琳达.拉芙蕾丝喜欢小妇人和汤姆索亚历险记之类的书 用英文如何翻译

我是高二学生 想提高下自己的阅读能力 所以想买本英语原著 希望大家帮我推荐几本比较好读有意思的书_百度知道
我是高二学生 想提高下自己的阅读能力 所以想买本英语原著 希望大家帮我推荐几本比较好读有意思的书
little women 小妇人汤姆索亚历险记读英文原著很考验你的耐心哦,不太容易坚持读完。像我推荐的这样的小说情节很有意思,很容易理解。如果你看过这些小说的电影或动画片就更好了。英文原版期刊也不错,我上大学读的是Readers《读者文摘》,国内也有《英语文摘》都是native English 。希望对你有帮助!
欧亨利的短篇小说,马克吐温的短篇小说集; 这些短篇很经典,若反复阅读,语感和阅读能力都能提升。
有木有具体的书名啊 自己选的话我怕选不好
出门在外也不愁以前以为能看完一本象魔戒,龙枪那样的原版小说就很好的掌握英语了,看来我错了  看多了那种书,正式的文章还是读起来很难,看来还得看看象经济政治文化艺术之类的杂志更有帮助,单词的字母长度就不一样
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  sorry ,my buddy, I have to say that, you are learning englsih in a pessimisic way ,you should learn it in a positive way
which you should really learn a language by remembering the article of the ficition, in this way you will find you definitly make a great progress in a short time, good luck!
  哈哈 有意思
  作者:zompire 回复日期: 15:13:18 
    一时眼花。。把题目看成了。。“刚看完本600页的原板小说,感觉自己不错了”。。于是进来恭喜楼主。。不料。。我也感觉自己错了。。哈哈  =============  同感……
  我都看了四十多本原著了,还是一英语菜菜。才看一本,还差得远。楼上说得有理,要多看英语主流媒体。  我看英文小说,则主要是为了看小说而已,喜欢小说罢了。 提高英语阅读只是其次要功能。
  作者:piazzollacn 回复日期: 10:05:13 
    看了40多本还菜菜,别吹了,至少阅读小说很快了,句子结构看得很多了       作者:fedup 回复日期: 12:11:27 
    楼上的楼上也太ckg了!!看了40多本是什么概念?过度谦虚其实就是骄傲    -------------------------  好象两位不相信,看看我的日记,里面还有许多看完后的感想。 当然看得多,对看小说的速度有些帮助,但不是线性相关的。也许是我读小说方法没有各位的好,没有精读。  所以我现在除了读其他小说外,还准备精读几本,目前在精读第一本《Jane Eyre》
希望对自己的写有更多的帮助。  --------顺便给两位列出我所读书的名单(同时再次声明,我的英语的确菜菜得很)------------------   ---------------------------2004年-----------------------------------------------------------  001.廊桥遗梦
The Bridges of Madison County  002.哈里费恩历险记
the adventures of Huckleberry Finn  003.汤姆叔叔的小屋
Uncle Tom's Cabin  004.汤姆索亚历险记
TomSawyer Adventures  005.苔丝
[Tomas Hardy]  006.鲁宾逊漂流记
Robinson Crusoe  007.简爱
Jane Eyre  008.格列弗游记
Gulliver’s Travels  009.八十天环游地球
Around The World in 80 Days  010.嘉莉妹妹
Sister Carrie
[Dreiser Theodore 西奥多 德莱塞]  011.马丁伊登
]  012.热爱生命
  ----------------------------2005年------------------------------------------------------------  013.傲慢与偏见
[Austen Jane 奥斯丁.简 ()]   014.呼啸山庄
The Lord of the Rings - The Hobbit 魔戒-第一部  016.飘
Gone with the wind  017.理智与情感
The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring 魔戒-第二部  *019.爱默生随笔录选
- [RALPH WALDO EMERSON()]  020.第二十二条军规
- [Joseph Heller]
[约瑟夫·海勒]  021.双塔奇谋
The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
魔戒-第三部   022.狮子女巫和衣橱
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe [CS Lewis]  023.国王归来
The Return of the King
魔戒-第四部   024.战争与和平
[Leo Tolstoy]  025.大卫科波菲尔
David Copperfield
[Charles Dickens]
卡尔·笛更斯  026.教父
The Godfather
[Mario Puzo]
.马里奥·普佐  027.麦田里的守望者
The Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger .
JD·塞林格  028.假如明日来临
If Tomorrow Comes [Sydney Sheldon]
西德尼 谢尔顿  029远大前程
[Charles Dickens]
卡尔·笛更斯  030.告诉我你的梦
Tell Me Your Dreams
[Sydney Sheldon]
西德尼 谢尔顿  031镜子里的陌生人
A Stranger In The Mirror[Sydney Sheldon]
西德尼 谢尔顿  ----------------------------2006年------------------------------------------------------------  032.绿地
Green Mile [Stephen King]
斯蒂芬·金  033世界末日的阴谋
Doomsday Conspiracy
[Sydney Sheldon]
西德尼 谢尔顿  034哈利·波特与火焰杯
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
The DaVinci Code [Dan Brown]  037小妇人
LITTLE WOMEN [Louisa May Alcott]
路易莎·梅·阿尔科特  038瞒天过海
Deception Point
[Dan Brown]  039天使和恶魔
Angels Demons  040安娜.卡列尼娜
ANNA KARENINA [Leo Tolstoy]  041哈利·波特与魔法石
Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone [JK Rowling]
(神密的魔法石 · 密室之秘 · 监狱的逃犯 · 燃烧的高脚杯 · 哈利波特和凤凰令)  042四季(肖申克的救赎)
Different Seasons
[Stephen King]
斯蒂芬·金  043远离尘嚣
Far from the Madding Crowd [Tomas Hardy]  044出路
The Outlet - Adams. Andy  045悲惨世界
Les Miserables 雨果
VICTOR HUGO  046午夜情挑
the otherside of midnight [sheldon, sidney ]
西德尼 谢尔顿  047愤怒的葡萄
The Grapes of Wrath [John Steinbeck] [美] 斯坦培克  048基督山伯爵
The Count Of Monte Cristo
[Alexandre Dumas]
大仲马  049哈利波特和密室
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets
[JK Rowling]
  作者:wizardyin 回复日期: 13:48:10 
    ckg是啥意思?咋没查到呢?    -------------------------------------  呵呵!此典故出自无极。
  作者:zompire 回复日期: 15:13:18 
    一时眼花。。把题目看成了。。“刚看完本600页的原板小说,感觉自己不错了”。。于是进来恭喜楼主。。不料。。我也感觉自己错了。。哈哈      哈哈,鬼妹真牛。。。不过老夫也经常看错。。。。有一次一个人发了个帖子说是在医院被割了皮包。。。。老夫一不小心就看错了。。。。      
  作者:precom 回复日期: 15:38:28 
    ----------------------------2005年------------------------------------------------------------    013.傲慢与偏见 PRIDE AND PREJUDICE [Austen Jane 奥斯丁.简 ()]     014.呼啸山庄 WUTHERING HEIGHTS    015.霍比特 The Lord of the Rings - The Hobbit 魔戒-第一部    016.飘 Gone with the wind    017.理智与情感 SENSE AND SENSIBILITY    018.魔戒远征队 The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring 魔戒-第二部    *019.爱默生随笔录选 ESSAYS-s1 - [RALPH WALDO EMERSON()]    020.第二十二条军规 Catch-22, - [Joseph Heller] [约瑟夫·海勒]    021.双塔奇谋 The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers 魔戒-第三部     022.狮子女巫和衣橱 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe [CS Lewis]    023.国王归来 The Return of the King 魔戒-第四部     024.战争与和平 WAR AND PEACE [Leo Tolstoy]    025.大卫科波菲尔 David Copperfield [Charles Dickens] 卡尔·笛更斯    026.教父 The Godfather [Mario Puzo] .马里奥·普佐    027.麦田里的守望者 The Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger . JD·塞林格    028.假如明日来临 If Tomorrow Comes [Sydney Sheldon] 西德尼 谢尔顿    029远大前程 GREAT EXPECTATIONS [Charles Dickens] 卡尔·笛更斯    030.告诉我你的梦 Tell Me Your Dreams [Sydney Sheldon] 西德尼 谢尔顿    031镜子里的陌生人 A Stranger In The Mirror[Sydney Sheldon] 西德尼 谢尔顿    ----------------------------2006年------------------------------------------------------------    032.绿地 Green Mile [Stephen King] 斯蒂芬·金    033世界末日的阴谋 Doomsday Conspiracy [Sydney Sheldon] 西德尼 谢尔顿    034哈利·波特与火焰杯 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire     035百年孤独 ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE    036达芬奇密码 The DaVinci Code [Dan Brown]    037小妇人 LITTLE WOMEN [Louisa May Alcott] 路易莎·梅·阿尔科特    038瞒天过海 Deception Point [Dan Brown]    039天使和恶魔 Angels Demons    040安娜.卡列尼娜 ANNA KARENINA [Leo Tolstoy]    041哈利·波特与魔法石 Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone [JK Rowling]      (神密的魔法石 · 密室之秘 · 监狱的逃犯 · 燃烧的高脚杯 · 哈利波特和凤凰令)    042四季(肖申克的救赎) Different Seasons [Stephen King] 斯蒂芬·金    043远离尘嚣 Far from the Madding Crowd [Tomas Hardy]    044出路 The Outlet - Adams. Andy    045悲惨世界 Les Miserables 雨果 VICTOR HUGO    046午夜情挑 the otherside of midnight [sheldon, sidney ] 西德尼 谢尔顿    047愤怒的葡萄 The Grapes of Wrath [John Steinbeck] [美] 斯坦培克    048基督山伯爵 The Count Of Monte Cristo [Alexandre Dumas] 大仲马    049哈利波特和密室 Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets [JK Rowling]        ==================================  研究英美文学的前辈啊?佩服。。。。。
  035百年孤独 ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE  ===========================  这个的英文版都能看懂   相当佩服了  中文版的都伦得我头晕
  作者:precom 回复日期: 15:37:19   -------------------------------------------  强人啊……  里面有几本快赶上字典厚度了吧,俺肯定是没那个耐心的  07年是不是该看Ulysses了?
