0177:end sup datapark ,step park tank

10/18/2013 Update – From a comment below.
I haven’t tested this as I’ve given up on Java completely.
I just wanted to leave a note with how i got this working (there was lots of info in this thread but it was hard to find a clear step by step with success).
– Run the Java exe on a test machine, digg out the MSI + files from the %userprofile%\Appdata\…. area
– Create an MST using ORCA, set the update settings to not update etc.
– Create a blank “deployment.properties” file and have the “deployment.expiration.check.enabled=false” inside it.
– Install the MSI + MST
– Copy the deployment.properties to C:\Windows\Sun\Java\deployment
– Launch IE, browse to
– Test the version with the button on the site
– Accept the security prompt (in our org. we are leaving this security level HIGH)
– Wait for any pop-up about an out of date version?
– Open up REGEDIT
– Browse to HKCU\Software\AppDataLow\Software\JavaSoft\DeploymentProperties
– You should see “deployment.expiration.check.enabled” REG_SZ false
– Retest by re-loading the Javatester.org website
– Retest by closing / reopening browser and hitting Javatester.org again
– Log off and on as a new user, repeat test to make sure the HKCU is being populated under the new user.
– Package up
– Have a beer
**Update 7/25/2013**
Sorry all, haven’t been as active with this as I’d like.
Unfortuntely we had to bite the bullet and get everyone upgraded to the latest and greatest.
It does seem that Oracle FINALLY sees this is massive issue and has released some patched versions for this.
Check all of the comments for the download link.
I personally haven’t even looked at the patches yet, so use at your own risk.
Please also look thru all the comments.
There any many different ways to look at resolving this at least temporarily.
**Update 6/19/2013**
It appears a path was released for update 21, nothing that I can see for 25 yet.
From the comments
**Update 5/16/2013 **** PLEASE read all comments before implementing this.
Java has yet again changed the game and made the expiration date unavoidable.
There’s a lot of good info for temporary workarounds in the comments.
Key word … TEMPORARY.
Unfortunately, you need a login on My Oracle Support (MSO). As I don’t have a login I cannot provide you a deep link to this particular patch.
If you have a login, you can sign-in on , click “Patches and Updates”, then search for patch ID .
BTW: I have applied this interim patch on my PC today and changed the system date to August 10 (which is beyond the expiration date for the official public JRE 1.7.0_21). The infamous update popup did not occur, so the patch seems to work.
Oracle released an interim patch, , for JRE and JDK 1.7.0_21 (32bit only) with Auto-update Off and Insecure Java Version Message suppressed:
Patch Details
Bug Number:
Product Name: Oracle JDK and JRE 1.7.0_21-fcs-b14
with Auto-update Off and Insecure Java Version Message suppressed
– Interim Patch
Platform: Windows-i586
some notes from Joe in the comments …
Got some bad news. If you start messing with your system date and set it to 5/16/13, even if you use the suggestions here of baseline.versions folder instead of files, you’ll get prompted. This all appears to be due to the JRE_EXPIRATION_DATE value that is hard coded to that date in 7.17. I tested it with 7.21 which has the variable set to 7/18/13 and it starts prompting you on 7/18 as expected (I mispoke in my post above 7/18 is correct). So I don’t know of any way to beat this.
I’m using this to push anyone with a JRE related app to demand from the vendor to move away from it. What a joke. 3 billion devices and counting … we’ll see about that Oracle.
Java, I do not like you!
Well, I am sure almost everyone is aware of the (in)famous Java updating mechanism within Java 1.7.
Here’s the scenario if you haven’t already witnessed the madness with Java 1.7.x.
At the time of this writing, Java 1.7 update 15 was the latest version.
We package it up just like any other version, disabling auto-updates, and everything looks fine.
Then, we fast forward a few months and update 17 comes out.
No big deal, right?
Our package was set to turn Java auto-update off.
I wish it were so.
Once a user hits a webpage that uses Java, they will most likely see the following prompt.
The scary part – you’d never even know this was a problem until it’s too late.
If you deployed the latest version you wouldn’t see any error messages at all.
It’s only when a new version of Java is released that the messages start arriving.
Your Java version is insecure.
Click Update to install the recommended secure version.
Click Block to stop Java content in your browser or Later to continue and be reminded again later.
So let’s go thru the options here.
Since 90% of corporate users are not local admins – that won’t work.
Service Desk Call
Block the app from running?
That’s why they are at this webpage to start with.
Service Desk Call
Well, this one kind of works.
This will at least get rid of the warning but only bring you to another!
Service Desk Call
Let’s assume a user clicks “later”
They will then see this additional popup message.
Do you want to run this application?
Your version of Java is insecure and an application from the location below is requesting permission to run.
This particular site is just a
So here’s our new options.
This will actually run the Java app.
No Service Desk Call (hopefully)
Another attempt to update Java to the latest version (remember, Java auto-update is turned off, right??)
Again, no local admin on most corporate machines.
Service Desk Call
Stops the app from running.
Service Desk Call
As you can see, sending this to an enterprise-wide distribution is not an option.
This would generate enormous amounts of Service Desk calls and very unhappy users.
This completely blows my mind.
I thought Adobe Flash was bad but now Oracle has topped the list.
I could go on for hours on why Oracle should disable this “feature”.
Until they do, we need a workaround.
Here’s my solution.
Not perfect by any means.
It seems to get rid of *most* of the popups.
You may have to tweak some things depending on your corporate policy/application requirements/etc.
Remove all older versions of Java (at least 1.7 versions).
My testing with 1.6.x version has been a little strange but I realize application requirement may prevent this from happening.
Verify C:\WINDOWS\sun\java\deployment directory is empty.
If not, have your install script delete this full directory.
You need to now create 2 text files, deployment.config and deployment.properties.
These files basically replace the command line switches in the java install.
Here are the contents of deployment.config
The top line basically tells the system where your deployment.properties file is located.
For simplicity I just stuck it in the default location but could also reside on the network.
The second line tells the system if this is mandatory.
I don’t know much more about this setting.
Just set it to “true”.
Here are the contents to put into deployment.properties
The key settings above are:
These settings suppresses the “Later” button so you are never prompted.
This is a big one also.
Still not 100% on this one yet.
The default in the Java install is “HIGH” so I hate to set this lower.
The MEDIUM setting seems to get rid of most of the popups.
The only setting I could find that completely suppresses all warning popup is “LOW” but I can’t imagine security departments allowing this.
May as well stick with the older versions of Java.
This setting suppresses the second popup that warns about running the Java application.
These 2 files need to be copied to the C:\WINDOWS\sun\java\deployment directory.
Have your script create the directory after you delete it.
Update 3/8/2013 – NEW STEP
Create the folder C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\security before installing Java
Create 2 files – baseline.timestamp and baseline.versions
Contents of baseline.timestamp is just a period ( . )
Contents of baseline.versions shows up like this.
I believe this is telling Java what the current version is for each (1.8, 1.7, 1.6, etc).
I figured out that when you are prompted it creates this file and the registry shown below.
It defaults to 1.7.0_17.
I changed that setting to 1.7.0_13 to trick it into thinking its current.
Another option to get this file is to break it intentionally and go edit this file.
Crossing my fingers…. seems to work!
It also shows up in the registy like this.
To automate this, you’ll need to create a script to walk the directory tree and add this to each users profile.
You can also use group policy which may be a bit easier.
**Make sure these 2 files are present before installing Java. **
Install Java 1.7 with only a /qb or /qn switch.
No need to add any other switches since your files are now in the correct place.
Again, this is a far from perfect solution and differences will apply between corporations.
