[月亮]perfection is not attainable, but if we chasfz.com

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Byline:Zhou Yun
Half a year ago, when I first saw the design of the Moto 360, I was excited because it seems to be promising.
The first impression I have for VIVO XPLAY 3S is that it is a smart phone which designed to be a tool of entertainment. The phone is only released in Chinese Market so that it is very lucky …
Xiaomi represents a brand of smart phone which rapidly rise in the Chinese Market. I have no opportunity to use any generation of Xiaomi before so that I always look forward to have one. Fortunately, in recent time, I …
Byline:Christopher De Caro
I am a junior student working in the Information and Technology Service center (ITS) in Franklin and Marshall College.
Most of the customers came to the center are students and nine out of ten of them were …
As we all know, Red MI Note has already been released on 26, March, 2014 through the QQ blog. The new product
Byline:Ray Wen
Vivo “X-Shot” X710L really stands out from its competitors by its powerful camera and music app. The eye-watering 3 GB of RAM, as well as its Snapdragon 801 CPU on the tested model speeds up the phone really …
Byline:Usman Baig
Design: The Vivo X-Shot has a one of the most unique designs for smartphones on the market. It encompasses a 5-inch, LCD display equipped with a front camera as well as a back camera. The benefit of the …
Byline:Thomas Marentette
The Z7 Mini is an Android smartphone with a beautiful looking 5” 1080p display running android OS 4.4 KitKat. Retailing for around $300, the Z7 mini is a great value for a premium smartphone. The phone is built …
Byline:Mark Gaskin
I have just tested the Nubia Z7 Mini for a week. Overall, I’ve found the phone suitable to my needs as a public relations officer for a small business. The phone is comparable to the size of the …
The latest Xiaomi cell phone has a very sleek looking chassis from the front. The touch screen has a similar sensitivity level to the iPhone, with a slightly tackier feel. I would personally prefer a more slippery surface. However, the …
Byline:Nicholas Wolferman
My experience with the Xiaomi has been relatively pleasant. The large screen is great and the picture quality rivals that of other top phone companies. The camera and speakers also worked very well also. One small feature that …
Byline:Mingxiao Chen
vivo Xplay is not like a usual cellphone that I have used. It is extremely big: my thumb can hardly reach to the verge of the screen when I hold the phone in my hand, and when I …
Byline:Sun Changyu
Y17W is a vivo phone included in the China Unicom’s contract phone list. Based on its low price and its fashion look, we can
Byline:Wu Wenjun
Vince Lombardi said, “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.”
Byline:Zhou Yun
After the mighty Xplay 3S, Vivo brings us the brand new Xshot – a new phone features on taking photos. Lets first get the boring specs done.
Byline:Chen Mingxiao
I sat with a group of friends on a table in the restaurant. They were using my new cell phone, Xiaomi 4 to take funny pictures of each other. The restaurant’s lighting was not very
Byline: Tengjia
“It looks a lot like Apple.”
This is how others responded every time I took the
Byline: Tengjia
“It looks a lot like Apple.”
This is how others responded every time I took the
Reviewer: Lihao Yu
vivo Xplay 3S (abbreviated to vivo in the following) sets its product positioning to a very high scale according to its price, about 3500 rmb. Thus, vivo has to perform relatively well for the consumers to choose …
Byline:Zhu Shengliang
Size: The “Knife” in the Smart Phone Market
Byline:Zhou Yun
As the creator of Smartisan T1, Luo Yonghao said, Smartisan stands for “smart” and “artisan.” The phone has a standard flagship specs: a 5-inch 1080p IPS display, Gorilla Glass 3 on both side, a powerful Snapdragon 801, 2GB …
Although Xiaomi phones are mostly sold in China, the company is expanding internationally in the hope of becoming a global brand. We took a look at the Mi 4, to gauge whether Xiaomi’s newest phone is worthy of the buzz. …
Byline:Wu Wenjun
Students celebrate on Friday since it’s the last day we need to study in the week. After school hours, I went to “East Point City”, a big shopping mall in Hong Kong, with several friends. We …
Byline:Zhou Yun
It seems Huawei is really looking to enter the high-end smartphone market with the new Honor 6, packed with an 8 core processor, 3GB of Ram and a full-hd screen. But wait, let us has a …
Byline:Chen Mingxiao
White, Black and red are the theme colors of 1+, an online Chinese cell phone brand owned by Oppo. The white and red box looks striking, and the white and black phone gives people a sense …
Byline:Yu Lihao
Compared with other domestic mobile phones, Oppo Find 7 dedicates to assure the phone to stay at a very high product positioning. You start to get a sense of the superiority of Find 7 when you …
A white large high-end appearance was my first impression on Vivo XPlay 3S. It has two stripes of silver around the edges giving it a more elegant texture. When opened, I was kind of disappointed by its …
Byline:Zhu Shengliang
What? “vivo” makes cell phones?
