however but,with the help and aid that is being sent

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By Michael Snyder, on February 11th, 2011
Once upon a time, the United States was the greatest industrial powerhouse that the world has ever seen.
Our immense economic machinery was the envy of the rest of the globe and it provided the foundation for the largest and most vibrant middle class in the history of the world.
But now the once great U.S. economic machine is being dismantled piece by piece.
The U.S. economy is being gutted, neutered, defanged, declawed and deindustrialized and very few of our leaders even seem to care.
It was the United States that once showed the rest of the world how to mass produce televisions and automobiles and airplanes and computers, but now our industrial base is being ripped to shreds.
Tens of thousands of our factories and millions of our jobs have been shipped overseas.
Many of our proudest manufacturing cities have been transformed into “post-industrial” hellholes that nobody wants to live in anymore.
Meanwhile, wave after wave of shiny new factories is going up in nations such as China, India and Brazil.
This is great for those countries, but for the millions of American workers that desperately needed the jobs that have been sent overseas it is not so great.
This is the legacy of globalism.
Multinational corporations now have the choice whether to hire U.S. workers or to hire workers in countries where it is legal to pay slave labor wages.
The “great sucking sound” that Ross Perot warned us about so long ago is actually happening, and it has left tens of millions of Americans without good jobs.
So what is to become of a nation that consumes more than it ever has and yet continues to produce less and less?
Well, the greatest debt binge in the history of the world has enabled us to maintain (and even increase) our standard of living for several decades, but all of that debt is starting to really catch up with us.
The American people seem to be very confused about what is happening to us because most of them thought that the party was going to last forever.
In fact, most of them still seem convinced that our brightest economic days are still ahead.
After all, every time we have had a “recession” in the past things have always turned around and we have gone on to even greater things, right?
Well, what most Americans simply fail to understand is that we are like a car that is having its insides ripped right out.
Our industrial base is being gutted right in front of our eyes.
Most Americans don’t think much about our “trade deficit”, but it is absolutely central to what is happening to our economy.
Every year, we buy far, far more from the rest of the world than they buy from us.
In 2010, the U.S. trade deficit was just a whisker under $500 billion.
This is money that we could have all spent inside the United States that would have supported thousands of American factories and millions of American jobs.
Instead, we sent all of those hundreds of billions of dollars overseas in exchange for a big pile of stuff that we greedily consumed.
Most of that stuff we probably didn’t need anyway.
Since we spent almost $500 billion more with the rest of the world than they spent with us, at the end of the year the rest of the world was $500 billion wealthier and the American people were collectively $500 billion poorer.
That means that the collective “economic pie” that we are all dividing up is now $500 billion smaller.
Are you starting to understand why times suddenly seem so “hard” in the United States?
Meanwhile, jobs and businesses continue to fly out of the United States at a blinding pace.
This is a national crisis.
We simply cannot expect to continue to have a “great economy” if we allow our economy to be deindustrialized.
A nation that consumes far more than it produces is not going to be wealthy for long.
The following are 21 signs that the once great U.S. economy is being gutted,
neutered, defanged, declawed and deindustrialized….
#1 The U.S. trade deficit with the rest of the world rose to
That represented a 32.8% increase from 2009.
#2 The U.S. trade deficit with China rose to an all-time record of
This is the largest trade deficit that one nation has had with another nation in the history of the world.
#3 The U.S. trade deficit with China in 2010
than it was back in 1990.
#4 In the years since 1975, the United States had run a total trade deficit
with the rest of the world.
#5 The United States spends
on goods and services from China for every one dollar that China spends on goods and services from the United States.
#6 In 1959, manufacturing represented
of all U.S. economic output.
In 2008, it represented only 11.5 percent and it continues to fall.
#7 The number of net jobs gained by the U.S. economy during this past decade was smaller
since World War 2.
#8 The Bureau of Labor Statistics originally predicted that the U.S.
economy would create approximately 22 million jobs during the decade of
the 2000s, but it turns out that the U.S. economy only produced
during that time period.
#9 Japan now manufactures
than the United States does.
#10 China has now become
of high technology products.
#11 Manufacturing employment in the U.S. computer industry is actually lower in 2010 .
#12 The United States now has
“middle class jobs” than it did just ten years ago.
between 1999 and 2008 employment at the foreign affiliates of U.S.
parent companies increased an astounding 30 percent to 10.1 million.
During that exact same time period, U.S. employment at American
multinational corporations declined 8 percent to 21.1 million.
#14 Back in 1970, 25 percent of all jobs in the United States were manufacturing jobs. Today,
of the jobs in the United States are manufacturing jobs.
#15 Back in 1998, the United States had 25 percent of the world’s high-tech
export market and China had just 10 percent. Ten years later, the
States had less than 15 percent and China’s share had .
#16 The number of Americans that have become so discouraged that they have given up
searching for work completely now stands .
#17 Half of all American workers now earn
#18 The United States has lost
of its manufacturing jobs since the year 2000.
