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follow up action是什么意思
中文翻译跟进工作:&&&&vt. 1.跟着,跟随;接着,跟着发生,继…之后;(地位 ...:&&&&adv. (superl. uppermost ) 1. ...:&&&&n. 1.动作,活动;行为,行动。 ★ act 指一次所 ...
例句与用法1.All the women were handed over to the immigration department for follow up action所有被捕女子已交由入境处跟进。 2.Review status of assignments and any follow up action with on - coming supervisor检查所有工作的完成情况以及跟进行动。 3.We will study the findings of the review and take appropriate follow up actions我们会研究检讨结果,并采取适当的跟进行动。 4.I would like to speak on the follow up actions by the constitutional development task force我想同大家讲讲专责小组的跟进工作。 5.All the arrested persons will be handed over to the immigration department for follow up action所有被捕女子将会交由入境处进一步调查。 6.The information collected about you will be used for taking follow up actions on your comment向你收集所得的资料会用来跟进你提出的意见。 7.You can use the follow up miniview to keep note of follow up actions you need to take可以使用follow up miniview来记录需要进行的后续操作。 8.Plus , the follow up action drop - down dialog box includes a new option called new follow up memo而且, follow up操作下拉对话方块包括名为new follow up memo的新选项。 9.The 20 arrested iis , aged between 16 and 49 , will be handed over to the immigration department for follow up action该二十名非法入境者,年龄介乎十六至四十九岁,将会交由入境处跟进。 10.In addition , notes 7 allows you to access follow up action messages listed in the follow up miniview from calendar views此外, notes 7允许从日历视图访问follow up miniview中列出的后续操作消息。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&
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can pump是什么意思
中文翻译罐形水泵:&&&&n. 1.〔美国〕罐头,听头(=〔英国〕tin);(装液 ...:&&&&n. 1.泵,抽(水)机,唧筒;抽机作用,抽动;抽运;泵 ...
例句与用法1.Then the bar can pump up the oscillations like a parent pushing a child on a swing如此一来,棒子会像父母推动小孩的秋千般,提升恒星振? 。 2.The world is still consuming almost as much oil as it can pump , so any reduction in supply could send prices skywards again世界对于石油的需求是多多益善,所以任何的减产都会导致油价的再度上涨。 3.In a deflationary economy , however , you can pump money in , but if confidence is gone the economy can continue to deflate在一个不断通缩的经济中,你总是可以向经济中注入货币的,但是一旦市场失去信心,经济通缩局面就会不断持续下去。 4.Since the heart can pump more volume of blood foreach contraction , the heart has less time of contraction to maintain the same cardiac output由于心脏每次收缩时排出的血液量增加,心脏能减少收缩次数,但仍能维持相等之血液供应量。 5.Between its third and ninth month , the female zebrafish can pump out hundreds of eggs every other week . therefore all the drugs tested can be on the embryos of the same gene background利用本实验室配出的特殊变种鱼透明鱼脑神经退化鱼,可迅速有效地筛选治疗心血管及脑神经退化之药物。 6.The present backed market ca n ' t satisfy the large gap of demand for capital . implementing the mortgage - backed securitization can pump plenty capital from the circulative market to the issuing market continuously , so it is helpful to solve the problem effectively通过实施住房抵押贷款证券化,将抵押贷款二级市场上丰富的社会资金源源不断地泵入抵押贷款市场一级市场,将有助于这一问题的有效解决。 7.S , sh series pumps are splitacase centrifugal punps . they can pump clear water and liquid with chemical composition similar to water without solid temperature of liquid is limited to 80 degrees to centigrade . thesepumps can be used for water supply to projectsSh系列泵是中开式离心泵,供输送清水及理化性质类似于水,不含固体颗粒的液体之用,液体最高温度不超过80 ,适用于工厂、矿山、城市、电站的给排水及农田排灌和各种水利工程。 