
外企英文面试问题及答案[面试问答] 外企面试最常见的36个英文问题(附答案)对外企的英文面试应该按照以下步骤来进行准备:(1) 预测问题。这个环节不但能帮助你克服听力困难, 而且能缓解你在面试时候的紧张情绪。想象一下,如果总是Pardon, Excuse me, 你怎么可能镇定自若?(2) 书写答案。英语8级的牛人也会在英文面试时出现逻辑不清的情况,因为流利和井井有条绝对不是同义词。笔者的亲身体会是, 越是英语流利的牛人, 越容易在面试的时候废话连篇, 逻辑混乱。(3) 背诵答案。背诵三遍以内是结巴, 背诵十遍以内是流利的背诵, 而背诵二三十遍以上就不再是背诵,而是滔滔不绝的自由表达!(4) 若有所思。面试的时候, 在流利做答之前, 别忘了做思索状, 再加上个well, let me see……衡量一个回答是否精彩,只有一个标准: 这个回答中, 体现了申请人的什么特征?这些特征是优点还是缺点?如果是优点, 是否刚好适合所申请职位的优点?一、 Personal Information 关于个人信息的问题1. What’s the meaning of your English name? 你的英文名字有什么含义么?问题分析: 有些申请人的英文名字不合常规,比如叫King, 或者Sushi, 或者Monk等等。面试官询问这些申请人名字的含义, 主要有几个目的: 第一, 缓解面试的紧张气氛; 第二, 面试官也有一点点好奇心;第三, 给申请人一个展示自己独特个性的机会, 因为敢于给自己起独特名字的人往往具有很独特的个性, 这些人希望引起别人的注意。普通回答: Actually, Sushi is my nickname. My friends gave me this name because I like to eat the Japanese food sushi.点评: 这个回答体现出你是个什么样的人呢?在中国吃寿司价格不菲,如果吃寿司吃到了朋友给你起了“寿司”这个外号的地步, 这个申请人一定不会是囊中羞涩的人。同志们想一下, 我们在面试的时候, 是把自己伪装成“艰苦朴素”, 还是“锦衣玉食”呢?即使现如今寿司已经跌价到人尽可食的地步,你这个回答也只是在告诉面试官: 嘿, 我可是个好吃的人啊!比较一下以下的这个回答, 你就知道哪个更胜一筹了。回答示范1: As a matter of fact, Sushi is a nickname my friends gave me, because I like sushi and like to make sushi. I can make about ten different kinds of sushi! My friends say that my personality is a bit like sushi, simple but good, hehe.点评1: 与刚才的回答相比, 这个回答体现出你是个什么样的人呢?一个擅长制作寿司的女孩子一定是动手能力比较强的, 而且喜欢做一些琐碎小事的人。同时,把寿司的优点引申成自己的个性优点: 简单而美好, 真是一个不错的比喻。回答示范2: The name King may sound a bit aggressive, I hope it won’t make you feel uncomfortable. As a matter of fact, I chose the name King simply because it sounds like my Chinese name Jing. But, there is also a hidden meaning in it, that is, I wish to conquer diseases like a King!点评2: 如果你给自己起了一个类似“国王”这样比较aggressive的名字,就得想好怎么样解释才能让面试官知道你并不是一个过分aggressive的人。这个回答体现了该申请人热爱自己医生职业的特点。回答示范3: My given name in Chinese is Meng, so I chose Monk to be my English name. I admire the spirit of monks, you know, abstinence and tolerance.点评3: 回答得妙呀, 不仅仅真实, 而且展现了自己的独特个性, 告诉面试官自己身上有和尚般的优秀品质: 克制欲望、 容忍。面试官只要不想嫁给你,就一定会喜欢这样的回答。2. What’s the meaning of your email address? 你的电子邮件地址有什么寓意么?问题分析: 当代青年男女个性张扬,所以连email地址也颇为独特。令笔者或迷惑或微笑的email 地址有很多,比如neverlazy, bighead, lazyfish, 52n52n, yulovehong等等。与上一个问题一样,善于交流的面试官往往乐于给你一个机会展示自己的个性。较差回答: Lazyfish? Oh, I admire the goldfish for living an easy life. Compared to goldfish, human beings live a fast-paced life. So I chose this email address to make me feel a bit relaxed.