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Title: CHKN
Genre: , , ,
Release Date: 1 Apr, 2016
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&We have a large and enthusiastic community that love to give us suggestions, tell us how they feel about the game, and give us feedback. By releasing on Early Access we are allowing our community to come along with us on a development journey of weirdness and discovery.&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&Six months to a year.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&The full version will have more player customization (something the community has requested a lot). Creatures will have real memories and natural essentially a more advanced empathic intelligence AI. The game will go from one geographic location to an infinitely generated world, where players can explore to find new resources, creatures and landscapes. Many, many more creatures and structure types will be added. Down the line we will also add a persistent online environment.&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&Early Access includes creative and adventure mode. Our empathic intelligence AI 1.0 is completed with creatures able to learn their environment, develop relationships with fellow creatures, with the player as well as with objects in the game. Creatures are able to express a range of dynamic emotions. The geographical terrain is limit a tropical island. Newer features not available to the public till now include structure building, egg hunting and crafting.
Multiplayer mode will be included, although a little big rough around the edges and limited to 4-8 people.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&Yes, the game will be priced differently after Early Access because we intend to add enough features and polish to warrant premium indie pricing.&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&We have involved the community from day one, asking for feedback, opinions, fan-made creations and art, and criticism. We are making the game for you guys and we love to hear from you. We have a forum currently and the community hub on steam will also serve as a great way to connect to our community during Early Access. We look forward to your help with squashing bugs and helping us make CHKN the best it can be.&
Recent updates
Toothy says, &Oopth, we found thum bugs.&
Here's what we fixed:
fixes to trees not removing correctly
fix to missing items in crafting (chest, bed, etc)
fix to crash
fix to crafting stacks.
We found most of these thanks to you guys, so as always, let us know in the forum if you have problems and we will work on fixing them as soon as possible.
What are you guys doing this weekend? PLAYING CHKN, YOU SAY?? SWEET.
Exactly a year ago John and Roman had this crazy idea to make a game about building creatures that have intelligence. One year later, our game (and our team) has morphed from four people working on a tech demo to ten people releasing CHKN on Early Access. What a year it's been!
Team CHKN would like to thank anyone who made a video, sent us feedback, laughed at our weirdness, made amazing creatures, helped us get Greenlit, voted for us on IndieDB and stayed with us from the beginning or just joined us today!
We have an even crazier road ahead of us and we are excited to have you along for the ride.
fix to life block rotations.
fix to missing chunks.
limbs now attach to limbs correctly.
saves more robust.
bed sets respawn point.
squash item offset fixed.
loot bag doesn't spawn if no items in inventory.
fix to furnace, chest, doors, workbench, campfire, fruit iterations.
fix to unlimited items.
chemistry table removed for now, since it wasn't working yet.
pet tag offset fixed.
renamed items with correct names.
fix to tree fruits that were not showing.
allow editing of untamed creatures in creative mode.
crafting UI optimized and polished.
Report bugs and leave feedback for this game on the discussion boards
“As far as survival games go, CHKN is certainly unique.”
About This Game
Behold! The miracle of life packed into cubes. CHKN is an open world sandbox game where life itself is your strongest tool. Bring creatures to life by assembling them from body parts, each packed with its own special sauce. Cook up whatever creatures you want and don’t be surprised if your creation has a mind of its own. With Creative, Adventure, and Multiplayer modes, there is an abomination for everyone.
Unique AI (aka the Special Sauce): You have the power to bring creatures to life by slapping blocks together, in whatever shape, size, or combination you want. These blocks of intelligent life give your creature unique personalities based on the combinations you make. No two creatures are alike...unless you make them alike. In which case, an egg will pop out of one of them. Even if it’s a cat. Because SCIENCE.
Creature Interaction. Creatures have all the feels and they’re not afraid to express them. Sad eyebrows? Your creature might be lonely. Happy smiles and farts? Your creature loves you for feeding them hamburgers. If a creature is snarling and running at you, then it’s probably too late - you’re dead.
Survival Tactics: You and your creature are starving to death. Do you feed your creature the last of your apples? Or do you cook your creature into a burger to feed yourself!?? Too much? OK.
Creatures will work better than tools at collecting resources and protecting your homestead. They’re better at fighting and cutting down trees than you are, so you’ll definitely want them on your side.
BUILD ALL THE THINGS!: Build a house! Build a farm! Build a three-headed, five-footed, llama-rantula-pus! With your creatures’ help, break apart your surroundings to craft tools and structures. Craft beds made of chicken parts and farm the land in order to survive and thrive.
Adventure, Creative and Multiplayer Modes. Modes on modes on modes.
Burps and farts. Need we say more?
This is an Early Access game, which means it’s a little chick growing with every build. Remember raising them in school? Well, we’re that little chick under the heat lamps, confused about why we’re standing in sawdust with kids staring down at us.
But seriously. We’re just beginning with CHKN and we want you along for the ride. It’s going to be crazy and weird, but we’re going to involve you in any way possible, whether it’s asking for advice, testing out new features, or just showing us your ridiculous creations! We love hearing from you guys. Team CHKN is just a tweet, email, comment, or a very loud scream away.