Most people have never heard about the brand “vivo.” Even for the few who know, they wouldn’t believe that vivo, a traditional cassette player manufacturer, still
Byline:Zhu Shengliang
What? “vivo” makes cell phones?
Most people have never heard about the brand “vivo.” Even for the few who know, they wouldn’t believe that vivo, a traditional cassette player manufacturer, still
Byline:Li Tengjia
A white large high-end appearance was my first impression on Vivo XPlay 3S. It has two stripes of silver around the edges giving it a more elegant texture. When opened, I was kind of disappointed by …
Byline:Wu Wenjun
Students celebrate on Friday since it’s the last day we need to study in the week. After school hours, I went to “East Point City”, a big shopping mall in Hong Kong, with several friends. We …
Byline:Chen Mingxiao
White, Black and red are the theme colors of 1+, an online Chinese cell phone brand owned by Oppo. The white and red box looks striking, and the white and black phone gives people a sense …
Byline:Yu Lihao
Compared with other domestic mobile phones, Oppo Find 7 dedicates to assure the phone to stay at a very high product positioning. You start to get a sense of the superiority of Find 7 when you …
Byline:Zhou Yun
It seems Huawei is really looking to enter the high-end smartphone market with the new Honor 6, packed with an 8 core processor, 3GB of Ram and a full-hd screen. But wait, let us has a …
Byline:Yu Lihao
Nubia X6 gave me the first impression that it is more like a mini tablet rather than a cell phone. The 6.4-inch screen of X6 made an iPhone user like me hard to accept. First, I needed to use both of my hands instead of one, especially in typing.
Byline:Li Tengjia
The first thing I found about Redmi Note is its smoothness on hand. It’s has a certain amount of weight to give a firm feeling when resting on my palm. The black and white …
Byline:Wu Wenjun
As a regular of Apple, I have to say that vivo X3SW did an excellent job in attracting users at the first glance. It has a screen of large size—I can easily enjoy videos and texts …
Byline:Zhu Shengliang
If Google’ Nexus 4 and 5 subverted the cell phone market with their high cos-performance ratio, then the ZTE GRAND S II subverts Google. From its long lasting battery to high-resolution camera, ZTE GRAND S II satisfies every body.
Byline:Chen Mingxiao
A number of newest cell phones developed by Chinese companies were placed in front of me. Some of them had attractive features like huge screens, some I had seen many times on the advertisement on the …
Byline:Chen Mingxiao
A number of newest cell phones developed by Chinese companies were placed in front of me. Some of them had attractive features like huge screens, some I had seen many times on the advertisement on the …
Byline:Zhu Shengliang
If Google’ Nexus 4 and 5 subverted the cell phone market with their high cos-performance ratio, then the ZTE GRAND S II subverts Google. From its long lasting battery to high-resolution camera, ZTE GRAND S II satisfies every body.
Byline:Wu Wenjun
As a regular of Apple, I have to say that vivo X3SW did an excellent job in attracting users at the first glance. It has a screen of large size—I can easily enjoy videos and texts …
Byline:Li Tengjia
The first thing I found about Redmi Note is its smoothness on hand. It’s has a certain amount of weight to give a firm feeling when resting on my palm. The black and white …
Byline:Yu Lihao
Nubia X6 gave me the first impression that it is more like a mini tablet rather than a cell phone. The 6.4-inch screen of X6 made an iPhone user like me hard to accept. First, I needed to use both of my hands instead of one, especially in typing.
