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parent id是什么意思
中文翻译父标识:&&&&n. 1.父亲;母亲。 2.〔pl.〕双亲;祖先。 3. ...:&&&&n. 【生物学】遗传基质;本能冲动。
例句与用法1.Define the datasource configuration id and parent id定义数据源配置id和双亲id 。 2.Important notice to parents id 482致新生婴儿父母重要通告[ id482 ] 3.When the current correlation id is set the previous current id overwrites the parent id在当前相关性id被设置时,之前的当前id覆盖父id 。
相邻词汇热门词汇As two-parent families have decreased, economic inequality has grown - Opinion - The Boston Globe
As two-parent families have decreased, economic inequality has grown - Opinion - The Boston Globe
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Globe Columnist&
November 30, 2014
Few political debates in this country are as freighted with emotional, cultural, and ideological baggage as those that touch on the choices people make in forming families. When public discourse turns to decisions about wedlock and child-rearing & think of
on &the breakdown of the Negro family,& or
during the 1992 presidential race, or the modern push for same-sex marriage & civility is too often swept away amid a storm of hurt feelings and self-righteousness. All the more reason, then, to welcome two recent studies & one national in scope, one focused on Massachusetts & on the effects of single parenthood and the decline in marriage. Both lay out data with clarity, while avoiding moralizing or disapproval.
One report, aptly titled &,& is by sociologist W. Bradford Wilcox of the American Enterprise Institute and economist Robert I. Lerman of the Urban Institute. It documents the profound links that connect family structure and financial well-being and underscores what decades of empirical data have shown: Families headed by married couples tend to be stronger economically than those headed by unwed single parents. &Anyone concerned about family inequality, men&s declining labor-force participation, and the vitality of the American dream should worry about the nation&s retreat from marriage,& the authors write. The steady fall in the percentage of married two-parent households & from 78 percent in 1980 to 66 percent in 2012 & goes a long way toward explaining why so many ordinary families have trouble climbing beyond the lower rungs on the economic ladder. Correlation isn&t proof of causation, of course. But there is no refuting the strong association between growing up with both parents in an intact family and achieving higher levels of education, work, and income as young adults. Wilcox and Lerman put dollar amounts to the &intact-family premium& reaped by those who are raised by their own biological or adoptive parents. By age 28 to 30, for example, men from such backgrounds are earning on average $6,500 more per year in personal income than their peers from single-parent homes. And since growing up with both parents increases one&s likelihood of marrying as an adult, men and women who were raised by married parents tend to enjoy much higher family incomes as well & in the case of that 28- to 30-year-old male, more than $16,000 higher, on average.
To be sure, not all families headed by married parents are stable or successful, and not all children raised by single parents struggle economically or professionally. Barack Obama, who was 2 years old when he was abandoned by his father, is dramatic evidence of that. But as Obama himself says, . &Children who grow up without a father are more likely to live in poverty. They&re more likely to drop out of school. They&re more likely to wind up in prison.& As
documents, these unhappy trends haven&t bypassed Massachusetts.In recent decades, the fraction of Bay State children in single-parent homes has risen to more than one in three. While the state&s marriage rate has plummeted & there were 49,000 Bay State marriages in 1980 vs. fewer than 36,000 in 2011 & the rate of out-of-wedlock births has soared. The Massachusetts Family Institute, in a report replete with just-the-facts-ma&am statistics, lays out the economic and social costs. &The increase in fatherless families is a significant contributor to income inequality,& it notes. In 2013, the median Massachusetts income for married-couple households with children was $114,376. For households headed by single mothers, it was just $26,999. Citing data from the National Survey of Children&s Health, the report observes that only 6 percent of children in married-couple homes have no parent who works full-time. For kids being raised by never-married single mothers, the comparable figure is 46 percent.There is no finger-wagging in these reports, just compassion. The child poverty rate is so much steeper in single-parent homes than in two-parent homes, and it is heartbreaking that so many raised in fatherless families will have such trouble climbing out of poverty as they grow older.Income inequality may or may not be &,& as Obama and others have proclaimed. But the most significant driver of that inequality & the biggest impediment to upward economic mobility & isn&t hard to identify. The higher the fraction of children not being raised by their married parents, the more of our fellow citizens for whom the American Dream will likely remain beyond reach. Jeff Jacoby can be reached at .
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parent directory是什么意思
中文翻译父目录:&&&&n. 1.父亲;母亲。 2.〔pl.〕双亲;祖先。 3. ...:&&&&n. 1.姓名地址录,工商人名录。 2.(教堂的)礼拜规 ...
例句与用法1.Gets the parent directory of a specified subdirectory获取指定子目录的父目录。 2.Parent directory of the servers java directory服务器的java目录的父目录3.The parent directory of the directory to be created is read - only要创建的目录的父目录是只读的( 4.Gets an instance of the parent directory获取父目录的实例。 5.Creates directories and , if necessary , any parent directories创建目录,并在必要时创建任何父目录。 6.New files inherit the same type as those in their parent directory完成这些后,需要将某些文件移至openssh服务器。 7.On the parent directory,请在父目录上拒绝8.Recurses through subdirectories of the parent directory dir , looking for . class files以递归方式在父目录dir的子目录中查找. class文件。 9.The ftp _ cdup ( ) function changes the current directory to the parent directory ( one step up )函数的作用是:切换到当前目录的父目录(上一步) 。 10.Retrieves the parent directory of the specified path , including both absolute and relative paths检索指定路径的父目录,包括绝对路径和相对路径。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&


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