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How to Learn Arabic Words Online (6 Steps) | eHow
Arabic, the language of Islam, is the fifth most common language worldwide. Arabic, with its 27 sub-languages, is the native language of approximately 280 million people, as well as 250 million nonnative speakers. Learning Arabic will introduce you to many beneficial travel, marriage, friendship, business and religious opportunities. There are ample websites that teach the basics of Arabic online, and this article will help you learn how to find them.
Computer speakers
Pen and paper (optional)
Learn the basics of the Arabic alphabet. With 28 letters, Arabic is read horizontally from right to left. To read and write Arabic you will need to learn that 22 of the 28 letters have 4 variants: alone, as the beginning of the word, as the middle letter of a word, or as the last letter of the word. The remaining four letters never change and are never connected to other letters, so for these letters, you will have to lift your writing utensil. You will also learn that all the le vowel sounds are indicated by marks above or below the consonants. There are three short vowels (ah, eh, and ih), and three long vowels (a, u, and i). There are also instances where the consonant will not have a vowel, which is called "sukun." You will also need to learn about "shadda," which occurs with consecutive syllables where one ends in a consonant and the second starts in the same consonant. "Learn Arabic Online" is a free website that will walk you through the Arabic alphabet and sounds in ten lessons (see Resources). A bonus to this site it that it has sound clips so that you can check your pronunciation.
Make a list of the basic words or phrases you wish to learn. This, of course, is an optional step, but it will give you an idea of what you want to learn. This will be especially helpful if you are learning Arabic for a specific purpose, such as a business transaction or travel. One suggestion is to make a table with three columns. In the first column (left), write the word or phrase in English. In the middle column, you will write the Arabic word (translation of the word in the first column). In the last column (right), write the Arabic word or phrase phonetically to help you remember how to read and pronounce it.
Use websites, such as "Babel: Arabic," (see Resources) to look up these words and phrases in Arabic. There are sound clips to accompany all words so that you can check you reading and pronunciation ability. This website offers the first 12 lessons for free (basic words and phrases), but a service charge will apply after that.
Practice reading and writing these words. When available use audio clips to check your pronunciation. While it is beneficial to write the words out phonetically in the beginning, be careful not be become dependent on this or you will not practice reading the words in Arabic.
If you prefer to learn by watching and listening than by reading and listening, there are many videos online that teach the basics of Arabic. The "Arabic in English" videos are very user friendly and helpful for learning the basic sounds and introducing the writing system. Start with the "Arabic in English Sample" video (see Resources). The "Arabic Audio & Text: Most Used Phrases" video provides the 100 most used phrases in English translated in Arabic. The screen shows the word/phrase in English and in Arabic and then repeats the word in Arabic twice. You may find that the video moves from one word/phrase to another very fast. A solution to this is to pause the video at each new screen to give you time to try to read the word, write the word down, and practice repeating the word.
Continue to develop your Arabic vocabulary. One you have managed the basic phrases and vocabulary, you should study sentence structure and develop conversational skills. Purchasing an English- Arabic dictionary will allow you to extend your vocabulary and learn more than the common words and phrases that most websites offer. The Concise Oxford Dictionary is the best for general use. You can also find free online English-Arabic dictionaries, such as that provided by ECTACO (see Resources).Affordable
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Egyptian Arabic
Egyptian Arabic
Most people who visit Egypt have little problems with communications because those working in the tourist sector are usually adept in at least several different languages. Typically, most of them speak some English, and many of them fluently. French is also a traditional language, but so too is German and Italian. Perhaps less common, are the Spanish, Russian, Japanese and Chinese languages, but of course there are specialized guides that are also fluent in most any language, who accompany various tours.
Nevertheless, if one escapes the confines of a tour group and ventures out into normal Egyptian neighborhoods, some command of the local language of Egypt is very helpful. Upscale shops, restaurants and other establishments will usually have multilingual personnel, but many common Egyptians one comes into contact with may only have such communication skills. Typically, one may find someone nearby that can translate, but not always. Furthermore, Egyptians are always impressed by foreigners who have made some effort to learn their language, and will go out of their way to accommodate them.
The official language of Egypt is Arabic, though with an Egyptian dialect. Today, Arabic ranks as the sixth most common language with an estimated 186 million native speakers. Furthermore, as the language of the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, it is also widely understood throughout the Muslim world, even in countries where Arabic is not the native language. The Egyptian colloquial Arabic is spoken by some 50 million people, mostly in Egypt.
