
& 2015届高考英语一轮复习单元检测:选修06(解析版)
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选修06 测试题-2015年高考英语一轮复习精品资料
1.What do we learn from the conversation?
A.The woman felt bad about the competition.
B.The man didn't get the first place.
C.The man got nothing.
2.What does the man want to do?
A.Have the machine repaired.
B.Get his money back.
C.Exchange the machine.
3.What has the woman just done?
A.She has had a meal.
B.She has bought something.
C.She has had something posted.
4.What was the weather like during the man's stay in India?
A.Sunny.   B.Cloudy.   C.Rainy.
5.What does the woman mean?
A.She wants to eat downtown.
B.She wants to eat at home.
C.She doesn't like the expensive restaurants.
6.What color T-shirt does the man want to buy for his uncle?
7.How many T-shirts will the man buy?
8.How much money will the man pay?
9.What is the man going to do?
A.Go to work.
B.Have an interview.
C.Prepare breakfast.
10.What does Lily do?
A.A student.
B.A secretary.
C.A teacher.
11.What will the woman do this morning?
A.Do some housework.
B.Go shopping.
C.Go to the park.
12.How is the man feeling now?
13.Whose birthday was yesterday?
A.The man's.
B.The woman's.
14.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
B.Husband and wife.
C.Host and guest.
15.What season is it now?
16.What is Jenny doing?
A.Attending a big performance.
B.Looking after her parents.
C.Learning dancing.
17.Who is going to buy a camera this afternoon?
A.The man.
C.The woman.
18.According to the speaker, what kind of people should have pets?
A.People who are shy.
B.People who feel tired.
C.People who feel lonely.
19.How many kinds of special pets are mentioned in the talk?
20.What does the speaker try to persuade people to do?
A.Buy a pet.
B.Attend the training courses.
C.Buy some pet food and pet toys.
答案:1~5 BCBAA     6~10 ACBBA
11~15 CBCAB
16~20 CACBA
W: What is the result of the competition, Jim?
M: Well, I only got third place. I was beaten by the other two.
W: Did you feel bad about it?
M: Not really. It's better than nothing.
W: Good morning. May I help you?
M: Yes. We bought this washing machine last week, but it doesn't work now.
W: What's wrong with it?
M: I put my clothes into it and then poured in water. It simply doesn't wash. I want to exchange it for a new one.
M: Would you like anything else?
W: No, thanks. That's all I need.
M: Would you like us to deliver these this afternoon?
W: Oh, yes, please. That would be lovely.
W: So you are back from your trip to India. How was it?
M: Oh, not bad. But the food wasn't great.
W: How about the weather?
M: We had bright sunshine the whole time.
M: What about our dinner? Eat out or at home?
W: I prefer to go out. What about the restaurants downtown?
M: Those expensive ones? Surely, you don't want to eat at the expensive ones.
W: Not much I don't. They have the best food in town.
W: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?
M: Yes, I'm looking for a T-shirt.
W: What color would you like?
M: Red, please.
W: Here's a nice red T-shirt. Try this on. It fits you very well.
M: Oh, it's not for me. It's for my uncle. He's leaving tomorrow. I want to buy a T-shirt for him before he leaves. But I'll take this one. How much is it?
W: It's one hundred dollars. Do you also want to buy one for yourself? I can give you a 10% discount if you buy two.
M: OK. Give me that blue one, too.
W: What do you think of the suit?
M: It's very nice. But, dear, I'm so nervous.
W: Just relax. I'm sure you will get the job. You're so talented, and you've been preparing for the job for a long time.
M: I know that, but I just can't stop trembling.
W: OK. Come and have breakfast now. I'm sure they all will like you.
M: Where's Lily? Is she still in bed?
W: Yes, she doesn't have to go to school today, I'll go to the park with her this morning. You know, when you get the job, we will both be busy and we won't have much time with her.
M: Yes, you're right. But if I get the job, you won't have to work any longer.