I am not a Java expert by any means – so let’s discuss any other options or repercussions!
Also, a tip on locking the Java settings after deployment from the comments of Rafal below
Just a comment about config and properties file
if you want to prevent users from changing Java control properties you will need to place .locked on property you are changing in the properties mark
will effectivelly lockout/greyout the setting for the user
Hope this helps!
**Update 4/24***
Well, I managed to blow up my environment when Update 21 was released.
My group policy workaround for the files was set to update, not replace.
So if the files were already there and Java overwrote them, group policy didn’t care and saw it as compliant.
TONS of calls.
Read thru all the comments below as there are some other ideas that may work.
I think I may have thrown the white flag up and may just do some extensive end user training.
Just don’t hit the “update” button!!!
This is obviously a HUGE issue.
The blog has seen 25K hits just on this page since written.
Hopefully we can still figure it out eventually
Possible workaround – from Morgan in comments.
Worth trying.
Update 5/17
I created the following until Oracle gets there act together. It’s an AutoIT script that looks for the update window and then selects the ideal combination for the user. You can deploy it in the startup folder for users and there is very little CPU impact. Feel free to use and modify as you like.
CODE HERE—- .txt
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apologetics: apolegetics
locker: loker
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household: houshe
artillery: artillary
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caution: causion, cortion
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preferably: preferrably
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cheetah: cheter*3
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fanaticism: fanatism
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beauty: beuty, bueaty
outlawed: oulawed
wrong: wrang, wronge, ron, rong*3, long, rog, wong, ronge, ro, worng
monolithic: monolite
short-tempered: short_tempered
effective: affective
caisson: casion
headquarters: headquoters
season: seson
signatories: signitories
baggage: bagage
orally: erally
snowballs: snow_ball
keeps: keep
wind: win, wid
restriction: restrici
dreamed: dremd
misdemeanor: misdemenor, misdameanor
vary: varie
sunshine: sunshin
Nazareth: Nazereth
His: He's, He
fit: fite, fanit, fid
unforeseen: unforseen
heretofore: heretofor
secede: seceed
survivors: survivers
coach-load: coach_load
distinguishing: distingishing
insubstantial: insubstancial
hidden: hidon
grievous: grievious
interrupt: interupt*2
blink: blnk
eisenhower: eisenhhower
scholar: scholer
rumour: rumer, rummer
represents: repreents
queues: ques
shoelace: shoe_lace
arrow: arow
volcano: volcanoe
dumpy: dunpty
obdurate: obdirate
preceded: preceeded
financial: vaysuntte, fiynalle, finachle, finashall, finaancle, finatul, finantual, fintrol, fina, finnance, financhial, finanturel, finasle, finanshel, fineshel, financal, finnanle, finanial, financhel, firanshal, finachial, finashal, finenashsure, finatial, finane, fianation, finantial, finacwell, firnashal, fenecherue, finanshiol, financual, finachel, finasial, finacal, finatoil, finantal, finacial, finesha, fiancial, finashel, finatical, firnanshel, finanction, fineancal, finalshal, financhall
snakes: snaks, snake
archetypes: archtypes
garment: garmet
Teddy_boy: Teddoy*3, Tedeboy
spider: spiter
turnip: turnup
precedes: preceeds
fortnight: fort_night
laboratory: labory, labotorey, laboraty, labritory, labroratory, lavatory, labortory, labertory, labrotory, laboatory, libertory, labatory, laboretory, labratory*2, laberotary, labitory, labaratory, labetory, lavoratory, elatory, lab, laveratory, labartory, labortary, laboritory, labority, laborotory, labarotory, lavortory, laborbtory, laberatory, lavratory
ring: rings
excepting: exepting
encourage: incourage, encorage, encourge, encourg
engineer: engeneer, engieneer, enginer
foundation: foundition, fondation
inhabitants: habitants
assured: asured
threatened: thretened
surveys: survays, servays
grapes: graps
sheet: sheat*2, shet
estimate: estamate
knit: knitt, niet, nit
universally: universaly
enormous: enormas, emerous, enourmous, enormus
ate: et, aet, eat*3, ete
scruff: scruf
reprimanded: repremanded
dinner-hour: dinner_hour
today's: todays
sallies: sally
wash: wach, wosh
instruct: instruck
customization: custamisation
bitten: biten
rhododendron: rhododrendon
basketball: baskball, Basketball, basketbale, Basket-Ball, baskt-ball, baskeball, basket-ball, bascketball, basket-Ball, baskitball, bascket-ball, Basket_ball, bastestball
service: cirvice, survice, servise, servace
similarly: similarily*2
engagement: enagement
needed: need, nedded, mided, neaded
perturbations: pertubations
master: mater
architect: archetect
listen: lisen, lesson, lisn, leasten, listern*2
geneva: geniva
snooty: snoty
predictable: predicable
crawl: crol, crall
positively: positivly
sidereal: sedereal, sideral
showed: showd, shod
approximations: appoximations
tree: treee, tre, three, tee
omnivorous: omniverous
project: progetr, proget, prget, pojert, projer, prung, commet, pgett, projet, projoc, progect, porait, poujent, projent, projexty, poragced, porcet
pneumonia: nuemonia, memonia, pnenonia, pnuemonia, phneumonia, ammonia, pnmonia, phemonia, pneumaine, phneomia, phenomia, pnemounia, nomina, phenominia, phneomina, pnenumoia, phewmonia, pneimonia, newmonia, amnonnia, phemonuia, pneunomia, amomea, phenioma, nephonia, pheunomia, phenomenia, phunmonia, phnomeia, peneumia, phomonia, phumonia, pnumonia, pheuphmonia, pnemoninia, pneunonia, phonimonu, phuemonia, ponuime, anumonian, anomina, phnomia, pneaumonia, phenoumonia, Phnumonia, pnomonia, phenoumina, penmonia, phenoumia, newmony, phenumia, pnueounia, phenimonia, numonia, penominia, phnumonia, pounia, puemonia, pnemonia, pnenomionia, phenomu, pneumia, pneumnia, pheomena, pnenonea, phemomina, phenomnia, anonianu, phmoinia, pneurminu, phnemona, pheunomina, Pheumonia, phemonuime, Pneumonia, phnenimonia, pheumonia, phnuemonia, namoia, nephenoma, namouny, pheneumonia, pnumonenia, numonuia, pneumunia, nemonia, pnumonea, phunemonia, peunmonia, pneumphia, neumonia, pnenomia, knemonu, phnemonia, phnemounia, pnumeia, pneomonia, peunomia, phomoniow, Phonia, demondia, phmeuaina, phenemonia, numoia, remote, penumonia, munonia, phenumonia, pneuammia, amonia
idle: idel, ide
readjusted: reajusted
seminary: seminery
feeling: feling, felling, fealing
acquisition: aquisistion, aquisition
a_lot: lot, alote, alot*2
to-day's: two_days, todays, todays', to-days, today's, todaies, to_days
runner: runer
dozen: doxen, dosen
wholesome: wholsome, holesome
courier: coururier
responsible: resmoserbl, responsable, responcible, reponsible, reposable
metallic: metalic