#19 Since 2001,
have closed down for good.
billion cellphones were sold worldwide.
So how many of them were manufactured inside the United States?
#21 Ten years ago, the “employment rate” in the United States .
Since then it has been constantly declining and now the “employment rate” in the United States .
So where did all of those jobs go?
The world is changing.
We are bleeding national wealth at a pace that is almost unimaginable.
We are literally being drained dry.
Did you know
now has the world’s fastest train and the world’s largest high-speed rail network?
They were able to afford those things with all of the money that we have been sending them.
How do you think all of those oil barons in the Middle East became so wealthy and could build such opulent palaces?
They got rich off of all the money that we have been sending them.
Meanwhile, once great U.S. cities such as Detroit, Michigan now look like war zones.
Back in 1985, the U.S. trade deficit with China was about 6 million dollars for the entire year.
As mentioned above, the U.S. trade deficit with China for 2010 was over 273 billion dollars.
What a difference 25 years can make, eh?
What do you find when you go into a Wal-Mart, a Target or a dollar store today?
You find row after row after row of stuff made in China and in other far away countries.
It can be more than a bit difficult to find things that are actually made inside the United States anymore.
In fact, there are quite a few industries that have completely and totally left the United States.
For certain product categories it is now literally impossible to buy something made in America.
So what are we going to do with our tens of millions of blue collar workers?
Should we just tell them that their jobs are not ever coming back so they better learn phrases such as “Welcome to Wal-Mart” and “Would you like fries with that”?
For quite a few years, the gigantic debt bubble that we were living in kind of insulated us from feeling the effects of the deindustrialization of America.
But now the pain is starting to kick in.
It has now become
to find a job in America today.
, the U.S. unemployment rate is currently 10.1% and when you throw in “underemployed” workers that figure rises to 19.6%.
Competition for jobs has become incredibly fierce and it is going to stay that way.
The great U.S. economic machine is being ripped apart and dismantled right in full view of us all.
This is not a “conservative” issue or a “liberal” issue.
This is an American issue.
The United States is rapidly being turned into a “post-industrial” wasteland.
It is time to wake up America.
DVDs By MichaelWelcome to the 419 Eater
&TITLE: The mark of a moron
SCAMMER NAME: Nicholas Okorie
SCAMBAITER: Shiver Metimbers
Sometimes you come across fellow human beings who can only be
described as vile creatures, undeserving of the space they inhabit
on this planet. The &reverend& Nicholas Okorie is one
such pathetic excuse for a human being. Nicholas has contacted me
purporting to represent a charity organisation collecting money
for the Pakistan earthquake appeal.
Such people are deserving of much more than the normal scammer
humiliation, so I make no excuses for my treatment of Nicholas here.
This guy gets off lightly in my opinion.
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Father Bruce Corbin
Date: Friday, November 11, 2005
Subject: To save lives
Dear potential saviour
I am a clergy man of the nigeria scripture union and my name
is Rev.Nicholas Okorie presently residing in Imo state of Nigeria.
We are gathering fund for thepeople of the pakstan earthquake
and would like to enquire for your assistance in finance??can you
donateso that our greatness in togetherness can benefit the survivours
in pakistan. i humbly requestfor necessary procedures that will
enable a great work of goodness,as it will help many people in their
i am expecting to hear from you to enable me know your anwer
in this great spiritual journey.
You should also provide us with the following:
Yours sincerly
Rev.Nicholas Okorie.
OK. We need to concoct a cunning plan to make this vile piece
of crap pay big time. Time to don my cassock!
From: Father Bruce Corbin
To: Nicholas Okorie
Date: Friday, November 11, 2005
Father Bruce Corbin
Accounts Dept.
Dear brother Nicholas,
Thank you so much for your very nice email. You sound like a very
caring person, and I hope that God rewards your hard work appropriately
and I am sure he will look after you and ensure you receive everything
that you deserve. I will most certainly pray for you this evening
and ensure my members do the same. I am sorry but in this instance
I am unable to help you with your current proposition.
Please do note that my church give yearly donation and financial
help to the underprivileged, sick and needy every year. In total
we give approximately $12 million a year to the less fortunate and
needy of the world. What can I say, my church is very generous!
Sadly I am afraid that I am unable to help you at this time. You
see the rules of my Christian ministry forbid members of my church
from any business dealings personal, charitable, business or otherwise
with people who are not part of our church or faith, so although
I would normally be most pleased to help you my hands are tied.
I would like to help your very noble cause by sending a generous
donation of perhaps $40,000 or $150,000 to help you to help others
as you are trying. But because you are not a member of my church
it is sadly out of the question.
It seems there is no hope for Nicholas. But wait, there's a
light at the end of the tunnel:
Of course, if you were to go through the induction procedure and
join our church then of course I could help you, and even send a
donation for you to pass on to the less fortunate and spread the
word of our church, but of course I do not and would not expect
you to go through the induction procedure for our church because
it requires a lot of commitment to our church so of course I can
understand if you refuse. Odds on Nicholas refusing anyone?!
