
occupations, women were found in many different kinds of employment.
They were butchers,
tanyards, shipyards, and every kind of shop, tavern, and boardinghouse. They were gatekeepers, jail keepers, sextons, journalists, printers, apothecaries, midwives, nurses, and teachers.北美殖民时期的妇女北美殖民时期女性的社会地位曾得到过深入研究和描述,并可简短 概括。整个殖民时期,女性人数明显不足,各地情况不尽相同,在边远地区尤其缺少。 这 种对女性有利的比例提高了她们的社会地位和职位,使她们能追求不同的事业。清教徒是 早期英属殖民地的宗教主流。
它视懒惰为犯罪,认为在不发达农村社区的每一个成员都必 须发挥经济作用。所以已婚或单身女性工作不仅是许可的,而且被认为是公民的义务。 清 教徒的镇议会认为寡妇和未婚女性也应该自食其力,而且在相当长一段时期里,向贫困的老而未婚的女子提供土地。
社会不反对已婚妇女工作;相反,要求她们帮助丈夫从事他们的 行当。 在家庭内外做额外劳动的妻子们会得到社会的赞同。 贫困的儿童,女孩和男孩一样, 也要签师徒契约做学徒,想保住这个生计就要工作。
绝大多数女性在家庭里劳动,生产大 部分家用必需品。殖民时期全部的布料和衣服以及一部分的鞋都出自女性的双手。 除了从 事这些职业,妇女也从事许多不同类型的职业,如做屠夫、铁匠、军械工和家俱修理工。 她们经营手工作坊、种植园、制革场、造船厂和各类商店、小旅馆和供膳寄宿处。
她们当守 门人或狱卒,教堂司事、记者、印刷工、药剂师、助产士、护士和教师。&69 The Revolution in AmericanHigher Education To produce the upheaval in the United States that changed and modernized the domain of higher education from the mid 1860's to the mid 1880's, three primary causes interacted. The emergence of a half dozen leaders in education provided the personal force that was
of instruction arose among the alumni and friends of nearly all of the old colleges and grew into a movement
that overrode all conservative opposition. The
movement appeared,
demanding partial alumni control, a more liberal spirit, and a broader course of study. The
graduates of Harvard college simultaneously
rallied to relieve the college's poverty and demand new enterprise. Education was pushing toward higher standards in the East by throwing off church leadership everywhere, and in the West by finding a wider range of studies and a new sense of public duty. The
classical education received its
most crushing blow in the citadel of Harvard College, where Dr. Charles Eliot,
a young captain
of thirty five, son
of a former treasurer of Harvard, led the progressive forces. Five revolutionary advances were made during the first years of Dr. Eliot's administration. They were the elevation and amplification of entrance requirements, the
curriculum and the
elective system, the recognition of graduate study in the liberal arts, the raising of professional training in law, medicine, and
engineering to a postgraduate level, and
the fostering of greater
maturity in students' life. Standards of admission were sharply advanced in
and . By the appointment of a
dean to take
charge of student affairs, and a wise handling
discipline, the undergraduates were led to regard themselves more as young gentlemen and less as young animals. One new course of study after another was opened up - science, music, the history of the fine arts, advanced Spanish, political economy, physics, classical philology, and international law.美国高等教育的革命从 19 世纪 60 年代中期到 19 世纪 80 年代中期,改变了美国高等教 育并使其现代化的激变有三个互相作用的因素。