asymmetric: assymmetric, asymetric, assymetric
Bang: Bankg*4
causing: corsing, coursing
absorbed: asorbed, abo
amusing: amsing
doors: doers, dors
responsibly: responsably
Jones: Johnes
committing: commiting*2, comiting, comitting
shall: shale, sall, she, shal
object: objet
a_little: alitl, alittle
mouth: moth
letter: letre, teller, leter
conceded: conseived
professor: professer, profesor, proffessor, proffesor*2
camp: kamp, canp
consummate: consumate
nineteenth: ninteenth
scream: scem, screem, screm
incomplete: incompleet, incomplot
marvel: marval
polypropylene: polypropalene
bomb: baumb, bombe, bome, bomm, bown, bonod, book, bom, bambe, boom
insects: insexs
gauge: gadg, gape, garge, gare, gange, gang, tade, garer, gage, gach, gagde, cauge, gams, gadje, bergage, gradnang, gar, grage, gagech, garind, gag, gaog, cage, gargch, gadeg, rage, gaige, gade, gager, guage, gadge, ghase, guadge, gaoge, gaged, geich
lessons: lesson's, lessens, lesons, leasons, lessions, listerse, lesson
busy: bise, buisy, bussy, bisy
shuffling: shufarling
than: then, thna, tahn, that
bush: buch*2
touched: tesded, toure, cher, toched, theed, tost, tuched, tusted, toughed, tosh, touch, toached, tache, tucked, tust, tutet, toght, tuses, tush, tougched, tacah, tuchd, toch, toulched, turst, toutched, chuched, trosh, tiups, stuched, tuch, thach, touh, thucht, tashed
rich: rick
rice: rise
lady: lade, ladey, ladiy, ladys
plate: blate, plat
stammered: stamerd
terrors: terrours
foremost: formost
pocket: poket
foundries: foundaries
cushion: cusion
altogether: alltogether, atlogeher, all_together
jaguar: jagaur
nicely: nicerly, nicly, micely
boarder: border
patch: pacth
blew: blow*3, blue
disaster: diaster
fair: fare
peripheral: periferal
radius: radiuss, radious
fail: fale
nocturnal: nocternal
hammer: hamer
best: bets, be, bast, dest, bass, beets, beat, bist, biwes, besh, besd, mest, beast, bettes, bister, bess, bes, bet
lots: losts, lotes, lot, lost
propagates: propogates
score: skore, scor
side: sied, se, sid
preserve: preseve
claws: clors
never: neve*2, newer, mever, nere, nof, knver, neaver, nether*2, nef, neiver, nerth, naver, nven, nese, ner, neven, nver
extend: exstend, extand
nature: nacher, nuture, natior, m
rolled: rolld, rold
invigorated: envigorated
souvenir: souvenier, suvenere, souviner
extent: exstent
wheelbarrow: wheel_barrow
debt: dept, deat
tyranny: tyrrany*2, tyrany
patented: pattented
accident: and, aserdent, exded, asden, sedent, acadent, ataren, axcident, askendent, castan, asdent, anitharent, esadend, a_canet, acedcedt, asde, anteght, aciddent, accicent, andandn, acciendent, aciedent, askedent, agisted, axedet, ascended, accierdent, asident, acsident, asedend, exedelt, harcent, accsident, andexns, acsdent, accend, axseadent, andet, accxident, aciadent, exiedent, axs, axerdent, advainet, exedent, andires, acsedent, andient, asadun, akcdent, acedent, axed, andint, ancident, aken, ased, asabed, acident, afanat, xedet, axedent, acist, acdent, acs, axidint, acats, asterdet, accdient, axedents, acddent, axident, addinent, acdend, accedent
chirped: cherped
country: ocuntry, carty, cout, contry, county, coontry, countrie
teddy_boy: teddoy, tedeboy*4
incense: insense
levitating: levetating
planned: planed*2
asked: ask*5, askt, arsed*2
unsymmetrical: unsyme
vain: vane
humming: huming
cardboard: cardbord
source: sorce, aource, sauce, sourse
union: unioun
criticised: critisized
much: must, mush*5, march, mach
stadium: staydium
privilege: priviledge*3, privlage, privelege*2, privelige*2, privaledge, pervieledges, prilavage, privoledge, prevelige, privilages, privielage, priviliage, previlege, prlige, privaledged, prilavge, providge, privelage, privelidge, privileged, priviladge, previllage, privieloge, priveelege, privilage*2, preminage, previlage, previlidge, privalogy, privalidge, priviage, privilidged, purlgy, privledge, prividleged, privileelge, privalage, prilviage, prevelage, privialage, privilidge, privilige, prilvege, priveleage, privi
fry: fri, frie
incompetent: incompetant
life: lif, lief, live, lefe
spit: spite
eastern: eastren
wish: wich, wis, whish
lift: left
toboggan: talogon, tabogan, tabogen, tobbogan, tabogoon, tobagon, tobagan, tobogon, tobugon, tobogan, tobon, taboggan, tobogar, tobbogen, tobogurn, tobogn, taboog, tobaggan, tobboan, tabbogan, torbogen, conboggon, tobag, toboggen, toban, tobgen, tobogen, tabbogon, tobogane, tobacon, talbogan, tobogone, terbogen
child: cild
worked: work, workt, worted
spin: spen
skilfully: silfely, scilfle, strillfully, sceiful, fouale, lefle, sifle, scilfl, scillfully, skillfuly, skillverly, slhing, scearfolly, scferly, skillfel, squialy, sillaf, scilfly, sckeleft, skyillferley, saill, scify, skilfuly, silf-fele, skilfuley, silfle, clefler, silag, scillfuly, careing, skiverly, sifrle, sivle, skillforlly, skellfortly, sdillfully, skefferly, skill-fullie, skifly, skcinfulle, scifuly, skillferly, sarefully, soft, skifaly, sciferly, skilfarly, sqilferly, skinfuly, scill_filly, skelfuly, skifle, scillferle, scilfully, skillfully, scifule, cifarte, scillfley, skiffuly, scilferly, skilly, skeaferly, sall, skilfoly, sech, sillfully, skillful, shfally, skifully, scifeley, skilferly, selfer, sciverly, slikely, sclfoly, scilfuly
commerce: comerce
adaptations: adaptions
dissect: disect
employ: employe, imploy
visit: visite, viste, vist
played: paly, play, plays, bagt
player: playa
anticipating: antisepating, antisapiting, anticipitating, taniseapating, antispating, anticicitating, antizapating, antiscimation, antecipating, anticapate, anticipation, ancisapating, antiecpating, antisapit, anticepating, anticopening, anntisipation, antiapating, antcspating, anticpating, anticipting, anticiputed, antistipating, anntisapating, antisipainting, antiscipating, antisispating, atticpate, antisipating, antisepate, anticapting, anticipate, antasipation, anticapating, anticipateing, antisupate, antisapating, anticap
foot-and-mouth: footandmouth, footanmouth
violin: voilion, volin, vioiln
oxymoron: oximoron
damaged: dagmed, damatge, dames, damiged, damge, dameaged, damidge, damidgd, damed, damanged, damised, daned, damgedid, damadge, dadge, damedged, damagd, damage, domg, daeged, depbiced, damigaigd, dammaged, daniged, demges, damged, dam, damagtd, damdend, damadged, bamaged, dmeg, dameged, ecage, danaged, dammage, damges, danmaged, damige, damigid, damedge
things: thigns, tings, thinks, thing, fens, thigsn, thnigs, think*2, thigs
demands: diemands
split: splite, spilt
babies: babyies, babis, badies, bayds, bebys, babbes, babes, babyis, babe, badys, babs, baby, bobs, babeyes, baddys, babys*3, baybis, babyes*3, abays, bady, baybes, dady
fairly: faily, farly, fairlu
Married: Marrid
typhoid: tifoid, tyfoid
middle-aged: middle_age
supper: super
someone's: some_ones
peremptory: preemptory
rescinded: resinded
academic: accademic, acedemic
subpoena: subpena, sepina
form-mistress: formmistress, formistress, formmisstress
