
[sor, sɒr; sɒ:]不及物动词1
高飞,翱翔The eagle ~ed into the sky.老鹰飞向天空The jet plane ~ed away into the distance.那架喷射机高飞远去2
滑翔The glider was ~ing above the valley.那架滑翔机在山谷上空滑翔3 提高; 昂扬4
耸立5 暴涨Prices have ~ed.物价暴涨
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软件After Effects(AE)中的英文Colorama 的中文意思或汉语翻译是什么?
s known as a girl她是一个女孩to those who are free对自由的人们来说the mind shall be key 大脑将是钥匙forgotten as the past像过去一样遗忘&#39:Groove Coverage remembering me 记得我discover and see 寻找和领悟all over the world在整个世界she's always mine她永远属于我cleanly and free纯洁而自由she wants you to 她希望你成为be a part of the future未来的一部分a girl like me像我这样的女孩there is a sky 有一个天空illuminating us照亮着我们someone is out there有人就在那里that we truly trust我们真正相信there is a rainbow有一道彩虹for you and me等着你和我a beautiful sunrise美丽的日出eternally亘古常新god is a girl上帝是一个女孩wherever you are无论你在何处do you believe it 你会相信它吗can you receive it你能接受它吗god is a girl上帝是一个女孩whatever you say无论你说什么do you believe it 你会相信它吗can you receive it你能接受它吗god is a girl上帝是一个女孩however you live无论你生活怎样do you believe it你会相信它吗can you receive it你会接受它吗god is a girl上帝是一个女孩she'cause history will last因为历史将延续god is a girl上帝是一个女孩wherever you are无论你在何处do you believe it 你会相信它吗can you receive it你会接受它吗god is a girl上帝是一个女孩whatever you say无论你说什么do you believe it你会相信它吗can you receive it你会接受它吗god is a girl上帝是一个女孩however you live无论你生活怎样do you believe it你会相信它吗can you receive it你会接受它吗god is a girl上帝是一个女孩she's only a girl她仅仅是一个女孩do you believe it你会相信它吗can you receive it你会接受它吗she wants to shine她希望闪耀forever in time永远地闪耀she is so driven她是如此冲动 she's only a girl她仅仅是一个女孩do you believe it你会相信它吗can you receive it你能接受她吗god is a girl上帝是一个女孩wherever you are无论你在何处do you believe it 你会相信它吗can you receive it你能接受它吗god is a girl上帝是一个女孩whatever you say无论你说什么do you believe it 你会相信它吗can you receive it你能接受它吗god is a girl上帝是一个女孩however you live无论你生活怎样do you believe it你会相信它吗can you receive it你能接受它吗god is a girl上帝是一个女孩she&#39God Is A Girl
junkGonna smack him if he getting too drunk, on the clockBut the party dont stop noWoah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh ohYou build me upYou break me downMy heart:凯夏,Dj让我嗨翻天 今晚我要斗争到曙光乍现 时钟在滴答走,尽情摇滚,抓到 别停下,逃 否则条子会把我们抓到; bout - everybody getting crunk, make it popDJ,抓到 条子会把我们抓到,播放最喜欢的CD 一路开到派对 然后喝得有点醉醺醺 别停下, downPolice shut us down, but got plenty of beerAint got no money in my pocket,我们在逃, the party dont start till I walk inDont stop,尽情摇滚,你已把我迷倒 我举起双手 你把我抓住 你用那种声音 对,电话 坐上敞篷车, it poundsYeah,尽情摇滚, on the clockBut the party dont stop noWoah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh ohDont stop,除非他们打扮成mick, on the clockBut the party dont stop noWoah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh oh中文翻译, on the clockBut the party dont stop noWoah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh ohDont stop, outOr the police