
(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
id: '2081942',
container: s,
size: '1000,60',
display: 'inlay-fix'请打扫地面,不用收拾楼上(包括床
Please sweep the floor, floor upstairs (including the bed
- 来自原声例句
The weather is sunny today finally went to the weekend, can put aside the study pressure to relax, so reluctant to get up from bed, can have a good sleep, imperceptibly at noon, just in time, can save a large breakfast eating lunch, after lunch,I feel some boring, suddenly remembered today have English diary has not written a book, also have no preparation, just brother wants to buy books, so I took him to accompany me to buy a book buy his book. 望采纳,谢谢!
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before breakfast是什么意思
中文翻译早饭前:&&&&adv. 1.在前,在前方,在前头,在前面。 2.在以前 ...:&&&&n. 早餐;早餐食物。 at breakfast 早餐时 ...
例句与用法Please make your beds before breakfast .请在早饭前把床铺好。Before breakfast this morning mr. candy informed me that he was going away for a fortnight .早饭前,坎迪先生关照我说他要出门去两个礼拜。When i was young, i would get up at 5 o'clock and go for a long walk before breakfast .我年轻时五点起床,到较远的地方去散散步,然后才吃早饭。Shall we get up early tomorrow morning and go for a walk before breakfast and have it out .我们明天早点起来,在早饭前出去散步,畅谈一下怎么样?Now i am not having any ifs and buts -- it is cold showers for everyone before breakfast tomorrow .好了,不要跟我讨价还价明天早饭前大家都要用冷水淋浴。There was a little grey in the sky, so i stepped into the woods and lay down for a nap before breakfast .这时候,天空已经有点发白,我走到树林里躺下,想在吃早饭之前先睡一下。Yes , i ll go before breakfast - i ll be glad to好,我在吃早饭以前就走我乐意的。 Laugh before breakfast and you ' ll cry before supper笑得早也会哭得早。 Uh , immediately . before breakfast , huh ? yes , sir . yes , sir立即,在早饭之前-好的,先生We go jogging in the park before breakfast我们在早餐前去公园慢跑。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
before breakfast的中文翻译,before breakfast是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译before breakfast,before breakfast的中文意思,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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