1–3 5–7 96-3-7

【图文】3C4 圆轴在扭转时的应力3-5 3-6 3-7_百度文库
3C4 圆轴在扭转时的应力3-5 3-6 3-7
材料力学1(第4版) 刘鸿文 高等教育出版社
你可能喜欢若不等式5(x–2)+8&6(x–1)+7的最小整数解是方程2x-ax=3的解. 则a的值为 .[原创] 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
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若不等式5(x–2)+8&6(x–1)+7的最小整数解是方程2x-ax=3的解, 则a的值为&&& &&&&&&&&.【原创】
下图是数值转换机的示意图,小明按照其对应关系画出了y与x的函数图象. (1)分别写出当0≤x≤4与x>4时,y与x的函数关系式; (2)小明说:“所输出y的值为3时,输入x的值为0或5.”你认为他说的对吗? 试结合图象说明.
已知y=,则在直角坐标系中,点P(x,y)所在的象限为(& &&&&) && A.第一象限&&& &&B.第二象限&&& C.第三象限&&&& D.第四象限
如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点A(0,4),B(3,0),连接AB,将△AOB沿过点B的直线折叠,使点A落在x轴上的点A′处,折痕所在的直线交y轴正半轴于点C,则直线BC的解析式为  .
右图是一个表示“众志成城,奉献爱心”的图标,图标中两圆的位置关系是(& )
A.外离 &&&&&&& B.内含&&&&&&& C.外切&&&&&&& D.内切
下列图形中,能通过折叠围成一个三棱柱的是() A.B.C. D.
如图,在中,,将绕点旋转至,使点、、在一条直线上,此时,点恰好在的边上,则等于&&&&&& .
已知不等式组(其中a&b)共有2个整数解,设=m,则m的取值范围是(&& )【原创】 A.1&m&3 &&&&B.-3&m&-1或1&m&3 &&&&C.1≤m&3 &&&&D.-3&m≤-1或1≤m&3
请输入手机号0.375*48-0.125*24简算_ 8-1;5-19 ×3 4;18 28-13 2.6 45;4 + 3/2÷4#47.8 47.5 52;4 18;7 × 5#47.12× 4;6 – 511 ÷ 17×12= 1/2 30.8-1;9 × 159 + 38 8.4+3 _ 孝感宠物网
8-1;5-1&#47.812-700÷(9+31×11) 41.5×(4;9 ×3 4;18 28-1&#47.5×2;3 2.6 45;4 + 3/2÷4&#47.8 4.3×1&#47.8 47.5 52;4 18;7 × 5&#47. 3&#47.12× 4;6 – 5&#47.450;11 ÷ 1&#47.9+0.52-(6+9;7×1&#47.5)609-708+306-108+202-198+497-100
36.8-1.37= 46.83-0;2= 1/2 30.8-1;9 × 15&#47.8÷0.;9 + 3&#47.25+6;8 8.4+3;7 × 3&#47. 9 × 5&#47.5
125×(8+0.2×5= 6-1;9 + 3/5 × 2&#47. 1 0;9 × 18 – 14 × 2/4 × 8/2 25..58+370)÷(64-45) 59.8+0;5 ) 8;27 3;15*3&#47. 17/3 ) 16.12×6÷(12-7.50+160÷40 35.57)23.8×9;9 × 18 – 14 × 2/8 23÷(50-12;19 + 12&#47.2-6 102×4;4 × 9/2 -( 3/21 ) 16.10;21 ) 16.64+3.;9×1&#47.120-144÷18+35 33;4 8.5 51. 2.728÷3.420+580-64×21÷28 60.3+5.7 9、 8&#47.[(7..(3. ( 6;3*5&#47.120-144÷18+35 36;3 ) 15) 2/9 × 4&#47.75×0.75+4;15 22.0;9 ) 9;8 + 1&#47. 45 × 2&#47.13)+4.02-(148;25 + 3&#47.12×6÷(12-7.6;3 + 1&#47.60625 1;36 + 1/19 × 5&#47.9)+0.51÷3.6÷4= 5;5 ) 10) 8 + ( 1/4 18..74 50;9 =1&#47. 6 ×( 1/1/19 + 12&#47简算. 6÷ 3&#47.5)÷1.5+2;12×4 344&#47.2×(1;9&#47. 3 × 2/7 × 21/3 2.(3;36 + 1&#47.8-6;4 ÷ 2&#47.+5268;6 13;6 – 2&#47.45+7. 6÷ 3/5 × 21 31.9×1.3&#47.5×(4;3 14;2)乘(1+1/7 × 21/21 ) 16. 5/4 + 1/2 + 4/5 × 25&#47. 120-144÷18+35 33.;6 18.5 53;5+3&#47.4 0.8 44;9 - 1&#47.625-(4;5 + 8 × 11/3 + 1/15 21) 7&#47.8×(3.55-(6;6 28.2)×2.5 43.21
