
出门在外也不愁三篇寒假作文 急急急急~!请找到一下三个题目的作文: “第二次——” 为题
“我懂得了——” 为题
技术含量不要太高 60分里 能拿45分的那种作文就行了。
三篇寒假作文 急急急急~!请找到一下三个题目的作文: “第二次——” 为题
“我懂得了——” 为题
技术含量不要太高 60分里 能拿45分的那种作文就行了。
三篇寒假作文 急急急急~!请找到一下三个题目的作文: “第二次——” 为题
“我懂得了——” 为题
技术含量不要太高 60分里 能拿45分的那种作文就行了。
如果好的话 追加分数
第二次考试语文特训班 人生处处有考场,做事需三思后行。一位从国外回来的留学生回到家想找工作,他带着自己的简历来到人才市场。一家公司的考官看了他的简历很满意,便对他说:”年轻人,我们对你的学历和工作经验很满意,不过还不能马上录用您,明天来我们公司再接受一次考试。”第二天,他衣着光鲜,充满自信的来到公司。过了一会就要离开了,他在走廊里遇到了一位老者,衣衫褴褛、步履蹒跚,不小心将垃圾桶碰翻了,顿时一股不太好闻的气味四处飘散。老者满脸惊慌,手忙脚乱地用双手往垃圾桶里装垃圾。看到他走过禁不住求助起来:年轻人,帮帮我行吗?”他看看自己,又看看老人,想想一会后的面试,他终于无视的走过去。他身后有一位姑娘过去帮了老人。他心想:一个清洁工又不管自己的事……因为准备充足,笔试很顺利的过关,考官对他的影响好像很好。一会一位老者走了进来,看了看笔试的成绩,宣布了中选者的名单,名列榜首的他却落选了,他不解,可是当他看到老人时,一下子明白了:原来第二场考试不是笔试,而是一场道德品质的考验,而他输的很惨·。人生到处都有考场,不要只注知识考场上的成绩,道德的考验更要做好答卷。家和万事兴
———题记 5.12汶川大地震,实在是带给了我太大的震撼,那一组组血肉模糊的画面,一张张无依无靠的泪流满面的脸庞,那情、那景、那泪,催人泪下。同时它也告诉我什么是“珍稀”。 地震中,有多少人永远被废墟掩埋,而又有多少人永远失去了亲人。特别是还在上学的孩子们,当得知自己再也见不到爸爸妈妈了,那情,超出了我语言可以描绘的范围,当想到从前与爸妈一起玩耍嬉戏,又是多么幸福,当初与爸妈吵架,又是多么悔恨,可如今,这一切都不会再发生,双亲已故,这一切又怎么可能会发生?人生的一大遗憾:子欲养而亲不待,在多少子女身上上演,而这一切在已化作泪水奔涌而出了。可是,失去后才珍惜还有什么意义?写到这,我再也无法抑制我的情绪,打开房门大声叫道;“你们可一定要好好活着。”不觉间,一行泪水静静滑落。 爸爸惊异的看着我:“你没事吧,没发烧吧,你是不是看悲剧看多了,我说过男孩子看多了悲剧,特容易变得多愁善感。” 他们不懂我的意思,不明白我的感受,只要我懂就足够了。 不懂得珍惜,付出的代价就是悔恨一生;不懂得珍惜,失去的是生命中最珍贵的东西。失去后才珍惜还有什么意义?起码我懂得了珍惜,懂得了珍稀我身边每一个爱我的人和每一份至圣的爱。谁能帮我,要60分啊_斗地主吧_百度贴吧
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出门在外也不愁英语翻译要是快的话我还加分一定要10篇在翻译加答案我在加60分谁给我啊谢谢 我用急用啊 现在只要十篇阅读理解 不要答案和翻译了谁帮我_百度作业帮
英语翻译要是快的话我还加分一定要10篇在翻译加答案我在加60分谁给我啊谢谢 我用急用啊 现在只要十篇阅读理解 不要答案和翻译了谁帮我
英语翻译要是快的话我还加分一定要10篇在翻译加答案我在加60分谁给我啊谢谢 我用急用啊 现在只要十篇阅读理解 不要答案和翻译了谁帮我
Most people who work in the office have a boss (老板). So do I (我也是). But my boss is a little unusual. What's unusual about him? It's a big dog. Many men have dogs, but few men bring their dogs to the office every day. My boss's dog. Robinson, is big and brown. My boss brings him to work every day. He takes the dog to meetings and he takes the dog to lunch. When there is telephone call for my boss, I always know if he is in the office. I only look under his desk. If I see something brown and hairy (毛绒绒的) under it, I know my boss is somewhere in the office. If there is no dog , I know my boss is out. ( )6. People _________bring dogs to the office. A. usually B. often C. seldom (几乎不) D. sometimes ( )7. My boss is Robinson's ________. A. boss B. master C. classmate D. teacher ( )8. Robinson goes to meetings _________ my boss. A. for B. without C. instead of (代替) D. with ( )9. Robinson is always under the desk if the boss is _________. A. in the office B. at meetings C. out of the office D. out of work ( )10. The passage tells us the boss _________ the dog very much. A. looks like B. hates (恨) C. likes D. trust(信任) C B D A C 6. 由日常生活的常识可知,很少有人带狗上班 7. 通读全文,我的BOSS 是个人,也就是说是狗的主人 8. with有“跟某人一起”的意思,例如:I go to see a film with my parents.” 10. 通过整篇文章的阅读,可以判断除了C外,其他的选项都不符合原文的意思. (一) Can You Tell Me?(你能告诉吗) A father asks him son “How many letters are there in the Alphabet (字母表)?”