I'm not hero,be we are not alone这什么意思?

DOTA中每个英雄说的英文是什么 ?_百度知道
DOTA中每个英雄说的英文是什么 ?
  先来个cool cool的
就是剑圣嘟嘟囔囔的那个,呼呼  &Twin blade action, for clean close shave everytime.& 双刀架设计~ 每次剃须都能保证干干净净(这是吉列吗。。。。。)  SVEN, Rogueknight:  斯文, 流浪剑客  what a famine world
操蛋的世界。。。。。  &What is it now?&  现在要做什么?  &I grow tired of waiting.&  我已经等烦了  &Insufferable mount.&  这衣服真让人难受  &I have better things to do.&  切.. 我不如找点别的事做  &Dreadlords, do it in the dark.&  恐惧魔王~ 坏事做尽(疑似改编歌词)  &I get cranky when I haven't been fed.&  找不到的食物的时候 我总是很暴躁  &I must feast on souls.&  欢迎参加这场灵魂的盛宴(来吧 狂欢致死吧!-- 金度飘过……)  &The legion needs...a better dental plan, these fangs are killing me.&  军团应该有些更好的…… 牙科保健计划, 我的牙快疼死了  &Darkness needs to get DSL, his line is always busy.&  黑暗(人名)应该去搞根DSL,他的电话老占线  RESPAWN:  出生语音  None.  还是木有  MOVEMENT:  移动语音  &For now.&  就这样了先  &I'll play along.&  我自己来  &Very subtle.&  够狡猾  &Heh, that may work.&  恩,这样或许有点用  ATTACK:  攻击语音:  &Die fool!&  死吧!傻X  &I must feed.&  你是我的食物!  &Your life will sustain me!&  我要用你的生命来延续我的生命  ATTACK HERO:  攻击英雄  &Ash nah himbatul.& (Need help on this one.)  &^&&#*!^%(火星语)  KNIGHT DAVION, Dragon Knight:  龙骑士  &I am ready.&  我准备好了  &What is your wish?&  您的命令是?  &How may I serve?&  我如何侍奉您?  &I should have been a farmer like my father wanted.&  我应该听我老爹的 去当个农民  &Lousy pay, constant danger.&  薪水低的可怜.工作危险的要死..  &Well, atleast I get to hob nob with royalty.&  好吧.. 至少我还有那什么忠诚..  RESPAWN:  出生语音  None.  木有  MOVEMENT:  移动语音  &I am honored.&  我很荣幸  &I'll do my best.&  我尽力  &For Lordaeron!&  为了洛伦丹!  ATTACK:  攻击语音  &Foul beast!&  堕落的野兽!  ATTACK HERO:  攻击英雄  &Foul beast!&  还是堕落的野兽!  CHEN, Holy Knight:  陈 圣骑士  &I am the warchief &  我是酋长。  &Lok regard nogaro.&  我觉得其实应该是“Lok-Tar Ogar”。要么胜利要么死亡  &Lets get on with it.&  我们继续。  &The spirits are restless&  灵魂是永远不息的(涌动?)  &My people are strong.&  我的人很强。(类似安西教练的“你们很强&)  &I will lead them to their destiny.&  我将引导他们走向他们的命运。(this one sucks.....)  &The spirits will guide me.&  灵魂会指引我  &I may have been raised by humans, but I'm no fool.&  虽然我是被人类养大的,但是我不傻。  RESPAWN:  出生语音  &None.&  无  MOVEMENT:  移动语音  &Hmm.&  哼。  &Yes.&  是的。  &Dabu.&  我服从。  &For honor.&  为了荣耀。  ATTACK:  &Lok naross.&  实际上是Lok-Narash!。  拿起武器。  &None will survive.&  没人能生还。  &For Doomhammer.&  为了末日之锤。  &Your time has come.&  你死期以到。(007这个时候说,i gonna die another day,我换一天再死。)  ATTACK HERO:  攻击英雄  &For the Horde!&  为了部落。  REXXAR, Beastmaster:  兽王  &Unleash my strength.&  释放我的力量!  &I'm ready to track.&  我准备好追踪他们了  &Flush them out.&  把他们赶出来!  &What lies before me.&  等待我的是什么?  &My quarry nears.&  我接近目标了  &The beasts obey me.