  我都看了四十多本原著了,还是一英语菜菜。才看一本,还差得远。楼上说得有理,要多看英语主流媒体。    我看英文小说,则主要是为了看小说而已,喜欢小说罢了。 提高英语阅读只是其次要功能。  ----------------------------------------------  Reading one or two novels carefully is worth reading 40 carelessly.
  经典可以用来诵读和体会  与实际英文阅读能力无关  此些经典是老白毛几百年前写的东西,只可以用来学术研究
  作者:色情人生 回复日期: 20:59:33    ----------------------------------------------    Reading one or two novels carefully is worth reading 40 carelessly.    -----色情人生说得很对,今年我就准备精读一两本,至于泛读纯粹是自己喜欢看小说,与学习英语关系不大。
  作者:ktdid 回复日期: 20:53:23 
    作者:precom 回复日期: 15:37:19     -------------------------------------------    强人啊……    里面有几本快赶上字典厚度了吧,俺肯定是没那个耐心的    07年是不是该看Ulysses了?    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------      基督山伯爵  悲惨世界  战争与和平  安娜.卡列尼娜  -----------------这几本比较长一点      百年孤独  -----------------这一本读得最迷糊    大卫科波菲尔  -----------------这一本读得我最想睡觉      最好看的还是 魔戒系列    
  Ulysses 没看过,好象很流行,谢谢你的提醒,准备把它看看。
  作者:piazzollacn 提交日期: 13:36:00
    ??以前以为能看完一本象魔戒,龙枪那样的原版小说就很好的掌握英语了,看来我错了  ----------  背完一本还差不多    作者:fortuitous 回复日期: 14:00:52 
    各种类型的文章都需要阅读,多多益善。  -----------  有道理,老夫看过原版的哲学书,导游书,计算机书,历史书,还有性知识书,受益非浅,哈哈.    作者:precom 回复日期: 8:13:16   大卫科波菲尔    -----------------这一本读得我最想睡觉  -------------  那你只看米考博老爹的那几页就行了.      作者:ktdid 回复日期: 20:53:23 
      07年是不是该看Ulysses了?  -----------  这种烂书,只配用来垫脚.      老夫读书的时候看了不少原版,包括海明威和阿瑟黑利几乎所有的长篇,最喜欢For Whom the Bell Tolls和Hotel,短中篇印象最深的是斯坦培克的Of Mice and Men,看得老泪纵横.  总共看了五六十本,其中大四一个学期因为比较闲,一口气看了20本,这才有现在的敏锐的语感,哈哈.但是阅读速度不快.后来看计算机专业书,阅读速度才加快,一个晚上能看200页.  现在看见洋书就想吐.  
  学precom,列一下自己看过的书,算是怀一下旧:  1.大饭店Hotel  2.超载Overload  3.身居高位In High Places  4.最后的诊断The final diagnosis  5.航空港Airport  (以上阿瑟黑利)  6.丧钟为谁而鸣For Whom the Bell Tolls  7.永别了武器A Farewell to Arms  8.急流中的岛屿Islands in the Stream  9.太阳照常升起The Sun Also Rises  (以上海明威)  10.雇佣军The Dogs of War  12.谈判专家The Negociator  13.豺狼的日子The Days of Jackal  (以上弗.福塞斯)  15.伦敦谍影Smiley's People(勒卡雷John Le Carre)  16.人与鼠Of Mice and Men(斯坦培克John Steinbeck)  17.向一切告别Goodbye to All That(Robert Graves)  18.伟大的盖子比The Great Gatsby(Fitzgerald)  19.分崩离析Things Fall Apart(Chinua Achebe)  20.杀死知更鸟To Kill a Mocking Bird(Harper Lee)  21.土生子The Native Son(Richard Wright)  22.人生的枷锁Of Human Bondage(毛姆)
(务必一口气看完,因为太郁闷了,看了一半放下肯定不能再看下去)  23.金色笔记The Golden Notebook(Doris Lessing)  24.荆棘鸟The Thornbirds(Colleen McCullough)  25.绿山墙的安妮Ann of Green Gables(Lucy Maud Montgomery) (很好的儿童文学)  26.简爱Jane Eyre  27.格列弗游记 Gulliver’s Travels  28.嘉莉妹妹 Sister Carrie [Dreiser Theodore 西奥多 德莱塞]  29.马丁伊登 MARTIN EDEN [JACK LONDON
(好书!)  30.第二十二条军规 Catch-22, - [Joseph Heller] [约瑟夫·海勒]  31.晃来晃去的人The Dangling Man(Saul Bellow)
(垃圾!)  32.镜子里的陌生人 A Stranger In The Mirror[Sydney Sheldon] 西德尼 谢尔顿  33.鲁宾逊漂流记 Robinson Crusoe  34.哈里费恩历险记 the adventures of Huckleberry Finn  35.教父 The Godfather [Mario Puzo] .马里奥·普佐  36.伦敦的较量(London Match)Len Deighton
(很烂的间谍小说)  37.分裂的自我The Divided Self(RD Laing)
(精神病学,看得一头雾水)  38.西湖The West Lake(导游手册)  39.月亮下去了The Moon is Down(斯坦培克)  40.麦田里的守望者The Catcher in the Rye(塞林格J. D. Salinger)  41.第五个孩子The Fifth Child(Doris Lessing)  42.屠场The Jungle(Upton Sinclair)