So once more, I apologise that I cannot help you at this time,
but I will pray for you this evening that you find the help that
you require.
God be with you,
Father Bruce Corbin
Accounts Department
Holy Church of The Tattooed Saint
So, Nicholas knows we give millions away. He knows he's in contact
with the church accounts department, and he also knows there's between
$40K and $150K on the table if he follows what he probably thinks
is our simple induction procedure.
Nicholas of course takes the bait as expected.
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Father Bruce Corbin
Date: Monday, November 14, 2005
Subject: Re: To save lives
Dear father Bruce Corbin,
I was so glad to have received a mail from you and i have thought
carefully about the requirment of induction that leads to full membership.
Please father mail the necessary information,so that i can start
the journey to full membership.I will really be pleased to get this
necessary things from you. Thanks and talk to you soon.
yours sincerly,
Rev.Nicholas Okorie.
From: Father Bruce Corbin
To: Nicholas Okorie
Date: Friday, November 11, 2005
Father Bruce Corbin
Accounts Department
Dear Brother Okorie,
Thank you very much for your kind email
Brother Okorie, I have to tell you that I am extremely thrilled
that you are indeed considering joining our church. Your commitment
is to be admired greatly. However you must understand that in order
for me to be able to help you it means you will have to join our
church, and you must (like all our members) prove your absolute
devotion to our cause and church. You must complete our short induction
procedure before you can join with us. The induction procedure is
simple, but you must be warned that it must not be taken upon lightly.
I must tell you that to join our church you must show great commitment,
however the rewards are great. Once you have become a member and
have completed the induction procedure I am sure that my board members
can help you with a most generous donation, especially if as you
say you are interested in setting up a branch of our ministry in
your country to help spread the word our church. I cannot give you
a firm commitment as to the amount of the donation we can send to
you to help others, but it is normal in these types of cases for
my church to offer sums of between $40,000 to $150,000 if you are
indeed serious about helping us to spread the word of our ministry.
Of course, in order to receive such financial help you must become
a full and willing member of our church.
Again I must repeat I that to enter our ranks does take great commitment.
All members of our church (myself included) must bear the tattoo
mark of our saint, Saint Bartholomew Shiver. This mark of faith
is tattooed on to each individual member of our church. Not only
does this serve as a graphic reminder of our commitment to our faith,
but all over the world it helps us to recognise our brothers and
sisters. It is a golden rule of our church that our members must
do everything in their power to help and aid fellow members.
So, to be inducted into our church, you must agree to the following:
1. Agree to have a tattoo showing the mark and name of Saint Bartholomew
Shiver. This can be placed on any part of your body.
2. Provide photographic proof of the tattoo mark.
3. Agree to use any donations sent to you for the good of your fellow
men & women.
If you can agree to the above requirements then I see no reason
why we cannot start your induction procedure immediately. On receipt
of the photographic proof of your tattoo mark of St. Bartholomew
and on receipt of the completed induction form we can provide you
with a generous donation and regular help within 24 hours of receiving
the photographic proof. We will also of course send much information
by posts contain information about the church, and how we would
like you to help spread word of our church and cause.
Let me know if you are in agreement to the above requirements and
I will forward you more detailed information and also a picture
of the tattoo mark of St. Bartholomew so that you can make your
own arrangements to have the tattoo applied at your place of choosing.
Of course agreeing to have a tattoo placed upon your body is a very
important one, and committing yourself to this is a great request,
but it is exactly this which will show us your willingness to be
a part of our ministry.
Please note that you must be able to fund the tattoo and photographs
yourself. We will of course refund you all your costs as well as
provide the donation to you, however this can only be given once
the induction procedure has been completed successfully.
Thank you again for your email.
God be with you,
Father Bruce Corbin
Accounts Department
Holy Church of The Tattooed Saint
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Father Bruce Corbin
Date: Monday, November 14, 2005
Subject: Re: To save lives
Dear father Bruce Corbin,
i have thought carefully about the requirment of induction/
Please father mail the necessary information and a sample of the
tatoo of saint Bathelomew Shiver to me
with the induction form..
Thanks and talk to you soon.
yours sincerly,
Rev.Nicholas Okorie.
I provide the info to Nicholas. I'm making a rather outrageous
request, but I'm banking on this thief's greed to blind him from
sane thinking!
From: Father Bruce Corbin
To: Nicholas Okorie
Date: Monday, November 14, 2005
Father Bruce Corbin
Accounts Department
Dear Brother Okorie,
Thank you so much for your reply.
I am very excited that we are soon to have a new member from your
country, indeed, so far we have no members at all in your area and
we would be thrilled if you are able to help spread the word about
our ministry there.
As you have requested, the induction information is as follows.
Please take care to follow the procedures very carefully. The four
church board members will decide on your donation amount which depends
on how strictly you have kept to our procedure.
