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简明英汉词典agnostic[A^5nCstik]n.[哲]不可知论者美国传统词典[双解]agnosticag.nos.ticAHD:[2g-n?s“t1k] D.J.[#g6n%stik]K.K.[#g6n$st!k]n.(名词)One who believes that there can be no proof of the existence of God but does not deny the possibility that God exists.不可知论者:相信无法证实上帝的存在但又不否认上帝存在可能性的人adj.(形容词)(1)Relating to or being an agnostic.不可知论的:不可知论者的或与之有关的(2)Noncommittal:不表明意见的,不明朗的:“I favored European unity, but I was agnostic about the form it should take”(Henry A. Kissinger)“我赞成欧洲的统一,但对其所应采取的形式我不发表看法”(亨利..基辛格)语源(1)a- 1a-1(2)Gnostic Gnostic继承用法agnos“ticallyadv.(副词)注释An agnostic does not deny the existence of God and heaven, for example, but rather holds that one cannot know for certain if they exist or not. The term agnostic was fittingly coined by the 19th-century British scientist Thomas H. Huxley, who believed that only material phenomena were objects of exact knowledge. He made up the word from the prefix a-, meaning “without, not,” as in amoral, and the noun Gnostic. Gnostic is related to the Greek word gn?, “knowledge,” which was used by early Christian writers to mean “higher, esoteric knowledge of spiritual things”; hence, Gnostic referred to those with such knowledge. In coining the term agnostic, Huxley was considering as “Gnostics” a group of his fellow intellectuals―“ists,” as he called them― who had eagerly embraced various doctrines or theories that explained the world to their satisfaction. Because he was a “man without a rag of a label to cover himself with,” Huxley coined the term agnostic for himself, its first published use being in 1870. 举例来说,不可知论者并不否认上帝和天堂的存在,但却认为无法确切知道他们的存在与否。术语agnostic 这个词是由19世纪的英国科学家托马斯?H?赫胥黎巧妙地创造出来的, 他认为只有物质现象才是确切意识的对象。他用意为“没有,无”的前缀a-, 如在 amoral 中和名词 Gnostic造词。 Gnostic与希腊词 gnosis 有关,指“意识”, 曾被早期的基督教作家用来表达“关于精神玄奥的、神秘的意识”。 因此agnostic 就指那些有这类意识的人。 在创造agnostic 这个词时,赫胥黎把他的同伴分子──“学家”,认为是“可知论者”,就象他这样称呼他们一样── 他们急切地吸收各种信条或理论来随意地解释世界。因为赫胥黎“是个没有任何标签来掩饰自己的人”, 他为自己创造了agnostic 这个词,1870年这个词首次用于出版物中 现代英汉词典agnostic[A^5nRstIk]adj.不可知论的词性变化agnosticn.不可知论者现代英汉综合大辞典agnostic[A^5nCstik]adj.【哲】不可知论的词性变化agnostic[A^5nCstik]n.不可知论者继承用法agnosticallyadv.agnosticism[A^`nCstIsIzEm]n.不可知论美国传统词典agnosticag.nos.ticAHD:[2g-n?s“t1k] D.J.[#g6n%stik]K.K.[#g6n$st!k]n.One who believes that there can be no proof of the existence of God but does not deny the possibility that God exists.adj.(1)Relating to or being an agnostic.(2)Noncommittal:“I favored European unity, but I was agnostic about the form it should take”(Henry A. Kissinger)语源(1)a- 1(2)Gnostic 继承用法agnos“ticallyadv.注释An agnostic does not deny the existence of God and heaven, for example, but rather holds that one cannot know for certain if they exist or not. The term agnostic was fittingly coined by the 19th-century British scientist Thomas H. Huxley, who believed that only material phenomena were objects of exact knowledge. He made up the word from the prefix a-, meaning “without, not,” as in amoral, and the noun Gnostic. Gnostic is related to the Greek word gn?, “knowledge,” which was used by early Christian writers to mean “higher, esoteric knowledge of spiritual things”; hence, Gnostic referred to those with such knowledge. In coining the term agnostic, Huxley was considering as “Gnostics” a group of his fellow intellectuals―“ists,” as he called them― who had eagerly embraced various doctrines or theories that explained the world to their satisfaction. Because he was a “man without a rag of a label to cover himself with,” Huxley coined the term agnostic for himself, its first published use being in 1870. 英汉化学大词典agnostic n.不可知论者;adj.不可知论者的 英汉计算机大词典agnostic n.不可知论者;adj.不可知论者的
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fatalistic [?feit?'listik]
1. And the development of the history is not necessarily an inexorable trend but has great fortuity, or even to a certain degree is mihilistric and fatalistic. 历史的发展也并非表现为必然的趋势,而是有着很大的偶然性,甚至在一定程度上化为虚无和宿命。 2. Bradbury says: If you’re in decline, you can take a very fatalistic approach. 白普理说:如果您在下降,您可以采取非常听天由命的态度。 3. His novella, as charming as he himself, implicated the fatalistic ending of both the writer and his characters, as well as his idealistic idea with aesthetic nature about the world. 他的作品正如他本人那样充满魅力,显示出了他理想主义者的唯美主义精神,但是也预示出他们宿命主义的结局。 4. He seemed both rueful and fatalistic about his prospective eminence. 他对自己将担任的要职,似乎抱着一种既郁郁不乐,又听天由命的情绪。 5. He seemed both rueful and fatalistic about his prospective eminence 他对自己将担任的要职,似乎抱着一种既郁郁不乐,又听天由命的情绪。 6. An extensive 2006 Gallop poll in which a mere 30 per cent of Japanese avowed a religion seems to confirm the widely-accepted understanding of an agnostic and even fatalistic Japan. 在盖洛普2006年的一项广泛的民意调查中,只有30%的日本人自认为拥有宗教信仰,这项民意调查似乎核实了一项已被广泛接受的认识,即日本是不可知论的,甚至是宿命论的。n.不可知论者( agnostic的名词复数 )
1.N-COUNT不可知论者(Compare 比较 atheist。)An agnostic believes that it is not possible to know whether God exists or not.Vasari claimed with horror that he was, if not an atheist, then an agnostic.瓦萨里惊恐地说他若非无神论者,就是不可知论者。2.ADJ不可知论(者)的Agnostic means relating to agnostics or to their beliefs.You grew up in an agnostic household and have never been able to bring yourself to believe in God.你在一个信奉不可知论的家庭里长大,一直都无法信仰上帝。Deason的海词问答与网友补充:


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