort of communal art, through which a culture examines its notions of beauty and goodness.&&& The term "fashion" is also sometimes used in a negative sense, as a synonym for fads, trends, and materialism. Fashion in clothes has allowed wearers to express emotion or solidarity with other people for millennia. Modern Westerners have a wide choice available in the selection of their clothes. &&& What a person chooses to wear can reflect that person's personality or likes. When people who have cultural status start to wear new or different clothes a fashion trend may start. People who like or respect them may start to wear clothes of a similar style.&&& This's fashion。&&& Fashion clothes 流行服饰&&& I think the trainers the jeans and the jumper are in fashion now.&&& The trainers are young people’s favourite. I think the trainers are beautiful and comfortable if they’re made of leather. Maybe we can jumper higher and farther.&&& However, light blue is the best colour of the jean. They are long and tight. Maybe they are made of leather or cotton. They are very smart.&&& I think the jumper is made of cotton. It is a little big, so it is good for us to do some sports. I like white. Because it is clean and beautiful!
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&&&&&&&&&&以lt fashion good or not为题写一篇英语作文_百度知道
以lt fashion good or not为题写一篇英语作文
and the standards of beauty are different in various periods. It's a wrong understanding of fashion. It will help us to make a good image and build confidence. With the pursuit of fashions, it&#39?Fashion is the style and custom popular at a certain period. It's easy for the fashion followers to be sucked into commercial traps and lead them far away from their original objectives and values, people always try their best to look good, the pursuit of fashion will become the pursuit of luxury and waste. There are so many fashions promoted every year, the pursuit of fashion should be reasonable and practical.Fashion is a good thing if we pursuit in appropriate means. But we must remember that what suits ourselves best is unique for everyone and will never be out of date, people may try new activities and experience new products. People pursueof fashions can make them look better and well accepted by others.However, some people think that the pursuit of fashion is the pursuit of expensive things, we can pursueof fashion. In my opinion. Besides, even every season. The meaningless fashions may cause great wastes of our social resources, and is most commonly used to describe the pos difficult for the general people to follow all the time, and it will do harm to the fashion itself, which have enormously beneficial effects on social civilization and the development of science and technology.First of all, but it should be followed with appropriate means. ThereforeFashion is good or not. When we blindly follow the trend only to show off
&&& fashion 英文详细解释。流行趋势&&& The term "fashion" usually applies to a prevailing mode of expression, but quite often applies to a personal mode of expression that may or may not apply to all. Inherent in the term is the idea that the mode will change more quickly than the culture as a whole.&&& The terms "fashionable" and "unfashionable" are employed to describe whether someone or something fits inq with the current popular mode of expression. The term "fashion" is frequently used in a positive sense, as a synonym for glamour and style. In this sense, fashions are a sort of communal art, through which a culture examines its notions of beauty and goodness.&&& The term "fashion" is also sometimes used in a negative sense, as a synonym for fads, trends, and materialism. Fashion in clothes has allowed wearers to express emotion or solidarity with other people for millennia. Modern Westerners have a wide choice available in the selection of their clothes. &&& What a person chooses to wear can reflect that person's personality or likes. When people who have cultural status start to wear new or different clothes a fashion trend may start. People who like or respect them may start to wear clothes of a similar style.&&& This's fashion。&&& Fashion clothes 流行服饰&&& I think the trainers the jeans and the jumper are in fashion now.&&& The trainers are young people’s favourite. I think the trainers are beautiful and comfortable if they’re made of leather. Maybe we can jumper higher and farther.&&& However, light blue is the best colour of the jean. They are long and tight. Maybe they are made of leather or cotton. They are very smart.&&& I think the jumper is made of cotton. It is a little big, so it is good for us to do some sports. I like white. Because it is clean and beautiful!
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