8.Charge pump circuits that make use of charge accumulation in the capacitor can pump charge upward to produce voltage higher than the regular supply voltage , and they are widely used in memory circuits , such as flash memory , for the programming and erasing of the floating - gate devices电荷泵是一种运用电荷在电容中的积累来产生高压(高于电源电压)的电路,它广泛应用在存储器电路中,诸如flashmemory ,用于对悬浮栅器件进行写或擦除操作。 9.To up the grossness factor , visitors can pump on levers at the vomit and burp machines for maximum effect . children squealed in delight at the exhibits but adults long taught to regard the intimate workings of the body as impolite seemed to grossology " heads for taipei , seoul and hong kong after it孩子们在观看展览的时候往往会高兴的大喊大叫,但是成年们才是这次展览的最大受益者,因为在他们小的时候,大人们会告诉他们谈论这些近乎于个人隐私的生理现象是不雅的。 10.Even firemen , who are trained to save lives , get together every now and then for contests and demonstrations to see which team can get there fastest , connect the hoses and hit the target first , or who can push a ball across the line with the most powerful stream of water those fire engines can pump即使是被训练来拯救性命的消防员,也常常聚集一起去比赛和示范,看哪个队能最快速到那儿接上水管并首先射中标地,或谁能在消防车所能打出最强而有力的水柱中将一个球推挤过线。
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due care是什么意思
中文翻译英英解释安全关注应尽的责任心应有的关注应有关注:&&&&adj. 1.(债款等)当付的,应该付给的;(票据等)到 ...:&&&&n. 1.忧烦,忧念;挂念,思念;心事,牵累。 2.关怀 ...
例句与用法1.The depository shall keep the deposit with due care第三百六十九条保管人应当妥善保管保管物。 2.Dangers of navigation are such as are not avoidable by the exercise of due care航海危险是指那些即使注意也不可避免的危险。 3.4 the authority shall exercise due care and diligence in the handling of its finances4 ?建局须以应有的谨慎和尽其应尽的努力处理其财政。 4.If local anaesthetic has been used during treatment , please take due care before the numbness is gone如需进食,请使用没有麻痹感觉的那一边牙齿来咀嚼食物。 5.Due care must be taken to ensure that the pulse signal itself shall allow no irregularities and no interruptions应注意保证脉冲信号本身不出现不规则现象和中断现象。 6.The authority is required to exercise due care and diligence in handling its finances and to be accountable市建局须以应有的谨慎和尽其应尽的努力来处理财政,以及对公众负责7.Sniping may be a problem and senior officers must exercise due care when travelling about their areas放冷枪进行暗算可能是个大问题,所以高级军官路经他们地区时必须小心防范。 8.Article 247 lessee ' s obligation of due care ; maintenance obligations the lessee shall keep and use the lease item with due care第二百四十七条承租人应当妥善保管、使用租赁物。 9.If you want to protect yourself and your children , due care must be taken when considering whether to meet an online friend on not如你想保护自己及子女免受伤害,对于是否与网上朋友相约见面,务须再三考虑。 10.Each of these techniques works better in a particular kind of scenario and due care needs to be taken in deciding which one to use when上述的各种技术在特定场合都能很好发挥作用,应该好好的考虑在何时使用哪项技术。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&
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中文翻译英英解释不光滑的不平滑, 不通畅不顺粗糙的