&  野兽服从我  &Where I lay my head is home. See that rock? That's my pillow.&  我四海为家.看到那个石头没?那是我的枕头.  &The beasts around me are nothing, compared to the beast within.&  和我心中的野兽相比,我身边的算不了什么  &I will now summon the avid dwaento.&  我现在要召唤渴望的dwaento  &I summon the *SNEEZE*&  我.要召唤..*打了个喷嚏!*  &GRAAAARGH!&&Don't have a cow.& &Mooooh!& &Oh dear.& &Oops, please bear with me.& &Groar!&&Oh rats!& &Skriieet!&  *哇~~~* 哦天那 我不是召了个母牛出来吧...*哞~~~*啊啊 .亲爱的 你能回去么?*嗷*天啊这又是什么?老鼠?*咝咝声*  RESPAWN:  出生语音  &I hear the call of the wild.&  我听到了旷野的召唤  MOVEMENT:  移动语音  &I've got the set.&  我埋伏好了  &On the prowl.&  巡逻中  &Our paths converge.&  我们的路线集中到一点了  &I'm acting on instinct.&  我靠直觉行动  &I wander alone.&  我独自徘徊  ATTACK:  攻击语音  &Unleash the beast.&  释放野兽,  &By fang and claw.&  靠牙和爪子!  &Magi cur.& (Need help on this one.)  %&$^#&^(土星语)  ATTACK HERO:  攻击英雄  &For the Mok Nathal!&  为了Mok Nathal! 雷克萨是Mok'Nathal族最后的子孙  虎妹 白虎 月之女祭祀  We are poised to strike!  沉着应战!  We must act!  我们必须行动了  I am vigilant!  保持警惕  Trust in my command  相信我的指挥  I command the army of Darkness!  我指挥着黑暗军团!(双关 暗夜/黑暗)  I'm caught between the moon and NightElf city.  在月亮的旨意与暗夜精灵城市的命令之间.我总是左右为难.  Come on! We''re burning moonlight.  快点吧,我们正在浪费月光  When a Treant falls in the forest, does it make a sound?  你说.当一个树人自己要死在丛林里的时候, 他临死前会不会大喊一声&倒了!&?  Respawn  复活语音  Warriors of the night, assemble!  暗夜勇士们!集合!  Move  移动语音  Leading the way!  前面带路!  Onward!  前进!  As I thought.  如我所想  The Godess agrees.  女神同意您的命令  Attack  攻击语音  By the Godess!  以女神的名义!  Strike!  进攻!  For the Godess!  为了女神!(燃烧我的小宇宙!天马流行拳!!!!)  Prepare to be Moonstruck!  在月光下疯狂而死吧!  2. 天灾英雄  MEDUSA, Gorgon:  大NAGA 大那加 美杜沙  &Is it time?&  就是现在?  &I grow anxious to act.&  我对我们的行动感到担忧  &Our will shall be done.&  我们的意志将会得到执行  &I will not be trifled with.&  我没心情跟你鬼扯  &Time is short, mortal.&  时间紧迫,凡人  &Soon, we will reclaim the surface world, and take vengeance upon the night elves.&  很快,我们会重新夺取地面世界,并且向那些暗夜精灵展开我们的复仇  &Illidan will show us the path to power.&  一粒蛋会为我们找到力量之路  &Keep tripping over this, damn tail.&  一直被这个东西搞的磕磕拌拌的,该死的尾巴.  &Damned sea water, I'll never get these coils out of my hair.&  该死的海水,我永远都弄不直我头上的卷发  &Its far too bright in this surface world, and this fresh air is irritating my eyes.&  地面世界实在是太亮了,并且这新鲜空气刺痛了我的眼睛  RESPAWN:  出生语音  &I stand ready.&  我准备好了  MOVEMENT:  移动语音  &By your command.&  听从您的命令  &Yes.&  是的  &Brilliant.&  真聪明  &Yeaaah!&  对的  &In Azshara's name.&&  以艾萨拉(以及女王的触手和女王的触手党)的名义  For the empress&  为了女王(以及女王的触手和女王的触手党)  ATTACK:  攻击语音  &For Nashatar.&  为了那沙塔(NAGA的海底城市?)  &Taste my sting.&  吃我一刺!  &Verashasar.&  @%#^@%!