The induction procedure, which we call &the baiting of the
faithful& should take very little time to complete. How long
this takes is completely up to you and how quickly you are able
to present the photographic evidence that you have completed our
procedure to the satisfaction of the four church board members.
As I told you previously, the faster that you are able to complete
the procedure the faster you will receive our financial help.
1. I have attached a sample image of our induction logo. It bears
the name of our Saint, St. Bartholomew Shiver. Phase one of the
induction procedure is to have a copy of this logo tattooed onto
a part of your body.
2. You may choose the part of the body which you feel comfortable
with having the tattoo, however you must ensure that the completed
tattoo is large and clear so as to be able to be photographed clearly.
To aid you, I have also included a photograph of one of our recent
inductees, Mary Jane Branson. As you can see, Mary chose to have
the induction logo tattoo on her right shoulder.
3. You must ensure that photographs of as much of the tattooing
procedure are taken as possible. Take photographs of the various
steps of having the tattoo applied.
4. You must supply various photographs of the tattoo from different
viewing angles, and also a photograph of yourself for identification,
and if possible, showing the tattoo at the same time.
To aid you further I have attached a picture of one of our latest
inductees Miss Mary Clifton showing her tattoo mark of Saint Shiver.
You must understand that the tattoo MUST be a real tattoo, not a
drawing or other type of fake tattoo. In other words, being a real
tattoo you will of course have it with you for life, so it is important
that you are absolutely sure and happy about your decision to join
our church.
Photos MUST be supplied so as to provide proof that a real tattoo
has been applied. Sadly, some people have tried to fool us by applying
fake tattoos, but I must warn you that our four man board are extremely
diligent and can recognise a fake tattoo very easily. If your tattoo
shop need it, we are happy to provide them with payment for their
services and allowing you to take photographs of the tattooing process.
Payment to the tattoo shop can be up to US $1,000. If you provide
us with a receipt after the tattoo has been applied we will send
payment to them immediately the photographs have been received.
NOTE: One photograph is not enough. You must provide MULTIPLE photographs
showing as much of the tattooing as possible.
We require at minimum for you to send by email attachment HIGH QUALITY
PHOTOGRAPHS of the following:
1. The first stage of the tattoo being applied to the inductee.
If possible, photographs showing the tattoo artist actually applying
the tattoo would give great encouragement to the board members and
will result in your donation payment being a higher amount.
2. Photographs of the tattoo immediately after it has been completed,
so that the board members will be able to ascertain it is real because
of normal scarring or marking.
3. Photographs taken 24 hours later, showing the healed tattoo.
It is your decision what colour to make the tattoo, but please ensure
you choose a colour which can be photographed clearly. Most of our
members choose to have a black tattoo applied.
Again, it is entirely your decision what part of your body to have
the tattoo applied to. All you need to do is ensure the tattoo is
large and clear enough to be photographed clearly. Places that our
members usually choose are: arms, top of the legs, or back shoulders.
I must stress to you again that the tattoo must be real, and the
photographs you send will be inspected very carefully to ensure
that they are. I am sorry that I have to keep repeating this to
you brother but as I have already told you, sadly there are ungodly
people out in the world who try to take advantage of our church
by applying for donations by sending in fake photographs, this is
why it is very important that the photographs you send by email
attachment are very large and clear so that the validity of the
tattoos can be checked easily. Poor quality or small images will
be rejected by the board members.
I offer one pie the board members usually give
larger donations depending on the size of the tattoo. So the larger
the tattoo the larger the donation payment is liable to be, but
the very minimum we send to help is $40,000 so as you can so you
will be able to do a lot of very good work with such an amount.
Of course, once you become a member you will be invited to our yearly
gathering here in the UK (your flight fees and expenses will of
course be paid by us) and you will be able to meet many of our members
and well as myself.
I hope that explains things clearly to you brother, and if you have
any questions please feel free to contact me any time.
Please will you reply to this email as soon as possible to let me
know when you expect to be able to email me the photographs. The
four board members work all across the UK so they will need to be
gathered to examine your photographs and make the donation payment.
This may take 2 or 3 days, so if I know in advance when you are
likely to be ready to send the photographs I can ensure that the
board members are gathered together in readiness for your photographs.
Please also let me know by what means you would prefer the donation
payment to be made.
God be with you,
Father Bruce Corbin
Accounts Department
Holy Church of The Tattooed Saint
I attach a sample (Photoshopped) picture of one of our latest
church inductees (random picture taken from the Net and face censored
to protect the innocent!), and also a copy of the church logo which
must be tattooed onto the members:
Surprisingly, Okorie seems to have swallowed this hook, line
and sinker...
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Father Bruce Corbin
Date: Monday, November 14, 2005
Subject: URGENT
Dear father bruce corbin,
I have received your mail and i am assuring you that by 21st
of november you will be with the necessary photographs and information.
What about the induction form.
Yours sincerly,
Rev.nicholas okorie.
&From: Father Bruce Corbin
To: Nicholas Okorie
Date: Monday, November 14, 2005
Father Bruce Corbin
Accounts Department
Dear Brother Okorie,
Thank you for your reply.
