go straight onalong是什么意思

go down ,go along ,go straight 有什么区别?go down ,go along ,go straight 是什么意思?有什么区别?仅限于问路_百度作业帮
go down ,go along ,go straight 有什么区别?go down ,go along ,go straight 是什么意思?有什么区别?仅限于问路
  go straight  na.1.搞明白  2.直奔,一直  3.单刀直入  In a few days,the website will let tourists print the tickets,allowing them to go straight to the entrance,she said.再过几天,这个网站可让游客打印门票让他们“直奔”门口,她说.  v.1.下降;沉没  2.减弱;平静  3.屈服  go down  na.1.消逝,转瞬  2.落;沉没;消失;沉下去  The reputation of the building is so bad that even neighbouring houses on each side of it have also gone down in value.  那座建筑的名声是那么坏,就连两旁邻近的房屋也都落了价.  3.载入;名垂青史;被记录下来  eg That speech will go down in history.  这篇讲话一定会载入史册的.  4.喜欢;受欢迎,反应好  eg Let not the sun go down on your wrath.  不要让你的愤怒过夜.  go along  v.1.进行  You may have some difficulties first but you′ll find it easier as you go along.  最初你或许有些困难,但过些时候你会觉得好些.  na.1.前进  2.全力以赴,鼓足干劲  3.同意  The Joint Chiefs seemed to be going contentedly along.  参谋长联席会议看来是欣然同意的.  4.顺从  I too was supposed to go along.  我应当也顺从.  5.一路  Don't you want someone to go along with you?  难道你不想有人和你一道去?  大概就这些,楼主看看能不能明白.
扫描下载二维码go down与go straight down用法有什么不同?
go down与go straight down用法有什么不同?
你好,go straight on 是词组,意为“直走”“直接去”,“勇往直前”等意思。一般情况下go straight on+ 宾语例如: 1.Turn left at the next corner and go straight on(下一个拐角左转然后直走) 2.Go straight on untill you come to a shop.(直走,直到一家商店为止) 3.Don't give up just go stright on!(别放弃,要勇往直前!) go straight down表“顺着,沿着……往前走”,比如go straight down the road就是“沿着这条路往前走”例句: She saw all her plans go down the tubes. 看到她所有的计划付之东流 go straight down the tubes 付诸东流 是一句成语,表示所有的努力都白费了。
其他回答 (3)
go down 有价格等下降
go straight down 是表示直走
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你想表达什么意思? 指路最好用go straight down 你用go down 也没错
沉下; 落下; 降低Go down and see who is at the door, please.请下去看看谁在门口。被接受; 受欢迎, 得到赞同The play went down quite well.这出戏很受欢迎。被记录在案That remark will go down in history.那番评论将载入史册。被打败They soon went down in defeat.他们很快就失败了。停止; 结束Go down to the bottom of the page and then stop.念到这一页底下停止。考试不及格I'm afraid he has gone down again.我担心他又没及格。
go straight down
沿着……一直走 【摘要】 39 go straight down 沿着一直走 40 Here it is 就在这儿 41 How's the weather天气 xzf.2000y.net - 相关网页 评价:
go straight up/down
直直向上/下走 【摘要】 13 go straight updown 直直向上下走 14 turn leftrightback 向左右后 15 on the
- 相关网页 评价: 该结果不好。 确认 取消该结果很好。 确认 取消
go straight(down/on/along)
一直走 【摘要】 go straightdownonalong, 一直走. go swimming, 去游泳. go to bed, 去睡觉. go to
- 相关网页 评价: 该结果不好。 确认 取消该结果很好。 确认 取消
go straight down this road
沿着这条路直走 【摘要】 They are ready to supply food without limit His knowledge of history is rather
- 相关网页 评价:
** go down 的意思有:
下去;(船等)下沉;下降 ;(日)落
下行;去某地;例如:go down the street 沿着这条街走
例如:go down on one's knees跪下;屈膝
例如:go down with 染上疾病;
go down swinging虽败犹荣
被载人,传下去 ;被记录下来
例: go down in history载入史册
当用作走路时,go down 含有“下行”,“下坡”的意思,这个“路”可能是“崎岖的”,“缓慢的”
而 go straight down 的意思是“一直走,笔直走”,这个“路”走的可能“轻快”多了。
go down the street,这个street 可能是弯的但没叉路,可以沿着它走。
go straight down the street,这个street 肯定是直的,但它会有很多路口。
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号go straight go down go on go along go straight down 怎么区别_百度作业帮
go straight go down go on go along go straight down 怎么区别
go along :(1).前进;进行;继续 (2). 同意;合作; (3)沿着……走 go along with :赞成;支持;随行, go on :继续进行;发生, go down :(1)下落,下沉 (2)下降,降低,减低,减弱 go straight : (1)一直往前走 (2)一直走 (3)改邪归正 go straight down : 沿着……直走 希望你满意哦^_^
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