W: That's just what I'm hoping for. OK. Breakfast is ready. Just relax and have breakfast now.
W: Jack, what's wrong? You're not in a good mood.
M: My boss told me not to go to work again.
M: I made a huge mistake at work yesterday. I wouldn't have made the mistake if I had been more careful.
W: You're always careless. So what's your plan now?
M: I must find a new job as soon as possible.
W: But I think you should learn to be more careful before you find a new job, or you'll make the same mistake again.
M: I guess you are right. So, did you have a good time last night?
W: Yes. We played music and danced, but Susan didn't look very happy.
M: If it was your birthday, you wouldn't be happy, either.
W: Yes, you are right. No one wants to get old.
M: Look, what a fine day today!
W: Yes. I like spring very much ... the air is fresh, and flowers can be seen everywhere.
M: Yeah. Do you want to go to a picnic with me tomorrow?
W: I'd like to. How about asking Jenny to go with us?
M: Oh, no. She is busy with her dancing class. You know, there is a very big performance just a week later.
W: Yes, you're right. It's really not good for her to learn dancing. She doesn't have any time with her own parents these days.
M: But she doesn't think so. She likes dancing, and dancing is her life. Will you take your camera with you tomorrow?
W: I want to, but I lent it to Tom yesterday. Do you have one?
M: No, but I'm going to buy one this afternoon.
Are you feeling lonely at home? Got no friends to play with? Why not buy yourself a pet? Johnny's Pets has just opened a new shop near you. At Johnny's Pets, you can find a wide selection of pets. We have cats, dogs and birds of every kind. We also have more special pets for you to choose from. Why not get yourself a spider, a snake or a monkey? They'll be with you all day long. Worried about how to look after them? Don't be. We have in-house trainers who give courses on how to look after your pets in your house. The training courses are free to all customers. Not enough to convince you? We'll also throw in pet food, pet toys and other necessities for your pets. We're totally crazy at Johnny's Pets. Come now and see the amazing prices of our packages. Don't delay. Come to Johnny's Pets today.
第二部分: 词汇知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节: 多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
21.Jack is late again. It is ________ of him to keep others waiting.
A.normal    B.ordinary
22.The young man made a ________ to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation.
23.The company is ________ at training each employee by the end of this year.
24.Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it at her first ________.
C.purpose D.desire
25.Though these dresses are low in quality, they may ________ to women who don't want to spend much on clothes.
26.He seems ________ but at bottom he is kind and good-natured, so he has many friends.
27.When I heard the news that she was going to resign, I was ________ surprised. I was astonished.
A.more than
B.less than
C.other than
D.rather than
28.— Bob, please go and buy some vegetables for me. I'm busy now.
— Can you be more ________, mum?
— Some tomatoes and a cabbage.
29.The applause made it ________ that the play was a hit.
A.obvious    B.distinct
30.Excellent managers have a strong________for doing things rather than talking about situations.
解析:选D。考查preference的用法。have a preference for“偏爱……”。句意:优秀的管理者都特别偏爱做实事而不是夸夸其谈。
Good teachers can always find a way to encourage their students to work hard and learn well. That year, in the local school, there was a __31__ math teacher, as well as some new pupils. One of the new kids was the most stupid child anyone had ever __32__.It made no difference how __33__ or how slowly his classmates tried expla he would always say something very __34__.
Before this boy __35__, math lessons had been the most boring of all. Now they were great __36__.
Encouraged by the new teacher, the children would __37__ the pieces of nonsense said by the new kid, and they would have to correct his __38__.
They all wanted to be the __39__ one to find what he said wrong, and then think up the best way to __40__ it, which didn't seem to make the new kid __41__.
__42__, little Lewis was sure that it would make him feel sad inside. He was sure he would see him __43__. So, one day, he decided to __44__ the new kid when he was on his way home.
After __45__ school, the new kid walked a few minutes to a local park, and there he __46__ for a while until someone came along to meet him. To his __47__, it was the new teacher!