One need not learn an extensive amount of Arabic to function in Egypt outside of the confines of the tourist industry. Understanding some useful words and phrases will go a long way. However, some background information on the language is useful in this regard.
Arabic is originally the language of the nomadic tribes of the northern and central regions of the Arabian Peninsula. It was only during the Muslim conquest and expansion of the seventh and eighth centuries that Arabic spread into the areas where it is now spoken. In the process, it largely supplanted the indigenous languages of the conquered regions, including Aramaic in the Levantine, Coptic in Egypt, Berber in North Africa, and Greek in the former Byzantine Empire.
In written form, some early inscriptions exist. Arabic of the pre-Classical period is found in inscriptions of central and northwestern Arabia, with Classical Arabic itself appearing in inscriptions dating from at least the fourth century. Pre-Islamic poetry, the Qur'an from the first half of the seventh century, and the language of contemporary Bedouin provided the basis for the codification of the language during the eighth and ninth centuries.
Arabic is a Semitic language of the Arabo-Canaanite subgroup (Ruhlen 1987). It belongs to the Afro-Asiatic family of languages--the bulk of which are spoken in Africa--which has several major branches: Semitic (including languages such as Arabic); B Chadic (including languages such as Hausa); Cushitic (including languages such as Somali); and Ancient Egyptian, whose modern descendent, Coptic, is preserved as a liturgical language.
Arabic and Canaanite, which includes Hebrew, Phoenician, and several extinct languages, are distantly related to Aramaic. Other even more distant relatives are the Semitic languages of Ethiopia and Akkadian, an extinct language once spoken in Mesopotamia.
Arabic itself is commonly sub-classified as Classical Arabic, Eastern Arabic, Western Arabic, and Maltese. A modernized form of Classical Arabic exists and is referred to as Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). Classical Arabic, which is the language of the Qur'an, was originally the dialect of Mecca in what is now Saudi Arabia. An adapted form of this, known as Modern Standard Arabic, is used in books, newspapers, on television and radio, and is also the common conversational language between educated Arabs from different countries.
Egyptian Arabic is part of the Eastern Arabic subclass, which includes the Arabic dialects spoken in a large region of North Africa (Egypt and Sudan), the Middle East (Syria, Iraq, and the Arabian Peninsula), and Arabic countries in Asia. Eastern Arabic, in addition to Egyptian Arabic, includes Levantine Arabic, spoken in Lebanon, Syria, Israel, and Palestine, and Gulf Arabic as well as dialects in adjacent regions.
Local dialects such as that spoken in Egypt may vary considerably so that someone from Morocco, for example, may have difficulty understanding someone from Iraq, even though they speak the same language. However, the dialect of , known as Cairene Arabic, is widely understood throughout much of the urbanized Arabic speaking world.
The main dialects that have been identified in Egypt and Eastern Libya include: Delta Arabic, Lower Egypt Arabic, Middle Egypt Arabic, Upper Egypt Arabic, Cairene Arabic, and others. Within these categories there are further regional sub-varieties. The differences among all the dialects are minor and, as a rule, do not impair understanding.
Actually, in Egypt, the Cairene dialect is today used in television, radio and political speeches. Through the 1950s and 1960s, it gained prominence because it was seen as a way of promoting democratic populism. Cairene is widely understood in the Cairo region and beyond because it is used in Egyptian films, plays, popular music, and television dramas, which are popular nationally and in other Arabic-speaking countries. Diglossia--a situation in which variants of the same language exist side by side in the same community, although they are used for different purposes--is still the rule, and Modern Standard Arabic competes with the vernacular in most formal situations, including television and radio, and is used in various religious contexts. The vernacular is more common in less formal, more intimate circumstances in the home and among friends. Most literature is written in MSA, but authors sometimes use the vernacular in writing dialogue.
Daily usage encompasses a range of linguistic forms that passes from the colloquial speech of the uneducated and illiterate, to a variety of more sophisticated colloquial forms used by the educated, and on to the highly classical and formalized MSA. Most educated Egyptians commonly use language that falls somewhere in the middle, employing a form that fits the occasion, being neither pure colloquial nor pure MSA (Parkinson 1994). Classical Arabic plays a role largely in t for example, it is used in the daily recitation of the Koran.
A language academy watches over MSA and tries to limit the influence of Western languages by proposing new vocabulary based on classical Arabic models, rather than on borrowings from foreign sources.
