big hero 字幕的英语好句外加翻译

那么,有恐怖飞蛾的地方,就一定有飞蛾的死对头,大兵(CY-Soldier),在Hiro的房间书架上。&& & & & & & & & & & & & & 《无敌破坏王》中的大兵&迪士尼电影中,无处不在的米奇头&老规矩,迪士尼电影里,当然也少不了隐藏的米奇这回在《超能陆战队》里,它们分别藏在夜色掩映中的集装箱上:&&和Hiro的球鞋上:
【剧情简介】 Plot
The film is set in a fictional futuristic hybrid metropolis called San
Fransokyo (a portmanteau of San Francisco and Tokyo).
Hiro Hamada is a young genius and robotics expert who spends his time
participating in back alley robot fights. His older brother Tadashi, worried
that Hiro is wasting his potential, takes Hiro to the robotics lab at his school--the
San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. There, Hiro meets Tadashi's closest
friends: Go Go Tomago, Wasabi, Honey Lemon and Fred as well as Baymax (a
personal healthcare robot Tadashi created). Hiro also meets Professor Robert
Callaghan, the head of the robotics program.
Amazed by the students' projects, Hiro decides enroll in the school.
With help from Tadashi and his friends, Hiro designs his own robotics project
in order to gain a personal invitation via an annual exhibition. His invention,
Microbots (a type of nanorobotics which he can control telepathically through a
neural-cranial transmitter), impresses Callaghan, who offers Hiro an invitation
to the school. His project also impresses Alistair Krei (owner of the
prestigious robotics company Krei Tech). Krei offers to buy Hiro's microbots,
but Callaghan successfully convinces Hiro not to make the deal.
As they leave to celebrate Hiro's success, a fire suddenly breaks out
in the exhibition hall. Tadashi rushes in to rescue Callaghan, but the building
explodes and kills Tadashi and apparently Callaghan (off-screen). As a result
of losing his brother and best friend, Hiro shuts himself away in his room and
isolates himself from others for two weeks.
One day, Hiro accidentally activates Baymax, who responded to Hiro's
cry of pain. As Hiro attempts to deactivate Baymax, he discovers a single
microbot that was left in his jacket. Hiro believes its movement is due to a
malfunction, but Baymax believes it is trying to go somewhere. Baymax follows the
microbot to an abandoned warehouse just as Hiro catches up. There, they
discover that someone has been mass producing Hiro's microbots before they are
attacked by a masked man controlling the microbots telepathically. Realizing
this man has stolen his project, Hiro decides to catch him and upgrades Baymax
with battle armor and various fighting moves. Following their single microbot
again, they find the masked man at the harbor and attempt to pull a surprise
attack, but are unable to when Go Go, Wasabi, Honey and Fred arrive in a car
(because Baymax had contacted them earlier, thinking that a great way to help
Hiro was to contact his friends). The masked man attacks them as they flee in
the car. They land in the water and nearly drown, but Baymax floats them up to
safety. Wet and freezing, Fred suggests that they rest in an enormous mansion
that he reveals to be his home. After realizing that Baymax had scanned the
masked man, Hiro decides to upgrade Baymax further so he can scan the entire
city to find him. Hiro also upgrades his friends and provides them with
supersuits of their own.
When scanning the entire city, Baymax locates the masked man on a
quarantined Akuma Island off-shore from the city. There, the group discovers a
former Krei Tech lab that was experimenting with teleportation technology. The
test went awry when one of the portals became unstable and the human test pilot
got lost and presumably died. Because of this, they suspect that Krei is the
masked man. When the masked man appears, they attempt to steal his mask, where
they deduce the transmitter is located. Despite some difficulties, they succeed
in unmasking him and he is revealed to be Professor Callaghan, who explains
that he survived by using Hiro's microbots. Upon realizing that Tadashi died
for nothing, he angrily removes Baymax's healthcare chip and orders him to kill
Callaghan by crushing him with his bare hands. Go Go, Fred, Wasabi and Honey
are able to stop Baymax and reinsert his chip, but Callaghan escapes in the
process. Angry at the four for preventing him from getting revenge, Hiro leaves
with Baymax. Hiro attempts to remove Baymax's healthcare chip again, but Baymax
objects to this, not wanting to become a mindless killing machine again, and
asks him if killing Callaghan will make him feel better. Baymax then shows
several video recordings of Tadashi during Baymax's development. Hiro realizes
that killing Callaghan is not what Tadashi would want and he makes amends with
his friends.
After examining more footage of the teleporter test, they discover that
the test pilot was none other than Callaghan's daughter Abigail and realize
that Callaghan is seeking revenge on Krei, whom he blames for her demise. Using
the microbots, Callaghan repairs the portal device so it will become unstable
and destroy everything Krei loves: his business. The heroes arrive, battle
Callaghan and manage to neutralize the microbots and take the transmitter from
him. However, the portal remains active and is becoming increasingly unstable.
As everyone prepares to leave, Baymax detects female life signs from
within the portal. Realizing that it must be Abigail, they rush in to save her.
However, on their way out, Baymax's armor is damaged and the only way to save
Hiro and Abigail is to send them through with his rocket fist. Hiro refuses to
leave Baymax behind, but Baymax convinces him that it is the only option.