六位教育界领导者的出现保证了所需的人 力因素。
除此之外,要求更新、更实用、更高层次的教育呼声在几乎所有老式学院的校友 和朋友间升起并发展成压倒所有保守派的一场运动。
咄咄逼人的&青年耶鲁&运动出现了, 要求校友具有部分控制,更自由的精神和更广的选课范围。哈佛学院的毕业生同时团结起来 缓解学校的贫困状况并要求新的事业。
在东部地区的高等学府抛弃了教堂的领导,西部地 区的学校则扩大了学习范围,树立了一种新的社会责任感,由此教育不断地被推向更高的标准。在哈佛学院的城堡里,旧式的经典教育受到了最毁灭性的打击。 哈佛以前一个财政主 管的儿子,35 岁的年轻领袖查尔斯?艾略特博士,领导了进步的力量。《写作160篇》全面涵盖当年可考话题,经典话题精心选材,在他管理学院的第 一年取得了五个革命性的进展。
认大学文科的研究生学习,将法学、医学和工程学的职业训练提高到研究生水平和促进学生 生活的成熟。
年及 1876年~1877 年急剧提高。
由于采用了学生 事务院长负责制和明智的处理纪律的手段,大学生把自己更多地看作是年轻的绅士,而不是 年轻的动物。学校开设了一个又一个的新课程--自然科学、音乐、美术史、高级西班牙语、 政治经济学、物理、古典语言学和国际法。&70 Garza's Art WorksCarmen Lomas Garza's eloquent etchings, lithographs, and gouache paintings depict primal images of the rural environment and communal cultural experience of Mexican decended people in
customs, traditions, a nd ways of life of her Texan Mexican heritage.By 1972, Lomas Garza had evolved her distinctive monitos, paintings of stylized figures in culturally specific social environments. She transposes images and scenes from her past, combining cultural documentation with invention in an
interplay of fact and fiction. Through selection, emphasis, and creation, these monitos delineate facets of experience, expressing deeper truths. Oral tradition is a mainstay of Chicano culture. In both urban and rural communities, a rich and varied repertoire of ballads, tales, and poetic forms is preserved in memory and passed from generation to generation. Lomas Garza's monitos function as an oral tradition in visual form. Her unique art of storytelling employs iconographic elements to create
cultural regeneration,
the monitos
alive the customs and
daily practices that
and coherence to Chicano identity.Their basic aim is to delight and instruct. For those outside Chicano culture, the
and minutely detail
ed monitos
a glimpse into
the rich and
vibrant lifestyl
Spanish speaking
society. Although her art has an innocent earnestness and folkloric affinity, Lomas Garza'sexpression is neither naive nor instinctive. The artist is highly trained academically, but has chosen to remain independent of
artistic trends in order
to work toward
aesthetic response to social concerns. While her work does not posit an overt political statement, it originates from a desire to respo nd to the contemporary situation of Mexican Americans by expressing positive images of their culture.加扎的艺术作品卡门?洛玛斯?加扎富有表现力的蚀刻画、平刻画和树胶水彩画,描绘 了美国墨西哥后裔居住的乡村环境和群体的文化经验中的原始形象。
她用一种反省和个性 化的语言,描绘了得克萨斯州墨西哥后裔的风俗、传统和生活方式。
到 1972 年为止,洛玛 斯?加扎已逐渐完成了风格独特的monitos。 这是将风格化的人物置身于特定的社会文化环 境中的系列画作。她从自己的经验中移植出来一些形象和场景,用虚构和现实的交融,实现
