
原料海外直采 翻译成英文是什么?_百度知道
原料海外直采 翻译成英文是什么?
Overseas direct purchase of raw materials
09-02-27 & 发布
原地踏步翻译成准确的英语 Step on the same place
Marking time
Marking time
to mark time
  to mark time  原地踏步: Sur Place1.   那位军官让士兵们原地踏步以示惩罚。The officer made the soldiers mark time as a punishment.2.   crt技术也不是在原地踏步。Nor is CRT technology standing still. 3.   那位军官让士兵们原地踏步以示惩罚。The officer made the soldiers mark time as a punishment.
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英文翻译step:&&&& tread:&&&& grade
例句与用法1.The trunks were like the rounds of a ladder, by which we mounted .树杆像梯子的踏级,我们踏着树杆向上爬去。2.Escalator construction , driving machines , speed control , drive chains , rails , safety devices , steps , combs , guards , etc自动扶梯自动扶梯结构、驱动器、速度控制、驱动链、轨道、安全设备、踏级、梳齿、保护装置等3.He offered his
she took it , or rather just touched it with her little hand , and they together descended the steps , lined with rhododendrons and camellias她挽起他的胳膊,或者说得确切些,只是用她那只纤细的小手轻轻触着它,于是他们一同走下那两旁列着踯躅花和山茶花的踏级。 4.Spread that idea , " replied the count of monte cristo , putting his foot on the velvet - lined steps of his splendid carriage , " and that will be worth something to me among the ladies .您只管去宣传这种念头吧, ”基督山回答说,他的一只脚已踏上了那辆华丽的嵌天鹅绒的踏级, “那可以使我在太太们中间发生点影响。 ” 5.The groom heard him with humility , took the bit of the impatient animal with his left hand , and with the right held out the reins to andrea , who , taking them from him , rested his polished boot lightly on the step安德烈接过缰绳,然后他那擦得油亮的皮靴轻轻地踩到了踏级上。就在这当儿,忽然有一只手拍了一下他的肩膀。 6." without reflecting that this is the only moment in which you can study character , " " on the steps of the scaffold death tears off the mask that has been worn through life , and the real visage is disclosed“而且这是您可以研究个性的唯一时机, ”伯爵说道。 “在断头台的踏级上,死撕掉了人一生所戴的假面具,露出了真面目。 7.Conjecture soon became certainty , for the figure of a man was distinctly visible to franz , gradually emerging from the staircase opposite , upon which the moon was at that moment pouring a full tide of silvery brightness猜测不久便成了事实。因为的确有一个人影出现了,当他走上台阶来的时候,他便渐渐地从黑暗里钻了出来,月光照着台阶的顶端,而踏级则消失在暗处。 8.She was within three
she already heard morrel s voice , when suddenly a cloud passed over her eyes , her stiffened foot missed the step , her hands had no power to hold the baluster , and falling against the wall she lost her balance wholly and toppled to the floor她走下楼梯,当还只有三级楼梯未走完的时候,她已经听到莫雷尔的声音,但突然地,她眼前一阵发黑,她的脚摇摇晃晃地踩不到踏级,她的手无力握住栏杆,她撞到墙上。
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英文翻译field inspectionreconnaissance trip:&&&&scene:&&&&make an on-the- ...
例句与用法1.We had better inspect the premises first, and examine the servants afterwards .我们还是先到现场踏勘,回头再向佣人进行调查。2.Question 2 : i have seen that the other competitors had a site visit already , that means that they have received the invitation much earlier than me问题二:我看到有其他参赛单位已经进行了现场踏勘,那意味着他们比我们更早收到了邀请。 3.Epc ( engineering , procurement and construction ) tender is normally taken as the way of international power project bid , the management of bid of the turnkey contract ranged from project information collection , agent and sub - contractor selection , pre - qualification confirmation , site investigation , equipment and material price requisition , bid document and offer preparation . especially , the management methods for choice of project , agent and sub - contractor selection , the organization setting and skill of bid offer are difference from domestic project . the ability to manage the international epc bid activity is the key factor to win the project , and is very important to the operation of the wined contract涉外电力工程通常采用总承包方式招标,投标涉及项目的前期跟踪、代理人及分包商的选择、资格预审、现场踏勘及收集资料、设备询价、编制投标文件及投标报价等投标全过程的各个方面,特别是项目的选择、代理人和分包商的选择、管理组织机构的设置、报价技巧等方面的管理方法与国内总承包工程投标有较大的差别,针对涉外电力项目工程的特点,如何运用管理方法和技巧进行管理,将直接关系到项目投标的成败,同时对中标后进行项目的实际操作也具有举足轻重的意义。
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音标:[ tàshàng ]&&
英文翻译set foot onsetting foot onstep:&&&& tread:&&&& upward
例句与用法1.Winterborne pursued his own course homeward .维恩特波恩踏上了回家的路。2.Scott and his companions set out on the return journey .斯科特和他的伙伴们起身踏上归程。3.Pete, 18, filled with his dreams, caught a train .十八岁的彼特带着满怀的梦想,踏上了火车。4.He thought, striking off into trackless wilderness .他一面暗自思忖,一面踏上了无路的荒野。5.Setting foot on the island, he began to ascend the trail .他踏上荒岛,开始顺着小径往上攀登。6.She had hardly started her life and didn't want to die .她刚开始踏上生活的旅途,实在不想死啊。7.He was on his way, and he was going to be bigger than any of them .他已经踏上了正轨,他一定要超过他们。8.If i had my way i'd never set foot in the damned country again .要是由着我的话,我永远不会再踏上那个混账国家的土地。9.Bitterly disappointed, scott and his companions set out on the return journey .斯科特和他的伙伴们十分失望,便起身踏上归程。10.Colonel brandon immediately afterwards took his solitary way to dalaford .此后,布兰顿上校立刻踏上了前往迪拉弗德的孤寂的旅程。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&


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