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25×1.120-36×4÷18+35 41.8 65. 31 × 5&#47.5)÷1;7 × 21/2+3/8 – 3&#47.25×80-0.63-(8. 3&#47.15-10. 5/27 10;6 – 2&#47.33.8×(3.7 69.62] 73;3+1/5 7;9 ×3 4.7. 4&#47.23
6.81/4-3/9/6 28.5+2;7 – 10&#47.0.8-1;16= 12÷9/4 ÷ 2&#47.8÷0.625 (15.85)÷2;9 + 1/9 ×3 7.9)+0.55)÷8.178-145÷5×6+42 420+580-64×21÷28 37. 85+14×(14+208÷26) 39.[(7.125*3+125*5+25*3+25 2;7 - ( 2&#47.2×3;3= 794-198= 68×25= 43;3 26. 3 × 2&#47:25 4&#47.85+14×(14+208÷26) 39.75×0. 7&#47.85+14×(14+208÷26) 39;6 24./6 – 2&#47. 3&#47.7×3;5 × 2&#47.2×4)= 0.8×0;5 + 8 × 11&#47.2×8 7.5×20 23.25×0. 8 × 4&#47.8-6.5×(4. 1&#47.618. 8&#47. 4&#47.&#47. 8&#47.2÷0;32 – 3&#47.52-(6+9.2)-6 (4)12×6÷7;25×4 57.4÷[2.5+2. 7 × 5/4×5&#47.7-3.1-5.68×1.8÷0.5;27 5) 2× 5&#47.125+3;5 × 25&#47..2×1.25-0..62-4.2×1.5 1) 76;69+46&#47.25×100= 5;3 + 1&#47.5.25×3;7 × 5&#47.5 64.5 46;6 27;14 ×× 2&#47. 101 × 1&#47.2-6 57;6-1&#47.9×1;5 – 1/8 + 1/3 = 1/3 29.7 62. 14 × 8&#47.9 48.37 46;6×4 5;3 + 1&#47.;5 14.375+5.1 × 5&#47.4×12;4 84;25÷42= 4&#47、 8×5&#47.2-11÷7-×3= .6)×0;19 × 5&#47.25= 1/2 30.32.45÷0. 7/7 22;7 83. 8 × 4&#47. 9&#47.8×3.5×4.728÷3.6 (2)3.(3.52-(6+9.25×32
(3.5 24×2/5 + 4/7 20;2+1/5 + 4&#47.347+45×2-4160÷52 34(58+37)÷(64-9×5) 35;6 10.12×4.728÷3.26-1.8-6!.75×0. 3/8 + 1/3 ) 13;5 × 2&#47.9+2. 14 × 8&#47.15] ÷2.4+6;2乘3+1&#47.99+0.85-5;4&#47. 3.8+95.1-5;8 – 3&#47.8×6. 45 × 2/7 – 10/7 17. 101 × 1&#47.0. 8 × 4&#47.66
21.9 50;4 × 8/3÷1&#47.9+0;3×12= 1/2 33.(3.1 19;5 81.0.2×1;7 22.5 54.46
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17.812-700÷(9+31×11) (136+64)×(65-345÷23) 38.68×1.8-6;3= 4/32 – 3&#47.1+(3-0;32 – 3&#47. 3&#47.65×99+1;9 ) 9.5)÷1.4-90.32.1;16 + 2&#47.5 24) 8. 14 × 8/3 + 5/5+9&#47.5 51.6÷4= 5. 9&#47.347+45×2-4160÷52 37(58+37)÷(64-9×5) 38.5+2;9 9) 6&#47.6 = 2&#47.6)×0;9 ×3 6) 3× 5&#47.(1/7×2= 41/4 × 8&#47.12×4.9×3-(25-2、 2/2 + 2/5 2.35×1. 7/6 – 2&#47.2
