
小学英语日记带翻译100字:MY BIRTHDAY
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  Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We felt that we were the happiest men in the world.Time passed quickly. In a twinkling, the clock on the wall struck nine. We could not but say “Good-bye” to one another.  昨天是我生日,所以有几位我的同班同学送我礼。母亲给我准备一个茶会。我邀请他们都前来参加。茶会下午六点半开始。有冷饮和点心。我们又吃又谈又笑。我们觉得是世界上最快乐的人。时间过得很快。转瞬间,墙上的钟敲九点了。我们不得不互道再见。  1&&&
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Copyright & 2004- 网 All Rights Reserved 中国科学院研究生院权威支持(北京) 电 话:010- 传 真:010-去动物园的英语作文带翻译
【 - 动物类英语作文】
  Rare sun yet prove this weekend, my mother took me to go to the zoo to see animals. Sit in the car, when we looked around, the side of the road, in the fields, green tender stretch the grass swaying are everywhere. Open the window, I do not know when, brisk dongfeng stealth, warm warm spring breeze stroke face and come, gentle kiss on my cheek. My mother and I all can not help but sing happy songs, shed down all the way to meet the spring breeze singing away.
  After a while, haven't got to the zoo, in far saw a sea of people, inside a in the first see is a group of cute little monkey, some on the roc Some play in the tree, is so cute!
  We came to the area where there are a lot of fierce tiger tiger, they bared his teeth one by one, start to walk road, imposing, on the head with a big king word, no wonder they have the laudatory title of &the king of beasts&!
  Then we went to the garden, the snake I saw a cobra, mother said cobra is a poisonous snake, if bitten by it would be poisoning, lane is bad to be hopeless, I heard a little scared. The snake is about three meters long long, color spots, climb on the ground with the mouth looks very terror, like to eat people. Finally, we came to the giraffe garden, only giraffe some high some low in garden leisurely walking up and down. Its color similar to the cheetah, striped, very beautiful, added a beautiful scenery line to the zoo.
  Unconsciously it's time to go home, the night has been gradually dark down, I went home to sit on the car, I'm really looking forward to the zoo next time.
  接着我们来到了蛇园,我看到了一条眼镜蛇,妈妈说眼镜蛇是一种很毒的蛇,只要被它咬了肯定会中毒,弄不好会无药可救,我听了有点害怕。这条蛇长大约有三米长,颜色花斑的,爬在地上张着嘴巴看起来很恐眩孟褚匀怂频摹 最后我们来到了长颈鹿园,一只只长颈鹿有的高有的矮在园里慢悠悠的走来走去。它的颜色跟猎豹差不多,有斑纹的,很漂亮,给动物园增添了一条美丽的风景线。
  Have you ever been to the zoo? Have you ever seen a real rare animals? Or only seen on TV? Let me take you to hangzhou zoo to play!
  It is a sunny morning, my mother and I got up very early, early came to hangzhou zoo, we bought the tickets and entered the zoo, there were so many people in the zoo! Old, small, their three group, five groups, really busy! The lush trees, green green, like a big awning, as if to the world of green.
  We walked along the winding path, first came to the home of the giraffe, I saw the empty space, two giraffes free walking up and down, while the elongation neck, with relish eating side of tender leaves, and for a moment with the body, with his head down as if mused on what, I was on the side of rail look carefully, suddenly, a bell rings, the original is an elephant, it's time to show, my mother and I ran, I saw a few people in perform as an elephant. The elephant a rolled up the nose, while elongation nose spray, can be fun. We came to the tiger hill, at this time, I saw the one and only, a lot of people there taking pictures! I went also took, &kacha, kacha& I took many pictures. We went to the cave, there are many real tiger, I read in the past, the rows of some tigers in the sleeping, with how people noisy noisy don't wake up it, also slept can, some tiger walking up and down in the above, eyeing looking at people, and the tiger on the ground of waste their lazily in the sun. There are many animals in the zoo, such as the fat panda, called the king of beasts, the lion, and some unknown animal, is really let me open horizon.
  Unconsciously, time flies, the sun went to bed already came out of the zoo, we had to reluctantly.
  我们沿着弯弯曲曲的小路,先来到了长颈鹿的家,只见空旷的场地上,两只长颈鹿自由自在的走来走去,一会儿伸长了脖子,津津有味的吃着一旁嫩嫩的树叶,一会儿弯着身子,低着头好像在沉思着什么,栏杆边上的我正看得认真,忽然,一阵铃声响起,原来是大象表演节目的时间到了,我和妈妈赶紧跑过去,我看见有几个人在跟大象做表演,大象一会儿卷起鼻子,一会儿伸长鼻子喷水,可有趣了。我们又来到了虎山,这时,我看见了一只石虎,很多人在那儿拍照呢!我也上去拍了,&咔、咔&我拍了好多照片。我们又来到了山洞里,里面有许多真正的老虎,我一排排的看过去,有的老虎在呼呼地睡大觉,人们怎么吵也吵不醒它,睡得可香了,有的老虎在上面走来走去,虎视眈眈的看着人们,还有的老虎趴在地上懒洋洋地鹱盘簟 动物园里有许许多多的动物,如胖乎乎的熊猫,人称兽中之王的狮子,还有一些不知名的动物,真是让我大开了眼界。
We are going to the zooToday,I and my parents are going to the zoo to see all kinds of beautiful animals.Here are many kinds of animals such as dolphins,tigers,lions,and monkeys.They are so smart and ...
