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Blood donation(献血), also called blood banking, is a wonderful thing to do. It is an easy and direct way to contribute to social work and help the community. It helps to save lives and helps those who are in need of blood due to bad condition or the heavy loss of blood during operations or in accidents.You are able to give or donate blood every three or four month, and it is a great way to make a huge difference to someone’s life and you can always be proud of it after making valuable contributions to society. Blood donation is not a big problem, but you need to keep a few points in mind.Before donating blood, make sure that the ferrum (铁) level in your body is high enough and for that you should take a healthy diet. Do not go for blood donation on an empty stomach. You should follow the correct process so that everything goes well. After having a balanced diet you will feel strong and comfortable to donate blood. Afterwards, you will not feel faint or weak.For required hemoglobin (血红蛋白) in your body, drink lots of juice and other drinks. Fruit juice, such as apple juice is very good for increasing the blood level in your body.For a good blood flow(流动) in your body, drink at least 6-7 glasses of water every day. Completely avoid a day before and after giving blood, taking alcohol (酒). Do not smoke half an hour before giving blood.When you are going for blood donation, be relaxed, which helps keep the right blood pressure(血压). During the blood donation activity, take a deep breath and try to calm yourself. Don’t join in some other activities.When you donate blood, you are making the effort to save someone’s life. Blood donation is a very simple and fast process, but you need to take care of yourself after donating blood. Proper care helps to reduce side effects. The following are a few tips that will help you out.Take a rest for 15 minutes after the donation. It helps you to feel relaxed.Eat something and drink juice before leaving the blood donation center. Make sure that you have meals after donating blood. Smoking should be avoided for one hour after the process. Avoid some activities right away, for example, driving.Finally, be proud of yourself because you have done a great thing in helping to save someone’s life. Blood donation is a very important activity. Title
donation — an important activity The
of blood donation o小题2:_________to
social work and the community o
Helping those people who suffer the loss
Giving yourself a sense of pride
Take a healthy 小题5:_______for
a high ferrum level. o
Drink fruit juice for enough hemoglobin. o
Drink at least 6-7 glasses of water daily for a good 小题6:________
of blood. o
Avoid taking alcohol and小题7:____
the donationo
Relax and breathe小题8:_______oNever
take part in other activities.
the donationo
Take a rest. o
Don’t skip 小题9:__________.
Don’t smoke until one hour later. o
Don’t join in some activities like driving 小题10:________
在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:Blood donation(献血), also called blood banking, is a wonderful thing to do. It is an easy and direct way to contribute to social work and help the community. It helps to save lives and helps those who are in need of blood due to bad condition or the heavy loss of blood during operations or in accidents.You are able to give or donate blood every three or four month, and it is a great way to make a huge difference to someone’s life and you can always be proud of it after making valuable contributions to society. Blood donation is not a big problem, but you need to keep a few points in mind.Before donating blood, make sure that the ferrum (铁) level in your body is high enough and for that you should take a healthy diet. Do not go for blood donation on an empty stomach. You should follow the correct process so that everything goes well. After having a balanced diet you will feel strong and comfortable to donate blood. Afterwards, you will not feel faint or weak.For required hemoglobin (血红蛋白) in your body, drink lots of juice and other drinks. Fruit juice, such as apple juice is very good for increasing the blood level in your body.For a good blood flow(流动) in your body, drink at least 6-7 glasses of water every day. Completely avoid a day before and after giving blood, taking alcohol (酒). Do not smoke half an hour before giving blood.When you are going for blood donation, be relaxed, which helps keep the right blood pressure(血压). During the blood donation activity, take a deep breath and try to calm yourself. Don’t join in some other activities.When you donate blood, you are making the effort to save someone’s life. Blood donation is a very simple and fast process, but you need to take care of yourself after donating blood. Proper care helps to reduce side effects. The following are a few tips that will help you out.Take a rest for 15 minutes after the donation. It helps you to feel relaxed.Eat something and drink juice before leaving the blood donation center. Make sure that you have meals after donating blood. Smoking should be avoided for one hour after the process. Avoid some activities right away, for example, driving.Finally, be proud of yourself because you have done a great thing in helping to save someone’s life. Blood donation is a very important activity. Title
donation — an important activity The
of blood donation o小题2:_________to
social work and the community o
Helping those people who suffer the loss
Giving yourself a sense of pride
Take a healthy 小题5:_______for
a high ferrum level. o
Drink fruit juice for enough hemoglobin. o
Drink at least 6-7 glasses of water daily for a good 小题6:________
of blood. o
Avoid taking alcohol and小题7:____
the donationo
Relax and breathe小题8:_______oNever
take part in other activities.
the donationo
Take a rest. o
Don’t skip 小题9:__________.