(好书!)  43.儿子和情人Sons and Lovers(DH Lawrence)
  44.布朗神父的智慧The Wisdom of Father Brown(Gilbert Keith Chesterton)   45.布朗神父的纯朴The Innocence of Father Brown(Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
(不错的侦探小说!)  45.月亮宝石The Moonstone(Wilkie Collins)  46.白衣女人Woman in White(Wilkie Collins)  47.贵妇画像The Portrait of a Lady(Henry James)
(看了此书后对此公的作品敬而远之)  48.未来的冲击Future Shock(Alvin Toffler)
(很好的可用来背诵的书)  49.蝴蝶梦Rebacca(Daphne Du Maurier)  50.牙买加酒店Jamaica Inn(Daphne Du Maurier)  51.长征:前所未闻的故事The Long March: The Untold Story(Harrison E. Salisbury )  52.我的辉煌生涯My Brilliant Career(Miles Franklin)  53.艾可卡自传Lee Iacocca : An Autobiography  54.艾里丝漫游奇境记Alice's Adventures in Wonderland(Lewis Carroll)  55.印度之行A Passage to India(E.M.Forster)  56.蝇王Lord of the Flies(William Golding)  57.沉静的美国人The Quiet American(Graham Greene)  58.女战士The Woman Warrior(Maxine Hong Kingston)  59.最蓝的眼睛The Bluest Eye(Toni Morrison)  60.蕾丝续集Lace II(Shirley Conran)
  老夫读书的时候看了不少原版,包括海明威和阿瑟黑利几乎所有的长篇,最喜欢For Whom the Bell Tolls和Hotel,短中篇印象最深的是斯坦培克的Of Mice and Men,看得老泪纵横.    总共看了五六十本,其中大四一个学期因为比较闲,一口气看了20本,这才有现在的敏锐的语感,哈哈.但是阅读速度不快.后来看计算机专业书,阅读速度才加快,一个晚上能看200页.    现在看见洋书就想吐  ------------------------    hzzasdf
  作者:precom 回复日期: 8:18:15 
    Ulysses 没看过,好象很流行,谢谢你的提醒,准备把它看看。     作者:hzzasdf 回复日期: 15:16:12      -----------    这种烂书,只配用来垫脚.  ============================================    哈哈哈,偶说尤利西斯是开玩笑滴啦,precom别当真啊,您不是研究英美文学的吧,没必要找那个罪受。那种书打死偶也不会去看    偶另外严肃滴推荐一本Lolita哈,很耐看滴,就是得准备一本好字典  作者简直是玩弄语言的大师,看完啦回头再看海明威,就象小学生作文……
  郑重推荐:  1.大饭店Hotel  2.最后的诊断The final diagnosis  阿瑟黑利最经典的两本  3.丧钟为谁而鸣For Whom the Bell Tolls  海明威的,对话非常精彩  4.雇佣军The Dogs of War  5.豺狼的日子The Days of Jackal  弗.福塞斯经典  6.人与鼠Of Mice and Men(斯坦培克John Steinbeck)  太感人了!  7.伦敦谍影Smiley's People  8.锅匠裁缝士兵间谍Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy(勒卡雷John Le Carre)  最好的间谍小说  9.土生子The Native Son(Richard Wright)  10.绿山墙的安妮Ann of Green Gables(Lucy Maud Montgomery) (很好的儿童文学)  11.马丁伊登 MARTIN EDEN [JACK LONDON (好书!)  12.屠场The Jungle(Upton Sinclair) (好书!)  13.布朗神父的智慧The Wisdom of Father Brown(Gilbert Keith Chesterton)   14.布朗神父的纯朴The Innocence of Father Brown(Gilbert Keith Chesterton) (不错的侦探小说!)  15.未来的冲击Future Shock(Alvin Toffler) (很好的可用来背诵的书)  16.艾可卡自传Lee Iacocca : An Autobiography (适合学俚语)  17.长征:前所未闻的故事The Long March: The Untold Story(Harrison E. Salisbury ) 印象比较深的是一个细节,贺自珍怀疑老毛和史沫特莱有一腿,威胁要拿刀子捅她,吓得老史和埃德加.斯诺夫人换床睡
:)      hzzasdf 是计算机专业的??  --------------  呵呵,老夫算是个IT人士
  作者:ktdid 回复日期: 15:35:01   偶另外严肃滴推荐一本Lolita哈,很耐看滴,就是得准备一本好字典  --------------  呵呵,老夫当年当情色文学看的,不过翻了翻,觉得有点变态,就没看下去 :)
    hzzasdf 是计算机专业的??    --------------    呵呵,老夫算是个IT人士    ----------------------------------  呵, 呵, 本人也是IT人士, 程序员。
       作者:ktdid 回复日期: 15:35:         偶另外严肃滴推荐一本Lolita哈,很耐看滴,就是得准备一本好字典    作者简直是玩弄语言的大师,看完啦回头再看海明威,就象小学生作文……    --------------谢谢ktdid推荐,我已把她列入计划
  呵呵,老夫做的就杂了,做过系统管理员,软件测试员,技术翻译,高级技术支持工程师,开发工程师.洋文是老夫的一大特长 :)
  作者:hzzasdf 回复日期: 15:54:48 
    呵呵,老夫做的就杂了,做过系统管理员,软件测试员,技术翻译,高级技术支持工程师,开发工程师.洋文是老夫的一大特长 :)    ///////////////  楼上的看小说时有没有写些笔记或心得?