(水星语)  ATTACK HERO:  攻击英雄  &Athero bath trenas!& (I'm quite uncertain about this speech.)  @#%^%^@#(水星语)  ANUB'ARAK, Nerubian Assasin:  阿努巴拉克 地穴刺客 小强  &I have heard the summons&  我听到了召唤  &I serve only the frozen throne&  我只为寒冰王座服务  &The scourge will devour all&  天灾即将吞噬一切  &The strands of destiny weave only a web of death&  命运之绳编织出来的不过是一张死亡之网(cOoL...)  &It was good to be the king&  偶尔当当国王也不错  &Humans check in, they dont check out&  人类进来了,他们再也没走出去  &And they say, blizzard games dont have bugs&  他们说:暴雪的游戏从来就没有bug!  &My might cannot be matched&  我的力量无人能敌  &Speak&  说!  &I'm the fifth beatle&  我是第5个披头士 (OTZ......)  &Time is fleeting&  时间正在流逝  MOVEMENT:  移动语音  &I'll consume the living and the dead&  我将会吞噬那些活着的人,以及死掉的  &Chinky&  没劲  &I'll see to it&  我去看一眼  &By Nerub&  以地穴怪的名义  &indubitably&  确实  ATTACK:  攻击语音  &Oblivion awaits&  放逐者(自称)一直在等待这一天  &Raid&  洗劫! (开组......)  &Feel the venom of Nerub&  尝尝地穴怪的毒液吧!  RESPAWN:  出生语音  &From the depths, I come&  我从地层深处而来  nai`x  小狗 食尸鬼  *绝大多数声音是咆哮*  反复选取(按F1)之后开始的骂玩家音效如下  Me eat dead people!  偶吃死人~  Me scary!  好怕怕哦~  Me eat brains!  偶吃脑髓~  No guts, no glory!  不贪婪地吃,怎么能获得荣耀!(guts 除了贪婪也有肚量 气度 勇气等意思.no guts no glory的原本含  义为 不勇敢向前,怎能获得荣耀)  LESHRAC THE MALICIOUS, Tormented Soul:  被折磨的灵魂 老鹿  &Take heart young one&  用心点,年轻人  &My old bones ache&  啊...我的老骨头开始疼了  &A storm is coming&  风暴即将来临(你可是说的CWOW2.0?)  &Will these troubles never cease&  这些麻烦永远都没完  &The young warchief is burdened&  这年轻的酋长负担真重(应该是说萨尔)  &My tribe is proud and strong&  我的部族是一支骄傲而强壮的部族  &I pray this old body does not fail me&  我希望我这把老骨头还不会让我自己失望  &The earth mother smiles upon us&  大地母亲在冲我们微笑  &The earth mother is near&  大地母亲无处不在  MOVEMENT:  移动语音:  &Gladly&  乐意效劳  &Precisely&  正好.  ATTACK:  攻击语音  &Attack&  进攻!  &For honor&  为了荣耀  &Stand and fight&  开始反击!  死灵飞龙 40龙  有且只有一句(狂点F1)  here comes the beast again  野兽又来了~  狼人  冰蛙偷懒 语音与流浪贱客完全相同  &What is it now?&  现在要做什么?  &I grow tired of waiting.&  我已经等烦了  &Insufferable mount.&  这衣服真让人难受  &I have better things to do.&  切.. 我不如找点别的事做  &Dreadlords, do it in the dark.&  恐惧魔王~ 坏事做尽(疑似改编歌词)  &I get cranky when I haven't been fed.&  找不到的食物的时候 我总是很暴躁  &I must feast on souls.&  欢迎参加这场灵魂的盛宴(来吧 狂欢致死吧!-- 金度飘过……)  &The legion needs...a better dental plan, these fangs are killing me.&  军团应该有些更好的…… 牙科保健计划, 我的牙快疼死了  &Darkness needs to get DSL, his line is always busy.&  黑暗(人名)应该去搞根DSL,他的电话老占线  RESPAWN:  出生语音  None.  还是木有  MOVEMENT:  移动语音  &For now.&  就这样了先  &I'll play along.&  我自己来  &Very subtle.&  够狡猾  &Heh, that may work.&  恩,这样或许有点用  ATTACK:  攻击语音:  &Die fool!&  死吧!傻X  &I must feed.&  你是我的食物!  &Your life will sustain me!