Don’t smoke until one hour later. o
Don’t join in some activities like driving 小题10:________
Blood donation(献血), also called blood banking, is a wonderful thing to do. It is an easy and direct way to contribute to social work and help the community. It helps to save lives and helps those who are in need of blood due to bad condition or the heavy loss of blood during operations or in accidents.You are able to give or donate blood every three or four month, and it is a great way to make a huge difference to someone’s life and you can always be proud of it after making valuable contributions to society. Blood donation is not a big problem, but you need to keep a few points in mind.Before donating blood, make sure that the ferrum (铁) level in your body is high enough and for that you should take a healthy diet. Do not go for blood donation on an empty stomach. You should follow the correct process so that everything goes well. After having a balanced diet you will feel strong and comfortable to donate blood. Afterwards, you will not feel faint or weak.For required hemoglobin (血红蛋白) in your body, drink lots of juice and other drinks. Fruit juice, such as apple juice is very good for increasing the blood level in your body.For a good blood flow(流动) in your body, drink at least 6-7 glasses of water every day. Completely avoid a day before and after giving blood, taking alcohol (酒). Do not smoke half an hour before giving blood.When you are going for blood donation, be relaxed, which helps keep the right blood pressure(血压). During the blood donation activity, take a deep breath and try to calm yourself. Don’t join in some other activities.When you donate blood, you are making the effort to save someone’s life. Blood donation is a very simple and fast process, but you need to take care of yourself after donating blood. Proper care helps to reduce side effects. The following are a few tips that will help you out.Take a rest for 15 minutes after the donation. It helps you to feel relaxed.Eat something and drink juice before leaving the blood donation center. Make sure that you have meals after donating blood. Smoking should be avoided for one hour after the process. Avoid some activities right away, for example, driving.Finally, be proud of yourself because you have done a great thing in helping to save someone’s life. Blood donation is a very important activity. Title