点评: 个性倾向于过慵懒的生活,唉!较差回答: 52n52n? oh, it means “I love you, I love you,” because 5 sounds like “I” in Chinese, and 2 for “love”, n for “you”. I registered this address to please my girlfriend, hehe.点评: 公开示爱?啧啧,除了他的女朋友会觉得甜蜜蜜, 别的人一律会露出特虚伪的笑容或胃里泛酸。唉!回答示范: Neverlazy? Oh, I want to encourage myself never to be lazy! You know I am a hardworking person. So, it’s my slogan!点评: 在email地址中都要给自己励志的女子, 一定是个超级工作狂, 好呀! (这名女子如愿进入了宝洁公司的CBD部门。)3. Where are you from? Where is your hometown? 你是哪里人?家乡在什么地方?问题分析: 很多老外在中国工作居住多年,甚至自诩为中国通, 他们可能会顺便问问你是哪里人, 拉近和你的距离。回答示范1: I was born and raised in the city of Wuhan. As far as I know, our company has a branch office near Hanzheng Street, and it’s quite a big office.点评1: 这个回答说出了该公司在武汉的地址, 展示了一下自己提前所做的功课。回答示范2: Well, my hometown is a small town which you probably have never heard of. The name of the town is Dehui, which means “good moral” in Chinese. The town is located in the middle of China’s Northeast. When you look at the map, it looks like the eye of the rooster. You know, China looks like a rooster on the map, and the Northeast region looks just like the head of the rooster. My hometown “Good Moral Town” is unknown to most people because it’s quite poor. The average income for a family is less than one thousand RMB per month.点评2: 绝妙的回答!一方面生动地告诉外国面试官, 你的家乡是东北这个鸡头上眼睛部位的一个小县城, 另一方面, 让他知道你家乡的人们平均一个月才不到1,000元的收入, 令日入斗金的老外颇为欷觑。让他欷觑了, 你就被记住了。被记住, 是被录取的前提。二、 Education 关于教育背景的问题4. Why did you select your major area of study? 你为什么选择了这个专业?问题分析: 外国面试官更喜欢提“为什么”的问题,他希望申请人是一个有主见的人。回答示范1: I was quite good at mathematics and physics back in high school so I chose a related major, Telecommunications. I also applied for the major of computer science. You know, these two majors are the hottest these years.点评1: 实话实说。回答示范2: As a matter of fact, I didn’t select the major of Geography Education at all, because I have never wanted to be a teacher. I had chosen Business Administration, Economics and Logistics Management when I applied to Zhongshan University, but unfortunately I failed to get into these hottest majors. The score I got on the College Entrance Examination was about ten points less than the minimum requirement. The school allocated me to a cold major, Geography Education, hehe. Luckily, I could select a second focus. I chose Public Relations Management to be my minor area of study. What was that saying? “When God closes the door, he opens a window.” Hehe.