  作者:hzzasdf 回复日期: 15:16:12 
    学precom,列一下自己看过的书,算是怀一下旧:    1.大饭店Hotel        07年是不是该看Ulysses了?    -----------    这种烂书,只配用来垫脚.    ----------------------------------------------  看毕阁下的书单子,还有上面一句发言,不由得惊叹--品位真差。也就是看看流行小说和海明威的水平了。
  正是在下,什么拜的万万不敢当。当年所为只不过是无聊事耳。    Lolita不错,值得推荐给楼主。
  者:霍乱 回复日期: 16:26:02 
    正是在下,什么拜的万万不敢当。当年所为只不过是无聊事耳。        Lolita不错,值得推荐给楼主。    -----------------------------------  谢谢
  I am sorry to say something to disappoint you. Maybe some people are showing off how many english books they have read. But i think reading a lot of books only makes you a good reader. The most important usage of a language is to speak and communicate. But it is sad to see so many chinese language learners can only read but not speak.    Can you express yourself well in English? I wonder..
  楼上有人质疑本人的品位和表达水平,看来不解释一下,show off一下是不行了,呵呵.    Ulysses is a &great& book,which everybody knows. But what is the point of reading such a mind-twisting book for the purpose of english learning??? What's wrong with pop (or pulp) novels? They have thrilling stories and fresh language on the street, which impress readers, flow into their minds, and enpower their language abilities while they themselves may not even sense that. Hemingway is a master in writing dialogues, especially in For Whom the Bell Tolls, which contain few new words and thus make the novel a good reader for beginners.  Is it necessary to show off his &good& taste claiming that he has read Ulysses, or William Faulkner's The Bear, or Saul Bellow's Homboldt’s Gift, or other stuff that simply confuses you? Wittgenstein is fond of reading thrillers, arguing that a good detective story makes more sense to him than a book in philosophy. Who has ever said that Wittgenstein has a &bad& taste in reading??  
  作者:fedup 回复日期: 13:04:04   楼上的看小说时有没有写些笔记或心得?  ---------------  No, except for Jane Eyre and Catch-22, in which cases I wrote 2 articles analyzing the themes and the characters after reading. As for Of Mice and Men, I was simply overwhelmed with sympathy and sorrow and could not utter a word :)
  Is it necessary to show off his &good& taste claiming that he ---& Is it necessary to show off somebody's &good& taste by claiming that he
  especially in For Whom the Bell Tolls, which contain few new words and thus make the novel a good reader for beginners.
---& which contains ... and thus makes   
  作者:hiyoyoyo 回复日期: 17:43:10 
    I am sorry to say something to disappoint you. Maybe some people are showing off how many english books they have read. But i think reading a lot of books only makes you a good reader. The most important usage of a language is to speak and communicate. But it is sad to see so many chinese language learners can only read but not speak.        Can you express yourself well in English? I wonder..  ----------------------------------------    这位兄弟说得对,学习语言要用,但苦于没有用的环境,不是任何人都能向李阳那么大胆,敢于在什么场合都说。做为菜鸟更不敢乱说了,这是众多学英语的弱肋。     但读也是一种享受,当然能说能听更好,但这需要更长的时间练习,尤其对一普通菜鸟来说。
  作者:hzzasdf 回复日期: 00:06:27 
    楼上有人质疑本人的品位和表达水平,看来不解释一下,show off一下是不行了,呵呵.        Ulysses is a &great& book,which everybody knows. But what is the point of reading such a mind-twisting book for the purpose of english learning??? What's wrong with pop (or pulp) novels? They have thrilling     ----------------  这个无需说得太多,我觉得读书,能让自己时而兴奋,时而为主人翁难过得落泪等,与书一种自己与他人不同的交流就行了。 个人经历不一样,当然爱好不一样,即使同一本书,感受也不一样。没什么值得惊诧。    我喜欢读自己喜欢的一类的书,但也力图读一些自己不喜欢的书。
  魔戒,龙枪 啊……    还是正常一点的原版小说好一点吧
      作者:西游民 回复日期: 8:44:58 
    魔戒,龙枪 啊……        还是正常一点的原版小说好一点吧    -------------------------  魔戒 , 不能因为它是魔幻小说就瞧不起,的确相当好看。  还有Harry Potter,我认为也看着蛮好,但比 魔戒 逊多了。  
