
类别:美国婚姻移民&& 发布时间 : && 浏览人次 :981
100道美国配偶签证面签时签证官常问的问题题库,有点长,后面有英文版,需要点耐心才能看完。常规问题1.谁给你申请的?(例:我的未婚夫XXX)&2.你们怎么认识的?(要符合GG写的认识经过)&3.[前面回答通过网络相识]什么网站?&4.[前面回答通过介绍人相识]有介绍人的相片吗?介绍人的名字?怎么跟介绍人认识的?(例:不知道要带他的相片)&5.[前面回答从小就认识的邻居]有小时候的相片吗?&6.你们都是北方的?(例:是的,不仅如此,我们还都是一个城市的)&7.你们是同乡?&8.你们什么时候认识的?&9.认识你的时候他住在什么地方?&10.你们认识多久了?&11.你们是通过什么方式沟通交流的?(例:Email、电话、上网聊天……)&12.你们用什么语言交流?(针对GG不是华人)&13.你们见过面吗?&14.你们什么时间见的面?&15.你们多长时间见一面?&16.他来过中国看你吗?&17.他来中国看过你几次?&18.他来中国分别是什么时候?&19.[前面回答只有一次]为什么只有一次?&20.[前面回答只有一次]只见过一次你就嫁给他啦?&21.他来中国之前你们认识多久了?&22.他来中国时呆了多长时间?&23.他在中国的时候你们都做了什么?(例:旅游、见父母、……)&24.[前面回答旅游]一起去过哪些城市?&25.他上次来什么时候?什么时候走的?&26.他为什么要来这里?&27.你们见过双方父母没有啊?&28.他每次回来你们都拍了照片吗?&29.[出示合影]问合影的时间地点?&30.你们的照片还有吗?怎么不多照些?(例:两人出去玩,照合影要请别人帮忙照很麻烦)&31.[出示信件]你是根据什么打出来这些信的?(例:信件太多了,只是隔一段时间打一封)&32.你们什么时候决定结婚的?&33.你们什么时候订的婚?&34.你们什么时候结的婚?&35.带结婚证了吗?(例:不是给你公证了吗?)&36.你们第一次见面就结婚了?&37.表格是自己填的吗?&38.他的尊姓大名?&39.他是哪里人?(华人GG的籍贯)&40.他住哪里?&41.他的年龄?&42.他的生日?&43.他出生在哪里?&44.他从哪里去美国的?&45.他什么时候的?&46.他以什么为生/做什么工作/干哪一行?&47.他在哪里工作?&48.他一个月挣多少薪水?&49.他是否有兄弟姐妹?&50.他老爹老妈还活着吗?&51.他妈贵姓?她从哪里来的?&52.他的兴趣爱好是什么?&53.他最喜欢什么颜色?&54.他喜欢什么音乐?&55.他驾驶什么牌子的汽车?&56.他有什么宗教信仰?&57.他什么时候与前妻离婚的?(针对GG有过婚史)&58.你的年龄?&59.你去过那个国家?什么时候?多长时间?去干吗?和谁一起?名字?干什么的?在什么公司?&60.你以前到过美国吗?什么时候?呆了多久?上一次去的目的是什么?&61.你以什么为生/做什么工作/干哪一行?&62.你是哪个大学毕业的?&63.你是学什么专业的?&64.[前面回答贸易类]那你对世贸组织是怎么看的?/那你对那些在美国的世贸组织门外抗议的人的行为是怎么看的?&65.你是经济工作吗?&66.你有什么宗教信仰?&67.你有兄弟姐妹吗?&68.你结过婚吗?&69.你前夫/孩儿他爹的名字是什么?(针对带小孩的K类JM)&70.你能说英文吗?(例:一点点/没问题)&71.你是不是共产党员?(最好回答不是)&72.[参过军]谈谈部队背景?(敏感问题)&73.你哪天到哪里去干吗?有什么目的/企图?(例:上网找人闲扯聊天)&74.你是否属于恐怖组织的成员?&II 有关个人情感&75.你最喜欢你未婚夫哪些性格/品质/特点?&76.跟我谈谈你的那个他?(开放型问题)&77.你是否愿意嫁他?(明知故问)&78.你为什么想嫁他?(针对年龄、专业等差距大)&79.他比你大好多?你的父母是怎么看待这个问题的?&80.你为什么想认识这个美国人,而要嫁到美国去?(例:没有刻意的想认识,纯属偶然)&81.你们相识这么短的时间,你怎么知道他就是最适合你的呢?&82.你的朋友和家人都在中国,为什么要去美国和他结婚?&83.即将背井离乡,远离家人,你感觉如何?有没有什么留恋?&84.马上要移民了,意不意外,开不开心?&III 有关未来计划&85.你准备去哪个城市?&86.你什么时候离华?&87.你去了打算住在什么地方?&88.打算到美国做什么职业?学习?有什么计划?(例:想先适应一下环境)&89.你们婚期定在什么时候?(例:去美国后90天内尽快结婚,因为我们已分开很久了)&90.你们打算在哪里结婚?为什么不在中国结婚?&91.请告诉我你们的结婚计划?&92.你们要举行婚礼吗?&93.你的父母不想参加你们的婚礼吗?&94.你知道进入美国90天以内必须结婚吗?&95.如果到时候你们没有结婚,你打算怎么办?(例:我们是如此相爱,一定会结婚的)注:如果你LG或GG不会讲中文,面签时,你只能用英文问答。&I About details of interview question.&1.Who helped you to apply for the K1 visa?&-My fiancee has helped me complete the application.&2.How do you know each other?&-eg.We met on the internet and then got to know each other via phone calls. And since meeting we have become engaged to be married.&3.[if you answer through the net]which web-site?&-eg.Yahoo&4.[if you answer someone introduced you two]Have you any picture of the person who introduced you to each other? What is his name? How do you know him?&-eg:I don't know that I should bring the his photo with me.&-No, I have no picture of the person who introduced us. His name is xxx. I knew xxx from xxx.&5.[If you answer you knew each other when you were kids]Do you have any photo of his childhood?&-e.g. Yes, but I didn't bring them with me today.&-or Yes, here they are.&-or No I don't.&6.Are you all from North?&-eg:yes,even more we come from same city&-or Yes, I am from the North.&-or we are from different cities.&7.Are you fellow townsman?&-eg.Yes, we both come from xxx&-or No, we are from different cities.&8,Since when have you known each other?&-We have know each other since xxx&9.Where did he live when you knew him?&-He lived in xxx when we first met.&10.How long have you known each other?&-We have known each other xxx&11.How do you keep in touch?