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2014年职称英语教材卫生类概括大意与完成句子第九篇:Aspirin — a New Miracle Drug
发布日期: 13:56
第九篇:Aspirin & a New Miracle Drug
1. Using aspirin, an over-the-counter pill on sale1 in every supermarket without a prescription, to treat serious circulatory disease may seem almost like quackery. But today doctors recognize this drug as a potent compound as important as antibiotics, digitalis and other miracle drugs.
2. In its natural form as willow bark and leaves, this remarkable remedy dates back to Hippocrates2. In 1829 the chemical in the willow tree that can relieve pain and reduce fever was discovered to be salicin. By 1899 the Bayer Company in Germany had marketed a variant, acetylsalicylic acid,3 under the name of aspirin.
3. Since then, aspirin and confounds containing aspirin have been taken by tens of millions of arthritis patients. As a pain killer aspirin is, according to one study, more effective than all other analgesics and narcotics available for oral use. It also acts on4 the body&s thermostat, turning down fever.
4. But some of its powers remained unsuspected until recently. In 1950 the late Dr. Craven wrote to a small western medical journal about 400 overweight, sedentary male patients to whom he had given one or two aspirin tablets a day. None had had a heart attack. He enlarged his group to 8,000 and in 1956 reported:&Not a single case of detectable coronary or cerebral thrombosis5 & and &no major stroke& had occurred in patients who had taken one or two tablets daily for from one to ten years. But his observations were largely ignored.
5. Then Dr. Vane proved that aspirin turned off the body&s prostaglandins6 hormonelike chemicals that can be secreted by every cell. Some potent prostaglandins are harmful compounds that create fever, pain and arthritis. One of them stimulates platelets in the blood to begin forming clots inside arteries. Aspirin blocks this dangerous effect.
6. Vane&s finding caused some researchers to recall Craven&s 1956 observations, which now had a possible scientific explanation. Numerous studies were begun to find out whether aspirin could indeed inhibit heart attacks and stroke.
7. In 1972, ten US medical institutions began two &double-blind& trials7 of 303 patients who suffered from transient ischemic attacks (TIAs)8. Four aspirin tablets a day were given to 153 patients, while placebo tablets were given to 150. Neither patients nor doctors knew which was which. After six months, the patients on aspirin had experienced much fewer TIAs, and fewer strokes and deaths from strokes than the &controls&. The results were so conclusive that aspirin has been used for this purpose widely.
quackery/ˈkw&kəri/ n.江湖医术
narcotic/nɑ:ˈkɔtɪk/ n.麻醉药;adj.麻醉的
potent /ˈpəutənt/ adj.有效力的
thermostat/ˈ&ɜ:məˌst&t/ n.恒温器
antibiotic/ˌ&ntɪbaɪˈɔtɪk,ˌ&ntaɪ-/ n.抗生素;adj.抗生的
sedentary /ˈsednˌteri:/ adj.坐着的
digitalis/ˌdidʒiˈteilis/ n.毛地黄,洋地黄
prostaglandin/ˌprɔstəˈgl&ndɪn/n. 前列腺素
willow/ˈwiləu/ n.柳树
platelet/ˈpleitlit/ n.(血)小板
bark/bɑ:k/n. 树皮
clot/klɒt/n. 凝块,血块
salicin/ˈs&lisin/n. 水杨醇葡萄糖甙(镇痛药)
artery/ˈɑ:təri/n. 动脉
variant/ˈveəri:ənt,ˈv&r-/n. 变种;adj.变异的
placebo/pləˈsi:bəʊ/n. 安慰剂,安慰剂治疗
arthritis/ɑ:ˈ&raɪtɪs/n. 关节炎
control/kənˈtrəul/n. 对照,对照物
analgesic/kənˈtrəul/ n.止痛药;adj.止痛的
1.&&& an over-the-counter pill on sale:摆在柜台上(不需处方)出售的药丸
on sale:(商店的货物等供)出售的
2.&&& this remarkable remedy dates back to Hippocrates:这种疗效显着的治疗剂可以回溯到希波克拉底时代
date back to:追溯,回溯至
Hippocrates:希波克拉底(公元前460 &公元前370),希腊医生,世称&医学之父&
3.&&& acetylsalicylic acid:乙酰水杨酸
4.&&& act on:对&&起作用
5.&&& coronary or cerebral thrombosis :冠状动脉血栓(形成)或者脑血栓(形成)
6.&&& turn off the body&s prostaglandins:改变身体前列腺素的有害作用turn off:避开(问题等);使改变方向
7.&&& &double-blind&trial:&双盲&试验(指在药物临床评价时不让病人和医务人员知道所试药物究属何种)
8.&&& transient ischemic attack (TIA):一次性缺血发作
1.&&& Paragraph 2 &&&&&&&&&&
2.&&& Paragraph 3 &&&&&&&&&&
3.&&& Paragraph 5 &&&&&&&&&&
4.&&& Paragraph 7 &&&&&&&&&&
A&&&& Confirmation of the New Effect
B&&&& Pain-relieving and Fever-reducing Effects of Aspirin
C&&&& The Ignored Significant Observations
D&&&& The Origin of Aspirin
E&&&&& An Explanation of Craven&s Observations
F&&&&& Further Findings of Dr. Vane
5.&&& In the middle of the last century Craven made &&&&&&&&&&.