  hzzasdf把读书当作学习英语的工具和消遣,我则把它们当作艺术,所以一本尤利西斯才会被冠以“垫脚烂书”和“great”这两种相反的称号。维特根斯坦出身不错,也足够聪明--更好的说法是一流天才人物,但这个不能证明他品位就有多好。类似的例子还有戴安娜王妃。    足下举例子举出来福克纳的熊,而不说喧哗与骚动,八月之光,押沙龙押沙龙等作品,大概也能证明我最早的观点。;)    无意为此争执,但为楼主计,我略举几个我看过并觉得还不错的书:德里达的白噪音,品钦的V.和万有引力之虹。当然我还喜欢王尔德全集和爱伦坡作品,不过这都是很古老的东东了,只是我的个人喜好而已。以上仅供参考。
霍乱 的 推荐。
  谢谢大家的推荐,我看来是没心思看那些作品  我只爱看自己的兴趣范围之内的  难道没人爱看龙枪吗
  作者:霍乱 回复日期: 09:25:58   足下举例子举出来福克纳的熊,而不说喧哗与骚动,八月之光,押沙龙押沙龙等作品,大概也能证明我最早的观点。;)  ----------------  呵呵,喧哗与骚动,八月之光,押沙龙押沙龙的大名都是如雷贯耳,不过当初想先找篇短的入门,不料The Bear一句话写了6页没加一个标点,一下子让我打了退堂鼓,对此公的大作从此敬而远之.    看来霍乱兄喜欢玄的东西啊
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  作者:hzzasdf 回复日期: 00:06:27 
    楼上有人质疑本人的品位和表达水平,看来不解释一下,show off一下是不行了,呵呵.        Ulysses is a &great& book,which everybody knows. But what is the point of reading such a mind-twisting book for the purpose of english learning??? What's wrong with pop (or pulp) novels? They have thrilling stories and fresh language on the street, which impress readers, flow into their minds, and enpower their language abilities while they themselves may not even sense that. Hemingway is a master in writing dialogues, especially in For Whom the Bell Tolls, which contain few new words and thus make the novel a good reader for beginners.    ---------------------------    1. Ulysses is a &great& book,which everybody knows.  2. They have thrilling stories and ......, which impress readers, flow into their minds, and ......  3. ... in writing dialogues, especially ..., which contain few new words and thus ......     =============  写 which 句子的高手!! 可编入高一英语语法的定语从句练习册。    
  决定还是先看 Ulysses ,然后 Lolita.
  作者:hzzasdf 回复日期: 00:06:27       楼上有人质疑本人的品位和表达水平,看来不解释一下,show off一下是不行了,呵呵.            Ulysses is a &great& book,which everybody knows. But what is the point of reading such a mind-twisting book for the purpose of english learning??? What's wrong with pop (or pulp) novels? They have thrilling stories and fresh language on the street, which impress readers, flow into their minds, and enpower their language abilities while they themselves may not even sense that. Hemingway is a master in writing dialogues, especially in For Whom the Bell Tolls, which contain few new words and thus make the novel a good reader for beginners.      ---------------------------        1. Ulysses is a &great& book,which everybody knows.    2. They have thrilling stories and ......, which impress readers, flow into their minds, and ......    3. ... in writing dialogues, especially ..., which contain few new words and thus ......         =============    写 which 句子的高手!! 可编入高一英语语法的定语从句练习册。              顶!呵呵……
  我们的要求是一学期30本,还是打基础。  所以各种都要看。泛读讲究量,质其实还在其次。  魔戒文学性及背景知识要求太高,实话说,中文版都不一定能琢磨透。
  作者:erica0607 回复日期: 18:36:50 
    我们的要求是一学期30本,还是打基础。    所以各种都要看。泛读讲究量,质其实还在其次。    魔戒文学性及背景知识要求太高,实话说,中文版都不一定能琢磨透。    ----------------------------------  
那你四年下来岂不是读了至少240本? 牛啊。我还得多多加油。     
  47.贵妇画像The Portrait of a Lady(Henry James) (看了此书后对此公的作品敬而远之)  哈哈,同感,  还有“《白鲸》”
  俺觉得看美剧不错,看到一个新鲜的东西就经常用一下  就像练字,从来没有花整块的时间练过,每遇到写得好看的字,就注意以后都这么写,自然而然就好看了!呵呵!
  Modern Library's 100 Best English-Language Novels of the 20th Century    1.
Ulysses, James Joyce (1922)  2.
The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925)  3.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, James Joyce (1916)  4.
Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov (1958)  5.
Brave New World, Aldous Huxley (1932)  6.
The Sound and the Fury, William Faulkner (1929)  7.
Catch-22, Joseph Heller (1961)  8.
Darkness at Noon, Arthur Koestler (1941)  9.