corporate: corparate*2
plaque: placque
capitol: capital
distribute: distribut, distrubute
sleepy: sleppy, sleepey
financially: fianancally, financial, financilly, funiluty, finatially, financely, fincially, finnancially, financialy*2, finically, fininculay, fineanancely, famficay, finatually, finattioncely, finachily, finincially, finnancilly, finantially, financally, fenancialy, fimashly, finnacally, financhally, finiancle, finally, finiancially, finaciancally, finacially, financuly, fnaniancly, financeally, finnacily, finincally, financle, financel, finiancely, financly, finaitially, fananually, fianancially, financhilly, finantionally, finately, finiancally, finantually, finiancialy, finationly, finanialy, fanincally, financily, fiancially, fianicially, finitually, finaling, finacilly, fianiclly, finaily, finncually, fanacialy, financinally, financually, finnanially, finanically, finicially, finially
portrayed: protrayed
succeeding: suceeding
previous: previvous, preveous, previos, previus
purchased: perchased
sciences: se
old-fashioned: old_fashion, old_fashend, oldfashioned
had: hut, head, ad, han, hab, hade*2, hed, add, ade, at, have*2, av, has*2, hat, haed, aud
thickening: thikning
Connecticut: Conneticut
obedient: obediant*2, obedent
innocent: inoscent, incensent, innoncent, innocense, inocence, insient, inosent, incouncent, inocient, inasence, Innocent, ininsit, inocience, inocent, innosent, innisit, inasent, inconnent, innocents, innonce, imisant, innocence, innacent, innicent, enocent, ennocent, innocnce, innoscent, iniscent, inoncent, inoccent, insent, innoint, innorcent, inocense, Inocent
prison: prisin, pisond, preson, prision
has: hase*2, as*4, his, hos, have
every_time: everytime
good-humoured: good_humer
confidentially: confidentally
disagreement: dissagreement
possible: possibly, pissible, possable*3, posible
unequivocally: unequivocaly
possibly: possably, possiply, possible
birth: berth
Missouri: Misouri
shadow: shaddow, shodow
unique: uneque
occurring: occuring*2
desire: disire
psychological: psycological
remind: remined, remained, reminded, remond, remied, rembenes, remine, re_mind, remimed, renind, remaind
pavement: pathment, pavment
steps: staps
malnutrition: manutriction
prologue: prolague, parlog, prologd, plolog, prolode, proloug, prolad, proloame, prolong, prlog, prologe, prolougle, browlog, prealog, prolarge, prolouge, prollog, prlock, porlong, prolog
Ithaca: Ihaca
misdemeanors: misdameanors, misdemenors
Swedish: sweedish
attorney: arteny, erternly, erterey, entereny, entany, atury, ertany, arterny, aterna, ertiney, aterny, eneretel, aterney, erterny, entely, aterning, aturney, atterney, atorney, erterney, eterny, enterny, attaney, interne, atterny, ertenely, aturny, eterany, atternary, aturne, atturney
right: write, rite, rigth*3
old: ald, ol, lod*4, olf
creek: creak
crowd: croud*2
people: pople*2, peaper, peepull, pleople, porle, pepo, pipoll, peiple, poeple, peapl, peps, po, peple, pecial, peopl, pepall, peropel, peopel*2, peopal, pelele, pepal, peolpe, peropl, peaple, peol, pepole
crown: croun
insistence: insistance*2
harassment: harasment, harrasment
creep: creap
enemies: emmines, enemeys, enemeies, emimies, enmenies, enameyes, enmoneys, eminies, enemes, enimes, emmies, emeny, eniemies, enimeys, enamys, enamies, enemyies, emenies, enimies, enimeies, enmies, enimeus, enemys, enemy, enanis, enimesies, ememy, emenys, enmeys, enames, enemy's
daddy's: dadies
for: fror, fur, fre, from, far, of*3, fro*2, fore*4, four*3, foir, in, forr, fon, foow, frou, or, fo*2
bottom: botem, bottem, botome, botton*2, botom
polluted: poluted
continue: contunie
periphery: perifery
syphilis: syphyllis
pollutes: polutes
pinched: picth
dinner-hours: dinner_hours
losing: loosing*2, loseing, lossing*2
memorable: memerable, memeroal
manufacturing: manufactoring, manufaturing
dollars: dollers
anomalous: anomolous, anomalus
recollect: reccollect, recolect
despair: dispair*3
slightly: slighlty
raised: rased
Motorbike: Motor-bikes
facility: facilitie
honeymoon: honey_moon, honymoon, hunemoon
well-suited: well_suited
respectable: respectible
consummated: consumated
unambiguous: unabiguous
hallo: alloe, halloe
altitude: ettalared, altutadue, atitude, actitude, altetede, intertourd, altechud, altitube, altituded, elit, outertod, alteytod, altechod, asitude, autityed, attetude, elitead, alletude, outatude, eltitude, altitud, altitub, alltitude, altechoued, outitude, outertude, atlesould, altiude, alterchood, altertude, altidud, outtide, autee, altilude, autachoot, altiertetude, atalrod, altihoched, altetud, alteturen, autridude, aoteod, alterrude, outituge, oiled, altuled, aletute, atain, atasher, outderer, elingtcewed, aboule, otchod, altude, alatetude, attitood, ata, altitued, outechut, altitob, altuide, altetude, atichood, altiuded
constantly: constanly, constently
width: with
boy's: boy*3, boys*2
overhead: overhaed
happy: happiy, happe, happer, appey, hapr, hope, hapy, happler, happle, happi, hape, hoppe, happert, hepe, apay, h_pping, hap, happie, glad, ape
offer: ofer
fascination: fasantion
cassowary: cassawory, cassowarry
talents: tallents
understandable: understadable
beech: beach
safeguard: safegaurd
congratulations: congratalation, congragalations, congrulations, congratulation, concradulations, congraulations, congradulation, congreation, comcerracarlants, congratulate, congratalutions, congrutulations, congralulations, congraulation, congratulatons, congralutations, congradulations*2, congretulations, congraduation, congrationlation, conguralitions, congragulations, congratilations, congratualations, congraudulations, congratalations, congradualtions, congreatulations, congralutaions, congratilation, conglutation, congratrilations, congractulations, congraduations, congratuations, congratulions, congraturalations, congralation, congradutation, concrogulation
genealogy: geneology
else's: elss, elesers
inside: insid, in_sis, in_side*2
equalization: equilisation
devices: def
unanimous: unamenous, youmanles, umamous, anonymous, unammious, unnamious, unamamous, unanumous, umanaress, eunaminus, uniamimus, unnanomous, ununumus, unanious, unninote, unonomious, unaminus, unaninous, unenamous, unoniums, unamusts, unaniae, younamenous, uniomus, unanumas, sallanous, unamuse, unanimoses, unnanimous, unmnus, younamess, unamimus, unammius, amius, unaimous, unumanious, unacious, unananois, unnambus, unanmous, unanomous, unanus, umamilus, unanamious, unaiminous, unaminuous, unaninus, inamimus, eunamous, unanonus, unamous, unamious, unnamous, umionus, unananus, annymus, unnames, unannanus, unanamous, unanously, unanimuss, unanimos, unamus, unnadimus, unanabus, unamatous, unamaious, unannimous, unamanus, unamnious, unamonus, unanimus, eumamious, ununmious, uninamous, unatimas, Unamious, uniom, unannamous, unaimulas, unimas, unnamos, unariowas, munaniuous, uniamones, unanouis, unaminonus, unnanamous, umanmuse, unamanious, unanamus, unamamouse, unanemous, unanamuse, unionous, Unamanius, enaumous, unimous, unanasmons, unminus, uniminus, unitomious, unananucs, unamos, unomanious, unamies, unnous, uniamoes, unamanous, unamomus, unsannamous, unnanumus, unamaless, unaminous, unomise, unanimise, unomust, unanis
