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About Secrets of Paris
American-born travel journalist and guidebook author Heather Stimmler-Hall created the Secrets of Paris in 1999 to share the hidden side of the City of Light. Discover what you've been missing:
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Calendar of Paris Events
November 7-15The 40th annual&, the&largest organic fair in Paris, takes place this week at the Parc Floral (Bois de Vincennes) with 550 stands selling everything organic you could imagine: produce, meats, cheeses, artisan oils, wines, essential oils, herbs, teas, cosmetics, beauty products, household cleaning products, clothing, shoes, accessories, home decor, books, gardening supplies, as well as stands for environmental tourism, different green activist groups such as Greenpeace, etc.
November 12 - SeattleHeather will be at Seattle's&&cooking school and French boutique for the November&Sip & Meet&event with copies of&&for a special price of just $27 (cover price $39). From 6-8pm, wine and nibbles, &5/person. Come say hello if you're in the area!
November 18-22Shopping for some supplies for your creative projects? Head down to the Paris Expo Porte de Versailles for the annual&show. Scrapboooking, knitting, gardening, baking, sewing, crafts, and decorating ideas for the holidays. Entrance &13-15, &22 for the two-day pass, open 9:30am-6:30pm (until 9:30pm Friday).&&
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Secrets of Paris gives 10% of all tour feesto the French food bank,
A cruise on the Seine, kissing on the Eiffel Tower, a show at the Moulin Rouge, dinner at the Tour d&Argent...despite the tired clich&s, Paris still has all the right ingredients for an unforgettable rendez-vous that fits any couple&s definition of romance.
10. The Place to be Treated like RoyaltyNothing is more romantic than being treated like royalty. Crystal chandeliers, fine linens, antique furnishings, marble baths, the latest technologies discreetly hidden from sight, beds fit for a king& Paris& historic palace hotels certainly know how to roll out the red carpet. If you agree that marriage proposals on the crowded Eiffel Tower are pass&, &pop the question to your princess at , a luxurious 220m² rooftop retreat with a private 100m² terrace overlooking the iconic Parisian monument. Champagne, check. Flowers, check. You know what time it sparkles, right? You can still experience the royal treatment without springing for a room. Enjoy a decadent afternoon tea with piano accompaniment at the , a rejuvenating massage for two at , a leisurely feast of a , or late-night cocktails at the stylish . To truly experience France&s royal heritage, hire a driver for an unforgettable evening excursion to the countryside.
offers enchanting candlelight visits, while the hosts magical Fountains Night Shows in the Sun King&s vast gardens, with Baroque music and a dramatic fireworks display over the Grand Canal.
9. After Dark Art Appreciation Museums might bring to mind long lines and a blur of endless artworks you feel guilty for not appreciating enough. But done the right way, Paris& museums are underrated places for couples to appreciate each other in beautiful surroundings. Since groups tend to visit in the mornings, kids tire out early, and almost everyone else is off to dinner, you&ll avoid both ticket lines and crowds. And like night swimming, night museum visits have an intrinsic naughtiness about them. The
is practically deserted. The midnight blue walls of the
are delightfully dark even when July&s sun doesn&t set until 10pm. And even if you&re not into primitive arts, the theatrical lighting of the contemporary
adds a bit of drama to any night visit. You could also surprise your lover with a full frontal view of the sparkling Eiffel Tower from the windows of the . The is full of places to discuss the artists& suggestive sculptures in private. Not that we&re condoning any illicit behavior, but what better place to steal a kiss than in front of The Kiss?