通过挑选、突出和虚构的手段,这些画勾勒了人情事故的 各个方面,并表现了更深层的真实。 口语传统是美国墨西哥文化的主流。
在城市和农村, 人们在记忆中保留了各类民谣、传说和诗歌并世代相传。
洛玛斯?加扎的 monitos,以可视的形象表现了这一口语传统。 她独一无二的艺术,用肖像法的元素创造了高度凝炼的叙事。 作为逐渐展开的文化更新史诗中的视觉片断,monitos 生动地表现了赋予墨裔美国人有价值 及完整的认同感的习俗和日常生活。 这些画的根本目的是给人娱悦和教育。 对墨西哥文化以外的人来说,这些画准确而细致地描绘了美国社会中最大的西班牙语文化群的丰富和充满 活力的生活方式。 尽管她的艺术天真、诚挚并与民间艺术有极深的渊源,洛玛斯?加扎的 表现手法却绝不幼稚也并不是仅仅出于本能。 这位艺术家在学术上受过高度训练。 她选择独立于艺术主流之外,目的是对社会的良心做出个性化的美学反应。 尽管她的作品未提出
公开的政治宣言,但却是发源于通过描述墨美文化中的正面形象来反映墨美人目前处境的愿望。&71 Evolution and WheelsIn the past, evolutionary biologists contemplating the absence of wheels in nature agreed that the explanation was notundesirability: wheels would be good for animals, just as they are for us. Animals were prevented from evolving wheels, the biologists reasoned, by the following dilemma: living cells in an animal's body are connected to the heart by blood vessels,《写作160篇》全面涵盖当年可考话题,经典话题精心选材,and to the brain by nerves. Because a rotating joint is essential to a wheel, a wheel made of living cells would twistits artery vein and nerve connections at the first revolution, making living impracticable. However, there is a flaw in the argument that the evolution of wheeled animals was thwartedby the insoluble joint problem. The theory fails to explain why animals have not evolved wheels of
bear external structures without blood supply or nerves - for example, our hair and fingernails, or the scales, claws, and ho rns of other animals. Why have rats not evolved bony wheels, similar to roller skates?Paws
might be more useful than wheels in some situations, but
cats' claws are retractable: why not retractable wheels?We thus arrive at the serious biological paradox flippantly termed the RRR dilemma: nature's failure to produce rats with retractable roller skates.进化与轮子从前,研究自然界没有轮子的进化论生物学家都同意不能用无此需要来解释 这种现象:轮子对于动物会像对于我们人类一样有好处。
生物学家们推论,动物没有进化 出轮子是由下述困难所致:动物身上的活细胞通过血管与心脏相连,通过神经与大脑相连。 因为一个旋转的接头对轮子来说是至关重要的,由活的细胞构成的轮子在第一次转动时便会 扭伤其上的动脉和神经的连结,因而不现实。不过,动物未能进化出轮子是受阻于无法解决接头问题的说法有一个缺陷。
这种理论 无法解释为何动物没有进化出由死组织构成的而无需动脉和神经的轮子。
包括人在内的无 数动物都有一些没有血液供应和神经的体外构造,例如,我们的头发和指甲,或者鳞片、爪 子和其它一些动物的角。 为什么老鼠没有进化出类似于滑轮溜冰鞋的骨质的轮子呢?在某些 情况下,爪子可能比轮子更有用,但猫的爪子是可以伸缩的:
为什么不能有可以伸缩的轮子呢?这样,我们便得出了一个被戏称为 RRR 的严肃的生物学悖论:大自然未能产生出有可 伸缩的滑轮溜冰鞋的老鼠。&72 Population GrowthThe growth of population
during the past few centuries is no proof that population will continue to grow straight upward toward infinity and doom. On the contrary, demographic history offers evidence that population growth has not been at all constant. According to paleoecologist Edward Deevey, the past million years show three momentous changes. The first, a rapid increase in population around
m illion B.