smashed: spached
palm: parm
passenger: passanger
juvenile: juvinille
later: latey, latter*2, lated, letter
disgrace: discrase
steady: stedy
tournament: turmonent, turment, turnoments, touranment, tournment, tournanent, tournement, turament, tornamently, terminent, termament, turnement, touremount, turement, turnament, turnment, turminate, tornement, tourimant, turminent, tourament, tormenment, turmanent, tuarninent, torniment, tounement, atournament, turnmant, ternement, tormentement, tourment, turniment, tourmment, hermit, tourneyment, tourmament, tournmeant, trounment, ternament, tournnament, ternimate, tunement, teramant, terniment, termenont, turnimant, tourmad, termanent, tournamant, tournate, tornment, tornament, tourniment, turimant, tourement, torrment, turnent, touriment, termenent, tournmant
proves: prooves
exist: exsist
dealer: dealor
negotiations: nogotiations, degotitions, nogiations, negoccation, naggosiations, negossiations, negctiation, negosheation, negoshiationis, netyotiation, nigonations, egosatem, negostionaion, negogiation, negoshishayns, negoatiations, negocheations, negiotiation, negoshchiations, negotation, negotiolations, negotitations, neggosionion, negotions, negosiation, neguotiations, negoseeasion, agoshion, negiotations, negoshiations, necognitiomtions, negoitation, negoceations, negocations, negoeations, degosiations, ingosheaction, negocation, negotiation, negoation, negotiatetions, negosheations, negociatiances, negociasions, negoshation, Negoseations, negoseciations, necogiations, negotians, negoacations, negotitions, negoatation, nocitin, negotiatins, nicociation, negoations, negociation, nogatuation, negottation, negioation, negorislation, negatiations, nogationes, negotionation, degotuations, negostions, negochictions, negosheaitions, negoiations, negotations, negotition, negoiation, negotianations, negiatations, negota, negeoations, negote, negotion, negoti, negotciations, agociate, negogiations, negogations, negoodations, negociations, negochiations, negatations, negociatione, negosiations
floor: flor*2, foor
flood: flud, flod
superfluous: superfulous
double-cross: double_cross
asterisk: asterick
eminent: imanent, emminent, iminent
scale: skale
rolling: roling
quandary: quandry
good-natured: good_natured
time: tiem*2, timne, tame, tim*2, tine, thim*2, tiome
push: puch
breadth: breath
cincinnati: cincinatti
chain: chane, chan, choin
whoever: who_ever
Indians: Indian's
integration: intergration
skate: skat
chair: chere, char, chiar
midst: mist
Ukrainian: Ukranian
philosopher: philisopher
vet: vent, vethn*9, vetin, vethu
amplification: amification
mache: mashe
bicycles: bycicles, bciyle
cheap: cheep
choice: chose, choise
gloomy: glooming, gloomming, glomy
break_time: breaktime
exact: exsact
minute: minuet, minite, miniute, minit
tear: tair, tare
leave: life*2, ve, levef, live, lefnr, lever, leasve, leav, leve*2
settle: settel
team: term, teem, tem
loads: loess, loades*2
prevent: pervent
spiritual: spherical, speratral, spitural, spirisul, spiritul, speratual, pirtral, spearacher, speiritually, spiritually, spiritural, spiriturel, spitrial, spritural, speritual, spirtful, spirical, spiritiaul, spirurel, spritially, spuritily, spitirial, spritiual, spertial, spirchial, spirt, spirtial, spirtual, spirlial, spulcure, spertiaul, spritule, spirttual, sperical, spirtural, spirititual, speartiual, spirtional, sprirtual, spirituall, spieratually, spritual, spcerial, spirital, sprital, sipural, speratural, spearitial, spiritial
occurrence: occurance*2, occurrance, ocurrance, occurence*3, ocurrence
two-faced: two_faced
attic: atic
sign: sighn, eign, sion
candlestick: candle_stick
essence: essense
jeopardy: jeapardy, jepardy
celebrated: celebrate
melt: malt
current: curent
extraterrestrial: extraterrestial
chrysanthemums: chrisanthimums
falling: folling
badge: bage
jury: jurry
honour: honer
funeral: funerl*2, funrel
understanding: understanting, undestanding, under_standing
address: adress*2, adres, addres
alone: alown, a_lone*2, alon, aloun
along: a_long, all, aling, alog, allong
momentous: momentus
financiers: fincancers, financers
dusty: duste
studied: studed, studyed
wherever: whereever*2, wereever, where_ever, were_ever
commonly: commongly
accomplished: aclimplised, acolpleshed, comdash, acomplised, acombished, aconplised, accomplish, accaplished, acoplished, acoumpish, acaulle, acomplisht, acolplished, aconplish, acuplished, acalern, accomhed, aconase, accamplish, aclomplished, aco, acumlished, apcomplished, acompilsh, acomplished*2, acomplshed
proclamation: proclomation
studies: studys
love: lveo, lvoe, loev
radish: raddish
prefer: perfuer, perfour, preafer, perer, prefor, perfer, pefer, perfure, prefore, prof, proe, profer, prver, peair, perver, prefur, brfere, provere, perful, profferr, prefure, prefere
bloody: blody, bludy*2
marvelous: marvellous, marvalous
grandpa's: grandpas
crammed: cramp
working: warking, wroking, work, wokring, woking
homesick: homsick
positive: positve, possitive
angry: angery, angrey
dangle: dongle
predictions: pe
vigour: vigeur
opposed: apposed
wondering: wondring
films: firms
theoretical: theridically, teridical
loving: loveing
marbles: marables, marballs
afford: affort, efford, aford
apparent: appreant, appearent, parent, apprarent, apparant*2, aparot, apperant, aprent, aparaent, aperant, apperent, aparant, apprent, aparent*2, apparient
appendix: apendix
everywhere: everwhere, eyerwhere, eveywhere, every_were, evry_were
virtue: vertue, vurtued, virchu, virtu, verue, verchew, vertieu, vergue, virteau, virture, vurtue, verterue, victure, verters, vertive, virtuals, furtue, ferture, verchue, fertued, verchu, virtues, virtuge, verture, vertie, verchude, verto, virtou, virercut, fertue, vertu, virtrue, virtiou, viricheu
originally: origonly, orrigalaly, organial, orrginally, originnally, origienoley, oringinally, arridgely, originial, arridionally, origionally, oridgenally, oridgenouly, originially, oridganaly, arigionaly, orriginally, orignially, originually, originality, orginially, orriganily, origially, oridtionaly, organially, organly, anganally, ariginaly, origianally, orrignally, eriganally, oringle, regularly, ornanly, arridgenally, arigale, orginaly, oreginally, arigionally, origanilly, origedenally, origanily, orridginally, orriganally, oring, origernally, origenally, orrigionally, oridgonally, oridnigly, ordinally, orrigontly, origanally, orridally, origonally, origionaly, orriginaly, orriginially, origenaly, aridgeanoly, ordinarily, originaly*2, oridinally, orginanly, orignoally, orginally, oridgenly, origanially, orignally*2, original