Sons and Lovers, D. H. Lawrence (1913)  10. The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck (1939)  11. Under the Volcano, Malcolm Lowry (1947)  12. The Way of All Flesh, Samuel Butler (1903)  13. 1984, George Orwell (1949)  14, I, Claudius, Robert Graves (1934)  15. To the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf (1927)  16. An American Tragedy, Theodore Dreiser (1925)  17. The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, Carson McCullers (1940)  18. Slaughterhouse-Five, Kurt Vonnegut (1969)  19. Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison (1952)  20. Native Son, Richard Wright (1940)  21. Henderson the Rain King, Saul Bellow (1959)  22. Appointment in Samarra, John O'Hara (1934)  23. U.S.A. (trilogy), John Dos Passos (1937—trilogy 24 completed)  24. Winesburg, Ohio, Sherwood Anderson (1919)  25. A Passage to India, E. M. Forster (1924)  26. The Wings of the Dove, Henry James (1902)  27. The Ambassadors, Henry James (1903)  28. Tender Is the Night, F. Scott Fitzgerald (1934)  29. The Studs Lonigan Trilogy, James T. Farrell (1935)  30. The Good Soldier, Ford Madox Ford (1915)  31. Animal Farm, George Orwell (1946)  32. The Golden Bowl, Henry James (1904)  33. Sister Carrie, Theodore Dreiser (1900)  34. A Handful of Dust, Evelyn Waugh (1934)  35. As I Lay Dying, William Faulkner (1930)  36. All the King's Men, Robert Penn Warren (1946)  37. The Bridge of San Luis Rey, Thornton Wilder (1927)  38. Howards End, E. M. Forster (1910)  39. Go Tell It on the Mountain, James Baldwin (1953)  40. The Heart of the Matter, Graham Greene (1948)  41. Lord of the Flies, William Golding (1954)  42. Deliverance, James Dickey (1969)  43. A Dance to the Music of Time (series), Anthony Powell (1975—series completed)  44. Point Counter Point, Aldous Huxley (1928)  45. The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway (1926)  46. The Secret Agent, Joseph Conrad (1907)  47. Nostromo, Joseph Conrad(1904)  48. The Rainbow, D. H. Lawrence (1915)  49. Women in Love, D. H. Lawrence (1921)  50. Tropic of Cancer, Henry Miller (1934)  
  51. The Naked and the Dead, Norman Mailer (1948)  52. Portnoy's Complaint, Philip Roth (1969)  53. Pale Fire, Vladimir Nabokov (1962)  54. Light in August, William Faulkner (1932)  55. On the Road, Jack Kerouac (1957)  56. The Maltese Falcon, Dashiell Hammett (1930)  57. Parade's End, Ford Madox Ford (1950)  58. The Age of Innocence, Edith Wharton (1920)  59. Zuleika Dobson, Max Beerbohm (1911)  60. The Moviegoer, Walker Percy (1961)  61. Death Comes for the Archbishop, Willa Cather (1927)  62. From Here to Eternity, James Jones (1951)  63. The Wapshot Chronicles, John Cheever (1957)  64. The Catcher in the Rye, J. D. Salinger (1951)  65. A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess (1962)  66. Of Human Bondage, W. Somerset Maugham (1915)  67. Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad (1902)  68. Main Street, Sinclair Lewis (1920)  69. The House of Mirth, Edith Wharton (1905)  70. The Alexandria Quartet, Lawrence Durrell (1960—series completed)  71. A High Wind in Jamaica, Richard Hughes (1929)  72. A House for Mr. Biswas, V. S. Naipaul (1961)  73. The Day of the Locust, Nathanael West (1939)  74. A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway (1929)  75. Scoop, Evelyn Waugh (1938)  76. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, Muriel Spark (1961)  77. Finnegans Wake, James Joyce (1939)  78. Kim, Rudyard Kipling (1901)  79. A Room with a View, E. M. Forster (1908)  80. Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh (1945)  81. The Adventures of Augie March, Saul Bellow (1953)  82. Angle of Repose, Wallace Stegner (1971)  83. A Bend in the River, V. S. Naipaul (1979)  84. The Death of the Heart, Elizabeth Bowen (1938)  85. Lord Jim, Joseph Conrad (1900)  86. Ragtime, E. L. Doctorow (1975)  87. The Old Wives' Tale, Arnold Bennett (1908)  88. The Call of the Wild, Jack London (1903)  89. Loving, Henry Green (1945)  90. Midnight's Children, Salman Rushdie (1981)  91. Tobacco Road, Erskine Caldwell (1933)  92. Ironweed, William Kennedy (1983)  93. The Magus, John Fowles (1966)  94. Wide Sargasso Sea, Jean Rhys (1966)  95. Under the Net, Iris Murdoch (1954)  96. Sophie's Choice, William Styron (1979)  97. The Sheltering Sky, Paul Bowles (1949)  98. The Postman Always Rings Twice, James M. Cain (1934)  99. The Ginger Man, J. P. Donleavy (1955)  100. The Magnificent Ambersons, Booth Tarkington (1918)  
  5. Brave New World, Aldous Huxley (1932)    《美丽的新世界》
  作者:user06 回复日期: 00:37:32 
    5. Brave New World, Aldous Huxley (1932)        《美丽的新世界》    这本偶也看过,感觉比较无趣.是1984或者&我们&有趣多了
  到那里找原版的书来看啊      强烈要求有人推荐没得??
  晕 大家看了这么多原版书,都是正版的吗?贵死了!
      作者:风清叶 回复日期: 00:03:19 
    晕 大家看了这么多原版书,都是正版的吗?贵死    ------------------  我看的是电子版
  我觉得特别有帮助的是畅销书,交流一下:  同上的有阿瑟 黑利的小说 最后的诊断(final diagnosis), 航空港(airport), 超载(overload),大饭店(hotel).  然后有希尔顿的小说 假如明天来临(if tomorrow comes), 天使的愤怒(rage of angel)和血线(bloodline).  还有哈里斯的沉默的羔羊(the silence of the lamb).  非小说类的有几本: 威尔士的世界史(world history by Wells),尼古拉庞蒂的数字化生存(digital being),卡内基的人性的弱点(how to win friends and influence people).  以上每本都可在一天内读完(手头拿一本新英汉即可),单词量在五千左右,读完每一本,词汇可增一千,全部读完英语的词就差不多过完了.