C., followed
innovations of tool making and
tool using. But when
power from the use
of tools has been
exploited, the
rate of world population
growth fell and became almost stable. The next rapid
jump in population started perhaps 10,000 years ago,
when mankind began to keep herds,
the earth. Once again when initial productivity
had been absorbed, the rate
of population growth abated. These two episodes suggest that the third great change, the present rapid growth, which began in the West between 250 and 350 years ago, may also slow down when, or if, technology begins to yield
without foreseeable end. Either way - contrary to popular belief in constant geometric growth - population can be expected in the long run to adjust to productivity. And when one takes this view, population growth is seen to represent economic progress and human triumph rather than social failure. 人口增长以往几个世纪人口的增长并不能证明人口会无限地直线向上增长直到毁灭的 地步。
古生态学家爱德华?狄维 认为,在过去 100 万年间出现过 3 次重大的变动。
第一次在公元前 100 万年左右,随着在 工具的制作和使用上的革新而出现人口迅速增长。
但当工具的使用所产生的新动力被充分 利用以后,世界人口增长率下降并且趋于稳定。
第二次人口剧增大约始于人类开始蓄畜、 垦耕的 10,000 年前。
以上两 段说明,若技术革新的成果开始减少,从 250 到 350 年前就在西方开始出现的并且目前还在 继续的人口迅速增长可能也会放慢。 当然,当前的知识革命也许会持续下去而无法预见其 末来。
无论如何,与那种认为人口以几何级数持续增长的观点相反,从长远的观点来说, 人口可望受到生产力的调节。
接受了这一观点,人口的增长就可以被看成是经济进步和人 类胜利的标志,而不是社会衰败的标志。&73 Police and Communities《写作160篇》全面涵盖当年可考话题,经典话题精心选材,Few institutions are more important to an urban community than its police, yet there are few subjects historians know so little about. Most of the early academic interests developed among political scientists and sociologists, who usually examined their own contemporary problems with only a nod toward the past. Even the public seemed concerned only during crime waves, periods of blatant corruption, or after a particularly grisly episode. Party regulars and reformers generally viewed the
institution from a
p newspapers and magazines - the nineteenth century's media - emphasized the vivid and spectacular.Yet urban society has always vested a wide, indeed awesome, responsibility in its police. Not only were they to maintain order, prevent crime, andprotect life and property, but historically they were also to fight fires, suppress vice, assist in health services, supervise elections, direct traffic, inspect buildings, and locate truants and runaways. In addition, it was assumed that the police were the special guardians of the citizens' liberties and the community's tranquillity. Of course, the performance never matched expectations. The record contains some success, some effective leadership, but largely official
incompetence and betrayal.
The notion of a professional police force in America is a creation of t not until our own time have cities begun to take the steps necessary to produce modern departments.警察与社区对城市社区来说,很少有比它的警察更为重要的机构了,但少有课题像历史 学家们对此了解得那样少。
早期的学术兴趣是在政治科学家和社会学家中发展起来的,他 们一般只研究他们自己当代的问题而对过去的问题只是偶尔带过。
甚至公众似乎也仅仅在 犯罪浪潮、明目张胆的贪污或特别的恐怖事件发生时才关心。
政党的忠诚支持者和改革家 们通常是从政治的前途来看待警察这个机构;而报纸和杂志-19 世纪的传播媒介-则着重活泼 生动和惊人的事件。可是城市社会总是把广泛得可怕的责任交给警察。他们不仅维持秩序、 防止犯罪、保护生命财产,而且在过去还要救火、镇压罪恶、协助医疗服务、监督选举、指 挥交通、检查建筑物、寻找逃学学生和搜捕逃犯。
他们的记录中有成功者,但多 数是失败的;有高效率的领导,但多半的人在职务上无能和不讲信用。
专业警察部队的概 念在美国还是 20 世纪的产物;直到我们这个时代,一些城市才开始采取设立现代化部门的 必要步骤。&74 Food and HealthThe food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty percent of
cancer is related
diet as well, especially cancer of
colon. Different
is characteristic
these cultures. That food is related
to illness is
not a new discovery. In 1945, government researchers realized
that nitrates and nitrites,
commonly used to
preserve color in meats, and other food additives, caused cancer. Yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things in the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful. The additives which we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin to beef and poultry, and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows. Sometimes similar drugs
