数学巴朗ap微积分 pdf求助 ap

ap 微积分 f(x)=定积分:根号下(t^2-t)dt.上限:2x;下限:4.求f(2)的导数.
  1. 函数的定义、函数的图像、分段函数、绝对值函数、定义域和值域等;
  2. 函数的运算及复合函数,函数图像的对称性;
  3. x的n次幂的函数、反比例函数、多项式函数、有理函数、三角函数的定义、性质和图像分析;
  4. 反函数和反三角函数的图像和性质;
  5. 指数函数和对数函数;
  6. 参数方程(只是Calculus BC所要求的内容)
  1. 函数的基本知识
  1.1. Definition
  If a variable y depends on a variable x in such a way that each value of x
determines exactly one value of y, then we say that y is a function of x.
  1.2. The vertical line test:
  A curve in the xy-plane is the graph of some function f if and only if no
vertical line intersects the curve more than once.
  1.3. The absolute value function
  2. 函数的运算
  2.1. Composition of f with g
  Given functions f and g, the composition of f with g, denoted by f ο g, is
the function defined by
  The donation of f o g is defined to consist of all x in the domain of g for
which g(x) is in the domain of f.
  2.2. Symmetry Tests
  a) A plane curve is symmetric about the y-axis if and only if replacing x
by –x in its equation produces an equivalent equation.
  b) A plane curve is symmetric about the x-axis if and only if replacing y
by –y in its equation produces an equivalent equation.
  c) A plane curve is symmetric about the origin if and only if replacing x
by –x and y by –y in its equation produces an equivalent equation
  3. 常见的函数
  3.1. Inverse function
  A variable is said to be inversely proportional to a variable x if there is
a positive constant k, called the constant of proportionality, such that,
  3.2. Polynomials
  A polynomial in x is a function that is expressible as a sum of finitely
many terms of the form cxn, wherec is a constant and n is a nonnegative
  3.3. Rational function
  A function that can be expressed as a ratio of two polynomials is called a
rational function.
  4. 反函数
  4.1. Inverse function
  If the function f and g satisfy the two conditions:
  g(f(x))=x for every x in the domain of f
  f(g(x))=y for every y in the domain of g
  then we say that f is an inverse of g and g is an inverse of f or that f
and g are inverse functions.
  4.2. The Horizontal Line Test
  A function has an inverse function if and only if its graph is cut at most
once by any horizontal line.
  5. 指数函数、对数函数
  5.1. A function of the form f(x)=bx, where b&0, is called an exponential
function with base b.
  5.2. The basic characteristic of exponential function
  5.3. The basic characteristic of logarithmic function
  5.4. If b&0 and b≠1, then bx and logbx are inverse functions.
  6. 参数方程
  6.1. Definition
  Suppose that a particle moves along a curve C in the xy-plane in such a way
that its x- and y- coordinates, as functions of time, are
  x=f(t), y=g(t)
  We call these the parametric equations of motion for the particle and refer
to C as the trajectory of the particle or the graphs of the equations. The
variable t is called the parameter for the equations.
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