The teacher gave the new kid a hug, and then they went off __48__. Walking behind them, Lewis could __49__ they were talking about math. And that stupid new kid knew everything about it, much more than __50__ else in the class!
解析:选B。根据as well as some new pupils的语境,可知这位老师也是新来的。
37.A.pick out
B.write down
C.throw away
D.listen to
解析:选D。根据Encouraged by the new teacher可知学生们都认真听那个笨学生的回答。38.A.mistakes
解析:选B。根据until someone came along to meet him可知那个笨学生在那里等了几分钟。
解析:选D。根据Walking behind them的语境,可知那个老师跟那个学生是一起离开的。
People have been painting pictures for at least 30,000 years. The earliest pictures were painted by people who hunted animals. They used to paint pictures of the animals they wanted to catch and kill. Pictures of this kind have been found on the walls of caves in France and Spain. No one knows why they were painted there. Perhaps the painters thought that their pictures would help them to catch these animals. Or perhaps human beings have always wanted to tell stories in pictures.
About 5,000 years ago, the Egyptians and other people in the Near East began to use pictures as a kind of writing. They drew simple pictures or signs to represent things and ideas, and also to represent the sounds of their language. The signs these people used became a kind of alphabet.
The Egyptians used to record information and to tell stories by putting pictures together. When an important person died, scenes and stories from his life were painted and carved on the walls of the place where he was buried. Some of these pictures are like modern comic_strip_stories. It has been said that Egypt is the home of the comic strip. But, for the Egyptians, pictures still had magic power. So they did not try to make their way of writing simple. The ordinary people could not understand it.
By the year 1,000 BC, people who lived in the area around the Mediterranean Sea had developed a simpler system of writing. The signs they used were very easy to write, and there were fewer of them than in the Egyptian system. This was because each sign, or letter, represented only one sound in their language. The Greeks developed this system and formed the letters of the Greek alphabet. The Romans copied the idea, and the Roman alphabet is now used all over the world.
These days, we can write down a story, or record information, without using pictures. But we still need pictures of all kinds:drawing, photographs, signs and diagrams. We find them everywhere:in books and newspapers, in the street, and on the walls of the places where we live and work. Pictures help us to understand and remember things more easily, and they can make a story much more interesting.
51.Pictures of animals were painted on the walls of caves in France and Spain because ________.
A.the hunters wanted to see the pictures
B.the painters were animal lovers
C.the painters wanted to show imagination
D.the pictures were thought to be helpful
52.Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.The Egyptian signs later became a particular alphabet.
B.The Egyptians liked to write comic strip stories.
C.The Roman alphabet was developed from the Egyptian one.
D.The Greeks copied their writing system from the Egyptians.
53.In the last paragraph, the author thinks that pictures ________.
A.should be made comprehensible
B.should be made interesting
C.are of much use in our life
D.have disappeared from our life
54.The underlined phrase “comic strip stories” in Paragraph 3 probably means ________.
A.a series of drawn pictures inside boxes that tell a story
B.a funny drawing in a newspaper, often including humorous remarks
C.a short film that is made by photographing a series of drawing
D.a book of stories for children
解析:选A。猜测词义题。通过上下文可知,comic strip stories指“连环漫画故事”,故选A项。
Dear Principal,
I am a Senior Ⅱ student. I am writing to give you some suggestions about how to decorate our school with art works. I think our school should be decorated with some art works, because art is part of life. We can see art works on display in public parks, city squares, shopping streets and public gardens. So we should also have some art works in our school.
The art works will beautify our school and can also be used to educate students. Besides, some art works can enrich our school life.
We should place a statue in our school garden. The statue will make our school garden beautiful. On the outside wall of the classroom, we should hang up some photos of cultural relics with descriptions. Students will learn a lot about cultural relics all over the world. Besides, these photos will also make our teaching buildings more beautiful.On the walls of the lobby, we can put some of the students' paintings, drawings and some other art works. Students will be encouraged and their parents will appreciate them too. We can put photos of famous graduates and also their stories on the pillars (柱子). Their stories will inspire the students to work hard and do more for our school and they will be proud of our school and think highly of our school's management.