Byline:Wang Jiahui
nubia Z5Sn的的机身算是比较紧凑的。137.7x70x7.6mm的尺寸,再加上5英寸的超窄边框屏幕,以及其72.02%的屏占比,同时四周的边角十分圆润,使得手
第一眼看见魅族MX3的时候,便觉得外观很大气。上手后,你会发现MX3机身极薄,厚度仅有9.1mm,一手就能掌握,而且它重量很轻不会造成额外的负担。魅族MX3是一部高性能的八核手机,其操作系统为Flyme3.0,CPU型号为三星 Exynos
继2013年中兴推出Memo N5以后又推出了Memo 5S。然而,Memo 5S并不是Memo N5的升级版,在一些硬件的使用上甚至还有简化于Memo N5。但是Memo 5S具有更好的功能,例如上网和性能上。
日,金立发布新手机-金立Elife E7。ELIFE E7是金立,OmniVision,高通三家公司通力合作的产品,具有1600万像素的主摄像头,以及800万像素的前置摄像头。E7还具有“声音”,“正常”,“手势”,“微笑”,“触摸”的五个主要的拍
当我第一次拿着小米3的时候,我还以为是诺基亚Lumia 920,直到我发现MI标志才忽然醒悟。智能手机互相借鉴外观的事件时有发生,小米3的优雅与简洁还是会让一部分人为它买单的。
去年12月18日,vivo在水立方举办新品发布会,推出了号称国产最强智能手机的vivo Xplay3S。这是全球首款搭载2K屏的手机,分辨率达到,同时它也是一款支持双4G的智能手机。在采用顶级硬件配置之外,其内置的FuntouchOS系统的
在 OPPO N1发布初始,便对该手机有所关注。一是因为其宣传广告实在做的成功,二来也是因为这部手机不同于其他手机的优秀之处。
步步高,曾经的国产音乐手机,在人们的心中最有代表性的不过就是那首《我在那一角落患过伤风》。如今步步高的vivo系列,也义无反顾的加入智能手机战场,在这个拼配置的时代以其独特的 hifi 音质给这个市场增添了一股新鲜的气息。
当今,随着科技的发展,手机的功能日趋多样化。在拍照方面,旗舰手机间的竞争异常激烈,让人觉得手机成为相机的替代品。带有旋转摄像头的OPPO N1,让人们在拍照手机中有了一个新的选择。
Find5是oppo于2012年年底发布的一款旗舰机型,也是全球第一批屏幕的机型之一,只比HTC Butterfly晚了几天而已。
卓普小黑C2 旗舰版,该机搭载1.5GH四核芯处理器,2GB+32GB的内存搭配,运行阿里OS系统,用户也可选择Android OS版本。拥有一块5.0英寸1080P高清LTPS屏幕,双卡双待(Dual Sim card)
京东携手TCL推出的定制手机idol X(代号S950)正式露面,在此之前,京东还在其官方微博发起了一项名为“idol X征名 一字千金”的活动,经过一周时间的投票,最终呼声最大的“东东枪”被选中成为“idol X”的中文名。
智能手机正向大屏化,高清化,个性化的方向发展。金立推出的这款e6手机,在5寸1080p屏幕的国产手机中颇具特色,下面我们来了解一下E6。Karate Kawartha Lakes | Honour
Kawartha Lakes
With so many martial arts to choose from, why is Karate Kawartha Lakes the BEST CHOICE?
What a great question, and one that everyone interested in any martial art should ask of
"If it doesn't challenge you, it wont change you."
Starting a new school, job, sport or club is always an experience that begins with feeling nervous and uneasy.
Karate is not exempt from these feelings, quite the opposite.
When is the right class for you?
Karate Kawartha Lakes students are able to attend as many classes per week as they can for the same low monthly fee.
We offer classes 5 nights a week between the dojo's within
I have been to many karate clubs across Canada over the years and in my opinion the... My children love going to karate at Karate Kawartha Lakes. It has taught them discipline and self... Karate Kawartha Lakes has been a wonderful experience for my son and for myself. Sensei Kris Reynolds...
to Karate Kawartha Lakes
We are a family oriented traditional karate organization focusing on Sensei Masaru Shintani's teachings and values of kindness and humility.
Karate Kawartha Lakes Karate teaches traditional Japanese Karate. We are part of the , which is the largest martial arts federation of a single style in Canada spanning from coast to coast.