donation — an important activity The
of blood donation o小题2:_________to
social work and the community o
Helping those people who suffer the loss
Giving yourself a sense of pride
Take a healthy 小题5:_______for
a high ferrum level. o
Drink fruit juice for enough hemoglobin. o
Drink at least 6-7 glasses of water daily for a good 小题6:________
of blood. o
Avoid taking alcohol and小题7:____
the donationo
Relax and breathe小题8:_______oNever
take part in other activities.
the donationo
Take a rest. o
Don’t skip 小题9:__________.
Don’t smoke until one hour later. o
Don’t join in some activities like driving 小题10:________
科目:最佳答案小题1:importance / significance小题2:Contributing小题3:blood小题4:Before小题5:diet小题6:flow小题7:smoking小题8:deeply小题9:meals小题10:immediately 解析
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针对香港大学英语面试,为同学们整理出有关的全攻略,希望能够帮助同学们,顺利通过面试。&&& & & &中文  中文系是香港中文大学历史最悠久的学系,全名为中国语言及文学系。顾名思义,课程的特点是语言与文学并重,为同学提供全面而深入的训练。语文是沟通的工具,掌握语文的结构和源流,有助于沟通。再者,语文也是历史的产物,了解语言,可以深化我们对文化的认识。文学承载着古今作者对世界的观照,故此对文学作品的欣赏和探讨,不单为我们提供了审美的训练,更是了解人生世相的途径。&  翻译学  是香港中文大学的优势专业,在传统专业的基础上,该系还联合其他学科开办了若干双学位课程,旨在培养多元化人才,如法学-翻译学双学位专业就是一个很好的例子。法学-翻译学双学位专业采用新颖的&4+1&模式教学,即学生第一年学习翻译课程,第二年才开始学习法律的相关知识,法律知识的学习期限为4年,毕业后学生将获得法学和文学(翻译)双学士学位。而且法学专业的学生在读完第一年的课程后,还可以选择读取翻译学学位。&  新闻与传播  学院是香港最早成立的交流教育与研究的专业学院,现有5个本科专业:新闻、广播、广告和公共关系、创新与新媒体及通讯学。学院自1965年成立以来,一直秉承为香港培养优秀的专业传播者和研究人员,推动文化发展的路线,设立了大量广泛与灵活的基础课程,把重点放在了基础理论与专业培训相结合上。&  专业会计学  课程是香港中文大学为满足21世纪市场需要而培养具有创新能力和远见的国际化商业领航者而设立的强势专业,学生不仅要学习商业和会计专业知识,而且还要辅修领导、分析、人际关系、沟通技巧等方面的知识,为学生的全面发展打下了坚实的基础。&  社会学  本系课程&文武并重&,除了培训学生的理论及学术发展,亦以小组讨论、工作及社会观察的方式拓展学生的眼界,让学生走出课室、面对社会。&  法律  中大法学院成立于2006年,延续了香港中文大学&双语&、&双文化&教学的特色,以培养适应全球化大环境和中国内地经济快速增长背景为目的的法律专业人才。中大的法律学院和其他两所大学的法学院不同之处是,将着重提供通才教育,以扩大学生的知识面,使他们毕业后能在不同的领域服务,且现在香港的金融法比较薄弱,而国际贸易法的资源也特别少,故中文大学将着重培养这两方面的人才。&  法律与社会科学学士(社会学)双学位  课程是香港中文大学2008年新增的双学位模式课程,学生将受到法律与社会学两方面专业课程的学习,毕业后将获得法学士与社会科学学士两个学位。
针对香港大学英语面试,为同学们整理出有关的全攻略,希望能够帮助同学们,顺利通过面试。&&& & & &酒店及旅游管理  酒店及旅游管理专业是香港理工大学(/polyu/)公认的强项专业,在世界都是排名前15名之内,学院秉承领导亚洲旅游教育并于全球排名上取得更高成就的理念,注重学历和工作经验双重积累,附设了亚洲独有的吕志和酒店及旅游资源中心,给学生提供研究、教学和学习所需的资讯,并且能让学生在真实的餐厅环境中学习接触顾客、操练烹饪及款待客人的技巧。&  医疗  香港理工大学有一个很有特色的是辅助医疗方面的。在内地可能医院里主要是医生和护士专业,但是在香港和外国来说,不光是医生和护士还有很多辅助医疗的专业,这些是理工大学独有,而其他的香港大学都没有的,包括职业治疗、物理治疗、眼科视光学、放射学等,这些在内地来说可能是将来发展的重点,所以同学来念这些科目的时候,将来无论在香港、外国还是回到内地发展都是很好的。