We need 24 photos and statues in all for the whole teaching buildings. For the lobby (门廊), the students can decorate it with our own art works. That is the plan of decoration. I do hope you will consider it.
Looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
55.Who suggests to the principal that the school be decorated with art works?
A.One of the students in the principal's school.
B.One student from a different school.
C.One student named Li Hua from a different school.
D.One student who will attend the school next year.
56.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Art works are on display in public places.
B.The art works can educate the students.
C.Art works can make our school life colorful.
D.Art works will cost the school a large sum of money.
57.Whose art works can be placed to decorate the lobby?
A.The students'.
B.The parents'.
C.The famous artist's.
D.The principal's.
58.The art works will benefit ________.
A.the parents and the students
B.the students and the school
C.the principal
D.the environment
Ma Sanli, a late crosstalk master, still inspires (激励) different generations. His works are considered classics to other crosstalk performers.
Ma Sanli was born in Beijing in 1914.Before 1949, when the People's Republic of China was founded, Ma Sanli gave performances at markets, shopping centers and theaters in Beijing and Tianjin. His name spread quickly because of his unique style. Later, he joined the Tianjin Opera Troupe in 1953.
In 1994, he was appointed a special researcher at the China Academy of Arts. Ma Sanli created more than 200 traditional crosstalk performances.
Ma Sanli's performances are full of the feelings of ordinary people. In both his crosstalk and solo (单口的) comic performances, his performing style uses mild but popular local language. Although he displays a style of cool-headed humour, he is very warm-hearted.He enjoys the reputation(名誉) of being an artist of the ordinary people.
The crosstalk artist was particularly good at solo comic dialogues. They are unique in that they always have a social meaning.
Nearly all solo comic dialogues performed by Ma Sanli underline profound meanings through small stories.
On December 8th,2001, Ma Sanli held his farewell performance in Tianjin. It attracted more than 4,500 fans from all parts of China. At that time, he was 88 and had performed crosstalk for 80 years. When he entered the stadium, there was thundering applause.
The audience jumped to its feet to pay its respect and appreciation to the crosstalk performer. Ma Sanli waved back.
After the performance, the headquarters of Shanghai Guinness presented a certificate to him for being devoted the longest to crosstalk.
In addition to being an excellent crosstalker himself, Ma Sanli also trained lots of top-class crosstalkers in China. All are big names in China.
On February 11, 2003, this respectable crosstalk master passed away at the age of 90.It was a great loss to China.
But in his will, Ma Sanli
wrote “I just want to leave smiles on people's faces.”
We will always remember this respected and beloved crosstalker, a true artist of the masses.
59.According to the passage, what is the feature of Ma Sanli's unique style of the performance?
A.Cool-headed humour.
B.Full of the feelings of ordinary people.
C.Good at solo comic dialogues.
D.Have deep meanings.
60.Before the year when New China was founded, Ma Sanli performed as ________.
A.a trade dealer       B.a circus actor
C.an unsuccessful painter
D.a folk artisan
解析:选D。细节查找题。folk artisan的意思是“民间艺人”,根据第二段内容可知。
61.From the passage we can infer that ________.
A.Ma Sanli was cool-hearted but loved to help others
B.no one else performed crosstalk for so many years except Ma Sanli
C.Ma Sanli was better at solo comic performances than crosstalk performances
D.the materials of Ma's solo comic dialogues came from affairs at home and abroad
62.Ma Sanli's favourite title is ________.
A.a crosstalk master
B.a true artist of the masses
C.a special researcher
D.a traditional crosstalker
As a student, you often wonder why you have to take communication and public speaking classes, but in the real sense, such classes are meant to teach us how to develop our communication skills. These classes prepare you in real life where you interact with professors, students, heads of departments, the outside world, and different types of people in different settings and situations.