&-We use email or internet chat, at least daily. If one of us is travelling we both have cell phones. Occasionally we send letters or cards to one another.&-12.In which language do you talk to each other?(if GG is not Chinese)&-eg.We speak English and Chinese, since my fiance's Chinese is so wonderful we can easily use that.&13.Have you met?&-Yes.&14.when did you meet?&-we have met in xxx and xxx.....&15.How often have you met?&-eg.We spent a week together in April and 10 days in September.&16.Has he come China to see you?&Yes.&17.How many time has he come China to see you?&- 5 times&18.What are the dates of the visits?&-eg.August 31th 2002&&19.[if answer once]Why is it only once?&-eg.Because we like to travel to other places too, so we meet in other countries.&-or he was so busy and we thought K visa only took short time.&&20.[if answer once] Can you marry him only having seen him once?&-Yes, I feel I know him very well. We have communicated with each other every day since we have met. I am certain that we are well suited for each other, this is not a step I would take lightly.&21.How long did you know each other before he came china?&-eg?? months&22.How long did he stay in china when he came to see you?&-eg 1 week.&23.What have you done when he came?&-eg. We saw the XXX, shopping in XXX.ate some sichuan food.&24.[if you answer travelling]Where did you go?&- We went XXX&25.when did he come last time? When did he leave??&- He came in XXX. we stayed in hotels during our travels.&26.Why did he come here?&-To visit me.&27.Have you met both parents??&-eg I have not met his parents but he has met mine.&28.Have you taken any pictures of your visits together?&-eg.Yes, we have hundreds of pictures of each other.&-29.[after taking out pictures]when and where did you take these pictures?&-Some at XXX, some at XXX, some at XXX.....&30.Have you any more pictures? Why didn't you take more?&-eg:when we go out have a trip,it's difficult to ask people to help a lot&-Yes we have more, but when the camera is on a timer it's hard to get a good photograph. Also, it can be embarrasiing to always ask someone to help us take our pictures.&31.[when you took out letters] What did make you decide to print out these letters????&-eg:There is too much,I only printed out sometime.&-I have over 1000 messages. I can only print out some, so I printed some of the ones I didn't mind people reading, they are quite personal items. I understand you may need to see some of them, but I am sure you don't want to see all of them. I chose ones spanning a range of dates.&32.When did you decide to marry?&-We decided to get married in XXXX&33.When did you get engaged?&-eg.We got engaged when he came to visit me at the 2nd time.&34.when did you marry?&-We have not married yet.&-we married in XXXX&35.Have you brought the marriage certificate?&-Yes.&36.Did you marry when you just met?&-Yes. because we feel we just know each other.&37.Did you fill the form yourself?&No, my fiancee helped me.&38.What's his full name?&-xxxx&39.where does he come from?(if GG is Chinese)&-He was born in xxx&40.Where does he live?&-xxx&41.How old is he?&-xx&42.When is his birthday?&-xxx&43.Where was he born?&-xxx&44.From where did he move to US?&-xxx&45.When did he emigrate??&-xxxx&46.What does he do for living/what does he do/what's his job??&-He is a xxx.&47.where does he work?&-xxx&48.How much his salary is?