pretend: btade, preded, pertaned, petened, pertened, preted, prtened, protented, prutend, pretned, tende, prodederd, beten, pretented, portent, brutend, prenten, prolend, peretend, betend, petn, pretaned, protend, besau, prated, peameter, pretennd, prdend, betent, pretent, pretened, paot, pratent, petand, petane, preteneded, pretant, pretended, bretend, betained, petend, portend, prertend, preten, preatend, pritend, proten, predend, btend, prented, prtend, betendid, phretend, pertend, breatend, prelend, petent, preet, pred, prentend, prend, preterded, preatent, perdend
believes: belives, beleives
printing: priting, prenting
believed: beleived*2
detached: detatched
stockroom: stock_room
lodestone: loadstone
weasels: weazles
sacrament: sacrement
unequalled: unequaled
allowed: aloud, alloud*2, alowed, oloud
stole: stol, stowl, stold, stull
evidently: evedently, evidentally
monitoring: monitering
winter: witer, window
divided: dived, devided
thanking: thinking
elephant: elphant
extensions: extions
parameter: parametic
laundry: lordery, loundry, landry
spot: shot, sopte, spout, stop, srot, sport, spat
elbow-grease: elbowgrease
rehabilitate: rehabilatate
explored: expord
date: dain, bait, dake, deck, dure, dait, dute, deat, baet, daioned, that, doye, bayt, dut, dad, dac, datr, dat, bat, bar, dinte, dade, det, deant, dodu, julye
such: suu, sach, shuch, suh
data: dat, datter, dater, dsata
cockamamie: cocamena
natural: natureal, naturual, natrual
varieties: varities
conscious: connies, consciences, conscius, concieous, consciense, conciess, concienus, consuss, contincious, conciense, conicious, consious, connsious, conscence, concience, consiance, sone, counscious, conchesiouses, counios, conchus, concouis, consciouse, consiec, consencious, concies, concios, cultures, consitions, conceious, concients, conisious, consicouis, conscience, conscients, ginderkarten, contience, counsious, consceious, conciouious, consciencious, countous, conshus, concient, conceniess, consicious, contious, conciouse, conious, conteous, consence, concense, concious*2, conuious, consince, conaious, sconceious, consience, consiouse, conscienous, councious, cortious, concinence, consunce, counisius, conncis, consicantic
wheelchair: wheel_chair
ordinarily: ordinairily, ordanarily, ardananly, oridinarily, ordunaley, ordianarly, alnalley, ardiorally, ordinarialy, ordanaryily, ordinarlily, ordaniaraly, ordinaryly, ordinarly, ordinarially, ordionarlly, ordinairly, ordinarilly, ordinarrly, ordaniarly, orinarally, ordanaraly, orginoil, ordinarley, ardinarily, ordanaily, ordinarlly, ordianailly, ordinary, ordiniarly, ordinariarly, ordinlary, ordinarely, ordinaraly, arradanaly, orrandly, ordenarlly, ordenary, oridinarly, ordarnarily, ordanillary, ordunarly, ordinally, ordinar, ordinarrouly, ordainarily, ordanarally, ordinarelly, ordinerily, originally, ardinally-, ordonarly, ordoniary, ordinarilily, ordinaroly, ordinonaly, ordinaryily, ordonarily, ordinarally, ordanarly, ordianerly
so: slow, soe, san, some, som, sol, said, sane, sow, sor, yahet, soen, saw, sung, sat
swollen: swolen
definitions: defenitions
pulled: pull, pold
innocuous: inocuous
archeologist: archeaologist
Slaughterhouse: Slaughthouse
flips: frips
years: yeasr, yersa, eyars, yeers, yeras*2, yesars, yars, yares, yeas, year*2, eyasr, yers*2
course: cos, coure, cors, corse, cause, coarse
experiments: experments, experiaments
quarrelled: quarelled
omitting: ommiting, ommitting, omiting
deity: diety
tendency: tendancy*2
solitary: solatary
thumb: thum
internationally: internationlly
hymn-books: hymn_books
torn: tourn, tron, turn
troubles: trubbles
councillor: councellor
attraction: atraction
suspicion: suspisition, susspicion, suppicion, suspecion, suppession, suspicious, suspition, supicion, supestion, sucipition, supusion, sucption, sucspecon, suspician, suspicison, supision, suspican, supition, suspic, suspiscion, supiosion, suspesious, suspion, susipession, suspusion, supicsion, suspetion, suspesion, susyption, supesion, supiucan, supission, suspicsion, supsicion, suspishion, suspistion, susipion, suspicioned, suspicition, susficient, suspiction, suppemtant, suspision, suscispition, suspecian, sucpescision, supession, susiption, suspission, suspicoun, susici, suspecien
constitutes: constitit
petition: petetion
apron: apon
recipients: recepients, recipiants
civilian: civillian
matches: maches
bashful: basful, bashfull
records: rocords
compelled: compeled
subscribers: suscribers
twilight: twlight
handiwork: handy_work, handywork
shouted: shout, shauted
establishing: estading, exstapling, establashing, establesen, establisheng, establaision, istablising, establising, atstablishing, estableshing, establesing, establicin, astablesing, estaplishing, establishment, estallising, estabising, esstablishing, astablishing, astablasing, istablishing, exstaplishing, asteblishing, establision, estableishing, establisherg, estsablishing, edstaplishing, clection, enstablition, eastablishing, esabesing, exstablishing, estabishing, estabing
phenomenally: phenomenonly
splinters: spliters
Stanley: Stanlay
quarter: quater
turtle: turtel
square: sqare, squar*2, squair
receipt: recite, resete, recicipt, reciseat, reciept*2, recipt, reaicte, reciet, receit, reqsat, reciat, resi, receat, receet, recept, reaseat, riscete, reseat, recet, reaseet, recset, recete, reset, recit, receite, re_seat, re_sit, resite, recot, recipte, resit, reasite, reciapt, reiept, reicept
breakthrough: breakthough
frames: frame
owing: oweing
sponsor: sponser
neighbourhood: naborhood, neiborhood
canvas: canvis
interned: intended
Michigan: Michagan
contained: contasined, containd
investigation: investagation
chemically: chemicaly, chemcially
disintegrated: desintegrated
hairdresser: hair_dreser
siege: seige*2
million: millon
seventh: seven
striven: strived
possibility: posibility, possibilty*2
quite: quit*2, quiet, qiuet, qutie, queit, qtuie
complicated: compicated
plea: plie
grandma: grandna
poems: poins, pomems, poipe, powaims, poame, payms, powimes, powimms, porm, poams, poemas, poem, pooing, poemes, powims, poshr, pene, pontes, poet, pumes, poam, powing, peoms*2, poims, pomes, powim, paew, proms, paems, poames, powems, pome, pomse, poymes, poum, poitree, porms, panss, puyms, porarems
remainder: remander
seventy: seventee
patronage: part
training: trianing, traing, traning, taining, train, trainning, charing, tarin, taning, trying, trichting, tranning
modest: modist
initiate: intitate
silhouettes: slih
recompense: recompence
neglect: neclect, neglet
emotion: emition
saving: saveing
symmetry: symitry, symettry, simatry, cementry, cimetery, simatree, simitry, cimatry, cimatree, semtrey, simitray, cemertire, cemerty, cimertary, semetrie, cemitry, cemitary, syme, cimitry, symmatry, simitery, simutr, semarty, symetry*2, cemetarying, semitary, smited, simetrey, simtary, simetry, simetary, semetry, simitary, symetrey, syermetre, cymitery, sunertrey, symetery, cimetry, symeatry, cemetry, symatry, simertry