Please note this reference number:
Please use this reference number on all future communications. This
number will be used in processing your payment and also for identification/security
The induction form will be sent to you on receipt of the photographs.
One of your photographs has to be included on the forms (again for
identification purposes). The form is very simple and really only
requires your signature. Well, no it doesn't, but I don't want
to put Okorie off at this delicate stage!
Please can you advise me how you would like your donation payment
to be made?
God be with you,
Father Bruce Corbin
Accounts Department
Holy Church of The Tattooed Saint
Amazingly, Okorie actually went through with the tattoo! He
sent some small images with the message below. I complained and
told him I wanted larger ones, and they are the ones presented below.
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Father Bruce Corbin
Date: Monday, November 18, 2005
Subject: URGENT
Dear father Bruce Corbin,
I have sent the photographs to you.Please go through them send
me a reply on receiving.I am still waitin to receive the induction
Please if there is any other information you need,please let
Thanks for the opportunity.
yours sincerly,
Rev.Nicholas Okorie.
All ready for his visit to the tattoo parlour. Does he look
like a preacher to you folks?
Here's the tattoo parlour (and it seems, dry cleaners) sign
Okorie's in the chair
Bzzzz. Bzzzz. Bzzzz!
Poetry in picture form
Looks painful.... hopefully!
And here's the proud owner (for now) of a new tattoo
A close-up of some fine work!
Congratulations to Nicholas Okorie for being the first scammer
on the planet to be suckered into having a tattoo!
I'm quite surprised how easy this was to achieve. I have a few
more scammers going through the same process, and they are showing
a little more resistance than Okorie. Just shows what sheer greed
can do to you I suppose.
Now on to the &induction form&, but first we must
congratulate Okorie.
From: Father Bruce Corbin
To: Nicholas Okorie
Date: Monday, November 20, 2005
Father Bruce Corbin
Accounts Department
Dear Brother Okorie,
Thank you so much for sending your induction photographs enlarged
this morning, it is very much appreciated.
Unfortunately the board members do not meet on Saturday or Sunday
so it will be Monday before I am able to announce your donation
amount but I can tell you that you should be happy with the amount
awarded. &Happy& is a very relative term here by the
way folks!
I am happy to inform you that from what I myself have seen you have
performed the procedure perfectly, thank you again. I will forward
the induction application form to you shortly. This just requires
your details filling in and your signature. One this is completed
your award amount can be paid immediately.
Also, please will you forward me a copy of any official ID that
you have that bears your photographs, such as a passport, driving
license or other governmental identification. Some details need
to be included on the induction form.
Father Bruce Corbin
Accounts Department
Holy Church of The Tattooed Saint
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Father Bruce Corbin
Date: November 24, 2005
Dear Father Bruce,
i sent in my id card as u requested i know by now u must have
got it. am now waitting patiently for your reply.
God bless you
Yours Sincerely
Rev Nicholas okorie
Nicholas attaches his &ID&, which is as far from official
or real as you can get!
From: Father Bruce Corbin
To: Nicholas Okorie
Date: Monday, November 20, 2005
Father Bruce Corbin
Accounts Department
Dear Brother Okorie,
I am sorry brother Okorie, but that ID is totally unacceptable.
The image is too small and too blurred. Unless you are able to scan
the original ID to a proper size and NOT just try to stretch the
tiny original image then we cannot accept it.
Also, that particular ID is unacceptable as it is not an official
governmental ID such as your driving license or passport image.
Your church ID is not acceptable I am afraid.
I am afraid that sending the incorrect ID is causing a delay in
your payment.
Father Bruce Corbin
Accounts Department
Holy Church of The Tattooed Saint
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Father Bruce Corbin
Date: November 26, 2005
Dear father Bruce Corbin,
I have just received your mail and i am so sorry to inform you
that the reson why i could not scan my drivers licence was because
it has expired.I have also takan it to be renewed.Here in nigeria
it takes a lot of time like few days.I would have sent an international
passport but i dont have any.Please do give me some days to get
back to you.
Sorry for whatever this new development may cause you.
your sincerly,
Rev. Nicholas Okorie.
I don't bother to reply.
Amazingly, just FIVE days later Nicholas sends me a copy of
his &new& passport. It was apparently issued to him on
November 30th, just 4 days after he told me he was going to get
a new passport. Damn they work fast over there!
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Father Bruce Corbin
Date: December 1, 2005
Subject: urgent
Dear father Bruce Corbin,
My drivers licence was slow in renewing, so i have to apply
for an international passport.Consider it and send me a reply.