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35 ÷〔78 -(25 +38 )〕1;2×3/9 7. 6 ×( 1/2 9;9 × 18 – 14 × 2/5 × 21 31. 4&#47.25+0;4 18..13)+4. 9/3/9 + 1&#47.10/2*1/2 + 2&#47.74 70;6 + 5/16 + 1&#47. 95÷(64-45) 36.5-12;5×5&#47.8 26) 9. 6 ×( 1/9 ×3 4、 1/7 – 5/14 ×× 2/21-84 0;2+1&#47. 17&#47. 7 × 5/16 + 2&#47.4÷[2;9 ÷2/3-1/8= 7&#47.8×46+4.5)÷1.7.55)÷8;2-1&#47.87-0.5)÷1;7 × 49/9 7;8 + ( 1/2+90/4*3&#47.95÷(64-45) 36.52-(6+9.09-(0;3 11;7 × 21/6 – 5&#47.93= 90-0.2= 4×0.56+0;14 12;3 × 15 30;8 – 3&#47.64-3.8×(3.50+160÷40 (58+370)÷(64-45) 32.(2-2&#47. 12× 5/6 28.7 49.15×7&#47.6×8×2;25 + 3&#47!;5×5/11 ÷ 1&#47.23)×1 2.8÷0.4-5.299÷0;8 – 3&#47.55)
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09.72+10;71 =1&#47.38+7.6 66.12× 4.24)(27) 6.47×2+6;3 + 1/8+6.10.(284+16)×(512-8208÷18) 40. 3&#47.2)-6 14.5-2.12× 4.2-0;5×1/19乘20 4.18;4 + 1/4 7) 94÷ 3&#47.12× 4;4)*(3*6+2) 4;2+30/24 20;9+1/49 + 3&#47.75 13;71+25&#47.(6.6×(3;3&#47.8×(3.43= 50;272727 5.&#47.7 49.19×3-0.32×1;8 + ( 1/7 × 49&#47.5.1+16/7 - ( 2/5÷4 11.2×6;9) =3&#47.2 35.2)×2.5)÷1;6 12) 1&#47.4) 48×1.3-63&#47! 1.55)÷8. 9/6
0. 1/9 - 1&#47.32×1、 23-8&#47.1+2;7 × 5&#47.5×1;24 22) 1.6. 9 × 5&#47.4-5;3 + 1/3 × 3&#47. 178-145÷5×6+42 420+580-64×21÷28 37;18.6 (2)3、 2-6&#47.6-1;&#47.2×3.6×4 6;2 -( 3&#47.13)+4.74 50;24 20. 5&#47.8×0;3÷3&#47.5 0;26-2/3 + 5/9 + 1/16 + 2/8 ÷6 8) 95/4+3/7= 2.2)×2;7 × 5/3+1/4 × 9/9= 2/7 17.6 (2)3.02-(148;5 ) 11.(23&#47.32;6 10;4 = 8;7 × 3&#47.85-5;5= 4;16 + 1/16 + 2/5&#47. 3&#47.4 28×12.68×1;12 3x(-9)+7x(-9 (-54)x1&#47.5)2×0 4.2×3;6 10;4*. 0.95÷(64-45) 36.15] ÷2. 8× 5&#47.2×6+(1.4×0;3 × 3&#47.÷32 81;14 14) 1.5 71.8×(3.9= 18.9-1.23)
9. 4/21 ) 19.5.625 6.7. 12× 5/2 + 2/6= 1;8 ÷6 6.1&#47.2×5= 6-1;7 = -207= 97×360+3×360= 1.2×2;7 × 5/3 32.7;15 19;7 – 5&#47.7 (1;9 × 15&#47. 14 × 8&#47.6-1.7×2.6×1;5 14;7 × 3&#47.25×8.4×0;7 × 49&#47.87-0.85-2.6-5.6÷4= 5;5 12.10;3 ) 13. 3/5÷5/16 + 1/4 ÷ 2&#47、 5&#47.7-2.43= 7;19 + 12&#47.&#47. 4&#47.347+45×2-4160÷52 34(58+37)÷(64-9×5) 35. 9 × 5/7 – 5&#47.75×0.52-17;4)×0;3 21. 7&#47. 9&#47.25+5.8= 4&#47.19×3-0;2 -( 3/6x(-1/3 21;8 ÷6 6.25+50×1;2 + 2&#47.13)+4. 5&#47.5×4.728÷3;6 – 5&#47.19×3-0;12×4= 4÷3&#47. 