8. Discreet Pleasures Considering how long couples have been coming to Paris & to propose, to wed, to honeymoon, to celebrate anniversaries, or simply to enjoy a sexy getaway & it&s no surprise the city&s service industry strives to cater to their every fantasy. Over the past five years a new category of designer boutique hotels have been seducing couples with their whimsical themes, large beds and small closets perfect for a weekend rendez-vous. No longer the seedy dives of yesteryear, stylish properties like T and are often decorated by star designers and staffed with friendly yet discreet staff dedicated to helping guests make the most of their evenings. And for those who feel a little more daring when on vacation, couples&-only clubs are another way to add a little spice to your trip. The exotic themed
has become so popular they&ve added two new locations, and bashful newcomers can test the waters during the festive all-you-can-eat buffet evenings with their friendly Club Med atmosphere. What happens in Paris, stays in Paris.
7. Parisians Want to Seduce You For the French, seduction isn&t just for the bedroom. They consider the power to seduce an essential skill in everyday life, useful for everything from getting their own way in an argument to winning over clients in business. When Parisians decorate the windows of their boutiques, they&re not simply trying to get the attention of the busy pedestrians rushing past: they aim to seduce. The secret is in the art of presentation -- a veritable degree in design schools in France & used to entice, tease, and lure in their customers. Clothing, candies, toys, and artworks&with a whole city of boutique windows designed to please, it&s no wonder the French phrase for window shopping is faire du l&che-vitrines (window licking). Enjoy the priceless pleasures of strolling arm-in-arm past the city&s oldest boutique windows in Les Passages Couverts, historic 19th-century shopping passages pre-dating today&s department stores and shopping malls. The Passage Jouffroy (10 boulevard Montmartre, 9th) and the
house unique boutiques, tearooms, art galleries, antique bookshops and local designers, while the shops under the stone arcades of the romantic
are known for their vintage clothing and perfume shops.
6. Exploring & DeuxOne of things we love most about Paris is that despite its many grandiose monuments, it remains a human-scaled city perfect for exploring on foot. Forget about maps, itineraries, and couples& quarrels over whether to ask someone for directions. The true Parisian flaneur & or one who strolls aimlessly & knows that the best way to find the hidden surprises is to simply heed your whims, following any charming cobblestone street or pedestrian passage that tickles your fancy. The scent of freshly baked bread leads to a delightful boulangerie, Parisians with their shopping caddies lead to the bustling open-air market, and a whimsical boutique window leads you into an antique shop too off-the-beaten path to be included in any guidebook. Take turns deciding which way to turn or flip a coin. If you don&t want to leave it completely to chance, start off in the Marais district (known for its many hidden gardens), the Latin Quarter (where you may come across the famous stairs from &Midnight in Paris&), the Butte aux Cailles (often compared to Montmartre &before the tourists&), or Nouvelle Ath&nes (where a lucky turn down a garden path will lead you to the cottage housing the Mus&e de la Vie Romantique).
5. World Class Feasting Romance is so intimately intertwined with drinking and dining that Paris could beat most cities in the world on its culinary heritage alone. It&s not merely the food itself which the French treasure. The actual act of enjoying a gourmet meal in good company & the French r&pas & is now protected as a. The French don&t eat and drink to stay alive as much as they live to eat and drink, and sharing the experience with someone you care about only heightens the experience. Both the meal and the company are elevated with each sip of wine and each shared bite of a new dish. And in Paris you can be sure the waiters know well enough to leave couples alone unless they signal for him. Stay at your table as long as you like, you&ll rarely be rushed out to make room for other diners. And don&t overlook more simple pleasures, such as a shared cone of roasted chestnuts from a street vendor in winter, scrumptious pastries consumed with abandon on a park bench, oysters eaten informally from an open-air food market stand, or the traditional Parisian picnic of cheese, bread and wine along the banks of the Seine & don&t forget the corkscrew!