Now to put part two of my dastardly plan into action. I decide
to take on the part of another scammer who has taken over the Holy
Church's email system and is blocking Nicholas's emails to Father
From: Ali Gee
To: Rev. Nicholas Okorie
Date: Decenber 1, 2005
Subject: Join wit me
my name is ali and i am angin scam jobs from da netherlands. i am
from bulgaria by birth but married to a nigerian woman (jane), it
was jane dat introduced me to da 419 business and i ave bin runnin
dis scam since 3 years and wiv great success.
i am also a computa programmin graduate and ave 8 years experience.
i ave bin dealin wiv your maga bruce corbin and he last sent me
$42000 whun i joined his church. of course dig yous i no need fa
is church i just want the maoney so i am opin to get more from dis
i am in control of da church email system and ave bin watchin your
emails to and from corbin. i can check by your style yous is like
me a scammer tryin fa cash from corbin. me would like to make a
new partner in nigeria. my last wicked geeza james was takun from
me a auto accident and now i need a new working partner. me would
dig da way yous run your job so i dig yous to join me in future
jobs. This is my deal - i can give yous many wcontacts fa easy payin
magas but i need somebody to take payments in nigeria. fa me it
is gettin dangerous to get payment her now from jobs. i want yous
to take da money thun take your share and send me da remaining.
i can get maybe $20000 to &40000 every month from my jobs.
i will do da wurk and thun yous can take da payments (western union)
and yous take 40% and send back to me da remaing. dis way yous can
make maybe $15000 or $20000 every month fa well little wurk. let
me know your answa fast.
your main man ali.
Nicholas ignores Ali's email and continues to persue Father
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Father Bruce Corbin
Date: December 2, 2005
Subject: very urgent
Dear father Bruce Corbin,
I have been expecting your reply since yesterday but it just
wouldn't come.Please i really need to know what's going on.Send
me a mail to get me informed,because i am presently lost.Also how
about the induction form,am still expecting it.
yours sincerly,
Rev.Nicholas Okorie.
Of course, Father Corbin can't read this email or reply because
his email system has been hacked by Ali Gee!
Ali Gee sends proof to Nicholas that he controls the church
email system.
From: Ali Gee
To: Rev. Nicholas Okorie
Date: Decenber 2, 2005
Subject: re: Join wit me
dear okorie
i check dat yous ain't bother to reply to my previous email. i
ave told yous i control da church email system now and dey only
check and send wot me i control. i will borrow proof to yous now.
Here is a message yous ave just sent to corbin:
&Dear father Bruce Corbin,
I have been expecting your reply since yesterday but it just wouldn't
come.Please i really need to know what's going on.Send me a mail
to get me informed,because i am presently lost.Also how about the
induction form,am still expecting it.
yours sincerly,
Rev.Nicholas Okorie.&
So without being mi partner in da future business I can spoil yoa
Reply to me urgent.
Nicholas decided to reply to Ali Gee.
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Ali Gee
Date: December 3, 2005
Subject: what do you want
Ali Gee or what ever, u have no right over this mail but if
u feel so then come 2 a man
From: Ali Gee
To: Rev. Nicholas Okorie
Date: December 2, 2005
Subject: re: what do you want?
dear okorie
All U have 2 do is to agree to join wiv me bro. How long ave you
been in da scamming business. do you have much experience?
Nicholas doesn't reply to Ali Gee right away, but decides to
take one more go at Father Corbin.
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Father Bruce Corbin
Date: December 3, 2005
Subject: urgent
Note: forwarded message attached.
Dear Father corbin,
My pc has a little problem, and some ungodly people taped into
my email adress fowarded is the threatening letter sent to me.
i still await your reply as to know if u received my mail and my
scanned international passport.
God Bless you
Bro Nicholas Okorie
Nicholas attaches Ali Gee's first email. Father Corbin of course
can still not reply.
Ali Gee of course spots Nicholas's message to Father Corbin
and decides to give Nicholas an ultimatum.
From: Ali Gee
To: Rev. Nicholas Okorie
Date: December 3, 2005
Subject: u will lose ur money!!!!
You seem 2 want 2 act like a maga Okorie. Mi as seen this message
U snet to CORBIN:
&Dear Father corbin,
My pc has a little problem, and some ungodly people taped into my
email adress fowarded is the threatening letter sent to me.
i still await your reply as to know if u received my mail and my
scanned international passport.&
CORBIN canot reply 2 ur mail bro because i control al that he sees.
Guy you know lik me you are a scam artist so you can join with
me or i will contact CORBIN and claim your money for miself.
Nicholas replies to Ali.
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Ali Gee
Date: December 3, 2005
Subject: I am grieved
ali we have not met and i dont know who u are if u feel u want
to reap where u did not sow no problem we have to meet and u state
what i will give you release the mail corbin sent to my box so as
to faclitate pay ment hoping to hear from you
to start with is not a scam i have spent plenty money on this
project thank u
He also has another wasted attempt at contacting Father Corbin
via a new email address.
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Father Bruce Corbin
Date: December 3, 2005
dear father bruce corbin,
I am really having problems with hackers here in nigeria.Therefore
i have changed my mail address once again.The first was
while the second was i intend to let you know
that since i scanned my international passport i have not received
any mail from you.Please i am so sorry for the inconvinences this
development may cost you.
