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7 Reasons Baby Boomers are the Worst Generation
By TRSlyder,
June 4, 2013 at 12:50 pm
Fact: Tom B the Greatest Generation of Americans was the generation that fought and sacrificed to win World War II, who would go on to build modern America after the war.
Fact: Everyone hates Generation Y/Milennials or whatever they call kids aged 14-30.
Fact: It was the Baby Boomers who, despite being raised by the Greatest Generation somehow parlayed the wealth of the Greatest Generation into creating and raising a generation of overweight, narcissistic, tuned-out, video game players.
Thanks for coming out, Baby Boomers.
Congress&br&&br&We are currently enduring the worst Congress in American history and it's packed full of Baby Boomers who are no better at compromising than a
3-year old on methamphetamines, and comprehend internet privacy and drone laws just as well.
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