点评2: 这个回答似乎很长, 但是却不得不这么长。这是一个典型的中国特色, 如果你的分数够不上第一志愿, 学校就把你打入某一个“冷宫”专业去,而你为了进入这所一流的大学不得不屈服。这种怪现象制造出很多感觉自己比窦娥还冤的“冤男怨女”, 学着“地理教育”却痛恨从事教师职业, 学着“国际政治”却连国际新闻都懒得看!这个回答的优点在于:第一, 向外国面试官普及了一下中国特色; 第二, 强调了自己对商业和管理一贯的热诚; 第三, 告诉对方其实自己高考只差10分才没进去最热门的专业;第四, 自己是个不轻言放弃的人, 主修学不成用辅修来弥补;第五, 把上帝拉进来, 显出你的幽默。回答示范3: I selected Business English as I was quite good at English back in high school. Apart from this, my high school teachers recommended that I select a major related to business, since I showed some good qualities for business management at a young age. So, I chose this major, business plus English, two in one, hehe.点评3: 这个回答强调了自己的两大优点: 第一, 英语好; 第二, 早在高中就已经是老师心目中适合从商的人。自夸而不着痕迹, 实在是高哇!5. What subjects were your favorite? Why? 你最喜欢的课程是什么, 为什么?问题分析: 与中国面试官一样,对于应届毕业生, 外国面试官经常问问有关学业方面的问题。面试官喜欢的申请人, 是对自己专业的优缺点分析得头头是道的人。回答示范1: I liked Marketing Principles and Sales Management because the two courses provided us with the most up-to-date in最新英语面试问题及答案大全相关文章:意志在于磨练,成功在于坚持。――周海中网大家都觉得好,www.yjbys.com
some books ?还有Could you please tell me something about that man ?Can you give me any&#47。比如说这个句子We should eat not only fruit but also vegetables 我有一些问题.如果不行的话,请告诉我为什么:May I take some jucie ?但如果是这样的句子呢,就可以不用变成any,但是some是不是只要是委婉语气的请求?这两句都不用变any吧。比如:We should not only eat fruit but also eat vegetables 。any?)最后烦请您告诉我一下什么时候用any什么时候用some还有一个就是有关于not only but also的.那我可不可以这样子写、some本来any是用在否定句的?(这是用some还是any,烦劳您帮忙解答一下
但是书上为什么又有We should not only eat healthy food ,but also eat regularly .这里为什么就是把eat放到not only里面去了?
Not only does he draw illustration。not only,疑问句。比如说,比如说,any用于一般的否定,所以用了some.,可以连接两个并列成分,所以句子要倒装,但是如果说,因为not only属于否定字.but also应该是对等连接词,所以两句话的写法都对当说话人期望得到肯定回答的时候?是一般的疑问, but he also writes novels,另外这个对等连接词还可以连接两个句子,在疑问句,对方肯定尝过一些这样的食物?说话者认为,当not only后跟一个句子时.希望我能帮助你解疑释惑、条件句里可以用some这个形容词:Have you tasted some such food before.:Have you tasted any such food before
因为not only but also并列的是最小成分的不同;doCan you give me any/ what about would &#47,也可以用在表示婉转意思的疑问句中any可用于否定句和疑问句中但是would you like to have some coffee,紧跟着短语之后some 可以用在肯定句中 ,就是说这个句子吃是相同的内容:We should not only eat fruit but some books ,吃的东西才是唯一不同的内容?这是用some。不能这么写,不宜重复?在这之类的表邀请的句子中要用some how &#47
但是书上为什么又有We should not only eat healthy food ,but also eat regularly .这里为什么就是把eat放到not only里面去了?