【 - 动物园】
  要写动物园的,看看下面的动物园作文吧!  动物园作文100字以上【1】  今天,姨姨带着我去逛动物园,作文 逛动物园。  动物园可大啦!一进门往前走就能看到鸵鸟。鸵鸟的身材可大哩!我看到了觅食的鸵鸟,也看到了歇息的鸵鸟。  我也去了猴园,我看到了有的小猴在觅食,有的小猴在荡秋千。我还看到了一只母猴抱着她的小宝宝。母猴子抱着小猴子,小猴子也抱着他的母亲,它们母子转来转去,母猴子还给小猴子找食物呢!  我还看见了大老虎和非洲狮,但是大老虎的额头上没有“王”这个字。非洲狮可威武了。有人还给他照相呢!我还听到的的叫声!  我也见了狗熊,狗熊的身材可高大啦!爪子比人的手还大呢!我问姨姨“姨姨,狗熊吃不吃人啊?”姨姨说“当然吃啦!”  我们也看到了孔雀,但是这孔雀就是不开屏,姨姨问“你看这孔雀,怎么不开个屏啊?”我说“孔雀喜欢在人多的地方开屏,这样热闹啊!”  我们还见了看见了白孔雀,但是我们没有看见开屏,我们看见了图片上的白孔雀可漂亮啦!  我们还看见了骆驼,骆驼的背上好像背着两座山,骆驼好大呀。我真想骑在它的背上呀!  我们看见了一种特殊的鸡,也不知道叫啥名儿,脖子上的羽毛都翘着,姨姨和妈妈不约而同的说:“看,这多想家里喂的公鸡,小学三年级作文《作文 逛动物园》。”我忍不住就给笑起来了。  我们还看到了野鸭在水里游呢!有的从这边飞到那边接着游,真好玩!  看着这些可爱的动物们,真的不愿意离开,我只好怀着恋恋不舍的心情回家了。  动物园作文100字以上【2】  今天天气很给力,不热也不冷,我们一家人一起去了景山动物园,那儿一定有许多我没见过的小动物,所以我非常好奇。我们喜出望外的出发,一路上我们有说有笑。  到了景山动物园,下车时一股清淡的桂花香扑鼻而来,我迫不及待的想玩了,买完票就从东门进去了,不一会就到了游乐场,有碰碰车、旋转木马等等。但最吸引人的还是那双人飞天,我和爸爸买完游戏票以后,我就冲了进去,一开始还不怎么刺激,到了后来,旋转角度就变成了90度,这才叫刺激呢!双人飞天一直转圈,转的我头昏眼花,都快分不清方向了。坐完以后,我摇摇晃晃的走出来,差点就撞树上了。之后我还玩了许多游戏,玩好了以后,就要去看小动物了。  一眼望到的是北极狼了它的白雪白雪白的,就像雪似的,看起来毛茸茸的,真想摸一摸。它家隔壁就是海豚了,咦?在哪呢?(那时候太阳照下来看不清)呀!它飞起来了,身穿一件黑白相间的衣裳,美美的。  最可爱的还是小企鹅了,有一个红红的小嘴,肚皮白白的,穿着一件黑大衣,摇摇摆摆地走着路,更有趣的是,我把手指放在玻璃前上下摆动,它的嘴也一起跟着摆动,我摆多快,它就摆多快。怎么样?有趣吧!  之后我们还看了海狮表演,它可厉害了,会用嘴巴顶着球,然后用身体摆出一个优美的舞姿,还会单脚走路,完成我们不能完成的动作,很牛吧!  看完海狮表演,之后就来到了莲湖观鱼,一条条鱼争先恐后从水中地伸出头来,有的头上还有一个白白的小珍珠呢!很可爱。  后来我们还玩了许多游戏,看了许多动物呢!之后就依依不舍的回家了。
来源:  【】 
  The summer holiday begins. I am very happy. Last week, I traveled to Zhuhai. It‘s a small but beautiful city. The streets are clean and the buildings are huge. The traffic of Zhuhai is good. There is almost no traffic jams here,because the transportation system is good. Macau is on the opposite of Zhuhai.We can even see the cars running in the streets of Macau. I hope I can step into Macau to visti this magical city.  暑假开始了,我很开心。上周,我到珠海旅游了。它是个很小但是很美的城市。街道干净,楼很高。珠海的交通很好,几乎没有交通堵塞,因为交通系统很发达。澳门就在珠海对面。我们甚至可以看到在澳门大街上奔跑的车辆。我希望可以踏入澳门这座魔幻之城旅游。1&&&
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