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>> 浏览文章错嫁佳人第19-21集剧情介绍
  第十九集 王小红成为预备党员  面对黑木蛟的求婚,王小红面露难色。六当家的等人见王小红并没有应允求婚之心,便打算霸王硬上弓将王小红绑上黑龙山。然而,王小红性格刚烈,以死相逼。黑木蛟等人这才作罢。  熊老八将自己的父母接上了黑龙山,却将他兄弟留在了险境之中。岂料,马戎不但没有杀熊老八的兄弟,反而又将他派上黑龙山做内应。这又让好不容易安全了的黑龙山又暴露在了马戎的眼前。  王小红终于见到了政委,政委批准她成为预备党员,希望她继续留在玉屏,利用好梅家大少奶奶的身份开展新的工作。党旗下,王小红热泪盈眶,她似乎离自己毕生追逐的信仰又近了一步。  梅贤祖意识到自己为救王小红编出来的那些瞎话可能会让牡丹误会,于是想让舅姥爷去给他通风报信。然而舅姥爷枪伤未愈,又胆小如鼠,拒绝了梅贤祖的请求。不过,他却给梅贤祖支了一个招。让梅贤祖带着王小红去拜见干爹干妈,这样就能见到牡丹,也能找机会把事情说清楚。  这样,梅贤祖带着王小红去拜见马戎和牡丹。中途,梅贤祖骗着王小红将柳瑞芳送的玉镯子装在他买来的木头盒子里代为保管。然而,王小红没有料到梅贤祖居然将玉镯带盒子一起送给了牡丹。  马戎倒腾了一会儿镯子没有发现猫腻,然而牡丹却在盒子里的布上发现了梅贤祖写的密信。此刻她才明白一切都是假的,梅贤祖对她的一颗心始终不渝。  第二十集 王小红被人告发  政委给王小红介绍了一位姓夏的军火商,想让王小红利用梅家大少奶奶的身份做掩护,为根据地购得军火。王小红约夏老板吃饭,两人商量好了第二天在一家染坊交易。  梅贤祖因为将王小红的镯子送给牡丹,心中也有些过意不去,他给了王小红三千块大洋,说自己虽然事先没问价,但是这些钱买王小红的镯子也算够了。这一句“事先没问价”提醒了王小红,她突然意识到自己和夏老板的交易有些蹊跷,因为夏老板也始终都没有和自己说交易的价钱。  果不其然,夏老板将王小红告发,胡百万带着人马在染坊里蹲守前来交易的王小红。许挺打听到了夏老板存货的仓库。王小红又向梅贤祖借来了舅姥爷和傻大憨粗二人,于是许挺带着舅姥爷和傻大憨粗打劫了夏老板的仓库,将军火运回根据地。  胡百万在染坊扑了个空,将夏老板毒打一顿。夏老板到西医诊所找王小红理论未果,自己又做贼心虚,只能吃了哑巴亏。  牡丹也故技重施在装玉镯的盒子里的布上写好了回信,然后佯装不喜欢镯子请马戎将之还回。马戎以为牡丹已对梅贤祖万念俱灰。便派胡百万将镯子送了回去,也好跟梅贤祖当面说明,好叫梅贤祖也彻底死心。不成想,却正好被二太太柳瑞芳撞见,梅贤祖又编出一番瞎话,柳瑞芳信以为真。她以为王小红全然没有体会她的苦心,将这娘家祖传的镯子随便赠与他人,不禁心中一阵酸楚。  第二十一集 王小红怒摔玉镯  梅贤祖看到牡丹在盒子里的布上写的回信,痛苦不已,他立誓要救牡丹出火海,和她远走高飞。  二太太柳瑞芳找来王福,将从梅贤祖手上拿回来的玉镯交与他看。王福认得那是柳家传给女儿的宝贝,他宽慰柳瑞芳,让她将镯子给自己,并保证让王小红上花轿的时候戴在手上。  是夜,王福将玉镯交给王小红,让王小红好生保管,并告诉王小红,因为她随便乱扔这个镯子惹得柳瑞芳伤心。王福的这些话让王小红心中又生出更多的疑惑,她一面质问王福和柳瑞芳的关系,一面又开始询问自己生母的事情,这让王福一时不知道如何应对。父女二人论及此事情的情绪逐渐失控,终于王小红盛怒之下将玉镯摔碎。这一下让站在门外偷听的柳瑞芳的心也跟着碎了。然而,更让她惊心的是她发现大太太派人一直在监视着她。  王小红心中烦闷,一个人上街去溜达,却不料被黑龙山六当家的一干人劫去。这正好被仍然不想放过王小红的谢二狗看见,他当即去找马一刀,想要趁此机会将王小红和黑木蛟等人一网打尽。  六当家的先前带人扮成赶大车的,不仅绑了许挺,还抢去了那些军火,他用许挺当做人质逼王小红嫁给黑木蛟。然而,黑木蛟最终还是弄清楚了真相。  马一刀和谢二狗等人的计划被黑木蛟的探子获知,等到他们赶去捉拿黑木蛟等人的时候却不料对方早有准备。王小红给他们下了迷药,没费一枪一弹就解除了马谢二人的阴谋。马谢二人原以为马戎会再次动怒,没想到马戎反而因为此时对谢二狗又多了几分欣赏,在他看来这下无意中发现了黑木蛟在玉屏的藏身之所也算是立功。于是谢二狗被擢升为排长。
错嫁佳人第19-21集英文剧情19 sets Nancy become a probationary party member
In the face of blackwood dumpling proposal, Nancy be reluctant. Six husband and others see Nancy did not answer to marry him, then going to bully hard on the bow tie Nancy on the black dragon mountain. However, Nancy strong-willed personality, to death. Blackwood dumpling et al., this just forget about it.