“I don't know,”says his son. His father says, “You don't know? You are in school for many years and you don't know how many letters are there in the Alphabet?”He is very angry(生气). His son says, “No. But let me ask you a question(问题), Dad. You often go to the post office(邮局), please tell me how many letters are there in the post office?” ( )1.From the story, we know the son is good at(擅长) English. ( )2.The son studies at school over (超过) one year. ( )3.The father gets angry because his son is not polite (有礼貌) to him. ( )4.The father knows how many letters there are in the post office. ( )5.There are twenty-six letters in the Alphabet. (二) Too Polite(礼貌过头了) There are many people in the bus. Some have seats, but some have to(不得不) stand. At a bus stop, a woman gets on the bus. An old man hears the door and tries (试着) to stand up. “Oh, no, thank you,” the woman forces (强迫) him back to the seat. “Please don't do that. I can stand.” “But, madam(夫人), let me…,”says the man. “I ask you to keep your seat(坐在你的座位上),” the woman says. She puts(放) her hands on the old man's shoulder(肩膀). But the man still(仍然) tries to stand up,“Madam, will you please let me…?”“Oh, no,”says the woman. She again(又) forces the man back. At last(最后) the old man shouts(大声喊), “I wants to get off(下车) the bus!” ( )1.All the people have seats in the bus. ( )2.An old man gets on the bus at a bus stop. ( )3.The old man wants to give his seat to he woman. ( )4.The woman sits the old man's seat. ( )5.The old man wants to get off the bus. (一)(1)× (2)√ (3)× (4)× (5)√ (二)(1)× (2)× (3)× (4)× (5)√ Jim is an English boy. He comes to China with his father and mother. They come here to work. Jim comes here to study. He is in No. 5 Middle School. He gets up early every day. He isn’t late for school. He studies hard. He can read and write English well. He often helps us with our English, and we often help him with his Chinese. After class he likes playing football, swimming, running, jumping and riding. He makes many friends here. We are glad to stay with him. On Sunday he often helps his mother clean the house, mend something or do the shopping. He likes Chinese food very much. He likes living here. He likes Chinese students very much. We all like him , too. 根据短文内容,判断以下句子的正误.对的在括号内填“ T ”, 错的填“ F ”.( 10 分) ( F )1. He gets up late every day. ( T )2. He often teaches us English. ( F )3. After class , he likes singing and playing basketball. ( T )4. On Sunday he often helps his mother clean the house. ( F )5. He doesn’t like Chinese food.A)阅读短文,选择正确答案There is an old tiger in the forest. He doesn’t want to look for food now. He often asks other animals to get him something to eat.
One day, he sees a monkey and says, “I am hungry, monkey. Go to the village and get me something to eat.” “ I can’t do that now, tiger,” the monkey says, “There is another tiger over there. He will not let me get anything for you to eat. I am afraid of him.” “What?” cries the old tiger. “Take me to that tiger. I will talk to him.”
The monkey and the tiger get to the bridge over the river. “Now look down at the water.” Says the monkey. “Do you see the tiger?” “Yes, I do,” cries the old tiger. “I will eat him.” With these words, the tiger jumps into the river.(
An old tiger lives ____.