&  工程  工程专业方面在过去两年里,在所有的香港大学里,香港理工大学拿到香港政府最高的研究拨款,而且香港理工大学的工程专业在香港来说是最全面、最多选择的。另外香港这几年着重发展的会计、金融服务、物流等行业,理工的这些专业都非常强且很受欢迎的。&  独有专业课程  香港理工大学提供近40个学士学位课程,其中很多专业是香港独有的,而且大多数是数一数二的,如设计学、服装及纺织学、工程物理学、职业治疗学、物理治疗学、放射学、物流管理学,还有土地测量学等,这都是香港理工大学独有的,而且在世界都是非常有影响力的学科。  双学位专业理大旨在透过设立双学位专业开阔学生的学术领域及专业知识,以便学生日后在工作上更能发挥所长。在理大提供的40个本科专业中,有15个有双学位选择,学生毕业时同时拥有2个不同专业的学士学位。举例说,应用生物科技学,可以加上生物医学工程学组成一个双学位;另外电子计算学加管理学,还有电子及资讯工程加上工程物理学、社会政策及行政学加上物业管理学等。&  文理兼收的专业  会计学、工商管理学、建筑工程及管理学、电子计算学、设计学、企业工程及电子商业学、企业信息管理学、服装及纺织学、金融服务学、全球供应链管理学、酒店业管理学、国际航运及物流管理、专业中英语文学、物流工程及管理学、管理学、市场学、物业管理学、社会政策及行政学、社会工作学、旅游业管理学等。
针对香港大学英语面试,为同学们整理出有关的全攻略,希望能够帮助同学们,顺利通过面试。&&  港大一向推崇高素质教学,学生都是以小组的形式学习,采用英语教学,特别鼓励学生参加对外交流,让其接触外国及外面文化。港大毕业生就业率、升学率及薪酬水平均为全港高校之冠。现有建筑学院、文学院、经济及工商管理学院、牙医学院、教育学院、工程学院、法学院、医学院、理学院、社会科学学院10个学院,及其他教学单位包括研究生院、专业进修学院、数码港学院及其他不属任何学院的教研单位,如亚洲研究中心、佛学研究中心等教研机构。优势专业主要有建筑、法律、生物工程及医学院、商学院、工程学系、社会科学院等专业。&& & & &建筑  建筑学专业本科阶段旨在培养学生具备基本建筑技术与知识,为日后继续攻读建筑学硕士学位及其他硕士课程,如城市规划、环境规划及建筑文物保护等打下坚实的基础。建筑学课程包括设计、历史、理论、建造原理、视觉联系、建筑欣赏、都会设计、结构、机电服务、建筑科技及材料等。多数本科学生完成建筑学士学位后会选择继续攻读建筑学硕士学位,有认可资格的建筑师可受雇于政府及私人机构。近年来,越来越多的毕业生趋向在设计专业上探索不同领域的发展。香港大学的建筑学硕士学位获得中国、香港、英国、澳洲等国家和地区承认。&  法律  香港大学法律学院是香港法律专才的主要培育基地,所培养的众多法律人才中不乏众多香港法律名家及政客,亦令本地司法界在国际上声望日隆,成为法律界的业中翘楚。法学专业为本学院的主打专业,是四年制课程,学生还可选择一门法学以外的学科作为副修学位。学习方式包括小组研习和起草档的练习,并有法庭辩论等实践训练。为了给学生在入读大学时更多的选择和在就业时更大的灵活性,学院还联合其他众多院系开设了大量的混合双学位课程,如香港大学法律系和商学院合办的工商管理学学士(法律)学位课程;与社会科学学院合办社会科学学士(政治与法律)学位课程;与工程学院合办土木工程(法律)学位课程等。合办课程的毕业生在取得有关混合学位后,可用两年时间选择修读其余的法学课程,以取得法学学士学位,并在其后申请入读法学专业证书课程。此外,其他类型的混合学位课程亦在筹划中。&  经济及工商管理  学院成立于2001年,由商学院及经济金融学院联合组成,在现今亚洲的商业及经济教育界中手执牛耳,很多创新的教育以及研究皆集中于此。学院提供香港及亚太地区首屈一指的商业及经济教育,以迎接大中华区经济带来的挑战,并配合香港营商环境的转变,引领香港成为国际金融中心。经济及工商管理学院的课程经专家特别设计,学生选读工商管理和经济金融的科目,课程广博且精深。经济及工商管理学院提供多元化的本科生教育,学生在攻读本专业课程的同时还可以从其他9个学院的课程中,根据自己的兴趣选读不同范畴的科目。本科专业主要有:工商管理学、会计及财务、工商管理&信息系统(四年制双学位课程,学生毕业获得工商管理学学士及工学学士两个学位)、国际商业及环球管理、工商管理学学士&法学(特别为对商科和法律均感兴趣的学生而设立五年制的双学位课程,毕业授予工商管理学学士及法学士双学位)、经济学、金融学、经济金融学。&  医学  学院现名李嘉诚医学院,是港大众学院中规模最大的一个学院,也是香港两间西医医学院之中历史最悠久的一间,久负盛名,中国革命先行者孙中山先生还曾在这里学过医,并且是该院的第一届毕业生。学院有十七个教学部门,中医药学院、医学及卫生教育研究所,及多个专注发展学院科研强项的科研中心和重点实验室。在牙医医学和病毒研究等方面有着特殊的优势。尤其对曾经在世界范围内大肆流传的非典型肺炎(SARS)的深入研究一直处于领先地位,并取得了举世瞩目的成果。如2003年,港大首先发现SARS的源头和传播方法,并且研制出血清快速测试法。次年,港大微生物学系又成功发现超过100种化合物,可阻止SARS冠状病毒入侵人体细胞及在细胞内复制,从而达到治疗效果。&  生物讯息学  是一个为期三年的课程,它的主要特色是课程由医学院及工程学院共同教授。生物学与计算科学之间的这种唇齿相依的关系,使生物讯息学应运而生。