例句与用法1.New bra , stealthy bra , shy bra , silicone bra unsmooth net , it is ventilative to be网状硅胶胸罩,隐形胸罩,硅胶胸罩,文胸2.Compared with conventional coupling bolts , the hydraulic radial - fit bolts can effectively prevent unsmooth stagnation与传统联轴器螺栓相比,液压螺栓能有效地防止卡涩和咬死。 3.The symptom is that the edge of kelp appear unsmooth , fold , and curl to middle part , the algae body stops growing病状为叶缘出现凹凸,皱褶,并向中带部卷曲,藻体停止生长。 4.Because it surface of relief type , unsmooth line let people step on in comfortable and incomparable the higher authority由于它是浮雕式的表面,凹凸的纹路让人踩在上面舒适无比。 5.It is certain that the new member states will face many difficulties and challenge which means their path to euro is unsmooth可以肯定地说,欧盟新成员在加入欧元区进程中会遇到许多困难和曲折,欧元区东扩道路并不平坦。 6.The appearance , visual aesthetic feeling and real wood are all the same , the unsmooth design of the light relief , show the beauty of the lines of the wooden line especially外观及视觉美感与实木完全相同,浅浮雕的凹凸设计,凸现木纹的线条之美。 7.It has dark color , fruit flavor , increasing rock flavor , long and clear fruit aftertaste , increasing sweetness , declining sourness , heavy , but a bit of unsmooth , deep aftertaste , full taste色偏深,果香,石头味上扬,回味果香清冽持久,甜度曲线上升,酸度下降,更加厚重但有点涩,回味很深,口感非常充分8.However , such problems as its operation being still a " government dependent type " , misunderstanding of " lifetime sports " , and unsmooth cooperation between various organizations , are affecting the further development of comprehensive community sports clubs in japan但在运营上依然是“政府依存型” ,以及对“终身体育”的误解及各团体组织协作不畅等问题,影响着日本综合性社区体育俱乐部的进一步发展。 9.But they dont designate approaches of completing these objects . thus organizational process of strategy implementation is not specific . accordingly there are many problems , such as skip - level management and unsmooth information communication channel , which will influence the achievement of total strategic goals中国企业领导踌躇满志,希望下属管理人员和员工能够帮助实现他们的目标,但是并没有指明完成目标的途径,组织上下战略实施的组织流程不明确,相应便产生如越级管理信息沟通渠道不畅等诸多问题,影响企业总体战略目标的实现。 10.Qualitative analysis on the effect of flood control and engineering safety - , seizing lots of water conservancy effective adjust storage . then making water level risen and reservoir backwater enlarged in the same flow level ? effect on beach and the buildings across river , soil salinization caused by flow from a lower to a higher place and unsmooth groundwater drainage destroy of travel resource caused by disorder enclose tideland for cultivation in reservoir silt up flood plain are given , then presents enclose tideland for cultivation dyke is important cause which water level rise in reservoir本文从青铜峡水库泥沙淤积入手,分析水库泥沙淤积特性和库区围垦堤开发利用淤积滩地的现状,对防洪安全及工程安全的影响、侵占大量的有效调蓄库容、造成同级流量下水库水位抬升水库回水上延、对沿岸及过河建筑构成影响、因水位抬升致使库区周边灌区地下水排水不畅乃至倒灌而造成土地盐碱化、对水库库区大量淤积滩地无序围垦造成旅游资源破坏等五方面影响的定性分析,提出库区围垦堤是水库水位抬升的重要原因。 &&更多例句:&&1&&
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potluck party是什么意思
中文翻译一种聚餐方式,主人准备场地和餐具,参加的人必须带一道菜或准备饮料,最好事先问问主人的意思。有人邀请你参加自己带食物主人提供餐具的:&&&&便饭,现成饭菜;〔美俚〕客人带来的菜 (take pot ...:&&&&n. 1.党,党派;政党;结党,党派活动。 2.【军事】 ...
例句与用法1.We ' ll have a potluck party this weekend . please bring the self - made foods这个周末我们将会举行便餐聚会,大家带上自己亲自准备的菜吧。 2.We will have a potluck party this weekend , so please come along with your self - made dishes这个周末我们将会举行便餐聚会,大家带上自己亲自准备的菜吧。 3.The idea of the potluck party is that no one family or an institution is burdened with the cost and preparation time of the meal and everyone gets to try something different that usually isn ' t made in their home盛餐会的构想在于餐会在时间和金钱上的花费不必由某家庭或某机构一力承担,而每个人都能品尝到自家平时不做的菜肴。


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