A. in the zoo
B. in the garden
C. in the forest
D. on the farm(
How many tigers and monkeys are there in the story?
A. Two tigers and two monkeys.
B. Two tigers and one monkey.
C. One tiger and two monkeys.
D. One tiger and one monkey.(
)3 Why does the tiger ask the other animals to get him food?Because ____.
A. they are afraid of him
B. only they can look for some food
C. they are his friends
D. they like to do so(
The monkey ____.
A. goes to get something to eat
B. gets to the bridge with the tiger
C. knows there is another tiger
D. tells the tiger to jump into the water(
Which of the following is right?
A. The tiger is very clever.
B. The monkey eats the tiger.
C. The tiger eats another tiger.
D. The tiger jumps into the water. (B)吉姆正在和莎莉聊天.请根据聊天内容判断所给句子的对(A)错(B)Jim:
How many days are there in a week?Sally:
Why, seven, of course. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday?Jim:
Well, Sally, can you speak out (说出) the five days of a week and not say Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday?Sally:
Let me see. I’m sorry I can’t. Can you?Jim:
Of course I can. They are today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, yesterday, the day before yesterday.(
) 6 There are seven days in a week.(
) 7 Sally can speak out five days of the week and not say Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.(
) 8 Jim thinks there are five days in a week.(
) 9 It’s Saturday today, so tomorrow is Sunday.(
) 10 Tomorrow is the day before today. 答案:1-5
ABBABJoe bought a farm in the east of the country.He began to build a house on it.Then his new neighbour said to him,“The weather is often very bad here.The wind’s very strong,and it breaks windows and doors.You must build a room under the ground and then you’ll be safe from the wind.”So Joe built a room under the ground.It was a lot of work.But after that,the weather was good for a very long time.There was no wind.Joe was not happy.He said,“Why did I listen to my neighbour?I didn’t have to make that room under the ground.”But then one day there was a very strong wind,and Joe and his family had to go down to their room under the ground.When the wind stopped,they came up.All the windows and doors in their house were broken.1.Where did Joe buy a farm?___________________2.Why did his neighbour ask him to build a room under the ground?Because _____________________.3.Was it easy to build a room under the ground?______________________________.4.How did Joe feel when the weather was fine for a long time?_________________________________________.5.What do you think of Joe’s neighbour?_________________________________________.第一题:Joe bought a farm in the east of the country.第二题:Because he could build a room under the ground to be safe from the strong wind.第三题:NO,it is not easy.第四题:Joe was not happy.第五题:He is a mind man.祝你好运~~~
Dick has a friend. His name is George. He works on a big ship(轮船). The ship goes from the United Kingdom to China. So George is often on the ship for many months. And he can only see the sea (大海).
Today George is at home. It’s nine o’clock in the morning. He wakes up and looks out of the window. What does he see? There are some trees. So he jumps out of bed and cries, “The ship has hit the land! The ship has hit the land!”
  () 1. George is Dick’s friend.
  () 2. George works on a big ship.
  () 3. George wakes up at eight.
  () 4. George sees the trees, and he thinks he is on the ship.
  () 5. George is on the river this morning.1、George是Dick的朋友
Most people who work in the office have a boss (老板). So do I (我也是). But my boss is a little unusual. What's unusual about him? It's a big dog. Many men have dogs, but few men bring their dogs to the office every day. My boss's dog. Robinson, is big and brown. My boss brings him to work every day. He takes the dog to meetings and he takes the dog to lunch. When there is telephone call for my boss, I always know if he is in the office. I only look under his desk. If I see something brown and hairy (毛绒绒的) under it, I know my boss is somewhere in the office. If there is no dog , I know my boss is out.
( )6. People _________bring dogs to the office.
A. usually B. often
C. seldom (几乎不) D. sometimes
( )7. My boss is Robinson's ________.
A. boss B. master
C. classmate D. teacher
( )8. Robinson goes to meetings _________ my boss.
A. for B. without
C. instead of (代替) D. with
( )9. Robinson is always under the desk if the boss is _________.
A. in the office B. at meetings
C. out of the office D. out of work
( )10. The passage tells us the boss _________ the dog very much.
A. looks like B. hates (恨)
C. likes D. trust(信任)
10篇- -还要翻译
Most people who work in the office have a boss (老板). So do I (我也是). But my boss is a little unusual. What's unusual about him? It's a big dog. Many men have dogs, but few men bring their dogs to the o...


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