administered to
animals not for medicinal purposes, but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue.食品与健康我们所吃的食物似乎对我们的健康有深远的影响。
尽管科学上已取得许多 进展,使食物更适合我们食用,但与此同时它也使许多食物不宜食用了。
一些研究已经表 明,人类大概有
食物与疾病 有关并不是新发现。
1945 年,政府部门的科研工作者了解到,被广泛用于肉类以保持肉类 色泽的硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐和其他的添加剂可诱发癌症。
与此同时,要想知道加工食品标签上的哪些成分对健康有利,哪些成分对健 康不利,变得更加困难了。 我们吃到的这些添加物《写作160篇》全面涵盖当年可考话题,经典话题精心选材,并非都是如此直接的。 农民常给牛和家 禽注射青霉素,因而在受过注射的牛所产牛奶里发现青霉素。
有时让家禽服用这类药物并 非是为了治病,而是为了经济上的缘故。农民们只是想使家畜长得更肥壮可以上市场上卖 到好价钱。
虽然食物和药品管理局已一再设法控制这种情况的发生,但是这种行为仍在继 续。 &75 MARSMars According to the best evidence gathered by space probes and astronomers, Mars is an inhospitable planet, more similar to Earth's Moon
than to Earth
itself - a
dry, stark, seemingly lifeless world. Mars' air pressure is equal to Earth's at an altitude of 100,000 feet. The air there is95% carbon dioxide. Mars has no ozone layer to screen out the Sun's lethal radiation. Daytime temperatures may reach above freezing, but because the planet is blanketed by the mere wisp of an atmosphere, the heat radiates back into space. Even at the equator, the temperature drops to 50℃
( 60 ) at night. Today there is no liquid water, although valleys and channels on the surface show evidence of having been carved by running water. The polar ice caps are made of frozen water and carbon dioxide, and water
may be frozen in the ground as permafrost. Despite these difficult conditions, certain scientists believe that there is a possibility of transforming Mars into amore Earth like planet. Nuclear reactors might be used to melt frozen gases and eventually build up the atmosphere. This in turn could
&greenhouse effect& that would stop
heat from radiating back into space. Liquid water could be thawed to form a polar ocean. Once enough ice has melted, suitable plants could be introduced to build up the level of oxygen in the atmosphere so that,
time, the planet would support animal life from Earth and even
permanent human colonies. &This was once thought to be so far in the future as to be irrelevant,& said Christopher McKay, a research scientist at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. &But now it's starting to look
begin work in
four or five
The idea of &terra forming& Mars, as enthusiasts call it, has its roots in science fiction. But as researchers develop a more profound understanding of how Earth's ecology supports life, they have begun to see how it may be possible to create similar conditions on Mars. Don't plan on homesteading on Mars any time soon, though. The process could take hundreds or even thousands of years to complete, and the cost would be staggering.火星据宇宙探测器和天文学家收集的有力证据,火星是一个人类不能居住的星球。
它 不像地球,而更像月球--一个干涸、荒芜,看上去没有任何生命的世界。
火星的气压相当 于地球上十万英尺高空处的气压。
火星大气的构成中有 95%是二氧化碳,而且,火星上没 有能屏蔽太阳致命射线的臭氧层。
白天,那里的温度可以达到零上,但因为包裹火星的大 气层极为稀薄,热量又会辐射回宇宙中。就算是在火星赤道,夜里的温度也在 50℃。
极地冰帽是 由固态水和二氧化碳组成的,水也有可能存在于永久冻土之中。
尽管困难重重,某些科学 家依然认为有可能把火星改造成类似地球的星球。
液化的水可以融化成 极地海洋。 足够量的冰融化后,可将地球上的植物移植上去。植物又可以向大气层提供氧 气。
&这一切在过去看起来遥远得近乎无稽&,国家航天局的一位研究人员,克里斯托弗?麦克凯说,& 但是现在已经开始展现出可能性。 四五十年后,我们就可以着手于这项工作。&这种支持者 们称为&移居火星&的想法最早出现在科幻小说中。
但千万别计划很快 在火星上建造家园。 这个历程需要几百乃至上千年,而且耗费将是惊人的。&76 Hydrogen and IndustriesHydrogen, the lightest
and simplest of
the elements, has several
properties that make it valuable for
many industries. It releases
per unit of weight
any other fuel.
In rocket engines, tons of hydrogen and oxygen are《写作160篇》全面涵盖当年可考话题,经典话题精心选材,包含各类专业文献、各类资格考试、行业资料、中学教育、生活休闲娱乐、高等教育、幼儿教育、小学教育、外语学习资料、优美英语短文背诵80篇+中文翻译03等内容。 
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