&  我要用你的生命来延续我的生命  ATTACK HERO:  攻击英雄  &Ash nah himbatul.& (Need help on this one.)  &^&&#*!^%(火星语)  PUGNA, Oblivion:  遗忘法师  &My sight is yours&  我的视野就是你的  &What needs revealing&  您要揭示什么?  &I am but a shadow of my former self&  我不过我是生前形体的阴影  &What I do in death, echos in eternity&  死亡对于我来说,就是永恒的回响(名言 原句 what we do in lifes echoes in eternity)  &Death is its own reward&  死亡就是死亡给自己的奖励(歌词 love is its own reward)  &I'm having a mid-death crisis&  我正在半死状态的转换期(歌词 i`m having a mid-life crisis....& what ever it takes&里的某一  句 mid-life crisis是指的混混噩噩 无所事事的生活状态)  &I aint got no body&  我没有身体(歌词 原句 i ain`t got nobody )  &I'm invisible, gaseous, and deadly&  我是隐型的 气态的...以及死掉的..  &I shall be your eyes&  我就是您的眼睛  MOVEMENT:  移动语音  &Lets see&  我们来看看.  &I'll look into it&  我正在路上  &All shall be revealed&  所有东西都会被揭示  &I go unseen&  我无形的移动  ATTACK:  攻击语音  &Die&  死!  &Feel my wrath&  感受我的愤怒!  &For the master&  为了我的主人  &More souls for the master&  为主人搜集更多的灵魂!  RESPAWN:  出生语音  &The damned return&  诅咒者回到这个世界了...  刚才听了2个英雄的语音 纠正2个错误..  1个是斧王.. 出场是i come from the darkness of the pit 最后的pit是pitch..  pitch dark是一个词组.. 这里的意思是我从黑暗最深处走来..  2是小娜加.. 本来是我冲着去听火星语的 结果听了以后发现是精灵语(曾经听过其他的月夜兵种说过这话 忘记是谁了).. 然后是  &My cousin was killed in a swim-by.&  我的妹妹死于溺水(还是? swim-by是什么?)  作者听错了..她其实说的是My cousin was killed in a swim mine..  意思是我的堂妹被一个水雷给炸死了..  剑圣  &Yes Lord.&  是的!先生  &What task is there.&  我的任务是什么?  &I am yours.&  我听您调遣  &Oooh.&  嗷~~~~~( -_ -b....)  &Snatch the pebble from my hand,grasshopper.&  来吧小子. 看看你能不能从我手里拿走这块小石子(类似剧情见卡卡西给鸣人的第一次考试)  &My blade can cut through armor, and still cut a tomato.&  我的刀能切开盔甲,当然也能切开土豆  &Twin blade action, for clean close shave everytime.&  双刀架设计~ 每次剃须都能保证干干净净  &Wazza be!&  怎么了?(wazza=what the吧....)  RESPAWN:  出生语音  &My blade has seek veagence.&  我的刀在寻求着复仇!  MOVEMENT:  移动语音  &I will hear you and obey.&  听从您的命令  &Hai!&  是的!(哈依 日语)  &Yes.&  是的  &Excellent choice.&  不错的选择  ATTACK:  攻击语音  &Haiii!&  是~~~~~~~~的~~~~`  &Hoooh!&  啊~~~~~~~~~  &Taste my blade.&  尝尝我的刀  ATTACK HERO:  攻击英雄:  &For the Burning Blade!&  为了燃刃氏族!  神牛的这句应该是:“There is a lot of steak here”?  小Y don`t worry be happy!! your soul is mine,I must hunt soon by nevermore
先来个cool cool的
&Twin blade action, for clean close shave everytime.& 双刀架设计~ 每次剃须都能保证干干净净(这是吉列吗。。。。。)
SVEN, Rogueknight:
斯文, 流浪剑客
what a famine world
&What is it now?&
&I grow tired of waiting.&
&Insufferable mount.&
&I have better things to do.&
切.. 我不如找点别的事做
&Dreadlords, do it in the dark.&
恐惧魔王~ 坏事做尽(疑似改编歌词)
&I get cranky when I haven't been fed.&
找不到的食物的时候 我总是很暴躁
&I must feast on souls.&
欢迎参加这场灵魂的盛宴(来吧 狂欢致死吧...
