
英语翻译雪,越下越急.窗户木格的角落里,堆起了积雪.冬日的天空灰蒙蒙的一片.忽然,一只小鸟扑腾着飞进院子,跌跌撞撞地落在雪里,嘴巴朝下栽倒在地上.接着又挣扎着站起来,摇摇摆摆地走来走去,不时低头在地上啄一下.男孩趴在窗台上,鼻子顶着玻璃,望着这只小鸟,心里想着:晚上能不能避开家里人悄悄溜出去呢?院子里的那张长椅叶落满了雪,应该把它倒扣过来呢.妈妈在里面喊了她一声,男孩慢腾腾的穿过走廊向厨房走去.他走进暖洋洋的门厅,在餐桌旁坐下等着早饭.像往常一样,妈妈又在做简短的饭前感恩祈祷.男孩心不在焉得用手指甲在旧桌子上划来划去.祈祷一结束,他就拿起勺子,伸进热腾腾的鸡汤面条盆里.他把饼干掰开,泡进汤里,勉强抬起眼皮望望对面坐着的妹妹.妹妹的目光一直在跟随着他的脸转.他吃完面汤,又一口气喝干她的牛奶:“我可以走了吗?” 妈妈抬起头,迷惑不解:“上哪儿?” 男孩不耐烦的盯着妈妈,觉得他早应该知道:“我想到池塘那边试试我的新冰鞋.” 妈妈瞥瞥身旁的妹妹,温和地说:“稍等几分钟,带上她.” 男孩一把推开椅子,高声叫道:“我一个人去,不带她!” “求求你,本杰,你从来不给她一次机会,你也知道,他喜欢滑冰.照你的想法,因为他是个哑巴,就可以不理睬她,但这回还是让她跟你去吧.” 一撮灰白的头发垂下来,挂在妈妈苍白的脸上,他疲倦的挥挥手:“妹妹的冰鞋在门厅的壁橱里.”男孩愤愤的逼视着妈妈和妹妹,声嘶力竭的喊道:“我就是不带她!” 说完,他冲到壁橱前,抓起自己的大衣、连指手套和帽子,把门“砰”的在身后甩上,跑进车库,摘下冰鞋搭在肩上,跑进院子.长椅仍然静静地躺在那里.男孩走上前,把它们掀了个底朝天,微笑着朝田野跑去.男孩在盖满雪的马食槽上坐下,穿上冰鞋,把换下的鞋系在一起,搭在肩上,朝池塘边走去.他立在池塘边,兴奋得发抖.忽然,有一只手扯了扯男孩的大衣,他一惊,低下头,发现了妹妹.他把妹妹按着坐下,盘算了一下,想把妹妹送回去,可又想到,如果这样,会招来更多的麻烦.想到这里,男孩给妹妹穿上冰鞋,她狠心用力拉扯鞋带,抬起眼想看看妹妹脸上有没有怕疼的表情.但是没有……一丝变化也没有,尽管鞋带已经深深的勒进了他的肉里,可他还是静静的坐着,注视着哥哥,两只眼睛一声不响的看到她心底的最深处.“妈妈为什么不生一个可爱的孩子,却生了个你.”男孩瞧着妹妹,好像他是一件累赘讨厌的物品,他甚至因为自己这样恨妹妹而恼恨起自己来.有时,他发现自己甚至记不住妹妹的名字;也许,是他有意忘掉了.他给妹妹系好鞋带,起身走开.一阵不大的风刮来,吹透男孩的灯芯绒长裤,他溜到池塘中间,开始滑行,裸露的脚踝在寒风里有种舒服的刺痛.要自己翻译的 不然 很多语法都是错的
The snow,under Vietnam is more anxious.In the window wooden standard's corner,has stacked the snow.A winter sky dusky piece.Suddenly,a bird kicks is flying the courtyard,falls totteringly in the snow,under the mouth faces falls down in ground.Then struggles is standing,walks back and forth showily,often lowers the head in ground calligraphy stroke.The boy lies prone on the window,the nose is going against the glass,is looking at this bird,is thinking at heart:Evening can avoid the family member to slip out quietly?In courtyard that bench Ye Luoman the snow,should buckle but actually it .Mother shouted in inside she,the boy sluggish passes through the corridor to walk to the kitchen.He enters the warm entrance hall,is implicated the inferior breakfast in the dinner table.Was likely same in the past,mother is making brief before meals to feel grateful the pray.The boy is absent-minded delimits with the fingernail on the old table rules out.Prayed a conclusion,he took up the ladle,put in the steaming hot chicken soup noodles trough.He breaks off the biscuit,soaks in the soup,lifts the younger sister who reluctantly the eyelid visits opposite sits.Younger sister's vision continuously with along with his face extension.He finished eating the hot water,also the one breath drank up her milk:“I have been possible to walk?” Mother gains ground,puzzles:“where gets up?” The boy impatient is staring at mother,thought that he should know early:“I thought that the pond that side tries my new ice skates.” Mother shoots a look at the one's side the younger sister,said temperately:“waits a bit several minutes,takes to bring with her.” The boy shoves open the chair,called out loud:“I go,does not lead her!” “asks you,is originally outstanding,you always for her an opportunity,you also did not know,he likes ice-skating.According to yours idea,because he is a mute,may not pay attention to her,but this returns is lets her go with you.” A pinch of grayish white hair hangs down,hangs in mother on