Please also note that you should disregard any mail that comes
through the two previous mail address because there are a lot of
ungodly people roaming the streets.
I intend to receive further mails through this mail box and
you can also add your phone number so that we can interact one on
yours sincerly,
Rev.Nicholas Okorie.
Sorry Nicholas. It seems Father Bruce can't see that email either!
Ali Gee is of course unimpressed by Nicholas's lies.
From: Ali Gee
To: Rev. Nicholas Okorie
Date: December 3, 2005
Subject: Re: I am grieved
We will not get very far if you lie to me guy. this is what
you told CORBIN you were:
&I am a clergy man of the nigeria scripture union
and my name is Rev.Nicholas Okorie presently residing
in Imo state of Nigeria&
You are no clergy man I know that fo sure. you can give me no
proof of dat.
You will do well to admit you are on a scam with corbin. if
we both tell teh truth lik i am doin 2 u then we can go far together.
Nicholas replies to Ali.
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Ali Gee
Date: December 4, 2005
Subject: what now
ali since u know too much what is it u really want tell me how
did u get ny box number? HAVE U RECEIVED ANY MAIL FROM CORBIN IF
SO FOWARD I 2 /if u want in stop threating me . and state what u
want i have spent so much money and dont want any one to fuck me
up so pls statewhat u reall want from me. Nice language from
a reverend!
if any one is using u is just too bad u have taught me not to
trust any one again so pls tell me what u want from me and tell
me how all this started then lets get down to buisness
From: Ali Gee
To: Rev. Nicholas Okorie
Date: Decenber 5, 2005
Subject: Re: what now
Good we seem to be gettin down 2 some real talk. Tell me as i know
you are not a clergy man, what is your real job? do you have a real
job or lik me is your money just from scamming?
star to be truthful and we can do some good business. i will soon
make sure you money from corbin comes 2 you must i wan mek sure
we can maybe work togetha in future
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Ali Gee
Date: December 5, 2005
Subject: o.k.
whats up dawg,lets agree on something real good.whats your percentage
and forward any mail to my box.if you want us to see cool by me,any
number drop.will really need to talk you know.there no need spoiling
your fellow man to me man.
From: Ali Gee
To: Rev. Nicholas Okorie
Date: December 5, 2005
Subject: 0%
first we cannot meet becos as i done told you i am in Netherlands.
i wan no percentage of your cash from corbin, u can keep it all.
all i want from you is to know how much and how long experience
you have scamming and do you get many magas?
then we can come to some understanding on future partner cos i
need one in Nigeria to claim cash for me. i done give you 35% of
all jobs i collect on.
now tell me your experience and give me ur number and once u have
given me your histor i will mek call 2 u and we will discuss terms
and jobs. when we have agreement i will let you continue with corbin.
i need to know how much sucess you are gettin an if u are experienced
enough to be mi partner
Now we seem to be getting somewhere.
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Ali Gee
Date: December 5, 2005
What's up man,
I just figured out that you sure should be respected.anyway
i am ready to play with you.My real name is charles,my number is
xxxx{+xxxx}.I reside in imo state and i am good
in the scamming besiness.Help me through with my job and i will
help you with whatever you choose.I have really spent a lot on this
deal with holychurch.
Here in nigeria,i pull a lot of strings,so whatever you need
will surely be achieved.Need to know your mind as soon as possible.
At your service,
From: Ali Gee
To: Rev. Nicholas Okorie
Date: December 5, 2005
i am glad we can come to agreement. i am desperate for a contac/partner
in Nigeria to pass mi payment to collect. it is good you see sense
and u will soon see i am a man of my word.
i will now let your messages get through to cobin so you can mail
him now or later.
i wan to open a new yahoo account for us both for receiving job
information. i will open a new account shortly. please tell me what
password you want me to use for the new account and i will make
i have one question for you Charles. u say your real name is charles
but i see you send a passport to corbin which looks good/real to
me with nicholas okorie. is this passport fake? please explain.
thanks for your number and i will call you sometime soon
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Ali Gee
Date: December 5, 2005
Subject: OK
What's up man,
I just received a mail from you.about the name and the face,the
face is real and the full name is charles dimitree korie.I really
need to work with you man to also learn some major stuffs.You can
use this password to open the new yahoo account.It is (LAGGOS).
About corbin,i really need to know the last mail he saw to be
able to know how to follow up.I can only continue on receipt of
your reply.
From: Ali Gee
To: Rev. Nicholas Okorie
Date: December 5, 2005
Subject: Re: OK
this is da last message corbin has sent you........
&Dear Brother Okorie,
Thank you so much for sending your passport image, and I can confirm
that your identification is acceptable to us. I will now pass your
case over to Father Jack Hackett who is in charge of the Charity
Awards department here at the church. He will be sending you the
induction form to sign and once you have returned that by email
attachment your payment will be made.
Please can you confirm the full name and address of the person that
the payment is to be made to?&
you can now reply to corbin, but please tell me, how did you get
the passport what you send to corbin. are you able to buy more?
give me details please.
