
请英语好的朋友帮助纠正一下翻译错误:“在肯德基吃东西,隔壁桌的两个人聊天聊得不亦乐乎,由。。。”(中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分:在肯德基吃东西,隔壁桌的两个人聊天聊得不亦乐乎,由于他们聊天的声音并不底,而且聊天的内容和软件开发有关。所以让我很难不去听他们的谈话内容。 聊天的两个人一个看着50多岁,一个看着&#多岁。一个感觉再软件开发行业从业很久了,而另一个一看就是应届大学生。 从聊天内容来看,他们两个对于软件开发上的很多观点有很大的差异。从聊天内容上来看,老一辈的很注重软件开发的基础,他认为基础知识很重要,什么东西不进要从底层开始掌握起,而且尤其要将底层的知识掌握好。 年轻的那个有不同的意见,他认为目前软件开发语言现在都推崇面向对象。所以选择更加重要一点,选择什么语言,选择什么框架,选择什么平台。所以现在的软件环境都比较注重软件开发的周期和软件开发的效率。我的翻译:When I was eating in the KFC, I can't avoid the conversation which the two people was talking near my table casue their voice was loud and the topic was around software programming. One of the two people looks around 50 years old and he looks like a long time exployer in IT fields. Another guy is a clearly college student current. They have two different opinions when they were talking, the elder one think the foundation is very important, when you programming something, you should start form the very basic, so handle foundation things every well is very necessary. The younger one think the knowledge about chosen is very important in current IT fields because actually not every project have enough time to development so for the most project, the chosen is very important. what language you choose, what framework you choose and what solution you chosen could decide how efficiency the develop process could be.
At KFC, two men at the next table were busy chatting, because they were chatting in their top voice and the topic was about software programming.One of the two people looks around 50 years old and he looks like
They have two different opinions when they were talking, the elder one was当前位置: &
Okay, tomorrow I will make you eat KFC
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Yesterday was my 14-year-old's birthday. I invited five friends to eat dinner in Louisville, Kentucky, Ding Yi is one of them. However, let me surprise, Zhang and Ding Yi, together, and I and Mr. Fang is not how the relationship between the kind. I do not have to pay for Zhang, because he is an uninvited guest, and unpopular. Later, I told the grandparents and parents this matter, parents think that I do so is acceptable, milk, milk and Grandpa this is not pleased. Grandparents feel that the gracious hospitality of the Chinese traditional virtue. Zhang, to participate in our meetings that he is willing to take the initiative and I make friends, I should not refuse. I think my approach is right, because the pay is a matter of principle. If I付了钱for Zhang, other students without invitation or so, I also Yaoti they pay? 中文
Yesterday was my 14-year-old's birthday. I invited five friends to eat dinner in Louisville, Kentucky, Ding Yi is one of them. However, let me surprise, Zhang and Ding Yi, together, and I and Mr. Fang...
Yesterday was my 14-year-old's birthday. I invited five friends to eat dinner in Louisville, Kentucky, Ding Yi is one of them. However, let me surprise, Zhang and Ding Yi, together, and I and Mr. Fang...昨天我和女朋友一起做晚餐吃晚餐非常开心。的海词问答与网友补充:


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