
日期: 17:32(单词翻译:单击)
Many of us wake up with one thing on our mind-COFFEE! Or at least,some form of caffeinated beverage to get your day started.But what if I told you you've been drinking your coffee incorrectly this entire time?许多人每天醒来时都惦记着咖啡,或者至少想,以某种含咖啡因的饮品,开始新的一天,可是我要告诉你一个坏消息,这个时间喝咖啡是错误的。We all have an internal biological clock called the circadian rhythm that regulates many processes thoughout our body,including how sleepy we are through the day.And it's this clock that controls the release of a hormone called cortisol.Often referred to as the stress hormone because it's secreted in high levels during your body's fight or flight response,cortisol also happens to be related to your level of alertness through the day.我们体内有着名为昼夜节律的生物钟,它控制着我们身体的许多机能包括每天的睡眠,正是生物钟控制着一种名为皮质醇的荷尔蒙的释放,皮质醇也被称为应激激素,因为当人体进行“应战抉择”时,其分泌量极大,皮质醇也与我们一整天的警觉程度有关。And it just so happens that between 8 and 9AM cortisol levels peak.This means that your body has a natural mechanism to wake you up.And while you may think that caffeine can complement this mechanism,scientists have actually found that consuming coffee or energy drinks during peak cortisol production greatly diminishes the caffeine's effect
and builds up a greater tolerance to the drug in the long run.早晨八九点时,皮质醇的含量会达到峰值,也就是说你体内有唤醒你的自然机制,你可能会认为咖啡因可以促进这种机制,事实上,科学家们发现,在皮质醇分泌量最大时,喝咖啡或能量饮料将大大减小咖啡的效果,并且导致身体对咖啡的耐受容量长期增长。OVerall,that means you get less of a buzz,and need even more to stay awake in the future.We break down caffeine addiction and tolerance in a previous video &Your Brain on Coffee&which you can check out here!也就是说,此后你会变得没干劲,更难保持清醒,我们之前有过介绍咖啡因上瘾和耐受度的视频-----“Your Brain on Coffee& 有兴趣可以去看看。For this reason,drinking coffee after your cortisol surge at 9 Am is probably best.Scientists have found a few other times where cortisol peaks as well:between noon and 1pm,and 5:30 and 6:30pm.因此在皮质醇含量开始降低的9点饮用咖啡最为合适,科学家还发现了几个皮质醇大量分泌的时间段12:00到13:00,17:30到:18:30。Which means your best drinking your coffee outside of these times.These cortisol spikers-and your circadian rhythm in general-are most strongly regulated by sunlight,meaning your sleep schedule doesn't come in to play as strongly.也就是说喝咖啡的话最好避开这些时间段,皮质醇的分泌,以及昼夜节律,都与日光关系密切,也就是说你定的作息表,效果不一定那么好。So what if you wake up extremely early,or really late? Should you drink coffee right away then?Well,scientists have actually found that cortisol levels do indeed increase about 50% right after you wake up,regardless of the time.Science says,wait at least an hour to get your cup of joe,and your body will be optimally ready to go!那么如果你起的特别早,或是特别迟,可以立刻喝咖啡吗?事实上科学家发现起来后,皮质醇含量会立刻增大50%左右,与起床时间无关,他们表示起床至少一个小时后再咖啡,这样对身体比较好。视频: 煎蛋小学堂:玻璃是液体吗?_在线播放_最新视频高清在线观看 _ 爱酷网()友情提示&提示:如果出现 “2002” 错误有可能是浏览器抽风。您可以刷新下,或者更换IE、火狐、谷歌、Safari等浏览器,或者切换当前浏览器的模式(比如兼容模式)。声明:所有视频来源,我们只是进行分享,不存储任何视频。若对该视频内容有任何疑问或质疑,请即与联系,提供该视频ID号!(本视频ID:XMTM2NTA0NTk2OA==)如视频有违规、侵犯版权的,可发送邮件到&&进行屏蔽。猜你喜欢播放:4779播放:6492播放:4972播放:3192播放:3961播放:11999播放:1913播放:1983播放:1610播放:3203播放:2656播放:1727播放:93927播放:2666播放:2322(京ICP备号)建议 --> 浏览器:Firefox(火狐) 像素: 以上您当前的设备:PC&|&屏幕像素:您当前的系统:Windows Vista&|&浏览器:IE8(微软IE)您当前的IP:&&&&&&&&&&


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