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Ali Gee
Date: December 6, 2005
Subject: OK
Whats up man,your mail qiute interesting.and about the passport
it is a real nigerian passport and its gotten very easily through
my contacts.I hope you saw the password i sent to you.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Lets see if we can get Charles to make me a fake Nigerian passport!
From: Ali Gee
To: Rev. Nicholas Okorie
Date: December 6, 2005
Subject: Re: OK
can you arrange a passport for me? I need nigerian passport bad
and i willin to pay you once my current jobs have paid. if you can
do this let me know and i send you my informations for the passport
and a picure.
I have contact for 100% quality bristish passport so i can suplly
you with may uk passport if it will help on any future jobs you
have. i have contact for nigerian passport but the quality is no
good,, yours is better so i would be in your debt for you to get
me one quickly to enable me to complete some jobs and i will give
you percentage for the favour
please get back to me ugently
Whilst I'm negotiating the passport with Okorie, he gets in
touch with Father Corbin.
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Father Bruce Corbin
Date: December 6, 2005
Subject: URGENT
Dear father Bruce Corbin,
I am sorry i have not kept in touch with you for a couple of
days,i have been busy arranging some programmes.Also, i am looking
forward to receiving the induction form so as to confirm my full
yours sincerly,
Rev.Nicholas Okorie.
From: Father Bruce Corbin
To: Nicholas Okorie
Date: December 6, 2005
Father Bruce Corbin
Accounts Department
Dear Brother Okorie,
Thank you for your email. I was worried that something had happened
to you because of your long delays in replying back to me. Thank
God you are fine.
Please can you forward me the name of the person the payment is
to be made to, along with the full address. This will need to be
included on the induction form that we send to you.
Father Bruce Corbin
Accounts Department
Holy Church of The Tattooed Saint
Okorie (or is it Charles?!) agrees to supply me with a passport.
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Ali Gee
Date: December 7, 2005
Subject: OK
what' up man,
i sure can arrange a good quality nigerian passport for
will cost some money but i am ready to help you out because you
helped me out.
send the necessary information down to me to start processing it.
it will be thursday before it can be made ready,
I send Okorie my passport details.
From: Ali Gee
To: Rev. Nicholas Okorie
Date: December 7, 2005
Subject: Re: OK
thanks charles that is gud to hear and you will be rewarded for
your favours i can promise that to u
i have attach piture for the passpot to this message. the details
i need is:
surname: Koffi
first name: Craig
nationality: Nigerian
date of birth: 24 April 1964
place of birth: Lagos
i will leave it to you for start and end date but make it quite
new please
please get this scan of the passort to me as soon as possible cos
i have 3 urgent jobs waiting for this and some percentage i can
give to u when i get payment.
respect and luck with your payment from corbin
I attach a picture of Craig Charles, probably best known as
the lead actor in the UK Sci-Fi series 'Red Dwarf'.
Okorie send his payment details. Parts edited out as I will
be reporting this account to the bank concerned.
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Father Bruce Corbin
Date: December 7, 2005
Subject: URGENT
Dear father Bruce Corbin,
Here is the information you need to make the donation.
AC/NO: 004 808 09868X XXX
For the induction form,use this:
Lets give Okorie some great news.
From: Father Bruce Corbin
To: Nicholas Okorie
Date: December 7, 2005
Father Bruce Corbin
Accounts Department
Dear Brother Okorie,
Thank you for your email and for your payment information.
I am pleased to announce to you that the board members have deliberated
over your case this morning and decided to award you US $46,775.
I hope that this will help you to make a great difference to your
fellow brothers and sisters in your country, and I look forward
to hopefully meeting with you in the future at one of our yearly
membership meetings.
Please note that we have had a problem at our printer's today so
I have not been able to get the induction form over to you today
as I would have liked to, however I hope to be able to do that within
the next 24 hours. Of course once you have returned the signed form
your $46,775 payment will be paid immediately.
Father Bruce Corbin
Accounts Department
Holy Church of The Tattooed Saint
I need to delay Okorie until at least Thursday because if I
upset him before then I will pobably never receive my passport!
From: Nicholas Okorie
To: Father Bruce Corbin
Date: December 8, 2005
Subject: URGENT
Dear father Bruce Corbin,
I really thank you and the holychurch board of directors for
the favourable donations.This will surely enable me assist my fellow
brothers and sisters in this same journey.
I am also expecting the induction form,as this will confirm
my full membership.I hope to receive the induction form today.
yours sincerly,
Rev.Nicholas Okorie.
A couple of days later I send the form.
From: Father Bruce Corbin
To: Nicholas Okorie
Date: December 11, 2005
Father Bruce Corbin
Accounts Department
Dear Brother Okorie,
Please find attached the induction form for your signatures. Please
print it out and complete the form and send a high quality scan
of it back to us by email attachment.
After that your payment shall be made. Kind of. Maybe.
Father Bruce Corbin
Accounts Department
Holy Church of The Tattooed Saint


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