Baymax asks Hiro if he is satisfied with his care, to which Hiro says yes and
Baymax deactivates. Hiro and Abigail make it back through the portal and
Callaghan is arrested.
Later, as Hiro settles into Tadashi's old lab, he discovers Baymax's
healthcare chip (which contains his entire personality as well) within the
rocket hand. He successfully rebuilds Baymax's body and reactivates him and
they happily reunite. The six friends then continue their exploits through the
city, helping those in need as the Big Hero 6.
In a post-credit's scene, Fred, back at his mansion, talks to a photo
of his father, telling him he'd be proud of him. Fred accidentally opens a
secret door and, upon entering, finds weapons, armor and superhero gear. His
father (voiced by Stan Lee) arrives and states that they have a lot to talk
about before the two embrace.翻译专家吐槽外片译名 大白译为英雄联盟更靠谱
一般来说,外国电影名称的翻译大致可以分为直译、音译、意译、音译兼意译等方法。与其他类型的外国作品的文字翻译一样,要想出色地翻译外国电影名称,也同样需要遵循信达雅的原则。这方面成功的例子很多。如1975年获得奥斯卡金像奖5项大奖的著名影片《飞越疯人院》,它的原名是《One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest》,Cuckoo是指杜鹃、布谷鸟,但Cuckoo’s Nest则是指一类特殊医院――精神病医院,所以,翻译成《飞越疯人院》使中国观众对于影片讲述的故事有了大致的了解,若直译为《飞越杜鹃窝》则会让人不知所云,逊色很多。
有才的网友们总结出了外国电影译名的十佳和十差。最被推崇的是一部几乎家喻户晓的老片子《魂断蓝桥》。该片原名《Waterloo Bridge》,直译为《滑铁卢桥》,这显然不能让人一目了然地了解剧情。译者巧妙地引入“蓝”,因为“蓝”在英语中有“忧伤”之意,“蓝”又暗合主人公相识、相爱、分手的夜晚氛围。《魂断蓝桥》4个字在紧扣该片主题的同时,也将影片的意境描写得淋漓尽致。
而在被网友诟病的“十差”影片译名中,有1997年出品的美国电影《As Good as It Gets》。它讲述的是一位孤僻、苛刻的作家和一只小狗及一个女人的故事,表现了都市中年男女在生活和感情上经历的压抑和无奈。这是一部表面轻松,实则有些晦涩和压抑的影片。被翻译为《尽善尽美》,是完全按照英文字面意思来的,并没有表现出影片真正的含义。除《尽善尽美》外,该片还有几个中文译名:《爱在心头口难开》、《猫屎先生》、《渐入佳境》。孰优孰劣,见仁见智。
近来,一个萌态可掬的充气机器人在年轻人中受到青睐,它叫“大白”,是动画片《超能陆战队》(原名《Big Hero 6》)中的主人公。对外经济贸易大学英语学院翻译学系葛林老师对这个片名的翻译持保留意见。他说,无论是直译或是意译,都要保留作品的核心思想,不能误导观众。该部电影只有两个主角,既不是讲述6人组的故事,也与“陆战队”无关。另外,翻译成《超能陆战队》,也与该片的英文名字无关。相比较,香港翻译成《大英雄联盟》要靠谱一点。
同样一部电影《Pretty Woman》就有3个翻译版本:《风月俏佳人》、《漂亮女人》、《麻雀变凤凰》。《漂亮女人》是直译,《麻雀变凤凰》与影片内容契合,但似乎都少了一点“雅”。相比较而言,《风月俏佳人》则略胜一筹。
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英语好词好句 带翻译
英语好词好句 带翻译
A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善终.A bad thing never dies.遗臭万年.A bad workman always blames his tools.不会撑船怪河弯.A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林.A boaster and a liar are cousins-german.吹牛与说谎本是同宗.A bully is always a coward.色厉内荏.A burden of one's choice is not felt.爱挑的担子不嫌重.A candle lights others and consumes itself.蜡烛照亮别人,却毁灭了自己.A cat has 9 lives.猫有九条命.A cat may look at a king.猫也可以打量国王,意为人人平等.A close mouth catches no flies.病从口入.这几句怎么样?
Snap was the boss boss of Blossom Street.He was good with people on Blossom Street.His job was easy .He had to making sure that dogs and cats on the street were in their places.One day ,his owner move away with him .Their neiboard came out to wave as them.By the time they got to the new house Snap had a plan.Dogs which lived on the new house’s street are not friendly.So,Snap went back the Blossom Street when his owner got to work.Every children on Blossom Street was very happy.Snap went home when his owner go home.At last,his owner know this thing.Reports toke photos of him.Next day everyone saw him on the front page.(是老板的老板提前开花街.他是很受人在花朵街.他的工作是容易的.他必须确保在街上的狗和猫在他们的地方.有一天,他的主人和他离开.他们的neiboard出来波作为他们.当他们到达新房子提前有一个计划.狗住在新房子的街道并不友好.所以,提前回到了花朵街当主人上班.每个孩子在花朵街非常高兴.提前回家当他的主人回家.最后,他的老板知道这件事.报告给小费他的照片.第二天,每个人都看见他在头版.)
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