architecturally: archetecturally
clause: claws
Royal: Royl*6
one: and, on*6, last, ome, noone, onen, ond, won, oen, woone, wum, wun, ont
cloakroom: cloak_room
submit: submite, sumit
vote: vot, voat, voet
open: opin, opne, opp, opean
affords: effords
exaggerations: exagerations
city: sace, cifye, set, citty, ciets, serat, cist, siter, site, siety, sity, conny, setey, sitty, sece, sitee, cite, sied
Monday: Munday
thirdly: thirdy
structured: stuctured
under_ladder: underladder
indicate: indecate
teacher: teather, teaher, taeche, techer, tearcher, teachur, teasher, teche, tocher, teatcher, teachure, teahcher, tecter, tcher, teach
draft: deaft
dissipate: disippate*2
structures: structurs
ridiculous: reculious, ridiculeous, ridiculas, rediculose, ridicalicous, redicklelous, redicilous, redeculious, reducules, redicrialous, rediculus, ridiculuois, redicolus, ridiculuss, ridiculois, redicalus, reducition, dredictiest, ridiculosis, redicules, ridicoulas, reticuous, redicealle's, rediculase, rediculius, ridculos, redudels, ridiculos, redicouls, rudiculous, redisous, redickulicious, readicules, redickulus, ridiculious, redioules, ridicilous, rediculess, redictualous, ridiculus, rediculace, redickles, redicklous, redectiouls, redicualous, redicolous, redictious, rediculys, redeciolous, rediculosis, redictilies, ridicules, rediceous, rediluous, redectleus, redikulis, rediciouls, reducilias, redecelous, ridictulas, rideculous, rediclous, redisilus, rediculars, redicious, redeculous, redickilous, rediculous*2, redictulous, rediculious, recidelious, redicular, redicoulous, reduckulies, redecless, rediculives, rediclious, retickilish, redicoulos, redicilious, rediciolus, redicualace, ridiculess, redictoulous, credicus, rediuless, riducouls, rideculas, rediculeous, ridiculase, redicelous
boyfriend: boyfrend, boyfreind, boy_friend
impractical: impractia, in
depressed: depresed
folly: foly, folloy, follie, falaly, foolling, folie, folley, fooly, fie, foley, fally, fouley, five, floly, follies, falley, voley, fallow, fuelly, following, volley, foully
coats: coots
Athenians: Atheneans
unfit: unfitt
in_front: infront
counselor: councellor
janitor: janiter
prospect: propect
addressing: adresing, addresing, adressing
turned: tered, tond, trend, ternd, toda, tian, tode, turened, tured*2, tearnd, tedt, tened, tining, trond, tuned, tit, tet, taned, turrned, tend, tain, teand, ton, take, terened, trind, tund, teaned, tod, teart, tord, trnd, tount, frened, tuneed, teurned, turn, trund, tank, tud, trud, turend, tound, tann, terd, dilay, trued, tand, tande, terer, tonet, tearned, truned, turd, terned, tanr, turnd, tont
argument: aurgument, aguement, arguement
alley: ally*2
sad: sed, sade
prestigious: prestigous, prestigeous
say: said*2
rained: rand, raind
buried: bered, burial, burying, bairred, buired, buryit, beared, burried, buriel, bairied, varied, varried, bured, bried, baried, vereate, barrier, baired, barried, varyed, buiried, bury, vared, buryed, bearied, beried, berried, buryied, barred, berry, burred, brieried, bearraid
get_out: get
saw: sew, saur, sorw, look, sore*2, was, soor, see, sor*4, so, sot, sow*4, seer, sing, sa, sown, san
handicraft: handi_craft, hand_craft
coliseum: colosium
did_not: denot, den_out, didnot
aside: addise
note: not, noat, onot
maintain: mantain
take: tacke, tkae, thack, tack*2, teck, thak, taek, talk, tak
destroy: stroy, distroy*2
vandals: vandles
encouraged: encourage, incouraged
teacher's: tearcher, ticher's
ironically: ironicly
opposite: opposit, apersit, opposil, oposite*2, opottie, oppist, oppistte, opasite, opperset, oppersist, opicit, oppside, opest, opitet, opoist, opishit, opisit, oppsite, ospsteete, opsit, oppecit, opacit, oopersit, oppestide, oposit, operset, osteur, oprt, opossite, opist, opeset, oposet, opersit, oppiec, opissite, opasit, oppcite, oppasit, oposut, oppiste, offoset, opersent, opceit, opesert, opperisit, oppest, by, oppossitte, oppite, oppost, opizit, oppoiste, obosite, oppitsite, upsite, opposte, opiste, opersist, oppeset, opicet, opisite, opposet, oppisite, opertit, poearstar, opisitt, opposited, opset, oppiset, opocet, obersid, near, obersit, bet, opesit, opcit, opaset, ous, pooiste, oppasite, oaset, opsite, oppioite, ospet, oppisit, ofit, oppersite, oppisate, oppossite, opursit, oppesite, opersite
syllable: silable, sylable
knew: new*2, now*5, nowe
molecule: moleul
serval: cervial
printed: prented
crochet: croshay
personalty: personality
pages: pagis
adaptability: adaptibility
Portuguese: Portugese
lawn: larnn, lown
average: avarage
drive: driv
Comment_allez-vous: Comatalevous*2
ways: was, way
salt: slat, solt
walking: week, woing, alkeig, wallking, wakeing, wolling, woking, working, waulking, wound, wolwing, wank, wolking, warking*2, wakking, wokin, wark, wilking, waking, wacking, wakn, wacing, waild, marcing, wokking, wilk
murmurs: murmers
surplus: caried, serpluce, cirplist, surpleas, cirpuls, cirplace, curplas, suclurs, surples, serplace, curculace, scurplos, surplerce, serplase, surpuse, sefers, sepales, serplece, cricos, cerplass, curcus, supluors, supless, suplace, sappats, serpless, serplice, splers, serples, serpulse, surrpluse, seplese, sirplause, serplurs, circleis, serplus, rearlers, surfless, surpluce, serplese, surpluse, serpluss, seplis, surders, serpluse, surpluss, surplouse, suppless, serfishe, sirplass, surplie, sepples, serpalce, surplas, surplise, surplis, sirplace, surplut, surplase, seirflace, surplace, surlers, slp, surpless, selpliss, servis, supplase, serplas, serplis, sappless, cerplus, cirplese, sleplus, cirplus, circles, sternt, certhes, sirplus, cerflos, surp, surplos, srrplas, suplus, seples, serplause, circlus, surpliace, suplice
pencilled: penciled
infuriate: enfuriate
merit: merrit
peaches: peches
bright: brite, brit
scarce: scarse
aggressive: aggresive, agressive
weapons: wepons
gourd: gaurd
cloak: clock
going: oging, gonig, goign, gowing, go*2, gying, gomeing, gogin, goning
hockey: hocky
equipped: aquipt, aquipped, gemant, enquited, ecquipt, equipte, equunte, egamingt, epuided, eqept, equip, eqquipped, eqwipt, equipeted, ecqueped, equict, equipet, quit, equipted, equipite, equiptment, equipt, expeit, acwiped, equiet, equippted, equite, equit, equiped*2, equiept, equate, equipd, equipe, equiated, equippt, epelton, eqiept, eqquped, eguiped, equpet, engist, exquiped, eqipt, equepted, equped, equipete, equited, equivited, iquipped, egwipt, equpted, eqipet, equept, eclipse, exipt, ecwite, equpped, ecquipped, eqiped, equiepent, ingute
congressional: congresional
dispute: disput
assistant: assitant, assisstant
freezing: freeing, frezeang, freacing, fircin, freesen, frizing*2, fres, driscing, fanes, frizzing, fiezzing, fezen, frezing, vesing, fresing, creasing, fring, feathing, feezing, freasing, fez, fressing, from, freesing, frzen, freezzing, freasting, fizsing, freeze, fireazeing, fersen, freeding, freze, fezzering, friseing, ferzing, friezeing, frezzing, frezeing