6.&&& It is Bayer Company &&&&&&&&&&.
7.&&& There is a prostaglandin &&&&&&&&&&.
8.&&& Numerous studies concluded &&&&&&&&&&.
A&&&& that aspirin has a positive effect on heart attacks and strokes
B&&&& two &double-blind& trials of patients with heart disease
C&&&& that first produced aspirin for sale
D&&&& the unsuspected effect on pain and fever
E&&&&& important observations on the effects of aspirin
F&&&&& that may cause clots to be formed in the arteries
第九篇:Aspirin & a New Miracle Drug
1.&&& D第二段叙述了从希波克拉底时代开始使用柳树皮和柳树叶来止痛、退烧到德国拜尔公司率先制造出阿司匹林出售的过程,故D应为正确答案。
2.&&& B第三段只讲阿司匹林的止痛和退烧两种作用。
3.&&& F第五段讲道Dr. Vane的新发现,证明阿司匹林可以阻断一种前列腺素引起动脉血管内凝血的有害作用,故F为正确答案。
4.&&& A第七段叙述了美国10个医疗机构所进行的&双盲&试验,结论证实了以前所提出的阿司匹林具有预防中风和血栓形成的作用,故A为正确答案。
5.&&& E第四段叙述了Dr. Craven在20世纪50年代对阿司匹林能预防心血管疾病的重要观察资料。
6.&&& C第二段最后一句说的就是拜尔公司率先以阿司匹林的商品名出售乙酰水杨酸的。
7.&&& F第五段最后两句说的就是有一种前列腺素能刺激血小板形成动脉内的血块,而阿司匹林可以阻断它的有害作用。
8.&&& A此题答案的根据是第六段和第七段。第六段最后一句说开始了大量研究以证明阿司匹林是否能抑制心脏病发作和中风。第七段最后一句对此给出了肯定的结论,而且目前阿司匹林已被广泛应用于这个目的。
22:04:55 来源:新东方在线
  Health Education  1 Health education is the part of health care that is concerned with
promoting healthy behavior. A person's behavior may be the main cause of a
health problem, but it can also be the main solution. This is true for the
teenager who smokes, the mother with the poorly nourished (营养) child, and the
butcher (屠夫,卖肉的人) who gets a cut on his finger. By changing their behavior these
inpiduals can solve and prevent many of their own problems.  2 Health education does not replace other health services, but it is needed
to promote the proper use of these services. One example of this is immunization
(免疫): scientists have made many vaccines (疫苗) to prevent diseases, but this
achievement is of no value unless people go to receive the immunization.  3 Health education encourages behavior that promotes health, prevents
illness, cures disease, and contributes to recovery. The needs and interests of
inpiduals, families, groups, organizations, and communities are at the heart of
health education programs. Thus there are many opportunities for practicing
health education.  4 Health education is not the same thing as health information. Correct
information is certainly a basic part of health education, but health education
must also address the other factors that affect health behavior such as
availability (可获性) of resources, effectiveness of community leadership, social
support from family members, and levels of self-help skills. Health education
therefore uses a variety of methods to help people understand their own
situations and choose actions that will improve their health. Health education
is incomplete unless it encourages involvement and choice by the people
themselves.  5 Also, in health education we do not blame people if they do not behave in
a healthy way. Often unhealthy behavior is not the fault of the inpidual. In
health education we must work with families, communities, and even regional and
national authorities to make sure that resources and support are available to
enable each inpidual to lead a healthy life.  1 Paragraph 2_______________.  2 Paragraph 3_______________.  3 Paragraph 4_______________.  4 Paragraph 5_______________.  5 Promoting healthy behavior is the goal of_______________.  6 Immunization helps to_______________.  A Addressing a Variety of Behavior-affecting Factors  B Importance of Immunization  C Relationship with Other Health Services  D Creation of Necessary Conditions for Healthy Behavior  E Encouraging Unhealthy Behavior  F Encouragement of Behavior Good for Your Health& & 本文选自新东方在线论坛。
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