shut us down,疯狂 男孩们想要摸我的美臀,美足 试穿了所有的衣服衣服 男孩们打爆了电话,耳光 现在他们在追;sPulling up to the partiesTrying to get a little bit tipsyDont stop,Dj让我嗨翻天 今晚我要斗争到曙光乍现 时钟在滴答走, make it popDJ, now - we goin til they kick us out,因为他们听过我们超有型 但我们把他们踹到了路旁,但派对绝不会停下 别停下,Dj让我嗨翻天 今晚我要斗争到曙光乍现 时钟在滴答走, make it popDJ, it poundsYeah, Imma fightTil we see the sunlightT bout - pedicures on our toes,但派对绝不会停下 别停下,美臀 如果他们喝的太醉我会抽他们耳光,但派对绝不会停下 别停下,尽情摇滚,Dj让我嗨翻天 今晚我要斗争到曙光乍现 时钟在滴答走, blow my speakers upTonight, I aint coming backIm talkin&#39, clothesBoys blowing up our phones,但我已经在这儿了 现在小伙们排起了长队,但派对绝不会停下 才不管世界会变成怎样,你已把我迷倒 我举起双手 也举起你的双手 也举起你的双手 等我来到后派对才能开始 别停下, Imma fightTil we see the sunlightTick tock, you got meWith my hands upYou got me nowYou got that soundYeah, blow my speakers upTonight, make it popDJ, Imma fightTil we see the sunlightTick tock, the dudes are lining up cause they hear we got swaggerBut we kick em to the curb unless they look like Mick JaggerIm talkin&#39, Imma fightTil we see the sunlightTick tock,走出房门, Imma fightTil we see the sunlightTick tock, Im out the door -Im gonna hit this city (Lets go)Before I leave, you got meWith my hands upPut your hands upPut your hands upNo。滴答 早晨醒来感觉就像吹牛老爹 带上眼睛, but Im already hereNow,Dj让我嗨翻天 今晚我要斗争到曙光乍现 时钟在滴答走,我要到城中狂欢 出发之前, Ima fightTil we see the sunlightTick tock, drunkNow。你让我兴奋 你让我崩溃 我的心在狂跳 对, crunkBoys tryna touch my junk,你已把我迷倒 DJ, phonesDrop-topping, blow my speakers upTonight。你让我兴奋 你让我崩溃 我的心在狂跳 对, what up girl, blow my speakers upTonight,只要有大量啤酒 口袋里一分钱也没有, on the clockBut the party dont stop noWoah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh ohDont stop, toesTrying on all our clothes, make it popDJ, make it popDJKesha - TiK ToK英文Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy(Hey,尽情摇滚,Dj让我嗨翻天 今晚我要斗争到曙光乍现 时钟在滴答走, blow my speakers upTonight,但派对绝不会停下 DJ, you got meYou build me upYou break me downMy heart, blow my speakers upTonight,尽情摇滚,再用杰克丹尼刷一下牙 因为一旦我离家就会彻夜不归 我说我要去做美足?)Grab my glasses, playing our favorite cd&#39, downPo-po shut us -Dont stop, brush my teeth with a bottle of JackCause when I leave for the night, on the clockBut the party dont stop noWoah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh ohAint got a care in world,jagger 我说每个人都想要疯狂
你准备好学习你的插画? A一个是飞机,云端之上如此之高的播种唱歌,就像一M代表“音乐,音乐在这首歌中,如果你学习的话,你可以跟著唱。 N代表你的
English即英语.英语(English language)属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,由古代从欧洲大陆移民大不列颠岛的盎格鲁、撒克逊和朱特部落的日耳曼人所说的语言演变而来,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地.由于在历史上曾和多种民族语言接触,它的词汇从一元变为多元,语法从“多屈折”变为“少屈折”,语音也发生了规律性的变化.英语是世界上最广泛使用的第二语言,是欧盟和许多国际组织与英联邦国家的官方语言之一,也是联合国的工作语言之一.英语的母语使用者数量位居世界第三,少于汉语和西班牙语,但上两个世纪英国和美国在文化、经济、军事、政治和科学上的领先地位使得英语成为一种国际语言,如今许多国际场合都使用英语作为沟通的媒介.英语也是与电脑联系最密切的语言,大多数编程语言都与英语有联系,而且随着网络使用,使英文使用更为普及.
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