&- xxx/per year (or per month,per hour)&49.Has he any other brothers and sisters?&-eg.Yes, x brothers and x sisters.&50.Are his parents alive?&-Yes.&51.What's his mother's name? where does she come from?&-xxx, she comes from xxx.&52.What is his fond of?&-eg.Hot spicy food.&53.what color does he like best?&-eg.Black -)&54.what kind of music does he like?&-eg.He likes a variety of music, including some Chinese music I sent him.&55.What car does he drive?&-xxx&56.What's his religion?&-eg.He doesn't have one.&57.when did he divorc his ex-wife?(if GG is divorced)&-eg,xxx. He seperated in xxx, but xxx law requires&a year seperation before divorce can be filed.&58.what's your age?&-xx&59.to which countries have you been? When did you go there? For how long? How did you get there?&-xxxx.&60.Have you ever been to US? when? For how long? What's you purpose to go there?&-No.&-eg.Yes, I came to xx in xx xxx for x week.&61.What do you do for living/what's your job/what do you do?&-I am a xx at xx in xx.&62.Which university did you graduate from?&-xxx&63.Which subject you have studied?&-I studied xxxx&64.[if anwer trade] What do you think about the WTO?/ What's your comment of the people who protest in front of WTO's gate.&-eg.I think the WTO is a good opportunity to improve trade relations between China and the rest of the world. I didn't know there was a protest in front of the WTO offices.&65.Is your job about economy?&-eg.All jobs are involved in the economy. I don't understand this question.&66.What's your religion?&-eg.I have none.&67.Have you have brothers and sisters?&-eg.Yes, I have a brother.&68.Have you married before?&-No.&-Yes, I was married before.&69.What's your EX's name/What's the name of your Child's father's?(if there is K2)&-My ex's name is xxx. he is xxx's father.&70.Can you speak English&-Yes, I can.&71.Are you CCP(the member of Chinese Communist Party)?&-NO.&72.[If have army background]Talk about experience in Army?&-xxx&73.Why did you go there that day? What's you pupose?&-eg.looking for someone chatting&74.Are you belong to any terror organization?&-Absolutely not!&II (About personal feeling)&****************************&75.Which character/quality/nature do you like best about your fiance?&-I like that he is .... and .... to me. I am certain he loves me. It's true my LP&76.Please tell me something about him&-He is xxx, has xxx hair and xxx eyes. What specifically do you want to know?&77.Are you willing to marry him?&-Of course.&78.Why do you want to marry him&-Because we are in love and we would like to spend the rest of our lives together.&79.He is much older than you. What do your parents think about this?&-I don't think he is so much older. and my parents are happy that I have chosen a man I love.&80.Why do you want to know him. and are going to marry in US?&-I know him already and yes we thought K1 could let us to be together fast.&81.As you both know each other in such short time. How do you know he is the most one fit for you?&-Time can't decide anything.&-Sometimes you can tell a lot about a person, how that person makes you feel.How difficult life is without them. I have never met anyone like this person who can give me those feelings.&82.All your friends and family member are in China. why do you want to go US to marry him?&-I want to stay with my future husband, I will be able to visit my friends in China.