Old eight will bear their own parents to the black dragon mountain, but his brother on the danger. Instead, w. connor didnt kill the bear not only the old brothers, and instead will he do should be put to the black dragon mountain. It made good is not easy to secure the black dragon mountain and exposed to the w. connors eyes.
Nancy finally met political commissar, political commissar approved to become a probationary party member, she hopes her to remain in the jade screen, make good use of the identity of the big family wealthy family in your new job. Under the party flag, Nancy to tears, she seems to be away from his lifelong pursuit are a step closer to faith.
MeiXianZu to rescue a Nancy realized that he made up the lie could make the peony misunderstanding, so want to let uncle to give he tipped them off. But uncle a gunshot wound, not cowardice, rejected MeiXianZu request. However, he gave MeiXianZu a recruit. Let MeiXianZu with Nancy to visit andie dopted mother, so you can see the peony, also can find chance to clarify things.
In this way, MeiXianZu with Nancy to visit w. connor and peony. Midway, MeiXianZu cheat with Nancy the jade bracelets in sending LiuRuiFang he bought put in wood box. Nancy, however, did not expect MeiXianZu gave the jade bracelet together with box to the peony.
W. connor carted the bracelet it found no problems for a moment, peony, however, in the box on cloth found MeiXianZu write a secret message. At the moment she just understand everything is false, MeiXianZu heart pursuit of her.
20 sets Nancy was prosecuted
Commissar to Nancy introduces surnamed xia arms dealers, want Nancy to use the identity of the big family wealthy family do cover, as the base for arms. Nancy about summer boss to have a meal, two people to go on the second day in a dyehouse.
MeiXianZu because send Nancy bracelet to peony, also some bad in the heart, he gave three thousand pieces of oceans, Nancy said she didnt ask price in advance, but these money for Nancy bracelet is enough. This sentence prior didnt ask price is a reminder of Nancy, she suddenly realized that he and summer boss feels strange, because the boss is always in the summer of didnt deal the price, and myself.
Report, sure enough, the boss will Nancy hu millions in dyehouse waiting to deal with the centaur Nancy. Inquired on the Xu Ting summer boss inventory of the warehouse. Nancy again to MeiXianZu borrowed the uncle and two silly DaHan rough, so Xu Ting with uncle and silly DaHan coarse robbed boss xias warehouse, the arms back to base.
Hu millions in dyehouse closed on empty air, the summer will be the boss beat a meal. Summer the boss to find a Nancy theory in western medicine clinic, and have a guilty conscience, can only eat the YaBaKui.
Peony is similar on the jade bracelet box cloth written the letter, then pretend to dont like bracelet please w. connor will return. W. connor thought peony has MeiXianZu apathy. Sent millions of hu will send back the bracelet was, putting it on, or with MeiXianZu face to face, so that MeiXianZu also be completely. Prison-like boot is just his second wife LiuRuiFang bump into, MeiXianZu and make up a lie, LiuRuiFang believe. She thought Nancy didnt understand her completely painstakingly, the brides family heirloom bracelet gift to others casually, can not help a qualm in heart.
21 set Nancy nu jade bracelet
MeiXianZu see peony in the cloth of the letter in the box, painful, he vowed to save the peony in flames, run away with her.
His second wife to have Wang Fu LiuRuiFang, from MeiXianZu jade bracelet back to him in his hand. Wang Fu recognize is that willow home to daughter baby, he relieved LiuRuiFang, gave her the bracelet to her, and make sure to let Nancy on sedan when wear on the hand.
Blessing jade bracelet to the king of the night, Nancy, Nancy would produce, and tell Nancy, because she just throw this bracelet provoked LiuRuiFang sad. Wang Fu these words let Nancy and more doubts in the heart, she asked the king and LiuRuiFang relationship, began to ask mother herself, this let Wang Fu dont know how to deal with at the moment. Father and daughter two people when it comes to this things mood gradually out of control, finally Nancy will jade bracelet broke rage. Tied the standing outside the door of eavesdropping LiuRuiFang followed a broken heart. However, more let her heart-pounding she found big wife send someone has been watching her.
Nancy boredom in the heart, a person go out, but only to the black dragon mountain six headed for people to steal. This is just two dogs were still dont want to miss Nancy xie saw, he immediately went to the horse a knife, will want to take this opportunity to Nancy and blackwood dumpling and others indiscriminately.
Husband of six previous with people dressed as cartman, not only to the Xu Ting, also to the arms, he Xu Ting as a hostage to force Nancy marry blackwood dumpling. However, blackwood dumpling finally find out the truth.
Horses a knife and thank two dogs and others plans were dark dumpling spies to learn, wait until they get to seize blackwood dumpling and others only to each other when ready. Nancy gave them drugged, lifted without firing a shot machel conspiracy. Machel thought w. connor would again angry, I didnt think w. connor instead because at this time to thank the dog did appreciate, in his view that stumbled on wood dumpling in the hiding place was at jade, contributions. So two dogs was promoted to lieutenant.错嫁(2013)
导演:Ernest R.Dickerson


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