Unlike many modernized karate clubs, our training focuses about 80% on the practical "art" of karate and about 20% on karate as a sport. Our training regiment is designed to develop student's awareness, concentration and focus, balance, control, respect, discipline, humility and self confidence and provide effective self defense.
Sensei Masaru Shintani Feb 3, 1927 - May 7, 2000... Kyu Belt Grading - May 3, 2015 On May 3,... Karate class will generally begin with a warm up.
Simcoe, ON - May 23, 2015.
Wawa, ON - June 5-7, 2015
St. Catherines & Lindsay, ON -
Sept 12-13, 2015
Lindsay. ON - Oct. 16 & 17, 2015It's time to get better.Are you ready?
Schools we are working with include:
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Work Disconnected
The iPad software is fully functional without an internet connection. On a plane? In a remote area? International prospect? On a plane to an international prospect in a remote area?
You can still get all of your work done.
Voice Notes
Tell the staff what you think of a player or leave any other note.
The days of typing or handwriting a note are gone. This also works without an internet connection.
Share and Sync
When you do have an internet connection, the application will upload your updates (data and voice notes) to every other coach and staffer, and you will get a refresh of their data.
Historical and Analytical
Want to see how a prospect's stats have changed over time? Want to see the board as it looked two years ago to compare to how players turned out? We thought ahead and built in that functionality.
Native iOS
Because we wrote a native iOS app, you can use our app in a way that mimics other apps you use on your iPad.
It's easy to use, and does not feel like a web page squeezed into an iPad.
Measure Your Way
Your custom recruiting process includes custom evaluations. That's why our system is completely customizable based on what you want to track. Each position group can have different stats. Heck, even the
position groups you want to use can be different.
OT Recruit
Fully Featured
We designed OT Recruit to have all the features for tracking the recruiting process.
Included are a phone application, calendars, contacts, high schools, communication logs, social media, and all the data fields you need.
Use Microsoft Office
Grab your data from Excel with our custom Excel add-in. Also create letters and other documents from within Word with our custom Word add-in. You don't even need to open our app to be productive!
Questionnaire and Ticket Portals
Whether we build your recruiting website or not, we give you portals athletes can use to request tickets (or attendance to Junior Day or any other event) and to fill out valuable recruiting information.
Part of our implementation is building reports for your organization. Sure we have some reports that we know you'd want, but we will develop unlimited new ones you need at no extra charge.
Who wants to see coach, prospect, and roster data all in the same app?
The Footballscoop Coach Tracker
data (current) and LAS Teamworks data (planned) are integrated for programs that also use those services.
One of the best things about our solution is it comes from our programmers, who have been creating custom databases forever.
If you need tweak or two, who better than us to help you with that?
Our team brings decades of experience solving a wide range of technical, workflow, and creative issues. We
have worked on insurance company, banking, and homeland secruity systems. Best of all, our team of software engineers,
graphic designers, and consultants are here, with us, at our office.
Mike Thrower
Patrick Rills
Chief Technology Officer
Brooke Bramlett
Vice President
For a demo of our tools and capabilities, you can reach us at any of the following.
Mike Thrower, President:
> Development Office Address
Overtime Software
7117 Florida Blvd
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
> Corporate Address
Overtime Software
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Chapel Hill, NC 27516
> Electronic
Text: 225.772.4956 (Mike Thrower)
"Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence." -Vince Lombardi
This website is an OT Software digital production.
Copyright 2012.
All rights reserved.OLYMPICS: Britain’s Lizzie Simmonds wins gold in patriotic sunglasses fashion contest
OLYMPICS: Francis Vu wins gold in spectacularly awful presenting competition
OLYMPICS: British Swimming selects Ben Ainslie to go up against Sun Yang in 1500m
OLYMPICS: Magnini disappointed by sudden interruption to girlfriend Pellegrini’s stroke
OLYMPICS: Chad Le Clos’s dad ‘certainty’ for Overseas Sports Personality of the Year
OLYMPICS: Londoners shocked that devout Mormon might have one or two crazy ideas
Olympic swimmer communicates only in quotes
Anonymous: Competitor
A competitor has arrived at the London Olympics speaking only through the medium of motivational sporting quotes, causing alarm among officials and the assembled press corps.
