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These arguments may have been used as a rhetorical device to argue for a perpetuation of a United Nations role.
They yell, shout and argue. For six hours a night they go at it, hammer and tongs.
The British Sports Minister is reported to be ready to argue for an experimental lifting of the ban.
You argue for an overhaul of our energy system.
Your editorial seems to argue for the former options.
Some argue for a new type of grade altogether.
The Opposition has long argued for changes in parliamentary rules.
Many members argued for changing the rules.
新世纪高一词汇及用法 - 豆丁网 ... 火上浇油: add fuel to the flame 3、 据理力争: argue for 4、 务必: be sure to 5、.
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some argue for trade protectionism to promote growth the west .一些人主张实施贸易保护主义,以推动西方的增长。
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in contrast , businesses often use poor economic performance to argue for employee concessions as wage decreases .相反,企业经常以经济表现差为理由要求职工作出让步,例如减薪。
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argues for
地理和历史 what it really argues for is continued flexibility as you look for the best places to manufacture in the world .这种地理和历史环境决定了两国之间的悠久的文化交流关系。
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argued for
认为人民币 because of China's substantial current account surplus , policy makers in Brussels and Washington have argued for such a move .鉴于中国的经常账盈余庞大,布鲁塞尔及华盛顿的官员均认为人民币应升值。
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缜密地 the third chapter shows how Whorf established his linguistic relativity principle and argued for it step by step .第三章阐释了沃尔夫如何建立并且一步步缜密地证明他自己的语言相对论原则。
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arguing for
吵架的时候 yesterday done something to failure , and the boyfriend arguing for a mobile phone broke his .昨天做了件很失败的事,和男朋友吵架的时候把手机给摔坏了。
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争论数 after arguing for hours , we finally reached a settlement .争论数小时后,我们终于达成了和解。
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for arguing
人们争论 there are two main reasons for arguing that prohibition should be scrapped all the same .主要有两个原因导致人们争论禁令仍然会失败。
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与argue against相似词语
argue against
argue against的意思、解释
1.&不赞成, 认为不该做
argue against的用法例句
1. He had a duty to the Committee, in appropriate circumstances, to resile from his earlier opinion and not to rigidly argue against granting of legal aid. 彼须对委员会负责,在适当的情况下撤回其早前的意见,而不是一成不变地反对提供法律援助。 2. We argue against racialism intense! 我们强烈反对种族歧视! 3. We strongly argue against racialism. 我们强烈反对种族歧视。 4. Three considerations argue against increasing fee. 三种理由反对增加费用。 5. One does not argue against the laws of nature. 人们并不对自然规律提出异议。 6. Why do you always argue against me? 你为什么老说我的不是?argue_into
argue in a circle 循环论证argue into 劝使做某事argue out 说服不做
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argue sb into doing
说服某人做某事 argue... ... argue over 争论…,辩论… argue sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事 argue sb. into doing sth. v. 说服某人做某事.
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说服某人去做 向宝刚英... ... 8、argue about sth with sb 同某人争论… 9、argue sb into doing sth 说服某人去做… 11、crowd in on sb 涌入心头.
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argued the clerk into
极力说服售货员 argued the clerk into lowering the price .极力说服售货员降低价格
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说服店员 argued the clerk into lowering the price说服店员降低售价
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people into arguing about
人们讨论 I'm trying to open up a Pandora's box of issues about the two countries in a comparative framework and provoke people into arguing about them .我试图在一个比较框架里打开关于两国问题的潘多拉盒子,刺激人们讨论它们。
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they argued the park into
他们说服公园 they argued the park into lowing the price .他们说服公园降了价。
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