spinoff company是什么意思啊?

& 2012 金山软件“Economic spin-off”在文章中是什么意思?
Technology analysis takes economic spin-off,commercial potential,and patents and right.
Economic spin-off is the reduction quantity of TOE/yr or CO2/yr.
这里的“Economic spin-off”应该翻译成什么呢?
(1)an unexpected but useful result of an activity that is designed to produce sth else:有用的副产品
commercial spin-offs from medical research
(2)a book, a film / movie, a television programme, or an object that is based on a book, film / movie or television series that has been very successful:
The TV comedy series is a spin-off of the original movie.
Economic spin-off:经济副产品
—— jellowar
—— ritaloveca
相关其他知识点&&&spin off
The Reference and Development of the Western Credit Spinoff
Since 90’s 20 century, spin off listing has become the principal path for the state-owned enterprises in their reformations.
20 世纪 90 年代以来,国有企业采取分拆方式实现股票上市已经成为普遍现象。
This dissertation discusses the following questions as the reality and institutional background of state-owned enterprises spin off listing, the divided up of the state-owned enterprises assets, the formation of the company capital, as well as the conflict of interest between the state-owned controlling shareholders, listed companies and public shareholders.
本文以国有企业分拆上市为选题,通过对其中有关问题的法律分析,揭示国有企业分拆上市的制度背景、法律性质、资产分割与股份有限公司资本形成,以及该模式下形成的国有控股股东与上市公司和社会公众股股东之间的利益冲突,以期对国有企业分拆上市这一普遍做法作出评判。 全文文共分为五章:第一章“导论”。
Chapter three is spin off listing and the formation of corporate capital.
About the properties of space right, I can think space right the will based on obligee, spin off from land ownership kind, and can be through registering announcement, so is a new independent real right.
There are two impacts of university to science & technology park: aggregation and spin
off effects.
大学在科技园区发展中的作用可以分为两类 ,一类是大学的集聚效应——引力作用 ,另一类是大学的裂变效应——蕴育功能。
The realistic options for spin-off
Spin-off Technology Transfer Mechanism
OFF model.
Spin Control
The Power of Spin
查询“spin off”译词为用户自定义的双语例句&&&&我想查看译文中含有:的双语例句
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& China has made a series of world-famous achievements in the field of space technology. The spin-off of space technolo-gy, at the same time, has been transferred to industry, agricul-ture, geology, medicine, eot, re-ferred as " civilian engineering" . It results in a lot of new pro-ducts and advanced technologies which are especially beneficial to China's social and economical developments. The Chinese Academy of Space Technology ( CAST) have extended the fol-lowing technologies into the transfor... &&&&&&&&&&&&中国在空间技术方面已取得了举世瞩目的成就。同时,空间技术也经二次开发而应用于我们称之为“民用工程”的工业、农业、地质、医学等各个方面。由此,产生了许多新的产品和高级技术,它们都大大有利于中国的社会与经济发展。中国空间技术研究院多年来一直致力于把电子技术、测量技术、控制技术、温控技术、真空技术等从空间事业向民用工程的转化工作,有效地推动了二次开发。本文重点介绍该院空间技术二次开发所获得的某些成果。&&&&&&&& This paper examines the Beijing's new-tech agglomeration centered on Beijing New-tech Experimental Zone which is proved to be China's most intense concentration of innovative business activity.It analyzes the spin-off process of new-tech firms,illustrates the factors influencing the agglomeration and dispersion of the new-tech firms and detects their dispersion patterns and ongoing changes.Five agglomeration factors are:access to universities and research
institutes,information availability,acc... &&&&&&&&&&&&本文在调查研究的基础上,对北京中关村新技术企业集聚区域的企业衍生、集聚与扩散因素,以及企业的异地发展和地区内的商业区化趋势进行了讨论。结论指出,中关村新技术集聚体是我国高新技术产业的重要基地,国家对高新技术企业必须进行及时的有效支持和引导,使之获得健康的持续发展。和国外高技术综合体类似,培育企业家创新能力以及加强本地的企业联系和合作是北京新技术集聚体成功的两个最重要的保证。&&&&&&&& Recent development of high energy machines lays behind Livingston line, It hints that up to thirty kilometers long e
and pp colliders based on heavy electronics are reaching to the end. However, the technological precision of photonic collider is still too difficult to carry out. Thus, phononics will be the new technological physics for the R and D of new generation of colliders including quantum μ