你的这句We should not only eat healthy food ,but also eat regularly .意思是不但要吃,而且要经常吃,所有强调的不是吃什么,而是怎么吃,所有关键不同在于吃法,所有要强调的词汇是EAT
就以Could you please tell me something/anything about that man ?为例:
some意为“一些”、“几个”,通常用于肯定句中。现将其主要用法归纳如下:&一、 some作形容词用时,可以修饰复数可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。例如: & &There are some students in the classroom. 教室里有几个学生。 & &There is some milk in the glass. 杯子里有一些牛奶。 &二、 some作代词用时,可在句中作主语或宾语。例如: &  Some of the boys are playing games now. 有几个男孩现在正在做游戏。&& & & &I have no paper. & &Please give me some. 我没有纸了,请给我一些吧。 &三、 some有时也可以用在疑问句或条件句中,表示请求、建议,并期望得到对方的肯定回答。它也可以用于反问句中。例如: &  Can you give me some money? 你能给我一些钱吗? & &Would you like some more rice? 再来点米饭好吗?  Why don’t you buy some flowers for her? 你为什么不给她买些花呢? & &If you want (some), I’ll give you some. 如果你想要(一些),我就给你一些。 & &any也有“一些”的意思,但它常用在否定句、否定答语或疑问句中。其具体用法如下:  一、 any作形容词用时,可以修饰可数名词的单数或复数,也可以修饰不可数名词。例如:  Do you have any questions to ask? 你有什么问题要问吗? & &There isn’t any water in this bottle. 这个瓶子里没有水。  二、 any作代词用时,也可用于肯定句中,表示“任何”的意思,起强调作用。例如: & &You may take any of them. 这些东西,你随便拿哪个都行。  Any man with eyes in his head can see that he’s exactly like a rope. 任何一个头上长有眼睛的人都能看出,他完全像一根绳子。 &三、 any有时也可用于条件句中。例如:  If you have any time, please come to my house. 如果你有时间,请来我家(玩)。 & &If you have any, give us some. 如果你有的话,就给我们一点儿吧。不可以,由于结构v.+not only+n.+but also+n.,所以不行望采纳!!
但是书上为什么又有We should not only eat healthy food ,but also eat regularly .这里为什么就是把eat放到not only里面去了?
那这句话就要这样写吗?We should eat not only healthy food ,but also eat regularly ?
关于not only but also1、把We should eat not only fruit but also vegetables .写作We should not only eat fruit but also eat vegetables .并无问题,只是显得略啰嗦。2、We should not only eat healthy food ,but also eat regularly .这里的eat则必须放在后面,说到底还是语意的问题。本句的句意:我们不但要吃健康食品,也要规律饮食。你看,从中文角度也不能提出“吃”这个词不是么?而从语法上说,上句中not only与but also后面跟从的都是eat的宾语,因此把eat提出来没有问题,放进去也没有问题。而下句则不然,eat 后面一个连接的是其宾语healthy food,另一个则是状语regularly,两者结构不同,自然不能把eat提出来。
some 用于肯定句。any用于否定句。但some有时用于否定句。希望得到肯定例如:can I/may I......提建议例如:how about/what about......还有Could you please tell me something about that man ?这两句都不用变any。Can you give me any/some books ?这时用some之所以把eat放到not only和aiso里面去了是因为not only位于BE动词前,行为动词后。
诶,对于底下网址复制的某位还有说不能把eat放到not only 后面的那位我表示。。不要听他们的!
举例: Do you have any idea how little I get paid?
idea 不是实物,但是books 是所以不能用any只能用some。
所以那句Could you please tell me something about that man?
这里的something是可以换成anything的只要把please去掉,例如:Could you tell me anything about that man? (严格的语法意思上这句话和原句是一样的,但是以口头的语境来讲这句改了的问句会比较生硬和刻薄)。
Can you...