the pale face,his weary waving the hand:“younger sister's ice skates in entrance hall closet.”Boy's indignant intently watch mother and the younger sister,shouts oneself hoarse shouting:“I do not lead her!” Said that before he rushes to the closet,works on own coat,the mitten and the hat,the goalkeeper “the sound of something being struck or falling to the ground” after death is flinging,runs in the garage,takes off the ice skates to build on the shoulder,runs in the courtyard.The bench still calmly lay down in there.The boy walks goes forward,has raised them upside down,smiles is running toward the field.The boy in suffuses the snow on the horse manger to sit down,puts on the ice skates,the shoes which changes are in the same place,builds on the shoulder,faces nearby the pond to walk.He stands nearby the pond,is excited trembles.Suddenly,some hand has pulled boy's coat,he one startled,lowered the head,has discovered the younger sister.He pressed the younger sister is sitting down,has calculated,wanted to send back the younger sister,might think,if like this,will draw on more troubles.Thinks of here,the boy puts on the ice skates to the younger sister,she makes an effort to pull the shoelace cruel-heartedly,lifts the eye to want to have a look at on the younger sister face to have fears the sore expression.But does not have .A change also does not have,although the shoelace already deep forced in his meat,but he static sitting,is gazing at elder brother,two eyes say nothing see her moral nature the most deep place.“why doesn't mother have a lovable child,actually has lived you.”The boy is looking at the younger sister,probably he is burden repugnant goods,because he even like this hates the younger sister to get angry and hate.Sometimes,he discovered that he cannot even remember younger sister' Perhaps,was he intends to forget.He gives the younger sister is the good shoelace,sets out to get out of the way.Not big wind blows,blows thoroughly boy's wick fabric trousers,he slides to the pond,starts to slide,the exposed ankle area has in the cold wind plants the comfortable stabbing pain.小说翻译的话可能要钱的哦 你最好上网(金山词霸)找找
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The snow, the more urgent. The window in the corner of the wood division and the snow. The winter sky overcast a. Suddenly, a bird flew into the yard, a flopped about stumbled fall in snow, mouth down...站内网址搜索
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【印度巨脑女童被村民当“异形” 6次手术后康复】
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中新网11月17日电 据台湾“中央社”16日报道,印度一名患有先天水脑症的女童贝冈在接受6次手术后,终于康复出院,原本的大头明显缩小并可正常生活,听音乐时还跟着摇头晃脑。  报道称,现年3岁的贝冈在出生时,因患有先天水闹症,这种病症使她因脑脊髓液堆积脑部,造成脑压升高,头围肿到94公分,被当地村民认为是“异形”。贝冈别说自己坐或爬行,连父母都无法抱起她,医生表示,这种病甚至可能致命。  报道指出,印度一家纪录片制作公司在获悉此事后,为其拍摄了纪录片,并于2013年7月将影片《贝冈加油》上传到网上,45天募集到了200万卢比,并将这笔资金捐赠给了贝冈的父母供其治疗。  报道指出,贝冈在医院进行了共计6次手术,10月已基本康复。医生表示她已可正常生活。  《贝冈加油》导演查兰表示将继续用影像记录贝冈成长。报导引述他的话说,贝冈现在会笑,也对旁人有反应,甚至父母放音乐时,她还跟着摇头晃脑。  报道指出,该制作团队将贝冈故事当做希望之火,他们继续记录发生在德里、南印卡纳塔卡省、坦米尔那都省、克勒拉省和特利普拉省其他先天缺陷儿童,因家庭无力支付医药费而与生命搏斗的故事,并因此募集捐款,为这些家庭提供帮助。(原标题:印度巨脑女童被村民当“异形” 手术后正常生活)
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