  偶们学大饭店里的片段--ogivil blackmail的那段(from高级英语)学了3天!看一本书真不知道要多少月啊。。。汗
  [作者:hzzasdf 回复日期: 00:06:27 
    楼上有人质疑本人的品位和表达水平,看来不解释一下,show off一下是不行了,呵呵.        Ulysses is a &great& book,which everybody knows. But what is the point of reading such a mind-twisting book for the purpose of english learning???]    Well, here &mind-blowing& is a far better choice than the  &mind-twisting& in your passage.    [What's wrong with pop (or pulp) novels? They have thrilling stories and fresh language on the street, which impress readers, flow into their minds, and enpower their language abilities while they themselves may not even sense that.]    What do you mean by &fresh language on the street&?   A simple &street language& will be better, I believe.  And, &empower ... abilities& (not &enpower&) is redundant   because the word &empower& can mean &to equip or   su enable.&    [Hemingway is a master in writing dialogues, especially in For Whom the Bell Tolls, which contain few new words and thus make the novel a good reader for beginners.]    Here, &a good reader& ought to be &a good read.&      [Is it necessary to show off his &good& taste claiming that he has read Ulysses, or William Faulkner's The Bear, or Saul Bellow's Homboldt’s Gift, or other stuff that simply confuses you? Wittgenstein is fond of reading thrillers, arguing that a good detective story makes more sense to him than a book in philosophy. Who has ever said that Wittgenstein has a &bad& taste in reading??]    &Is it necessary ... claiming that ...& ought to be &Is it   necessary ... by claiming that ....&    &Saul Bellow's Homboldt's Gift& should read &Saul Bellow's   Humboldt's Gift.&    &Wittgenstein is fond of ...& ought to read &Wittgenstein   was fond of ...,& because I assume Wittgenstein died  already and is still dead.  
  62. From Here to Eternity, by James Jones (1951)  --------  This 1,000-page WWII novel is now available at Shanghai Book Trader (Fuzhou Rd.), priced at 140 yuan.
            1. Ulysses is a &great& book,which everybody knows.      2. They have thrilling stories and ......, which impress readers, flow into their minds, and ......      3. ... in writing dialogues, especially ..., which contain few new words and thus ......             =============      写 which 句子的高手!! 可编入高一英语语法的定语从句练习册。  看了那么多争论,就这位最具有当教育局局长的潜质:)    我要找找看有没有四季和贵妇画像了.谢谢各位推荐
  谢谢Cody指正!    Well, here &mind-blowing& is a far better choice than the    &mind-twisting& in your passage.  ---------  这个似乎是个人偏好.不过老实说mind-blowing这个词我不会用,所以也想不到.    What do you mean by &fresh language on the street&?     A simple &street language& will be better, I believe.  And, &empower ... abilities& (not &enpower&) is redundant     because the word &empower& can mean &to equip or     su enable.&  ---------  改得好!    Here, &a good reader& ought to be &a good read.&  ---------  恩,reader一般指文学作品选(anthology),这里没有细察      &Is it necessary ... claiming that ...& ought to be &Is it     necessary ... by claiming that ....&  ----------  上面已经改正了    &Wittgenstein is fond of ...& ought to read &Wittgenstein     was fond of ...,& because I assume Wittgenstein died    already and is still dead.  ---------  恩,不仔细
  作者:catpuff 回复日期: 16:37:18     我要找找看有没有四季和贵妇画像了.谢谢各位推荐  -----------------  &The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft&  by George Gissing  ==&  http://emotional-/classic-books-online-a/ppohr10.htm
  [作者:hzzasdf 回复日期: 17:00:51 
    谢谢Cody指正!]      互相交流, 共同提高。    
  [作者:user06 回复日期: 0:33:49 
    62. From Here to Eternity, by James Jones (1951)    --------    This 1,000-page WWII novel is now available at Shanghai Book Trader (Fuzhou Rd.), priced at 140 yuan.]    Where is the Shanghai Book Trader? 上海书城?  
  [作者:霍乱 回复日期: 09:25:58 
  无意为此争执,但为楼主计,我略举几个我看过并觉得还不错的书:德里达的白噪音]    It must be Don DeLillo's White Noise.  
  Misleading Zone in understanding Language , only reason to do so is to be a scholar or Language-master!    Wake up, don't waste too much time in this area. should learn and pratice somthing more useful than above.     
  作者:iceagemimi 回复日期: 9:48:46 
    Misleading Zone in understanding Language , only reason to do so is to be a scholar or Language-master!        Wake up, don't waste too much time in this area. should learn and pratice somthing more useful than above.   ---------------------------------------  如此蹩脚的chinglish就是您practice的成果?
  87. The Old Wives' Tale, Arnold Bennett (1908)  -------------  Much wonder why this mediocre novel has made the list   of Modern Library's 100 Best English-Language Novels of the 20th Century.  
  跟一下 算是对自己的一个督促
  天哪,N多时间前我发的贴啊  又浮上了  哈哈  看多书多听说读写都有帮助的  喜欢看日本古代军事书osprey出版的书都很牛的
  LZ became quickly immersed in a vast sea of books.   LZ became confused.    


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