
有4篇高三英语作文,有没人帮写下,分不是问题,4全写可以追加!一、假如你是某外国语学校学生会主席李华,在儿童节来临之际,为表达对贫困山区儿童的关爱,学生会发起了图书捐赠活动.提示1.捐赠图书:适合5-12岁儿童读物.2.地点:校图书馆一楼103室.3.截止日期:5月26日.4.赠送日期:6月1日.二、目前,许多家庭喜欢饲养宠物,但是一些问题也随之而来.某英文报以此为主题举办征文活动.请根据下表内容写一遍短文,倡导大家文明饲养宠物,谈谈自己的看法.现象1 宠物乱跑2 随处大小便 后果1.有些狗可能会袭击人 2.动物粪便污染环境 个人看法……三、最近,你校的校园网将开辟一个“英语学习交流(English Learning Exchange)”专栏.请你根据下边的内容提示,为校园广播站写一篇英语稿件,介绍这个专栏.1.本专栏将于下月正式开通;2.目的是促进同学之间的交流并提高英语水平;3.同学们可以交流英语学习的经验或提出问题以供讨论;4.欢迎大家积极参与.Dear fellow students,Here is some news for you__________________________________________四、假定你是李华.你最贱在全校进行了一项有关The influence of science and technology on our lives的调查.调查结果显示为不知道37%,恶化17%,好转53%,请根据结果给英语周报投稿,介绍该调查结果.词数:100左右 开头已写出 Dear Editor,I made a survey in our school recently.---------------全部100词左右 可以适当增加细节 第三篇 词汇 专栏column第一篇 用英语写一封倡议书,号召你校师生参加该项活动 翻译内容主要为条件提示
一、Hello everyone,With the coming of June, 1st, Children's day, our school will organize an activity of books donation. As you may know, many many children in impoverished mountain area live a poor life and have no enough money to buy new clothes and books. We'd like to avail this activity to express our care and love for them.The activity will be held in Room 103, 1st floor of the Library. Deadline is May, 26th. Books to be donated are for children from 5 to 12 years old. We will deliver those books to those children on June, 1st.Come on, everybody. Let's take action to help others!二、Nowadays, more and more families begin to keep pets, such as dogs,cats,birds,and so on .They put so great enthusiasm on them that some pets are treated like their family members. A good relationship between people and pets can be very comfortable.They occuppy the loneliness ,cure your pains,make anxious hearts return to peace and innocence. However, keeping pets also bring out lots of problems. Pets can run andfoul everywhere. Their excrements will pollute the environment. Some dangerous pets like dogs can attack people sometimes,things could be worse if they carrying some fatal virus. In my opinion, generally people do have the right to choose and own pets that touch their hearts .However, we should keep pets in a civilized manner. Use a rope to wrap the pets and bring a bag to clean their excrements. All these will create a clean, civilized society. Let's work together. 三、Dear fellow students,Here is some news for you.Our school's campus network will release a column "English learning exchange". This column will be officially opened next month. The purpose of this network is to promote communication between the students and to enhance the students' English language proficiency. Students can communicate this
English learning experience specifically and ask questions for discussion. This is an integral aspect and welcome all students to participate actively.四、Dear Editor, I made a survey in our school recently. The survey is about the influence of science and technology on our lives.According to the survey results, 37% of the students told that they have no idea because they never pay attention to this topic. 17% of the polled people
thought the science and technology
has a bad effect on our lives and deteriorates the environments, while 53% supported the science and technology and considered it to be one of the indispensable tools and motive forces in human history. From this, we can conclude that more than half of people hold a positive opinion for the science and technology. Although, some oppoes it, everything has two sides. In our life, we shall maximize favourable factors and minimize unfavourable ones. 累死了,全部自己手工写的,脑力智慧结晶.用词不太难,高三够用.【英语牛人团】倾情奉献,可追问,满意请记得采纳哦,谢谢啦!校园读书活动倡议书_百度文库
高中英语作文书面表达词数120左右。假设你是某外国语学校的学生会主席。最近,为了弘扬雷锋精神,你校决定开展多项志愿服务活动。请你用英语写一篇倡议书,发表在校英语报上,号召同学们加入本校的志愿者俱乐部。内容包括:1.陈述当志愿者的好处;2.向同学们发出几点倡议。To volunteerDear fellow students,Volunteering has a positive effect on our community.句子简单点没关系,只要别有语法错误就行,
In my opinion,volunteer work is quite an important part of the modern society.The reasons are as follows.  In the modern time,thanks to the deselopment of economy and technolodge,material enjoyment 13 earned both in higher quality and larger quantiy.At a price of this,individunls are taking the risk of losing their own values and even sparing no effert to make their fartane even at the price of the interest of the society.So the volunteer work has been playing an important part as a spiritual comfort not only to the receivers but also to the volunteers,promoting the well-being of the love-givers,making ertra value for others and keeping a perfect balance of the whole society.  In families,volunteer work will help to emphasize the importance of morality,meet emotional needs and even become a vivid educational lesson.Parents,who are widely regarded as the first and most important teachers of their children,are teaching their children through the activities which must truely toach the deepest part of the young souls,instead of serious,traditional crivical words.Also,during the process,in which every member showstus true love,other members are able to recognize him from a difference point of view.This kind of awarness is promised to promote the communication of the family in the future.In the whole world,the volunteer work can be considered to be an appropriate partt of the globalization,during which the world is becoming a Global village.And the natural and economic chisasters are driving people from different cultaral back grounds to stand together on the same side,emphasizing the interest of the whole world,which must not be deffended without any country's participation.And it is the volunteer work that can be granted the role of offering help in its hour of marimum need.  All in all,volunteer work is truely an inreplacable part of the society and it is our responsibility to give our hands to make the world a better place.
Have a look and you will have a good time !Hello! Every boy and every girl ! I'm very happy to tell you a piece of good news. Do you want to know? Oh I think you must look like an ant in the pants (热锅上的蚂蚁)
First , think an
interesting thing you want in the international school. Now can you gass it ?
Pretty smart ! The student union of our school will carry out an activity which called Reading Weeks. This week we will be allowed to bring some books that we like then change some
books that other students bring. Sounds great! In fact, it's pretty great. This activity
not only will help you make some friends but also can increase your knowledge.Don't get high hat (别摆架子) come here quickly ! You will enjoy youself !假如你是绵竹中学学生会主席张林,你校将在下周一接待来自澳大利亚某中学的学生访问团进行为期一天的文化交流活动.你受学校委托,负责当天的活动策划,请写一封邮件给该团的领队乔_百度作业帮
假如你是绵竹中学学生会主席张林,你校将在下周一接待来自澳大利亚某中学的学生访问团进行为期一天的文化交流活动.你受学校委托,负责当天的活动策划,请写一封邮件给该团的领队乔治先生介绍活动计划,邮件应包括以下内容:1.对代表团的到来表示欢迎2.具体活动安排: 上午;学生座谈,话题包括校园生活,文化差异等.


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