- colliders. This improvement has its own spin
off. (2)The physical motivation of co... &&&&&&&&&&&&(1)目前高能工程发展出现跌落于Livingston线的现象,这暗示重电子学型e+e-、pp对撞机发展到几十公里长已到尽头,但光子学(Photonics)对撞机的工艺精度尚不能及,于是声子学(Phononics)将有可能推进新一代μ+μ-量子对撞机并有所spin-of。(2)高能对撞机的目标是验证《SM》和《SUSY》,其理论基础是从《杨-Mils规范场论》,《SM》的成功证明东西方文化交融是新物理的一种泉源。(3)《规范场论》的两大支柱《广义相对论》和《正统量子论》被实验证明是不相容的,但其深入结合导致《SM》的成功,说明:《不相容的兼容原理》存在而导致今天的高能成为“大科学”的局面&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
2008 CNKI-中国知网
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&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社spin off是什么意思_百度知道
spin off是什么意思
//f词霸给的什么奇怪翻译.com/zhidao/pic/item/d058ccbf6c8eeb1ed.jpg" esrc="http.jpg" target="_blank" title="点击查看大图" class="ikqb_img_alink"><img class="ikqb_img" src="http://f。例如图中这句怎么翻译创造新的事物而不影响原物的大小如;into&separate&company.;company&the&later&nbsp:He&a&rescued&division&nbsp.他挽救了该公司,随后将其纺织部门剥离出来成立了一个独立的公司;off&its&textile&nbsp.;and&spun&nbsp
出门在外也不愁Orion and Space Launch System Spinoffs
Orion launches on its first test flight December 4, but did you know there are already commercial spinoffs from the spacecraft? See examples here!
Spinoff 2015: NASA Technologies Benefit Society
Spinoff 2015 presents remarkable examples of spinoffs providing benefits around the world—saving lives, creating jobs, preserving resources, and more.
A Hall of Fame Spinoff
The Space Foundation inducts NASA spinoff company Taylor Devices into its Hall
Down-to-Earth Benefits from Space
Actor/WriterNASA Technology Transfer Program Executive Dan Lockney explains how NASA&s missions benefit society and
shares his favorite examples from Spinoff 2013.
Spinoff has come to the iPad
Connect to Spinoff with our new free app! Learn about NASA technologies benefitting
the world today. Articles, interactive features, videos, and more!
Technology developed at Ames Research Center to take high-resolution imagery on Mars is now being used in baseball stadiums across the country. A private business customized the platform to accommodate in-game shots that capture nearly the whole stadium. Fans can navigate the photos online and tag themselves and their friends using social media tools..
Goddard Space Flight Center enlisted the help of several contractors to accomplish the enormous task of polishing the Webb telescope mirrors. One of the contractors developed a system for testing the mirrors and was later acquired by a company that now offers a laser vision product—enhanced by the telescope innovations—to measure a patient&s eye and create a map for treatment.
Under NASA funding, a private company enhanced and refined a polymer material that was incorporated into a formula intended to repair any potential damage on the exterior of the space shuttle. The polymer converts into a ceramic at high temperatures, and the company now manufactures a family of related heat management products for the military, aerospace, aviation, and automotive markets.
To help inspect the more than 200 miles of electrical bundles and wires on the space shuttle, Pedro Medelius at Kennedy Space Center invented the standing wave reflectometer. A company then licensed the technology, which is now used to examine wiring in aircraft, submarines, sea vessels, and helicopters. The private company has grown to 30 employees and the technology has saved more than $2 million on development costs.
A nonprofit, NASA-sponsored research partnership center developed a leaf sensor that can monitor plants using electrical pulses, allowing anyone from astronauts to farmers to measure plant water levels directly. One company has commercialized the technology, allowing “thirsty” plants to send text messages to farmers asking for more water.
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