4. Pleasure for Pleasure&s Sake When it comes to pleasure-seeking, the Parisians don&t just stop at food and drink. Perhaps it&s their Latin roots, but they harbor no guilt when it comes to taking care of themselves in the most self-indulgent fashion. Spas aren&t just for facials and manicures, but for body-awakening massages and treatments that make your skin smooth, silky&sexy. Many spas even offer couples& treatments where you get a room to yourselves. Try the sensual , with its candlelit pool that gives you the impression of night swimming, or the exotic
with its four-hands massage treatments. The French are also completely unashamed when it comes to sexy lingerie. You can&t miss the flamboyant window displays at
or . Like colorful birds primped to attract a mate, French lingerie uses ruffles, lace, bows, silk and ribbons to flatter, enhance, and make sublime the female form. They neither have to be practical nor invisible beneath your clothing. Au contraire. Parisian women consider lingerie to be a personal pleasure she can enjoy without waiting for special occasions, so it&s not uncommon to see it peeking out from beneath her otherwise conservative outfit, oh la la!
3. Monumental Setting Never underestimate the power of a romantic backdrop. You have to make some serious efforts to find a view of Paris that isn&t framed by an iconic monument, a Gothic church, a winding medieval street, an elegant wrought iron balcony, or stunning architecture. But don&t let the surroundings distract you from the person standing next to you. Getting photo fatigue? We doubt your partner will argue if, instead of pulling out the camera at every turn, you simply snuggle up and say &Let&s just enjoy this view together for a few moments without the camera, our own private moment in our memory.& Some of the best views aren&t just from the Eiffel Tower (which reduces everything to ant-like proportions anyway). Try the view of the Ile St Louis and Notre Dame from the rooftop of the , panoramic views of the Left Bank from the Tour Montparnasse&s 56th floor Champagne bar, , or, as an alternative to the overcrowded steps of , try the mime-free viewing terrace at the top of the : you actually see more monuments from this angle and there&s not a postcard shop for miles.2. Publicly Display Your AffectionIf you haven&t guessed it yet, Parisians have a soft spot for romance. They may be discreet about many things, but not when it comes to showing off their passionate side. Unlike most American cities where blatant PDA (public displays of affection) is chastised, in Paris holding hands as you walk, cuddling on park benches, and even shamelessly locking lips are not only accepted, but openly admired. There&s even a popular guide book to the best spots for kissing in Paris. We like the Pont des Arts (where Carrie and Mr. Big kiss in the last episode of Sex in the City). You can even hire your own private photographer to immortalize your own Kiss by the H&tel de Ville (standing on the Pont d&Arcole if you want the same backdrop as Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson in Something&s Gotta Give).
1. Choose Your Own Adventure In the end, romance is really a matter of personal taste. The best thing about traveling to Paris with your sweetheart is that you&re not limited to the same cookie-cutter &romantic experience& as everyone else. Sure, this cosmopolitan city has world-class art galleries, antique markets, theatre, opera, fashion houses, live music, dance, wine tasting and cooking classes. But did you know you can also attend a pirate-themed costume party held in medieval cellars? Visit thoroughbred racehorse training grounds in a scenic forest just 35 minutes from the city center? Catch a rowdy performance of the latest up-and-coming burlesque performers in an East Parisian nightclub? Maintain your sporty physiques on a sunrise tour of Paris with your very own running guide? Catch a Saturday night screening of the Rocky Horror Picture Show or a 1920s silent film with live musical accompaniment in one of the city&s art house cinemas? Attend the latest graphic novel release party at a Steampunk-themed bar? Take a behind-the-scenes tour of the Paris metro? Visit the Gothic tomb of the legendary 12th-century French lovers H&lo&se and Ab&lard at P&re Lachaise Cemetery? Being able to satisfy almost any desire is what really makes Paris the most romantic city in the world.
Heather Stimmler-Hall wrote this article for Thai Airline's February 2013 in-flight magazine, . You can download the PDF (7Mo) with (much better) photos and illustrations .
Update on Friday, January 16, 2015 by
Looking for more inspiration? The new edition of
is now available in bookstores in the US and Paris, as well as online bookstores and direct from the author at . Discover Heather's insider tips for visiting Paris with your lover, with a group of your best gal pals, or as a woman traveling solo. Includes hotels, dining, shopping, culture and nightlife.&
March 11, 2013 |
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