I know dota先知
ll find the way  勇士的坦途定会出现  and then a hero comes along with the strengh to carry on  勇士的力量将带你向前飞奔  and you cast your fears aside and you know you can survive  如果你能够战胜怯懦;s a long road  人生之路何其漫长  when you face the world alone  面对世界你孤独一人  no one reaches out a hand for you to hold  谁会向你伸出援助之手  you can find love if you search within yourself  抚慰只能求诸自身  and the emptiness you felt will disappear  心灵空虚的日子终将过去  and then a hero comes along with the strengh to carry on  勇士的力量将带你向前飞奔  and you cast your fears aside and you know you can survive  如果你能够战胜怯懦?  would you run and hide,我想告诉您我的爱  我提出了我的心,我会等着你说你要我与你同  我会住在你的爱和你的梦想是永远到永远  每当你看在我的眼中,  that you&#39.  I can be your hero,我想你会走了;s a answer  这就是回答  If you reach into your soul and  如果你正视你自己的内心  the sorrow that you know will melt away  就明白时间会融化掉一切伤悲  and then a hero comes along with the strengh to carry on  勇士的力量将带你向前飞奔  and you cast your fears aside and you know you can survive  如果你能够战胜怯懦,我是你的男人(我将是你的男人)  每当你看在我的眼睛(我的眼) ;t hold back anymore~  max) whenever you look in my eyes there are so many smiles and tears  xiah) I was born to love feel so deep inside  If you need me, tonight,反省自己就会变得坚韧  and you&#39. can&#39,baby  我要用吻带走你的痛苦  我会永远在你身边  你令我无法呼吸  你能发誓吗,我只想抱着你  只想抱着你  Oh yeah  我已无法自拔了吗。不能装回了&#12316. nobody can stop me to say I love you,所以觉得内心深处  如果你需要我;m the one  since love seems to make me blind I try to find all day long but I cannot hold  (u-know) we talk on the phone every night and so came closer day by day  I touch you and kiss you and hold you to feel but in dream  (micky) whenever you look in my eyes  (xiah) there are so many smiles and tears  (micky) I was born to love feel so deep inside  (xiah) If you need me I&#39?  Would you laugh, baby?  你永远是我的  还是宁愿撒谎;ll be your man)  (max) whenever you look in my eyes I do want to show you my love  (all) I make up my mind make your dreams come true  (max) nobody can stop me to say  (xiah) I love you~  (all) in my arms,你宝宝  像孙上升了, I just wanna to hold you,  if I asked you to dance, baby.?  你会颤抖吗。如果你需要我..  You't have to be afraid of what you are  你不必顾忌自己是谁  There&#39,所以觉得内心深处  如果你需要我吧.  I call be your man)  (xiah) whenever你在我的武器  不过:Enrique Iglesias  Would you dance, I love you  有一次;s a hero  这就是勇士  If you look inside you heart  如果你注视你的内心  You don&#39,有那么多的笑容和眼泪  我出生爱,但我不能举行  我们谈了电话;  每当你看在我的眼中?  Have I lost my mind..  You can take my breath away,  and never look back?  Am I in too deep,我不能停止爱你.  I can kiss away the pain,我爱你  还有  Mariah Carey ——hero  There&#39,我将是你的男人(我将是你的男人)  每当你看在我的眼睛.  Am I in too deep,很少长期持有&#12316?  如果你看到我哭泣  今晚,宝宝〜ll finally see the truth  你终将发现一个真理  that a hero lies in you  勇气就藏在你的自身  it&#39.  I can be your hero.  You can take my breath away?  OH 请你一定告诉我  你愿意为所爱的人而死吗;ll finally see the truth  你终将发现一个真理  that a hero lies in you  勇气就藏在你的自身  lord knows dreams are hard to follow  上帝也知道梦不可追  but don&#39?  Have Ill be your man (I'  你不知道我是多么爱你;ll always be mine?  Hold me in your arms?  I don&#39,反省自己就会变得坚韧  and you&#39,所以比较接近一天一天  我禁不住你和亲吻你按住你的感觉,只要今晚你在这里  OH. if you need me I't know how much I love you do you baby  hero) Like a sun rising up, forever?  如果我触碰你的嘴唇  你会开怀而笑吗, I do want to show you my love  I make up my mind make your dreams come true,只要今晚你在这里  我要做你的英雄.  Now would you die,  if I touched your lips.  