反方英文辩论总结陈词 高校招生名额法院应不应该支持按各省人口比

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大学生应不应该谈恋爱辩论反方稿 PDF
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大学生应不应该谈恋爱辩论反方稿 PDF
官方公共微信学生是否可以带手机(正反方辩论的观点 英文版,带翻译)_作业帮
学生是否可以带手机(正反方辩论的观点 英文版,带翻译)
学生是否可以带手机(正反方辩论的观点 英文版,带翻译)
若是写英文作文的话,就自己写,这样相当于作弊!当今社会,应不应该帮助陌生人 反方总结陈词_百度知道
当今社会,应不应该帮助陌生人 反方总结陈词
“大学生应不应该兼职”英语辩论赛 --暂定稿 Host: Good morningeveryone, the theme of this debate is ???? Now the competition is beginning, first the welcome the number 1 of square.第一部分正方一辩: (自己利用下面两段中总结出一段)
Thank you for the host ,hello everyone,I’m????,the number 1 square . We think that college students should be have part-time . What is a
part-time?Part-time is do some work to earn money in spare time。Why we advocate college studentpart-time .the one reason is: College students through the part-time can earn a living expenses, reduce the economic burden of home, and to make money can feel easy, cultivate good economic concept .the another reason is College students to the purpose of university also include adapt to society, and promote the university students' function to adapt to society. In general, part time job can help us to learn a lot of staff which we can't know just by books.正1:in our country there are more and more collage students undertaking a part-time job or even more than one. The advantages and disadvantages of which for us is to decide on the development of our own or obstructive effect on us. We think the advantages outweigh the disadvantage. The reasons are listed as follows. First a part-time job can broaden our social experience. Second a part-time job can help us develop a greater sense of responsibility and teamwork spirit. Finally, to a certain extant, it can reduce the financial pressure on our parents. So we strongly think a part-time job outweigh it’s costs. Host : thank you for the speaking of the square .the next let we welcome
the number 1 of opposition .反方一辩: (自己利用下面两段中总结出一段)Hello! I am the leader of the opposition ??? As the other party debate said there is a part-time the benefits of a certain, but we firmly think that college students part-time do more harm than good. Reason to have the following two points:
First of all. College students part-time is nothing more than two reasons, one is to get some material wealth to support their own learning and life. But we know, education as a long-term investment, it need a lot of money and time to maintain, by doing part-time to ease economic pressure is only a drop in the bucket, part-time,make we overwork and cause the energy to disperse, difficult to learn, cause learning not solid, and even many students is hanged division, so that put the cart before the horse is absolutely not the way we agree.Part-time make us overwork and cause the energy to disperse, difficult to learn, cause learning not solid, and even many students red light hung, so putting the cart before the horse is absolutely not the way we agreeThe second,College students are part-time for exercise experiences, yes, college students part-time can gain some experience, but not all part-time job can play the role of exercise practice ability, the current college students part-time in the primary and secondary schools is mainly the physical labor of family education, and the simple, in the process, which aspect are they gain?Third, from a legal perspective. College students' doing a part-time job is difficult to rights. Incredibly, in social work part-time on the college students once the lawful rights and interests are violated, labor censorial branch is usually not accept its rights, complaints综上所述我方观点认为:在校大学生做兼职弊大于利To sum up our view: college students to do a part-time do more harm than good.
反1:we recognize that a part-time job can bring some benefits to some degree. But not all the students who are undertaking part-time job are so lucky. Many college students waste a lot of time on it but be cheated at last, because our country has few laws to protect the rights of students who are undertaking part-time job at this time. What’s worse many students choose to undertake part-time job when there is a conflict between their study and part-time job. Therefore their studies are impacted seriously. So we think that undertaking a part-time job do more harm than good.第二部分Host: Now, we(进入第二部分) 正方二辩:I would like to ask the number 2, now many students are doing part-time job. The phenomenon is a powerful evidence for our view “doing a part-time job outweigh the costs”反方二辩:Are you pulling me leg? Many students are doing a part-time job can’t show the advantages of part-time job outweigh it’s disadvantages. Just like smoking, so many people like smoking, but can you say that smoking is healthy.What’s more the main task of us is to study hard and learn what is needed for the development of our nation. And social experience can be gained later after we finished our studies. 正方三辩:I can’t agree with you, nowadays personal experience is becoming more and more important in the interview. But how can we gain the experience? A part-time job is the most effective way. 反方三辩:Part-time job is not the only way to gain social experience. If you want to get more experiences from part-time job you may already be a member of the student union. You have to study, do well in the student union, prepare for your job and how can youmanage them if you don't stay up to keep your healthy? 正方三辩:The experience we learned from school communities is not enough. Because the environment we will face is a complicated and large system instead of a simple artificial school society. 反方四辩:Experience is gained step by step, so we can get it in slowly growing. 正方二辩:We can get it in slowly growing?(疑问语气要强烈些)We are facing society. It’s highly competitive and brutal. University four years of time is very short, we must (用好这段时间去学会融入社会) 反方一辩:I can’t agree with you. University four years of time is very short, if we also use on the university of time to part-time, can reduce or even lose their learning the deeper, and broader knowledge of the opportunities. If all the other friends like divides said, do we have to go to school? As well as direct to earn money. 