Arabic can be difficult for westerners to learn, but there are far fewer irregularities in the grammar than, for example, in the English language. The Arabic alphabet consists of 28 consonants and three vowels (a, i, u), which can be short or long. Colloquial Dialects of Arabic tend to use less consonants than MSA, but with more complexity in the vowel and syllable structure.
Europeans and Americans are usually unfamiliar with the concept of the Arabic root and pattern system, which constructs words using three-letter consonant "roots" (thought they can have four or five) that convey a basic idea. The root, which is unpronounceable as such, are associated with the general meaning. For example, k-t-b conveys the idea of writing, but the addition of other letters before, between and after the root letters produces many associated words such as book, office, library and author.
Patterns of vowel sequences, which can be thought of as templates, (sometimes as prefixes and suffixes, and sometimes with additional consonants) are then "added" to, or within, roots following general, well-defined models. These patterns then generate various nominal and verbal stems which have a
Some of the sounds are unique to Arabic and difficult for non-native speakers to pronounce correctly, though one should be able to make oneself understood.
Nouns are inflected and marked for case, gender (masculine and feminine), number (singular, plural, dual and collective) and determination (definite and indefinite). Plural in many nouns is marked by ablaut, that is, the vowel pattern within a root varies between singular and plural forms, akin to alternations in English as in the verb sing, sang, and sung, or the noun mouse and mice. Feminine nouns add the suffix "aat" to form the plural but masculine nouns generally have a "broken" plural which involves changing vowels in the middle of the word: kitaab ("book"); kutub ("books").
Arabic has very few irregular verbs
and does not use "is" or "are" at all in the present tense: "The king good" means "the king is good". In verbs, which occur in two basic stems, the perfect and imperfective, person, number, mood, and aspect are marked by prefixes and suffixes. Templates for verbs fall into ten commonly, and four rarely, used shapes and meanings, though in practice only three or four exist for most verbs. Their meanings indicate, for example, verbs that relate intensity, repetition, causation, intention, and belief.
There is also another system of particles. Particles include such things as function words which express syntactic relationships, for example, conjunctions, prepositions, interrogatives, and pronouns. Compared to the root-pattern system of other word categories these are quite simple in their formation.
Arabic sentences are usually written from right to left. The normal structure of a sentence in classical Arabic is verb-subject-object (VSO), though stylistic variations are possible. However, colloquial dialects are usually subject-verb-object (SVO), similar to English.
Egypt is an excellent place to learn Arabic. There are many short courses available that can just about fit in with the length of a vacation, as well as full programs. Many of the universities teach Arabic courses, but there are also seemingly hundreds of Arabic language academies. Visiting Egypt is probably the most intense and proficient means of learning the language. However, there are many on-line and off-line courses in Arabic available for those who wish to learn the language. Though many more exist, below are a few resources for learning the Arabic language:
Arabic Instruction inside Egypt Universities
Private Facilities
Arabic Instruction Outside of Egypt
Computer Programs
Arabic Courses Online
Books and Audio
by Lara Iskander
by David Scott
by Heba Fatteen Bizzari by Julia Kaliniak by Dr.
Maged El-Bialy by Catherine C. Harris
Iskander and Jimmy Dunn by Amargi by Jimmy Dunn writing as Ismail Abaza by Joyce Cartaby Sonny Stengle by Jimmy Dunn by
The Egyptian Government by Dr. Maged El-Bialy by Mohamed Osama by Seemi AhmadIslam by Heba Fatteen Bizzari by Dr. Maged El-Bialy by Mary Kay Radnich by Heba Fatteen
Bizzari by the Egyptian Government by the Egyptian
Government by Lara Iskander by Sonny Stengle
Murad Naquib Mahfouz (1911-August 30th, 2006)
By Arnvid Aakre by Ralph Ellis
by Jane Akshar
by Heba Fatteen Bizzari by Seif Kame l by Sameh by Seif Kamel by Heba Fatteen Bizzariby The Government of Egypt with revisions by Jimmy Dunn by
Heba Fatteen Bizzari by Heba Fatteen Bizzari by Jane Akshar
by Lara Iskander by Dr. Maged
El-Bialy by Heba Fatteen Bizzari
Last Updated: June 13th, 2011
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Tour Egypt aims to offer the ultimate Egyptian adventure and intimate knowledge about the country. We offer this unique experience in two ways, the first one is by organizing a tour and coming to Egypt for a visit, whether alone or in a group, and living it firsthand. The second way to experience Egypt is from the comfort of your own home: online.ISSUU - arabicdagga by Yazik


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