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【图文】川北医学院体视学网页( )主编杨正伟的简历(2011
川北医学院体视学网页(http://www./forum/stereology)主编杨正伟的简历(一般情况 z 1963 z
z 出生于重庆市璧山县 泸州医学院医学系学生(医学学士) 川北医学院附属医院外科医师 川北医学院组织学与胚胎学教研室教师 澳大利亚 Monash University 解剖系访问学者 川北医学院组织学与胚胎学教研室教师(1992 年晋升副教授) 澳大利亚 Prince Henry’s Institute of Medical Research 研究人员 川北医学院组织学与胚胎学教研室教师(1998 年晋升教授) ;,形 态定量研究室主任;
,兼任《川北医学院学报》编辑部主任; ,兼任外语教研部主任;,兼任《川北医学院学报》编 辑部主任荣誉与奖励 z 1992,四川省高等学校“十佳青年教师”;2003,四川省科学技术进步奖一等奖;,四 川省政协委员; 2004, 政府特殊津贴 (国务院) ; 2008, 第四届南充市科技发展突出贡献奖; 2009, 中国体视学学会学会工作突出贡献奖 期刊编委 z ,中国体视学与图像分析;,Asian Journal of Andrology;2011,解剖学报 体视学讲习班主讲 z –12.2 z –7 z z z z z –6 –18 –8 –7 –22四川省解剖学会“体视学研讨会”(华西医科大学) 四川省解剖学会、四川省体视学会、四川省法医学会和四川省口腔学会“四川 省体视学研讨会”(华西医科大学) 广东省解剖学会“体视学在生物医学中的应用研讨会”(中山医科大学) 第四军医大学全军神经科学研究所生物体视学讲习班 川北医学院体视学讲习班 川北医学院体视学讲习班(国家级继续医学教育项目) 中国体视学学会体视学应用(生物医学)培训班(重庆医科大学)已发表的学术论文(不包括会议论文) z 国内学术期刊(中文)的论文 102 篇,参编的中文专著 3 本、教材 3 本 z 国际学术期刊(英文)的论著 35 篇(其中 SCI、SCIE 或 SSCI 收录 30 篇) :川北医学院体视学网页(http://www./forum/stereology)主编杨正伟的简历(. 2. 3. 8.9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.16.17. 18.19.Wreford NG, Zhengwei Y. The use of volume weighted mean volume in the estimation of Sertoli cell nuclear volume and numbers in the developing rat testis. Acta Stereol 1-3. Yang ZW, Wreford NG, de Kretser DM. A quantitative study of spermatogenesis in the developing rat testis. Biol Reprod ): 629-35. Zhengwei Y, McLachlan RI, Bremner WJ, Wreford NG. Quantitative (stereological) study of the normal spermatogenesis in the adult monkey (Macaca fascicularis). J Androl ): 681-7. Zhengwei Y, Wreford NG, Bremner WJ, Matsumoto AM, Anawalt BA, McLachlan RI. Immature spermatids are not prevalent in semen from men who are receiving androgen-based contraceptive regimens. Fertil Steril ): 89-95. Zhengwei Y, Wreford NG, Schlatt S, Weinbauer GF, Nieschlag E, McLachlan RI. Acute and specific impairment of spermatogonial development by GnRH antagonist-induced gonadotrophin withdrawal in the adult macaque (Macaca fascicularis). J Reprod Fertil ): 139-47. Zhengwei Y, Wreford NG, Royce P, de Kretser DM, McLachlan RI. Stereological evaluation of human spermatogenesis after suppression by testosterone treatment: heterogeneous pattern of spermatogenic impairment. J Clin Endocrinol Metab ): 1284-91. Zhengwei Y, Guoquan L, Wreford NG. A new distance method for the quantitative analysis of point patterns in space. Acta Stereol ): 265-72. Schlatt S, Zhengwei Y, Meehan T, de Kretser DM, Loveland KL. Application of morphometric techniques to postnatal rat testes in organ culture: insights into testis growth. Cell Tissue Res ): 335-43. Wen XH, Yang ZW. Quantitative (stereological) study on the spermatozoal storage capacity of epididymis in rats and monkeys. Asian J Androl ): 73-7. Yang Z, Zhang R, Wen X, Huang A. Caveat on the error analysis for stereological estimates. Image Anal Stereol ): 9-13. Wen XH, Wang XH, Tong JS, Yang ZW, Zhang GY. Reversible effect of testosterone undecanoate injection on spermatogenesis in rats. Asian J Androl ): 207-11. Yang ZW, Yang SH, Chen L, Qu J, Zhu J, Tang Z. Comparison of blood counts in venous, fingertip and arterial blood and their measurement variation. Clin Lab Haematol ): 155-9. Huang A, Zhang R, Yang Z. Quantitative (stereological) study of placental structures in women with pregnancy iron-deficiency anemia. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol ): 59-64. Yang ZW, Qin YH, Su SR. Use of star volume to measure the size of the alveolar space in the asthmatic guinea-pig lung. Respirology ): 117-21. Zhang RD, Wen XH, Kong LS, Deng XZ, Peng B, Huang AP, Wan Y, Yang ZW. A quantitative (stereological) study of the effects of experimental unilateral cryptorchidism and subsequent orchiopexy on spermatogenesis in adult rabbit testis. Reproduction ): 95-105. Peng B, Zhang RD, Dai XS, Deng XZ, Wan Y, Yang ZW. Quantitative (stereological) study of the effects of vasectomy on spermatogenesis in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Reproduction ): 847-56. Yang ZW, Wei GW. Comparison of point-, line- and boundary-sampled intercepts inside a circle or sphere. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence ): 319-30. Zhang RD, Peng B, Deng XZ, Wan Y, Yang ZW. A stereological study of the effects of experimental inguinal cryptorchidism and subsequent orchiopexy on spermatogenesis in adult monkeys. Int J Androl ): 180-6. Li LY, Guo JH, Yang ZW. A quantitative stereological study of the area of cortical surface in the川北医学院体视学网页(http://www./forum/stereology)主编杨正伟的简历(0. 21. 22.23.24. 25.26.27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.monkey, pig and cat cerebrum. Eur J Morphol -4): 127-9. Wen XH, Xiao XM, Huang P, Xie XY, Yang ZW. Histological study of vas deferens following intravasal laser irradiation. Asian J Androl ): 287-94. Kong LS, Huang AP, Deng XZ, Yang ZW. Quantitative (stereological) study of the effects of vasectomy on spermatogenesis in rabbits. J Anat ): 147-56. Lei ZM, Mishra S, Ponnuru P, Li X, Yang ZW, Rao ChV. Testicular phenotype in luteinizing hormone receptor knockout animals and the effect of testosterone replacement therapy. Biol Reprod ): 1605-13. Yang ZW, Guo Y, Lin L, Wang XH, Tong JS, Zhang GY. Quantitative (stereological) study of incomplete spermatogenic suppression induced by testosterone undecanoate injection in rats. Asian J Androl ): 291-7. Kang J, Dai XS, Yu TB, Wen B, Yang ZW. Glycogen accumulation in renal tubules, a key morphological change in the diabetic rat kidney. Acta Diabetol ): 110-6. Yang ZW, Li JA, Yang MH, Feng YS, Tang Z, Dai XS, Wang HY, Yin QQ, Gao Y, Li J, He XL, Zhang Y, An Q. Comparison of blood counts in splenic, renal and mesenteric arterial and venous blood in post-pubertal rabbits. Res Vet Sci ): 149-54. Yang ZW, Kong LS, Guo Y, Yin JQ, Mills N. Histological changes of the testis and epididymis in adult rats as a result of Leydig cell destruction after ethane dimethane sulfonate treatment: a morphometric study. Asian J Androl ): 289-99. Tan H, He J, Wang S, Hirata K, Yang Z, Kuraoka A, Kawabuchi M. Age-related NADPH-diaphorase positive bodies in the lumbosacral spinal cord of aged rats. Arch Histol Cytol ): 297-310. Yang Z, Schank JC. Women do not synchronize their menstrual cycles. Human Nature ): 433-47. Peng B, Wang YP, Shang Y, Guo Y, Yang ZW. Effect of vasectomy via inguinal canal on spermatogenesis in rabbits. Asian J Androl ): 486-93. Gao XF, Li J, Yang ZW, Li YP. Rifapentine vs. rifampicin for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis: a systematic review. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis ): 810-9. Zhou HG, Yang ZW, Students Group. Prevalence of dysmenorrhea in female students in a Chinese university: a prospective study. Health ): 311-4. Peng B, Lin JY, Shang Y, Yang ZW, Wang YP. Plasticity in the synaptic number associated with neuropathic pain in the rat spinal dorsal horn: a stereological study. Neurosci Lett ): 24-8. Chen L, Lu W, Yang Z, Yang S, Li C, Shi X, Tang Y. Age-related changes of the oligodendrocytes in rat subcortical white matter. Anat Rec ): 487-93. Lin JY, Peng B, Yang ZW, Min S. Number of synapses increased in the rat spinal dorsal horn after sciatic nerve transection: a stereological study. Brain Res Bull ): 430-3. Peng B, Mao Y, Tang XF, Shang Y, Shen CY, Guo Y, Xiang Y, Yang ZW. Comparison of spermatogenic damage induced at 6 months after ligation of the vas deferens at proximal and distal locations in the rabbit. Andrologia ): 129-38.分享到:
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