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>>>完形填空。 WelcometoWangfuStreet.WangfuStreetisagreatplacet..
&&&& Welcome&to&Wangfu&Street.&Wangfu&Street&is&a&great&place&to&enjoy&&1&. There&are&&&2&&shops&on&it.&It&is&a&very&&&3&&&street.&If&you&want&to&&&&4&,&you&can&go&to&the&bookshops.&It&is&&&5&&&from&the&&big&&supermarket.&There's&&also&&a&&new&park&&&6&&the&supermarket.&It's&&&7&&and&quiet.&You&can&&8 &your&lunch&in&it.&If&you&want&to&see &&9 ,&you&can&go&the&movie&house.&It's&&10 &the&supermarket&and&the&park.
(&&&& )1. A. yourself&&&&(&&&& )2. A. lot of&&&&&&(&&&& )3. A. small&&&&&& (&&&& )4. A. have lunch&&(&&&& )5. A. across&&&&&&(&&&& )6. A. neighborhood(&&&& )7. A. quiet&&&&&& (&&&& )8. A. buy&&&&&&&& (&&&& )9. A. books&&&&&& (&&&& )10. A. across&&&&
B. you&&&&&& B. a lot&&&& B. quiet&&&& B. play gamesB. between&& B. near&&&&&&B. clean&&&& B. make&&&&&&B. games&&&& B. between&&
C. your&&&&&&&&C. a lot of&&&&C. busy&&&&&&&&C. buy clothes C. next&&&&&&&&C. between&&&& C. busy&&&&&&&&C. take&&&&&&&&C. movies&&&&&&C. down&&&&&&&&
D. yours&&&& D. a lots of D. dirty&&&& D. buy books D. on&&&&&&&&D. next&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. dirty&&&& D. enjoy&&&& D. clothes&& D. through&&
1-5&& ACCDA &&6-10&&&&BBDCB
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“完形填空。 WelcometoWangfuStreet.WangfuStreetisagreatplacet..”主要考查你对&&日常生活类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
与“完形填空。 WelcometoWangfuStreet.WangfuStreetisagreatplacet..”考查相似的试题有:
9340327906030484014102280804305721How do you improve the productivity of software
An answer I've given regularly for many years now, and
one that applies to almost anyone who uses a computer, is give them
a bigger screen.
I used to raise eyebrows fifteen years ago by recommending that
every developer should work on a 21 inch screen. These days I say
that everyone should have at least two 20 inch screens.
Why is this important? If I have a small screen I can't see as
much at once, so to see different things I have to keep popping
windows to the front. With my two screens I can put a whole bunch of
stuff on the screen at once and all I have to do is move my
head. My eyes can flick between the text I'm typing now in Emacs and
the rendered result in firefox. I can keep open an IDE with lots of
subwindows and have documentation in a browser right there. I don't
have look around on the task bar to see where
I put that terminal
window, I just mouse and type. It's
often hard to imagine the improvement before you try, but I can
really feel the difference since I doubled my screen.
And it's not as expensive as most people think. Chatting with a
friend I looked up the price for my twin Samsung 204Bs - $700 for
the pair at my local circuit city. Developers are expensive, it
doesn't take much to recover that kind of cost (Hmmm, there's room
on my desk for a third.)
Too often these days I see pair programming done on laptops with
low and small screens. This is silly, big screens make a wise
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發表於: Wed Oct 30,
其實我係係網上面搵到呢一位化妝師, 一開始係搵佢化pre-wedding, 本來諗住pre-wedding邊個化都無咩所謂啦, 於是我求其上網搵平平地既化妝師,點知俾我好好彩執到寶&v&
pre-wedding佢當日化個妝化得好好,好自然好貼, 最重要係佢全程都會幫我補下妝, 去到最後都無乜點溶妝仲好靚! (ps : 我平時都幾易出油==)
, 髮型我就以簡單為主,所以都覺得okay!
Prewedding果日我都有一半決定左big day要搵佢幫我化妝~
最後約去試妝 , 試左1妝3頭, 結果係: 好快手,個妝仍然係咁靚, 髮型好適合我! 我自己同老公都好鍾意~~
到左我big day果日,
* 第1要讚 :
佢好準時!! 佢會早15分鐘上黎set定野( 因為之前我見過我有2-3個朋友都要係咁催個化妝師到未)
* 第2要讚 : 佢化妝化得好貼好自然唔會濃, 我本身對眼大細眼,都幫我整到對稱,而且都好快手
* 第3要讚 : 髮型佢真係做到同試妝時係一模一樣, 仲會幫我襯埋鮮花,完全唔洗擔心
* 第4要讚 : 亦都係我覺得最最最滿意既一點!!
就係我本身個人係比較燥底, 當日太多野煩之際我不斷發脾氣, 化妝師佢都仲好有耐性幫我化,仲要安撫埋我心情, 當日見到佢既樣永遠都係有笑容! (我見過有化妝師係黑口黑面的..)
所有野我都好滿意,而且佢價錢仲唔貴! 係中等價
(哈哈, 因為我係果d 太貴我又覺得唔抵,太平又覺得質素差&v& )
負面評級: <span id="user-votedown-score-
發表於: Wed Oct 30,
負面評級: <span id="user-votedown-score-
發表於: Wed Oct 30,
Plz send details Thz
負面評級: <span id="user-votedown-score-
發表於: Thu Oct 31,
已經send左俾你地喇,請check email:)
負面評級: <span id="user-votedown-score-
發表於: Thu Oct 31,
可否email 我? Thanks!
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發表於: Thu Oct 31,
負面評級: <span id="user-votedown-score-
發表於: Thu Oct 31,
pls send detail for me
負面評級: <span id="user-votedown-score-
發表於: Fri Nov 01,
睇email ar,希望各位新娘都搵到心水化妝師啦
負面評級: <span id="user-votedown-score-
發表於: Fri Nov 01,
睇email ar,希望各位新娘都搵到心水化妝師啦
負面評級: <span id="user-votedown-score-
發表於: Fri Nov 01,
PM 左我既朋友我都覆左喇.你地可以check check
我又有個朋友搵左呢位化妝師化big day~
聽聞化妝師好次過左年之後會加少少價, 所以各位sis要的話快d搵佢吧
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