One instance where you need to have a good communication skill is when you are running for college election in the students' organization. Students are required to elect their leaders who will effectively manage the student body to achieve the goals they have set. Here, the nominated (提名的) students must give an excellent public speech.
Your appointment as a student leader is one where you have to practice and develop your communication skills. As a nominee for any position, you may be invited to give speeches on how you will lead the organization and how you will carry your plans out effectively. This will require you to speak to a large number of students.
Preparing for speeches is one of the better ways to improve skills and find ways to present yourself well by using good communication. To do this, it's important to learn how to make rough drafts ahead of time as to what you plan to say, which is another important step of the learning process. An effective way to begin is to write ideas down on a sheet of paper with short headings.
Getting on the stage, organize your thoughts in your mind and smile to the public, so that you express your thoughts properly. Since it is a campaign and you would have to try to influence and attract the audience, you have to be very confident and enthusiastic about the elections.
Send your message across the whole audience in a clear and understandable voice tone. It is the nature of the speaker to be very firm and decisive (果断的) in the message he wants to send. This should be your speaking style. Speak in such a way that you must let your audience know your point and give a good impression that you can be an effective leader.
63.What can we infer from the first paragraph?
A.The writer thinks that students should communicate with others directly.
B.The writer was a student and organizer of one of communication organizations.
C.The writer tries to attract students to his communication classes.
D.The writer is in favor of students' attending communication classes.
64.According to the passage, if a college student plans to compete in a college election, he should ________.
A.communicate with his professors and head of the department
B.speak to a large number of students frequently
C.own excellent public speaking skills
D.be able to get on well with different people
65.What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.What speech style a nominee should have.
B.How to act with the audience in a speech.
C.Why a speaker should express his idea clearly.
D.How to be a leader in a college organization.
66.The passage is mainly about ________.
A.how to give a wonderful public speech in college election
B.why students should learn to make public speeches
C.the importance of attending public speaking classes
D.the benefits of running for college election
About twenty years ago I had the pleasure of teaching a disabled young woman. Not only was she good at math and science, but she was also extremely talented in art.
She could draw and paint beautifully.
When Audrey graduated from university she got two degrees, one in fine arts and one in chemistry.
Not too many people do well in two such different areas of study.
Just before her high school graduation, Audrey gave me a wonderful gift.
It was a watercolor painting of a mother and her baby. A tear fell from the mother's eye as she looked lovingly at her child. Beneath the painting Audrey had written these words:“The deep love from Mother, through me,
touches another.”
What a beautiful gift!
I had the piece of art framed (给……做框) and hung in my office.
Years passed with many moves from one office to another and I lost the painting.
Last year,
after about eight years of not knowing where it was,
I received a phone call from a former colleague who said she had something of mine.
It was the picture Audrey had painted for me 18 years earlier.
When cleaning out a storage room she had discovered my gift.
I was struck that the precious gift came back.
I knew Audrey very well.
When she was four years old Audrey had a serious disease. What's worse, her father left the house.
It was her mother who brought her up with much trouble.
She survived the disease but was disabled.
To any other it is just a painting,
but to me it shows how a mother's love has helped develop a talent and how its power pushes me ahead.
67.What made Audrey different from others was that she ________.
A.could draw and paint beautifully
B.was expert in math and chemistry
C.got two degrees in two different fields
D.was a student in a key university
68.How did the author regain the painting?
A.She found it from one office.
B.One of her former colleagues found it.
C.She found it in a storage room.
D.Audrey found it for her.
69.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The author's feeling.
B.Audrey's family.
C.Audrey's experience.
D.The author's experience.
70.Why does the author value the painting so much?
A.It was painted by her most talented student.
B.The painting can be worth a lot of money.
C.The art value of the painting is immeasurable.
D.The painting encourages her to advance.
解析:选D。推理判断题。根据最后一段的it shows how a mother's love has helped develop a talent and how its power pushes me ahead确定D项正确。
What you had felt was a loss ended up what you gained.
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