反方二辩:我想请问对方二辩:学生的本职工作是什么?学习!每个人的精力有限,不影响是不可能的,如果你能一只手写论文,另一只手栽花,我就相信你说的话。everyone's energy Co., LTD, do not affect is impossible, if you can a handwritten paper, the other hand weeds, I believe what you said. 正方一辩:I want to debate each other friends overlook the problem, we start a debate in a paper part-time meaning, a part-time job, really don't affect the labor of duty the case and looking for work, do not affect our study, I think every looking for part-time job would not left learn to work well. , but we learn what is the ultimate goal, is looking for a job. Contact the society in advance is not a wise choice? 反方四辩:The ultimate aim is to work not false?Maybe you are right. But study at school this process is not be ignored, &no hard work of learning is no future satisfied of work& ignore process can only left out the baby with the water of result. And we know that as we are student we always find part-time job through ads from strangers . And most of our students are girls who are easier hurt. I want to ask a question that how can we make sure our safety if we take a part-time job? 正方三辩: We admit the existence of this phenomenon, but, are adults will not fall for it? The so-called eat a gain in your wit and inadequate, only met with failure to progress反方三辩:But just because we are new to the society, we may get hurt easier. In our country's existing laws,to get a part-time job during the school time is not belong to employment and we can not get the protection by laws. If the laws can not protect uswho can protect? 第三部分Host: Now, we(进入第二部分) 反方四辩总结:(自己利用下面两段中总结出一段) Indeed, such as a convenient has said, college students to do a part-time job exercise ability, increase the income, ease, family economic pressure, acquire social experience and the growth experience, adapt to society, to lay a goodfoundation for future employment but we insist that students should not part-time
First of all, college students is the main task of the university of learning in one's life the most crucial stage of admission from the first day, you should be to the university for four years have a correct understanding and planningCollege students to do a part-time as a kind of social practice, must establish in the have a certain humanities culture quality of basic science and culture knowledge foundation as a part-time or the practice will become like, without theoretical basis and non-existent quick part-time practice does not become bricks without straw?
Learning is the main contradiction, the other is the secondary contradictions if primary and secondary topsy-turvy, consequence will be unimaginable, educators, let the attention is, in recent years, college students of red light is also constantly part-time market light up in college students to find part time and part-time course may run into some trap, some enterprise or intermediary agencies use to find part-time students psychological, charged hundreds of dollars of intermediary or deposit, but not to do the practical work, often have the university students cheated even suffer case, many college students lack of social experience and experience, vigilance is not high, in part-time advertising under the condition of all over the place, and saw the condition is favourable part-time advertising went to inside drill, and don't understand the specific work. It is also the use of the motives behind the college students to practice heart, given the conditions are fairly thick attractcollege students &hooked&. Like I own is a living example, just entered a freshmanalso want to find a part-time alleviate the burden of the parents, made deposit after never contact each other not to.The biggest difficulty is that part-time and academic conflict. Do a part-time job, college students' physical energy consumption is bigger, into a considerable amount of time, have a class nap, listless. Even some people cut classes to do a part-time job, practice experience, but class named but couldn't find one. This is a kind of put the cart before the horse practice, thus college students part-time do more harm than good.反2 students should be based only on getting excellent professional knowledge during school . it is not wise only to care about the interests at present .only we study well, can we get a satisfied job after graduation .so, we should completely focus on our study.正方四辩总结:(自己利用下面两段中总结出一段)First please allow me to point out that in the process of debate just now, the other a friend a few question divides of the views:First, confusing the faults of the part-time and the faults of the part-time their own reason, each other friends have been telling us debate will reduce learning time part-time, make learning performance decline, but we have repeatedly shows that these phenomena are not brought part-time, but the part-time brought itself, tooth decay eat apple lead to a toothache, how can you will responsibility hanging on in apples? Is because the university time abundance, so many college students to play game, fall in love, and love learning doesn't mean he can survive in society
Second, the other a friend mentioned the debate work safety, we admit theexistence of this phenomenon, are adults will not fall for it? The so-called eat a gain in your wit and inadequate, only met with failure to progressMoreover, for one day, we will step into society, are you willing to after graduation from the university to be a one-time severe trauma? Today we are of the opinion college students part-time more good than harm first,正2having some social experience for a collage student is necessary .nowadays, the包含各类专业文献、应用写作文书、文学作品欣赏、幼儿教育、小学教育、中学教育、各类资格考试、行业资料、78英文大学生应不应该兼职辩论赛--暂定稿等内容。 
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