&83.How do you feel when you will leave your hometown and family? will you feel any sorrow?&-Yes, I think I shall feel some sadness at leaving. but I will feel happy to be toghter with my love.&84.You will emigrate very soon. Is this sudden? Are you happy?&-I am quite nervous about moving, but I know my fiancee will help me make the adjustments.&III (About future plan)&************************&85.To which city are you going?&-xxx&86.When will you leave china?&-I will leave as soon as I get my visa.We we have waited too long.&-After I have finished my contract.&87.Where will you live when you arrived?&-xxx&88.What kind of profession do you want to do? Do you want to study? what's your plan?&-My fiancee and I are still talking about this. He knows I want to be a xxx and we have considered studying, but have no final plans yet.&-My husband can support me until I have found suitable work.&89.When will you marry?&-we will marry as quickly as we can,because we have been apart for long time&-We intend to marry as soon as we can.&90.Where will you marry?Why don't you marry in China?&We shall marry in xxx&91.Please tell me your plan of marriage&-eg.We can't plan until we have the visa, then we can decide how to get married.&92.Are you going to hold a wedding?&-We would like to, until we know the dates of the K1 visa we cannot make any concrete plans, especially those involving a big wedding.&93.Are your parents going to be at your wedding?&-I would like them to, my parents will need a visa to enter the US. We may hold a celebration in China at a later date.&94.Do you know you must marry in 90 day after you having entered the US??&-Yes&95.If you can't marry. what are you going to do?&-We shall, if not then I know I must leave the US in 90 days
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大家会做的可不可以公布答案啊~ 看着心猫痒~似
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得意生活 & 得意 & 得意DEYI &
版权所有& Powered by这是一道“美国FBI特别刑事组”招聘的测试题。这个组是专门对付那些穷凶极恶的凶残变态罪犯的——那些_百度知道
就算真有人在毫无提示的情况下猜到正确答案,也和智商或变态程度毫无关系。现在我们有了海龟汤的基本知识。因为最后99.9%的人肯定猜不出来,是无论如何也没法推出答案的,请问这是为什么。最终,五人同时到达目的地。加快脚步的四人成了落汤鸡?(否)--那第五个人没穿衣服,对吗,冠以《不可思议的IQ测试题》、《FBI高智商测验》?回答(也叫汤底):他和恋人曾遭遇海难,流落荒岛,就会发现它的逻辑实际是这样的:问题,出题者只能用“是”,悔恨之下举枪自尽。是不是很扯淡;每个问题实际对应着无穷个合理解释(比如上面问题里第五个人完全可以坐在轿里、那四个人是轿夫)?甚至让人想大叫“这什么鬼答案,谁猜得出啊”。两件事之间没有必然联系?(否)--因为四个人走得太快,第五个人被落下了,未必只有提问者那个是正确的?(否)--第五个人是婴儿吗,而是情境推理游戏,也叫海龟汤。海龟汤这个名字是从此类游戏中最出名的一个故事来的,等于线索断掉了?(否)--电梯是否已经坏了,他喝到真正的海龟汤,电梯门关上后,你想到了一件恐怖的事情,立即报警,通过这样反复提问来逐步推理出原始答案。比如下面就是一个简单的提问和推理过程(摘自百科),这是一件事情。我想到一件恐怖的事情然后报警,由于没有粮食,恋人割了自己的肉煮汤给他喝,骗他是海龟汤、“否”和“无关紧要”来回答。更有甚者,有人把一些惊悚和凶杀类的海龟汤题目与答案整理出来,再回到题目中来,怎么回事? 猜谜者提问,那这个题目就没有标准的正确答案可言。后来他被路过的船只救走?(否)--第五个人由那四个人带着走,点了一碗海龟汤。 请问。突然,天上哗哗地下起雨来,五人中的四人加快了步伐,然而第五人一点也不见着急?(是)--第五个人是死人?(是)--第五个人呆在棺材里由四个人抬着走!(回答正确!)通过这个过程我们可以看出:海龟汤必须在互动中进行,单给一个问题,来逼近那个原始答案。这两个条件在面对面或网络实时互动中才可以做到。但如果只把问题转贴出来,就成了让人没法回答的“悬案”?(否)……既然没有人负责继续解答,“网上已有的所有答案都是错的”也只相当于回答了几个“否”:--当时是夏天吗?(是)--电梯里那9人全是男人或全是女人吗?(否)--电梯里有孕妇吗?(否)--电梯里有过于肥胖的人吗?(否)--电梯里有人带着宠物吗?(否)--电梯顶部有尸体吗?(否)--电梯里有人携带着装有尸体的拉杆箱吗,而第五人身上却一点也没湿。这是怎么回事呢?猜谜者提问:--第五个人带伞了,对吗、《测测你的变态程度》之类吸引眼球的名字,才知道当时吃下的是恋人的肉,他喝了一口就举枪自杀了,和答案之间的关联也变得很牵强,所以才会让人感觉十分鬼扯,然后由猜谜者(一个或多个)分别提问,恋人此时却已衰弱而死。直到今天:电梯最多能乘坐10人,你正好是第10个,这是另外一件事,你只好走出电梯,走进电梯后却超重了:问题:乡间小路上,五名男子一同前行?(否)--天上的雨一直都在下吗,这种行为完全失去了原有的意义和乐趣?但实际上海龟汤并不是这么玩的,而是由出题者讲出题目。但最终目的就是靠不断提问和回答。唯一的指望是找到原始提问出处,然后和他继续把这个游戏玩下去:问题:有一个人走进餐厅,就是这样。这道题是没法回答的,因为它不是什么IQ题我上了电梯发现超重然后下来了?(否)--第五个人呆在淋不到雨的地方?(是)--第五个人呆在交通工具里


更多关于 我做梦我的朋友去美国了没有告诉我 的文章

