worry about加什么 not后面加什么

I do not think you ___ to worry about this. 空里填什么?_百度作业帮
I do not think you ___ to worry about this. 空里填什么?
I do not think you ___ to worry about this. 空里填什么?
needI do not think you need to worry about this我不认为你需要担心这件事。
I do not think you have to worry about this
看意思 可用need 也可用haveIt's unnecessary for you to worry about _____(not have)the ability to do the work.正确形式填空_百度作业帮
It's unnecessary for you to worry about _____(not have)the ability to do the work.正确形式填空
It's unnecessary for you to worry about _____(not have)the ability to do the work.正确形式填空
not having worry about 后跟doing形式,否定为not doing
not having
not having。 介词后要接动名词形式,否定形式就是not having。这是非谓语动词中动名词的用法之一。一些初中英语问题mr.bell called just now telling you not to worry about him 中的telling,为什么加ing...另外问下怎样可以补回初中语法?我是高二生,恶补中...后面问题答好就加分_百度作业帮
一些初中英语问题mr.bell called just now telling you not to worry about him 中的telling,为什么加ing...另外问下怎样可以补回初中语法?我是高二生,恶补中...后面问题答好就加分
一些初中英语问题mr.bell called just now telling you not to worry about him 中的telling,为什么加ing...另外问下怎样可以补回初中语法?我是高二生,恶补中...后面问题答好就加分
.LS那位是骗分的?还固定搭配...拜托你也翻个字典...别人都迷惑了你还乱说.LZ这样想啦..telling引导的部分作为状语,是在CALLED的同时发生的,这个句子可以完全还原成Just now Mr Bell called and told you not to worry about him.这两个动作是同步完成的...其实我认为用to do也是可以的,表示目的性...这里用伴随的结构表明是动作同步~也平衡句子成分的长度..如果是用完成时陈述事实的时候目的性就增加,用Mr Bell has just called to tell you not to worry about him.就更好...但同样,在这个句子里就可以看到,句子的主体变得头轻脚重...这是英语和汉语习惯的一个不同...因为英语是种逻辑性语言,听的人会需要去抓主干,所以句子成分的平衡也很重要...至于要怎么补语法,其实语法是一种感觉培养,理解了万变不离其中,去买本带题比较丰富的语法书,做题一定要靠想,即使是要猜一个答案,也要告诉自己为什么猜它,做了题多做总结,不要做过就算了,错了的做标记,下次有同类的题要可以马上找出来哪里出现过...争取从错几次到只错2次只错1次到不会错.就当作是一个规则游戏吧~说实话这是个容易沉迷的游戏...The man lost his money.But he (tired not to worry) about it.怎么在括号里这样填哇,not to ……的用法_百度作业帮
The man lost his money.But he (tired not to worry) about it.怎么在括号里这样填哇,not to ……的用法
The man lost his money.But he (tired not to worry) about it.怎么在括号里这样填哇,not to ……的用法
原意:那个男人丢了钱,但他尽力不去担心这件事.其实是try to do sth.尽力去做某事.的否定形式即try not to do sth.尽力不去做某事所以后面加worry about it表示不担心这件事
tired not to worry有什么用法的吗?
请解答,谢谢~~~try not to do sth(努力不去做什么什么)。
He tries not to touch the tiger.
try not to do sth(努力不去做什么什么)。
He tries not to touch the tiger.


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