
你邀请你朋友和你一起乘高铁去桂林游玩,看山水风光 和体验苗族人民的生活习俗,高一英语作文,急急急!_百度作业帮
你邀请你朋友和你一起乘高铁去桂林游玩,看山水风光 和体验苗族人民的生活习俗,高一英语作文,急急急!
你邀请你朋友和你一起乘高铁去桂林游玩,看山水风光 和体验苗族人民的生活习俗,高一英语作文,急急急!
The second grade next semester, I learned a lesson called "Guilin Scenery under heaven ", after I read it I very want to go to Guilin. This summer, my father said I have progress, to reward me for a trip. Yeah, finally can go.The morning of July 23rd, we very early with luggage, take the airport express to finish the Baiyun airport.9:40, the plane finally took off. After 45 minutes of smooth flight, we arrived at Guilin, we travel destination. Off the plane, I shouted: " Guilin, here I come ".In Guilin, we first went to Guilin city landmarks - the elephant trunk hill, we in the trunk of Piedmont photo, Elephant Trunk Hill has a beautiful legend: Once upon a time there was an elephant is the Jade Emperor's guard like, sickness and fall into the world. Fortunately, it is an old grandpa sees and saved it. The elephant was very grateful, it decided to always here to help people do things. The Jade Emperor know, send the tota Lee king to put the elephant kill. Tota Lee king while elephants drink, sword and killed it. The elephant in the Elephant Trunk Hill today.Guilin Scenery is known as " the first hole " and " the Reed Flute Cave in karst. " said the glittering silver rock.The first day was very exciting, I really look forward to the next few days more exciting journey.二年级下学期我学了一篇课文叫“桂林山水甲天下”,我看完后我非常想去桂林。今年暑假,爸爸说我考试有进步,奖励我旅游一次。嘢,终于可以去了。7月23日早上,我们一大早就拿着行李,搭乘机场快线赶完白云机场。9:40分,飞机终于起飞了。经过45分钟的平稳飞行,我们到达了桂林---我们旅行的目的地。一下飞机,我就喊:“桂林,我来了”。到了桂林后,我们首先去了桂林市的标志---象鼻山,我们在象鼻山前照相,象鼻山 有个美丽的传说:从前有只大象是玉皇大帝的守护象,因病而掉入人间。幸好它被一位老爷爷看到而救了它。大象非常感激,它决定要一直在这里帮人们做事。玉皇大帝知道后,派出托塔李天王去把大象杀掉。托塔 李天王趁大象喝水的时候,一剑把它杀死了。大象就化为了今天的象鼻山。桂林山水有被誉为“国宾第一洞”的芦笛岩和“世界岩溶宝库”之称的闪闪发光的银子岩。第一天已经非常精彩了,真期待今后几天更精彩的旅程呀
根据上面提示,写一篇40词英语短文,要求语句通顺,前后连贯 急急急急急急急急急急急急急!今天就要,好的追加贴吧豆
Our Trip to QingHuangDaoOur family will take a trip at
this time of year .This year we will go to Qinghuangdao .I have invited my friend ,Danny,to go with us. We plan to start off on Friday night ,and will arrive at morning of saturday. We paly there two days ,and will be back on sunday evening.I am sure it will be a great trip.我上学时就不太会写作文,仅供参考通过e-mail的方式向你的朋友张鹏发出邀请,组织这次旅游.一片英语短文1对他发出邀请2你的计划简介(内容、时间、地点、目的)3提醒他需要准备的东西4约定出发时间和见面地点5.800-100次_百度作业帮
dear zhang peng,I hope all is going well these days.I miss you very much.we are going to have a travel,would you like to come?If the answer is yes,please remember these things.The travel include a picnic and a hiking.We will start at 8:00 a.m.on this Sunday at the school gate .You should take something to eat ,something to drink.OK,everyting is ready.Let,s make it at 7:30a.m.at the school gate.I hope we can have a good time during the travel.Hope to see you soon!Yours,Zhao Qiang这是个机器人猖狂的时代,请输一下验证码,证明咱是正常人~假如你们家要去秦皇岛旅游,星期我晚上坐汽车出发,星期六早晨到达.星期日晚上返回,你还邀请你的朋友丹尼一起去.根据上面提示,写一篇40词英语短文,要求语句通顺,前后连贯今天就要,_百度作业帮
If you want to travel to Qinghuangdao with your family,you should set out by car in Friday night,and then,arrived in Saturday morning.You can invite your friend Danny to go with you,so you can return together in Sunday evening.


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