i am sorry that0rry ab0ut that! 中文意思

Websites for kids and teens to learn about bullying, engage in activities, and be inspired to own an important social cause.
Hold an event in your community or start a classroom discussion!
Send the message to students who are bullied that they are not alone!
Create communities that join together against bullying.This campaign provides education and resources on ways to provide support, hope and help for those who have experienced bullying. Features classroom and event toolkits designed to start conversation and initiate action on ways to &be there& united together against bullying.
This interactive, easy to read and navigate guide offers a comprehensive overview for parents to learn what they can do to address and prevent bullying.
Early Learners,
&Stop Bullying Before it Starts&
The online toolkit ?? is the result of a PACER partnership with the team that developed ?Spookley the Square Pumpkin,? a book for young children. Spookley is
a square pumpkin who lives in a round pumpkin patch world. The toolkit provides links to free resources that teachers can bring directly into their classrooms
A visual, age appropriate 14-page guide with easy to understand information. The guide provides the basics for talking with students about what bullying is and isn&t, the roles of students, and tips on what students can do to address bullying situations.
Parents should contact school staff each time their child informs them
that he or she has been bullied.
PACER Center has created template
letters that parents may use as a guide for writing a letter to their
child&s school.
These letters contain standard language and &fill in
the blank& spaces so the letter can be customized for your child&s
Spanish Translations
Resources for LGBTQ Students and Their Families
provides crisis
intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, and questioning youth.
seeks to develop school climates where difference is
valued for the positive contribution it makes in creating a more vibrant and
diverse community.
Video: You are Braver, Stronger and Smarter Than You Think
Video: Turn a Life Around
Video: Make the Difference
Video: Butterfly by Lizzy
Video: Broken by Anna Richey
We Will Generation™
Designed for schools and other organizations to leverage resources, at no cost and easily accessible on-line, to encourage students to educate, inspire and support each other to address bullying and create kinder and safer schools.
Ask Carmen
Carmen is a member of the Kids Against Bullying ?Club Crew?, and she knows a lot about how to prevent bullying. She gives great advice about bullying to kids around the country.
Read what Carmen said to other kids, and ask her your own question!
My brother is bullyed at school because of his ears.I HATE to see it happen to him. I always step in to say somthing,but it doesn't stop them.I'm hoping that all this will come to an end.
Victoria, 9, CA
i've never been bullied, but i know that it is painful on the outside, and the inside.. i hate when i see people being bullied because i don't know how it feels to be them. i want to put a stop to it.
Kyle, 11, MN
So-far in my
life i have seen people bullied and abused by others who mistreat them just because they can. I have seen gay kids beat up, and what some like to call nerds forced to do home work and beat down upon to the point where they may have drawn blood or broke a bone. I cant stand the fact that people no matter what there age feel that can take advantage of others and do what they please. At my high school i was the cool kid, the kid that got all the girls, got good grades and was a pretty good athlete. I was popular you could say, yet i would hang out with those that were bullied and mistreated. Most of these kids were really my friends , but i hung out with a lot of them to make sure that no one would harm them. No one messed with me, so no one messed with them. To the kids that bully, we are all people and to be on the other end of stick or to be the one bullied can effect your life in a dramatic negative way. To make someone live with fear and hatred in there hearts, where joy and happiness should be just ant right. Just remember that karma makes its way around and hits you 10x. To those that are bullied hang in there and don't take any abuse from no one, get help because there are people out there who can help. Last to those like me who watch from a far, help them.
Scott Rose, 18, Monsey New York
I am never bullied because everybody thinks I am ''popular'', what it's wrong, because you can't tell that someone's popular, you hae to treat everyone the same way. There's one girl on my class that is bullied every single day, and almost everyday she cries, when she cries i go after her and help her, so she doesn't feel like nobody cares about her, and it works and I make her happy. I kinda know how it feels to be bullied, and sometimes i cry because of bullies, I know they neer bully me, but I cry because I know alot of people are suffering from bullying, I hope someday the bullies notice how bad the kids they bully feel,.GOD bless you, never give up your dreams !
Helena , 12, CA
I care about ending bullying because I don't want other adults or other kids to suffer. I want no one to feel lonely. I don't want other people to feel sad. I don't want anyone to ever feel so bad that they would hurt themselves.
Spruce, 11, CA
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UP TV&s &Who Will Stop The Bullying?& video goes viral
When a teenage girl experiences the bullying behavior of two peers, will bystanders take action or remain silent? That&s the question explored in UP TV&s bullying prevention video, &Who Will Stop the Bullying?& The video has received more than 5 million views and thousands of positive comments since it was published on Oct. 22. Resources from PACER&s National Bullying Prevention Center are offered alongside the video on the .
Disney Interactive Celebrates Unity Day
The Disney Interactive Grand Central Campus in Glendale was suddenly looking very orange on Wednesday, Oct. 21, as hundreds of employees donned electric orange t-shirts and congregated in the courtyard. Their colors were in honor of Unity Day, PACER???s nationwide initiative to raise awareness about bullying prevention efforts. Disney Interactive Citizenship partnered with the Disney Guest Experience team, PACER???s National Bullying Prevention Center and Me To We to share resources and spark conversations about bullying prevention.
Join In! Unity Day Challenge
PACER&s National Bullying Prevention Center teamed up with Bystander Revolution&s #MonthOfAction for a special Unity Day 2015 challenge: Join In! Individuals are challenged to invite someone who seems left out to join in on an activity & a game at recess, a study session, a meal with friends, a walk in the park, anything! All of these things can be really memorable to someone&s who been feeling isolated. Asking someone new to join in is a great way to unite for kindness, acceptance and inclusion, a key message of Unity Day! Learn more about the challenge and Bystander Revolution&s #MonthofAction .
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&2015 PACER Center, Inc.But Our Princess is in Another Castle! | Know Your Meme
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Super Mario Bros (NES)
“Thank You Mario, But Our Princess is in Another Castle” (also known as “Sorry, But Our Princess…”) is a popular quote originally found in the classic Nintendo video game
Its phrasal template “Sorry X, but your Y is in another Z” is typically used in replying to another user who is searching for a particular person or object in the wrong place. Because of its potential usage as a sarcastic remark, the quote is appropriately used as a mockng response and enjoyable resource for image macros and parodies, as well as some high-rated .
published a video game for the
The player takes on the role of the main protagonist of the series, , whose objective is to race through the Mushroom Kingdom, survive the forces of the main antagonist, , and save .
The final stage of each world takes place in a castle where
or one of his decoys are fought. When
defeats one of Bowser’s decoys for the first time in World 1-4, Mario runs through the end with the intent of finding the kidnapped princess. However, he is greeted by a , who says:
“Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!”
This event gets repeated in every single castle in the game (except of the World 8-4 castle, which is the final stage in the game), causing
to the player (and possibly to the ).
Notable References
In 2008, John Darnielle of the Mountain Goats and Kaki King wrote a tribute song titled “Thank You Mario But Our Princess Is In Another Castle.”
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