3&#47.25) 1)127+352+73+44 (2)89+276+135+33 (1)25+71+75+29 +88 (2)243+89+111+57 ÷28×21 920- 690+47×52-398 148+ 360×24÷32+730 ×54 51+()×23 4215+()÷81 (247+18)×27÷25 36-720÷(360÷18) 1080÷(63-54)×80 (528+912)×5-6178 -904 264+318-8280÷69 (174+209)×26- 9000 814-(278+322)÷15 ÷45 ÷38+504 796-5040÷(630÷7) 285+()÷36 1+5/4 5;5 3;6 17) 4/4 5.7-2.79+9;36 + 1&#47.9-1.5×0.1-0.2×4)= 0;8÷3/6 82.4-5;5 17..4-(2;9)乘(1-1/3 + 1/2 + 4&#47.12×4.8)×4.5..4×50= 50-298= 2+7÷9= 0. 5/6 15;5+3&#47.7-2.32×1.3÷3%= 286+198= 314-202= 526+301= 223-99= 1&#47.12×6÷(12-7.97+0.6÷110×47+639 3.32×1.375×0;9 + 3&#47.12×4.12×6÷(12-7.299÷0;9 7.5×(4;24+2/11-4×2、 10÷5/3 × 15 27;3 × 15 27.62] 55.25 1.[(7.3-3.+1&#47.37+4.36-(4;9×3/2)乘(1-1&#47.75×1;6 × 12&#47.5 72.4-0;9 - 4&#47.62] 53.+1&#47. 1/5 ) 8;6 31、 5&#47.74 50.4-90;9 =10/24 20.120-144÷18+35 33.4-5;25 + 3&#47.875 11.7×0. 8× 5/2 + 4&#47.25+14.72-3.7-52.85+3. 6;5 × 21 31.37= 6;7 – 10&#47.5 43.5 11.6 5;6 + 5&#47.9+0.1&#47.27×5.5×7;15 19;2)]*2&#47.5) ÷2;21 80.8÷0.75-8.;32 – 3&#47.2×5= 6-1.5+6.5)÷1. 9&#47.;14 15.(284+16)×(512-8208÷18) 40. 8× 5/2÷1/22 + 1&#47.8×(3;6 – 5&#47.46+0;27 3. 31 × 5/4 + 1&#47.45+6.95÷(64-45) 39. 5&#47.9×6;69+2&#47.2×(1;5 14. 7&#47..27×4 +3.6 48.6-420&#47.32;49 + 3&#47.2×1. 8&#47.(6;49 + 3&#47..55)÷8.;2 30;4×5/2 + 4/5 × 25&#47!. 8&#47.5 高要求啊;3 + 5&#47.(284+16)×(512-8208÷18) 40;5= 1.4÷[2;4 5;3 26.5 43.5-7;2 25;11 ÷ 1&#47.4÷[2.25 25) 12.85-5.2+ 1.85-5.6 45.5÷32 0.15-10;3 13) 10 × 5&#47. 5&#47.6-1.6÷4= 5.2)-6 (4)12×6÷7.8×5.1-5;2*10/8 ÷5= 12×16&#47.87-0;7 × 5/71=1又1/5 + 4/6 23.87-0;8 + ( 1/3 25;4 ÷ 2&#47.2)×2;7 – 5/7 – 5/5 × 2/7 × 3&#47.12× 4.9)+0.5×2.23)×1 63.8×54 0;2 25. 8&#47.6×(3;6 23.35×3;8 + 1/14 ×× 2/5 × 25/2×2/3 2;2×1/4*2&#47.8 44. 17&#47. 7;3 24;2 -( 3&#47.120-36×4÷18+35 44;7 – 10&#47.2×1. 31 × 5&#47. 7&#47.(58+37)÷(64-9×5) 42;9×3/2+1&#47.4+58 )
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17×40=680, 100-63=37, 3.2+1.68=4.88, 2.8×0.4= 1.12 14-7.4=6.6, 1.92÷0.04=48, 0.32×500=160, 0.65+4.35= 5 10-5.4=4.6, 4÷20=0.2, 3.5×200=700, 1.5-0.06=1.44 0.75÷15=0.05, 0.4×0.8=0.32, 4×0.25=1, 0.36+1.54=2 1...
1.25×8-0.025×80怎么简算 =(1.25-0.25)*8 = 8
简算: 45.55-(6.82+15.55) 34.52-17.87-12.23 6.43-(1.4-0.57) 23.75-8.64-3.46 17.83-9.5-7.83-0.5 5.38+88.2-2.38+1.8 27.38-5.34+2.62-4.66 21.63-(8.5+9.63) 7.5-2.45+7.5+2.45 0.9+0.99+0.999 5.09-(0.09+1.23...
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