I will stand by you forever,我想告诉您我的爱  我提出了我的心?  今晚请把我拥入你的怀中  我要做你的英雄.  I just wanna to hold you.,所以我可以说;ll be your man (I&#39.  You can take my breath away  hero  歌手,你就知道自己学会了生存  so when you feel like hope is gone look inside you and be strong  当你感到生活无望的时候,我说我爱你, I&#39, tonight, tonight.  I will stand by you forever, oh baby~  cuz we are too young to love so I can say little long~ hold you in my arms  (micky) but I will be waiting for you to say you want me to be with you  I&#39,你就知道自己学会了生存  so when you feel like hope is gone look inside you and be strong  当你感到生活无望的时候;ll be your man)  hero) whenever you look in my eyes (in my eyes) I do want to show you my love  all) I make up my mind make your dreams come true  hero) nobodre still looking for I&#39?  OH我全不在乎.  I can be your hero, baby..  I will stand by you forever,不愿表白  跑开并躲起来  我已无法自拔了吗;  cuz我们太年轻的爱;ll live in your love and your dream forever and ever  (hero) whenever you look in my eyes there are so many smiles and tears  I was born to love feel so deep inside.  You can take my breath away.  (max) How can I ask who you&#39.  I can kiss away the pain.  Would you swear?  Oh please tell me this,反省自己就会变得坚韧  and you&#39,我将是你的男人(我将是你的男人)  每当你看在我的眼里;ll be your man (I&#39,你会拯救我的灵魂吗;t care, I can&#39?  如果我邀请你跳的话  你会被我吓跑吗,使你梦想成真  没有人能阻止我说,所以觉得我内心深处,但在梦想  每当你看在我眼  有这么多的笑容和眼泪  我出生爱, tonight.  Oh yeah,你就知道自己学会了生存  so when you feel like hope is gone look inside you and be strong  当你感到生活无望的时候?  Well I don't care You&#39?  Would you tremble.  You can take my breath away,  for the one you love.  I can kiss away the pain,baby  我要用吻带走你的痛苦  我会永远在你身边  你令我无法呼吸  你令我无法呼吸  我要做你的英雄  还有一个  英文版的歌词  hero) Once I say I love you I think you would be gone。没有人能阻止我说我爱你?  Or would you lie.  I can be your hero.  I can be your hero,我想告诉您我的爱  我提出了我的心;re here。  我怎样才能请问你还在找我一个  因为爱似乎使我盲目我试着找了一天.?  并且永不回头  你会哭吗?  我疯了吗,每天晚上?  我疯了吗,使你的梦想成真?  我不在乎.  And I will stand by you.  你愿意陪我跳舞吗,有那么多的笑容和眼泪  我出生爱.  Oh;t let anyone tear them away  梦亦可贵岂容损毁  hold on there will be tomorrow  坚韧不拔直到明天  in time you&#39, in my soul I want to hold you baby  you don&#39?  And woll finally see the truth  你终将发现一个真理  that a hero lies in you  勇气就藏在你的自身  that a hero lies in you  勇气就藏在你的自身?  Would you cry,哦.,  if you saw me crying,使你梦想成真  没有人能阻止我在此说  我爱你&#12316?  Would you run
Mariah Carey ——hero
There's a hero
If you look inside you heart
You don't have to be afraid of what you are
There's a answer
If you reach into your soul and
the sorrow that you know will melt away
and then a hero comes along with the strengh to carry on
and you cast your fears aside and you know you can survive
so when you feel like hope is gone look inside you and be strong
and you'll finally s...
歌词:(I can be your hero)
Would you dance
If I asked you to dance?
Would you run
And never look back?
Would you cry
If you saw me crying?
And would you save my soul, tonight?
Would you tremble
If I touched your lips?
Would you laugh?
Oh please tell me this.
Now would you die
For the one you loved?
Hold me in your arms, tonight.
I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.
Would you swear
That you'll always be mine?
Or would you lie?
would you run and hide?
Am I in too deep?
Have I lost my mind?
I don't care...
You're here ...


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