出门在外也不愁等级:书童 |
您现在的位置:&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&文章内容
  6个面试的经典英语问题"work experience" is the type of work you've done in the past. If you haven't started working yet you can say "Right now I'm still a student." or "I'm a recent grad and Ihaven't started working yet." In the second sentence, "recent grad" is short for "recent graduate" and means that you have just finished school.   小编注:请告诉我你过去的工作经验,工作经验就是你过去所做的工作。如果尚未开始工作,就可以回答“Right now I'm still a student.”(现在我还是个学生。)或者说“I'm a recent grad and I haven't started working yet.”(我刚刚毕业,还没有开始工作。)“recent grad”是“recent graduate”的缩写,意思是刚刚毕业。   Second One: What's your greatest weakness?   This is a popular question that western employers like to ask to make candidates nervous! In fact, they ask this to know how you respond to a difficult question. You shouldn't answer by telling your greatest weakness since you might not get the job! Instead, you can tell them something that isn't directly related to the job position.   小编注:你最大的缺点是什么?西方老板特别爱问这个问题,让面试者感到很紧张。事实上,他问这个问题是看你对棘手问题的反应。你没必要如实回答你的弱点,因为那有可能让你得不到这份工作。相反,你可以告诉他们一些与工作不直接相关的事情。   Third One: Why do you feel you are qualified for this job?   This question is a good opportunity to brag a little bit. You should talk about some extra skills you have that maybe wasn't included in your resume, or talk about your greatest strength in more detail.   小编注:你为什么觉得自己胜任这份工作?这时候你要充分发挥你的“自夸”本领。你可以讲述一些简历资料里面没有包括的技能;或者是再详细强调一下你的特长。   Fourth One: What kind of salary did you have in mind?   Salary is how much money you earn, usually per year. When asked this, it's best to answer with a salary range or approximation and not an exact figure. This shows that you are familiar with the industry if you know what the approximate salary should be.   小编注:你期望的薪水是多少?“salary”就是你赚多少钱,通常是年收入。回答这个问题时,最好说出一个大致范围,而不是一个确切的数字。如果你能说出这个工资范围,那就说明你对此行业非常了解。   Fifth One: If hired, when could you start work?   When answering this it's best not to say you can start right away. This might make you s seem very desperate for a job. A safe answer would be "I can start at the beginning of next month."   小编注:如果雇佣的话,你什么时候开始工作?回答这个问题时。一定要注意!不要说我马上可以工作。那会让对方认为你非常迫切地需要这份工作。一个非常保险的回答可以是“I can start at the beginning of next month.”(我下月初可以开始上班。)   Sixth One: What kind of work does the posi-tion involve?   You can ask this to clarify exactly what kind of work you'll be doing.   小编注:这个职位包括哪些工作?通过问这句话,你可以清楚地了解到你的工作内容。
4月23日 15:42
想报外销员,但是450很贵啊,谁能送我优惠券吗? 当时是您不用的情况下啊,谢谢!
3月21日 9:38
求 2012年业务员考试答案 及2011年真题的word文档
11月30日 14:18
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文件类型:problem solving;
Problem Resolution;
trouble shooting
1. If you care to step outside, we can settle this.
如果你愿意出去比试比试, 我们一会儿就能把问题解决了.
2. The problem was settled and his mind was at peace.
3. The committee soon disposed of business.
4. Neat solutions are not easily found to these issues.
5. I push at present it was insoluble.
1.problem solving
1. problem solving
问题解决(problem solving)是由一定的情景引起的,按照一定的目标,应用各种认知活动、技能等,经过一系列的思维操作,使问题得 …
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2. problem-solving
问题解决(Problem-Solving)是一个十分广泛的概念。但由于历史的原因,问题解决作为一种CAI模式,是指利用计算机作为解题计 …
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3. Problem Resolution
项目管理术语英汉对照表 - MBA智库百科 ... Problem 问题 Problem Resolution 问题解决 Problem Solving 问题解决.
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4. trouble shooting
...N, The Real-time Operating System Nucleus 实时操作系统中枢trouble shooting 问题解决trouble unit 障碍单位
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1. problem
now the usage of fly ash is urgent problem . low activation of fly ash is the main reason that the usage of fly ash is limited . the thesis research the activation of fly ash and use it as grout .粉煤灰的利用是目前迫切需要解决的问题,而粉煤灰的低活性是造成粉煤灰的利用受到限制的主要原因,本论文研究了粉煤灰的活化并
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The objects recognition and orientation are not solved for the fruit and vegetable picking robot ., 在果蔬采摘机器人系统中 , 果实目标的智能化识别和定位问题一直是没有解决的问题.
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1. the solution of the problem
solution n. 名词the solution of the problem 问题的解决回答者:
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0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
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