全部 跪求大神给个qq号英语大神在线指导

I'm not perfect,I'm broken.That's why I need friend who likes sister or brother to me,that's why I need someone who can inclusive all mine shortcoming,Because no one can spend all his life by alone.
I'm not perfect,I'm broken.That's why I need friends who are like my sisters or brothers .that's why I need some people who can forgive all my shortcomings,because no one can spend all his life alone.
出门在外也不愁急求!!!! 在线等!要寄快递到日本,需要全英文地址,日文地址如下,求大神翻译成英文版,谢谢!_百度知道
急求!!!! 在线等!要寄快递到日本,需要全英文地址,日文地址如下,求大神翻译成英文版,谢谢!
急求!!!! 在线等!要寄快递到日本,需要全英文地址,日文地址如下,求大神翻译成英文版,谢谢!横浜市中区山下町202番地チャイナタウンビル301号室
谢谢 确定是正确的吗
没别的意思 不好意思啦 哈哈 十分谢谢!
出门在外也不愁  一楼给涯叔。  本科专业英语擦边,但没学过翻译。下下个月要考试了TAT,笔译一团糟,决定从今天开始每天挑一些文章来练习,希望各路大神们给予指导,望涯友不吝给出自己宝贵的建议和帮助!跪求!!!!!!!  今天第一篇是经济学人1月3日那期的文章。篇是经济学人1月3日那期的文章。  一楼给涯叔。  本科专业英语擦边,但没学过翻译。下下个月要考试了TAT,笔译一团糟,决定从今天开始每天挑一些文章来练习,希望各路大神们给予指导,望涯友不吝给出自己宝贵的建议和帮助!跪求!!!!!!!  今天第一篇是经济学人1月3日那期的文章。篇是经济学人1月3日那期的文章。
楼主发言:11次 发图:0张
  07/01/2015  原文节选:  The on-demand economy  Workers on tap  The rise of the on-demand economy poses difficult questions for workers, companies and politicians.  In the early 20th century Henry Ford combined moving assembly lines with mass labour to make building cars much cheaper and quicker—thus turning the automobile from a rich man’s toy into transport for the masses. Today a growing group of entrepreneurs is striving to do the same to service, bringing together computer power with freelance workers to supply luxuries that were once reserved for the wealthy. Uber provides chauffeurs. Handy supplies cleaners. SpoonRocket delivers restaurant meals to your door. Instacart keeps your fridge stocked. In San Francisco a young computer programmer can already live like a princess.  Yet this on-demand economy goes much wider than the occasional luxury. Click on Medicast’s app, and a doctor will be knocking on your door within two hours. Want a lawyer or a consultant? Axiom will supply the former, Eden McCallum the latter. Other companies offer prizes to freelances to solve R&D problems or to come up with advertising ideas. And a growing number of agencies are delivering freelances of all sorts, such
and Elance-oDesk, which links up 9.3m workers for hire with 3.7m companies.
  惨不忍睹的翻译:  按需经济—召之即来的工人们  按需经济的日益增长给工人、公司以及政治家们带来了难题。  在二十世纪早期,亨利福特将生产流水线和大量的劳动力结合到一起,使汽车生产过程变得更加低耗和迅速,以此将汽车从有钱人的玩意儿变成大众的交通工具。现今,越来越多的企业家努力尝试着同样多的事情,他们试图将计算机的力量和自由职业者们联合起来,用以提供这些曾经只属于富人的奢侈品。Uber提供司机服务。Handy提供清洁工。SpoonRocket提供上门送餐服务。Instacars时时刻刻填饱你的冰箱。在圣弗朗西斯科,年轻的电脑程序员已然可以过上公主般的生活。  按需经济仍然比偶然的奢侈要来得吃香。轻轻一点Medicast的应用,医生就会在俩小时内敲开你家大门。需要一位律师或者顾问么?Axiom可以为您提供前者,而Eden McCallum服务后者。其他一些公司付薪酬给自由职业者来解决研究与开发这类的问题,或者想出一些广告点子。越来越多的中介机构提供各类各样的自由职业者,比如和Elance-oDesk, 这些机构将九百三十万名雇佣工人和三百七十万家公司联系了起来。
  08/01/2015  经济学人杂志原文1:  Back in the cold   After promising signs of a renaissance, China’s old rustbelt suffers a big setback.  WOOLIEN car-seat covers come in handy during the freezing winters of north-eastern China, giving drivers a plush layer of extra warmth. But as temperatures have plunged over the past month, seat covers that used to fly off the shop shelves in cold weather have piled up. At the Wu’ai Market, a wholesale emporium in the city of Shenyang, Li Xiaoli surveys her showroom stacked high with covers of every description: thick and thin, red and white, patterned and plain. “It’s getting harder for people to earn money, so they are not spending as freely as before,” she says.