A dragon, goat, sheep, llama and many more.
A flying, poison, fire breathing.
Improved AI; dogs can guard houses, ants can follow scents, etc.
Improved Multiplayer Mode.
Much larger world, with additional biomes and points of interest.
See our full Road Map .
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Windows XP SP2+
Processor: 2 GHz Equivalent CPU
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX9 Compatible GPU
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 1 GB available space
OS: Mac OS X 10.8+
Processor: 2 GHz Equivalent CPU
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 3 Compatible GPU
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 1 GB available space
OS: Ubuntu 12.04+, SteamOS+
Processor: 2 GHz Equivalent CPU
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 3 Compatible GPU
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 1 GB available space
2016 Katapult
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2.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I had beta access to CHKN, graciously provided by one of the members of Katapult (who was also a fellow Game Design student with me!)I had opened this game for the first time on 3/31 to stream it on my Twitch channel before the game released.
I was expecting, after seeing videos and having the game described, a cute, cuddly Spore meets Minecraft style game.
I started the game, and was greeted with a very clear, concise menu.
Very smooth and easy to navigate.
After that, this is where the nightmares began.
I started on a shore with some pretty normal chickens...nothing too exciting.
I slapped an egg, and was immediately killed by a protective chicken (10/10 would slap eggs again).After progressing a little further, getting my wits about me after being pecked to death...I wandered inland a bit.
Here I was greeted by monstrous, disturbing, nighmarish creatures with the faces of a chicken and the body/legs of godzilla.
There were octopus-scorpions on land, feathery dogs, and horse-giraffes.
(By the way, the bull people are testy, don't get too close.)So, overall...a very fun, very variety filled game...but not sure if younger children will love or hate the freaky creatures.
I know my son would love it...sadistic lil dude.Video of first impressions/gameplay (ignore the random mutes, YouTube thinks there's copyrighted content in there somewhere.): Now, the technical things...we'll start off with the GOOD:UI was awesome, intuitive, great color scheme.Object/creature variety was amazing.Controls are solid.A less hardcore entry into the survival/sandbox genre.You can play god with minimal consequences.Now, the not-so-good:Sounds are 2D and are based on the player, no positional audio.
If in range of a creature, you can hear it just as loud as if it was next to you.
Suggest changing to 3d audio with a limited range for dropoff.
Will help with players that use headphones (like myself).No control list/customization as of yet for controllers/keybinds (in-game, the launcher has Input editor)Running feels weird.
The player controller seems velocity based, so when you stop running, you still have some momentum and don't have accuracy of where you'll stop.Overall, a VERY solid 9.5/10 for an Early Access game.
I think the only other Steam Early Access game I've played that is anywhere near this completed is Ark...this trumps almost any other game.
Very very very good job, good choice of assets and sounds, and I look forward to weird, bizarre, unholy creature battles in multiplayer...especially in a LAN party setting.
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0.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This is a great game if you have some time to kill. Unlike most of the typical sandbox games, it has that &humor& factor to it. Being able to make a creature that clearly has no business being alive is always a good time. Since this is still a early access game of corse there is still going to be a few bugs. Somethings I've seen may be easy fixed depending on coding. The FOV in the water and not being able to sink is strange, not a huge game changer. The only other thing is the sound. As you are walking around you can tell if a MOB is near you or in the distance.
I was told this mite be a 2D sound instead of a 3D. All that aside so far it's a really soild game. I'm looking forward to jumping into the mulitplayer with a few friends and getting into some fightsGraphics 8/10-only because of the FOVSound 8/10- Due to the 2D soundReplay 9/10- So easy to be entertained Hell yeah i recommand this game
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3.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Tried to feed a giraffe-horse mutant, turns out they're carnivores. 10/10This game really is the game for anyone who wants a relaxing/easy survival game that still holds its charm long in the future.
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7 people found this review funny
4.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I am now GOD. This game is a perfect blend of easy survival and making super
'CHKNs'. I may have taken a 'CHKN's' egg... And smashed it to pieces. But at least I made a friend!Be a lone wizard-type guy lost on a desert and somehow fly up and create new being with your BARE HANDS simulator 2016: Coming Early 21899.968/10I don't think you can make a pig yet. Add that and it will just be purrrrrrrfect. (Damn it, pigs don't purr.) Also, saving doesn't work. Plz fix.
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0.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Try out the beta version, of the game on Gamejolt (before it got remove :) ) and i loved playing it.now here i am again playing the Early Access Game. and i've enjoy every 16 mins of it. CHNK feels like spore (although you are not fighting other animals) with it's Creative Game Aspect. 9/10
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&&CHKN 英文版
CHKN 英文版无限自由,等你开发!
游戏大小:228.8 MB
操作系统: Windows XP SP2+
处理器: 2 GHz Equivalent CPU
内存: 4 GB RAM
图形: DirectX9 Compatible GPU
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 1 GB 可用空间
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