The male swimmer, who team managers have asked to remain anonymous, was discovered during a routine press conference at the athlete’s village. Suspicions were first raised when he was asked by a reporter what the facilities were like for those staying in the village.
‘Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence (Vince Lombardi).’ was the reply. It was then followed by ‘It is better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret (Jackie Joyner-Kersee).’ in answer to a question about the food.
Perhaps most worrying was when he was asked what he thought of his room-mate, the unnamed competitor repled: ‘The vision of a champion is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion, when nobody else is looking (Mia Hamm).’
Nobody is certain of the cause of the condition. However, games officials have asked for the competitor to be given privacy at this difficult time, particularly in light of his belief that ‘mental will is a muscle that needs exercise, just like muscles of the body (Lynn Jennings).’
Games Lanes opened at London Aquatic Centre
Clearly marked: Games Lanes
It has been confirmed that three of the ten lanes of the competition pool at the London Aquatic Centre have been designated special Games Lanes.
The lanes are part of a wider Olympic transport plan that came into operation across many parts of London today, including 30 miles of roads in central London. So far the
have occurred away from the Aquatic Centre, with organisers confident they can keep any inconvenience to a minimum.
Much like the special arrangements on London’s roads, the Games Lanes in the swimming pool will help to ease the movement of competitors, games organisers, VIPs, corrupt sports administrators, relatives of despotic dictators and other members of the Olympic Family.
Anyone caught swimming in the clearly-marked lanes will be fined ?130.
Disappointment Britain ‘not like Game of Thrones’
Bean: And Gone
A large number of people arriving in Britain for the 2012 London Olympics are said to be disappointed that the country is not more like the hit TV series Game of Thrones.
The wildly-popular and critically-lauded HBO series is reported to have lead many spectators and competitors alike to expect Britain to be at least broadly similar to the historical-fantasy realm depicted in the show.
‘When I got to London I was like “Where are my dragons?”’ said one Olympic competitor. ‘I was all set to see like sword fighting, kids on horseback and dudes in suits of armour. There was hardly any of that – but I did see a castle that, I swear to God, must have been like over 100 years old and loads of drunk women who wanted to show me their breasts, just like in the show.’
Another fan was more positive, telling The Wobbly Block: ‘I landed at Heathrow and there was this massive dark-skinned guy checking my bags. He didn’t speak any English so I assumed he must be a Dothraki from across the Narrow Sea, but in fact he was from a tribe called G4S. He didn’t notice me bringing my large sword and shield into the country though, so I’m happy.’
Revered historian and pantomime racist David Starkey was quick to clarify the issue. ‘Only an imbecile would believe this literary construct to be an accurate representation of Britannia.’ he said, in reaction to the reports. ‘The only similarities are the prevalence of incest amongst the ruling elite and a head of state having no democratic right to rule, obviously.’
Olympics already proves to be inspiring exercise
Internet expert: All his ‘friends’ agree
The London Olympics have already inspired some Britons to previously unknown levels of exercise as over-weight, wheezing, chronically-unfit professional complainers take to internet message boards, newspaper comment pages and twitter to criticise every single aspect of the 2012 Games.
Many such individuals, whose only previous experiences of exercising had been limited to masturbation and chewing, are now benefiting from an aerobic workout, thanks to the effort involved in producing their endless, ill-conceived, imbecilic diatribes about the once-in-a-generation event.
Specifically, the process of vigorously typing such furious indignation has been observed to result in sweating, shortness of breath, a significant rise in pulse rate and frothing at the mouth. For some people, the benefits of this exercise are so extreme that they can be felt in the elasticated waistband of their mail-order trousers.
Speaking from Benidorm via the Daily Mail website, one such commentator said: ‘I think it’s an absolute disgrace that my tax would have been spent on these so-called “games”. Every right-minded person knows they are only of interest to the kind of do-gooding liberal who doesn’t get out of breath when walking up the stairs.’
Other popular words utilised in related comments include ‘fury’, ‘EUSSR’ and ‘Nu Liebor’ – with over 80% describing the unparalleled celebration of global sporting achievement as ‘political correctness gone mad’.
& 2015 Wobbly Block :


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