  翻译1:  回归严寒  充满希望的复苏信号才将将出现,中国老旧的铁锈地带便遭遇了巨大的挫折。加了绒面的汽车座椅套为严寒之中的中国东北的司机们带来了温暖,以备不时之需。然而,上个月天气突然骤降,一度畅销的座椅套囤积成了滞销货。五爱市场是沈阳一个很大的批发市场,李小丽在采访中我们看到了李小丽商店中高高摞着的座椅套,以及座椅套上的每一条描述:厚且薄,红又绿,斑斓中带着平凡。她说:“现在人们挣钱越来越难了,很难想像过去一样任意花钱了。”
  不好意思修改一下最后一句的中文  回归严寒  充满希望的复苏信号才将将出现,中国老旧的铁锈地带便遭遇了巨大的挫折。加了绒面的汽车座椅套为严寒之中的中国东北的司机们带来了温暖,以备不时之需。然而,上个月天气突然骤降,一度畅销的座椅套囤积成了滞销货。五爱市场是沈阳一个很大的批发市场,李小丽在采访中我们看到了李小丽商店中高高摞着的座椅套,以及座椅套上的每一条描述:厚且薄,红又绿,斑斓中带着平凡。她说:“现在人们挣钱越来越难了,很难像过去一样任意花钱了。”
  原文2+翻译2:  Ms Li’s unsold seat-covers reflect a deepening economic malaise in China’s north-east. They stem from a slowdown in car sales that has been exacerbated by a property-market down turn, which has been weak nationwide but especially bad in the north-east. Home sales in Shenyang, the region’s biggest city, fell by 26% year-on-year in the first ten months of 2014. That, in turn, reflected a decline in heavy industry, the backbone of the economy.  李女士这些滞销的座椅套反应了中国东北地区愈加深化的经济波动。这些是由汽车销售的下滑造成的,而全国房市,尤其是东北房市的不景气进一步加剧了这一变化。沈阳作为这个区域最大的城市,房产销售在2014年的前十个月持续下降了26%。这同样反应了充当经济支柱的重工业方面的下降。
  修正again...上一个year-on-year翻译错了不好意思。  Ms Li’s unsold seat-covers reflect a deepening economic malaise in China’s north-east. They stem from a slowdown in car sales that has been exacerbated by a property-market down turn, which has been weak nationwide but especially bad in the north-east. Home sales in Shenyang, the region’s biggest city, fell by 26% year-on-year in the first ten months of 2014. That, in turn, reflected a decline in heavy industry, the backbone of the economy.  李女士这些滞销的座椅套反应了中国东北地区愈加深化的经济波动。这些是由汽车销售的下滑造成的,而全国房市,尤其是东北房市的不景气进一步加剧了这一变化。沈阳作为这个区域最大的城市,房产销售在2014年的前十个月与上年同期相比下降了26%。这同样反应了充当经济支柱的重工业方面的下降。
  原文3+翻译3:  The north-east’s provinces—Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning—ranked in the bottom five of China’s 31 provinces for GDP growth in the first three quarters of 2014. Their growth of 6% was 1.4 percentage points less than the national rate. Worse, their industrial output rose just 0.5% year-on-year in October, far below the national average of 7.7%.  2014年中国31个省的GDP增长排名,东北三省(黑龙江,吉林,辽宁)在前三个季度位列倒数五名。东三省总体6%的增长值比国家增长率低了1.4个百分点。更糟糕的是,十月份工业输出与上年同期相比仅有0.5%增长,离国家平均增长率7.7%还有相当的差距。
  原文4+翻译4:  It is a troubling regression for China’s old rustbelt, which is home to 110m people. Until recently the north-east appeared to be experiencing a renaissance after a difficult couple of decades. The question now is whether its lapse is a passing phase, as it makes the transition from being a base for heavy industry to a centre for modern manufacturing and entrepot for north-east A or whether its problems are chronic, the legacy of a centrally planned past in which it remains partially trapped.   东北这一铁锈地带居住着1.1亿中国人民,经济不景气对于这片居住着1.1亿中国人民的铁锈地带来说是严重的落后。经历了几十年严重的经济低迷,直到最近东北才  开始复苏。现在的问题是经济衰退是否短暂即逝,因为东北正在经历由亚州东北部贸易中的重工业底层向现代制造业和货物集散地的变迁。又或者,这一经济衰退将长期持续下去,(最后一句不会翻译了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!the legacy of a centrally planned past in which it remains partially trapped.求大神啊跪!!!!!求大神!!!)


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