infallible: infalib, infalable
awaiting: awaitin
an_hour: anhour
resource: rescae, resorce, resouse, resoure, recouse, resause, resace, resouce, resarce, recuorse, resaise, recorce, recose, resors, recorse, recoce, rersorse, resoce, recource, resorses, recacorse, recauce, recourse, resans, resauece, resorse, resauce, resourse
artist: artest
parasitic: saresitic
borrow: brow, barrow
worried: woried, worid, worred*2
cochlea: ch
priest: preist
bee-keepers: bee_keepers
bombs: bomes, boms
liable: lieable, lible, lyable
worries: worre
where: we, wee, wer, wet, wart, there, werre, ther, wher, gaing, wuy, wear, were*10, whrer, ware, with, war, hwere, wir
arrival: arival, arrivial
surgery: surgere
no-one: know_one, now_one, knowone
jumped: jump*3, jumb, jumpt, jumth, jumper
receivers: recievers
representatives: representative's, repersenitives, representiveties, representive, represntatives, Represenatives, repesentatives, Representatives, Represenitives, repersentives, repersentitives, represempative, represinetives, representies, represenitive, represantives, represenatives, represtantives, repsenatives, represenitives, representitives, repistentives, representitatives, repersintives, repersentaves, represenetives, representitive, representatives', represnetatives, repstinues, representative, representivies, represident's, repasenatives, representives*2, respensations, repersentatives, repersenatives, repersentitive, repersentive, represenitatives, repesident
dormitory: domortory, dortory, dormentdory, dormoratory, dormiatory, dorinatory, domatarily, dormititory, durmatory, dormotory, dormertory, doormetory, doromatory, dormortory, dormitly, domotory, dormatory, domatory, dornoratory, dormortary, dormatary, doormintory, dormantory, doramatory, dormitary, adormatory, dormitoriy, dormentory, dormotary, doomator, dorimatory, doromortory, doornitory, doromitory, dormintory, dormenatory, dormetory, deormetormy, dorenatory, dormadory, domitory, dorrmatory, daumitary, dommority, doramtory, dornatorie, dooratory, dormortority, dormatoraly, domorotry, dormontory, dorimitory, dormatey, dormitlory, doratory, deomertory, dormitorrary, dormiltory, dorminatory, dorimtory, doromority, dorminty, domutory, dormarty, dominory, domeritria, doritory, domitry, dominatory, domteracy
kilometer: lilometer
bureau: beauro
enjoys: enyays
cantaloupe: cantaloube
vertical: verticle
aberration: aberation
screen: seveen
suppresses: supresses
revealed: revealled
gratefully: greatfully
concentrate: concetrate, consuntrate, consentrate*2, consantrate
spare: shar, spaip, spair, his, ser, spear, sper, share, spere, spu, ster, shaper, score, spar, sgre, sereine
in_between: inbetween
suppressed: surpressed, supressed
concentrated: consentrated
mans: masn
many: meny*2, meay, meney, memey, may, manny, mony
classroom's: class_rooms
millionaire: million_air, millionnaire, millionere, million_ear
besieging: beseiging
personal: personly, personel*2, persnal
concentrates: consentrates
expression: expresion
can't: cann't, carnt*2, cant*4, carn't*2, canth
allowance: allowence
yearly: yearley
twin: twen
comeback: comback
geese: gees
buoyancy: bouyancy
considers: conciders
boat: boaut, bot
caring: careing
comb: come
unconsciousness: unconciousness
stretch: strech, streach
west: wast
locally: localy
vacation: vakation, vacashon, vaction
concede: consede
breath: breathe, breth, brath
almighty: almity
practised: practise, practiced
wants: wans, wnats, wantes, want
enable: unable, anable
unsafe: unsf
thousand: thousend, thousnand
formed: fromed, form, formd
observe: obsirve, obi
extant: extint
calligraphy: caligraphy
former: fro, farmer
prominence: prominance
straighten: straiten
easier: eassier, ease, easyer, easy, easery, easer
newspaper: newpaper, newspapper, news_paper
situation: situration, sitt, situating
constituency: consituency
all-round: all_round
purse: purce, perse
vandalism: vanderlism, vandolism, vanderlisium
unhygienic: unheigenic
barbed: barb*2
sickness: sicknes
I: a, and, ld, we, i, is, it, iy, if, are, has, he
defy: defie
advertisement: advertisment*2
volcanoes: volcanos
vacant: vacent
tentacle: tenacle
so_forth: soforth, so-forth
genii: genei
grumpy: grumby
Botswana: botuania
summer: sumer
manifold: many_fold
being: bieng, be, bi, been*2, bieing, beeing
truculent: trucculent
exaggerating: exagerating, exagerrating
rest: rast
schools: school, schol
steamer: stemer
omissions: ommissions
weekly: weakly
sixteen: sixtine, sixten
generator: generrater
silver: siver, sliver
instrument: instrement, instrment, insromet, instriment
prominently: prominately, prominantly
aspects: spects
around: rand, arr, rend, a_rand, aradret, ar, a_rade, roned, arouned, ar_rounde, a_rarnd, rond, aroand, aron, aroud, arond, arround, arad, a_round*2, a_rond, arode, urand, aroude, arownd, round
decomposed: decomposited
knobbly: nobbly
dart: tat, art, darrt, doatg, darte, derter, brt, dered, daud, yaht, dorte, dute, drate, dete, durt, daring, darolt, byt, drte, snad, daet, doath, dutr, dard, dut, dunt, tart, dae, dert, burte, dirt, dorter, deent, but, dret, dat, drek, daw, nitty, datre, deatre, date, bit, deart, drat, dater, drit, adar, derdt, drt, dared, snt, drk, dort, duit, durte, dot
dark: ding, duc, durk, dake, back, ducr, dia, down, drlak, dick, barck, dining, dork, dagy, drck, drak, darrk, darw, dak, dreh, brek, dare, dard, bar, drow, dog, drk, dank, bnack, darch, darck*2, dir
traffic: travic, tacter, drafec, trafice, trafick, traffi, trofek, trafeck, tavit, trfick, traie, tatif, tiornef, tac, roads, tarnftian, peraffic, cafic, treffer, trafit, trafic*2, tafic, tavek, taafic, tiatic, taame, trafack, tatlek, tafeate, traffek, trafik, traffc, trafet, traveck, track, traff, traffig, tairer, traffice, tinict, traik, travick, tracky, traifec, terrec, traffik, trafek, tarffic, taveging, tafter, taraf, craffeck, tale, tate, thaiech, farolc, trare, traph, trafec
bandage: bandge
vacuum: vaccume, vaccum
world: wald, worde, word, would, wholed, wold, wourld
postal: postel
decomposes: decomposits
vague: vaig, vage
dare: dear, dair
satisfaction: shasan, satichfatshen, satisfacshoin, satisfacshion, wanat, sabfas, istis, satisfacshin, satisfashoin, satisfacsion, satfacso, sachfachn, stisfacho, satlistash, satisfacion, satesfaction, satisfation, satiusfacson, satifacian, satefasion, satisfactoin, satifoin, satishfacen, satisfaften, satfaction, sackaach, satfakess, satifactoin, saciffaction, satfacan, satisfacttion, satamachen, satishfation, silhen_fant, sacfatchen, satesfach_chere, satisfn, satirsh, siterfatur, satisfatch, eat_as_of_ede, satishfaction, satisfakshion, fian, satisfacshon, satifation, setisfate, satifachen, satishfaktion, satifishan, satitfaction, sat_oford, sartfasn, sats_fan, satisvetion, satisfacshun, satfashe


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