如今生物讯息学是现代科学发展中最为活跃的领域之一。从基因以及由基因所编码的蛋白质来看,生物学就是一门数码科学。这门课程的学生既是生物学的学生,也是计算科学的学生,同时学习生化分子生物学和计算科学的专门知识,以及连接这两个领域的生物讯息学理论和技术,成为生物讯息学的专业人才。&  牙医学  香港大学的牙医学院是香港唯一提供牙医学士和深造课程的学院。拥有最先进的牙科仪器。牙医学院课程采用了以解疑为本的学习方法。所有课程遵循综合培养、解疑为本的准则,着重实施以学生为中心的教学方法,力求与社会和文化息息相关,并切合社会的需要。在五年的学习期内,学生将循序渐进地掌握诊断病症、治疗、人际交往和沟通方面的技巧。这些是学生毕业后,最终能够成为出色能干的牙科医生所必需的。&& & & &工程学  学院是香港大学在1911年成立时的创校学院之一。创校之初只有3名职员和34名本科生,现在已发展成为全港最具规模及最全面的工程学院,秉承香港大学治学严谨的优良传统,学院致力研究核心学科以及不断拓展新的学术领域。现工程学院拥有5个学系:土木工程系、计算器科学系、电机电子工程系、工业及制造系统工程系、机械工程系。特色优势专业主要有:土木工程、土木工程(环境工程)、计算机科学、计算器工程、电机工程、电子及通讯工程、讯息工程、工业工程及科技管理、后勤工程及物流管理、机械工程、机械工程(屋宇设备工程)、医学工程,以上专业在修本专业课程的同时,还可以辅修工商、经济或财务等相关课程。医学工程是工程学院与医学院合办的三年制课程,工商管理学学士(信息系统) /工学学士(计算器科学) 与经济及工商管理学院合办的四年制课程,本课程旨在提供工商管理及信息科技两方面的教育。学生修满四年制课程, 可获颁授双学位。工学学士(土木工程〔法学〕) / 法学士(与法律学院合办的五年制课程),除了土木工程之核心课程外,学生还须修读法律学院的专门课程,旨在栽培学生日后成为土木工程及法学两方面的独有专才。&  护理学学士  课程是一个为期四年的课程。由基本医护健康知识开始,渐次提升至专科及复杂的医护健康层面的研究和实习。在教学策略方面则旨在帮助同学们融会贯通各学习理论,并寓所学于实践。&  中医全科学士  中医全科学士课程为期五年,专为对学习中医学有兴趣的学生而设。课程宗旨在于培训学生如何能掌握有系统的中医理论和基本的现代生命科学知识。其课程目标在培育具有实际工作能力和开拓创造精神的中医专业人才。整个课程包括中医基础学科香港大学(简称港大;英语:The University of Hong Kong,HKU)是香港最早且最重要的大学,也是香港学术排名最高的大学,在中国科学评价研究中心发布的&世界一流大学竞争力排行榜&中,香港大学全球排名第149位,不仅位于香港地区院校首位,而且超过我国内地所有大学,为世界百强大学之一。&  理学  香港大学理学院共提供2个本科生课程:理学士及理学士(精算学),学生可按个人兴趣选择合适的科目。该课程的主要特色是:实行&统一收生制&,即学生如希望入读理学院14个主修课程其中一个,只需要选择一个课程编号即可。14个主修课程包括:生物化学、生物、生物科技、化学、地球科学、生态学及生物多样性、环境保护、食物及营养科学、材料科学、数学、数学/物理、物理、风险管理,以及统计学。一经取录,同学如已决定主修课程,可以在入学香港大学时向学院申明;如果同学未能实时决定,则可以从各个主修课程中选读一些有兴趣的科目,待在港大的首学年完结时才决定主修。&统一收生制&亦容许同学只要达到主修课程的要求,可以随时作出更改。每个主修科均没有学额限制,同学可以自由选读任何一个。  理学士是香港唯一的精算学课程,为有志投身精算专业的学生提供完善和专门的训练,协助学生准备考取成为精算师的专业考试。主要研究意外事件风险在财务、经济或商业上所产生的影响及提供对策,大部分精算师受雇于从事寿险、保健或财务保险等公司,这些保险公司依赖精算师的计算和分析,以保持它们对外的商业竞争力,及对内的财政稳健。
提高申请的成功几率:  本科&出身&好(211/985学校相对于普通高校);本科成绩好(GPA高/系内排名靠前相对于较低的成绩/较靠后的排名);有研究经验(适用于研究型,之前做过研究相对于没有);推荐人威信高(领域内知名教授的推荐相对于普通讲师的推荐);推荐人关系(目标教授和推荐教授关系密切相对于互不相识,甚至没听说过);有质量的研究计划(适用于研究型,一份有高质量的研究计划相对于随便写的一些文字);面试表现出色(条理清晰且有礼貌的回答相对于不知所云)&
增加申请的难度:  目标学校标准高(港大、中大相对于城大、理大);目标专业在港热门(金融管理专业相对于农林专业);研究型研究生(研究型研究生相对于授课式研究生);跟风转专业申请(千万不可取,跟风转专业,只会增大竞争,增加申请的难度)  申请不同专业主要由这些方面决定,但能否录取毕竟是综合考虑且由学校、学系和教授几方面决定,在申请的时候,任何人都无法预知最后的结果,请申请者结合上述的条件来给自己&定位&,以估算有多大的把握。
针对香港大学英语面试,为同学们整理出有关的全攻略,希望能够帮助同学们,顺利通过面试。&&& & & &自从开放招收内地学生后,越来越多的考生选择去香港读大学,港校也越来越重视内地优秀学生的引进,每年都会有很多高考状元选择去香港读书,港校有着不输于国外知名大学的教育环境和教学质量,是学生的学习生活的很好的选择。
  目前香港有12所高校面向内地招生,分别是香港大学、香港中文大学、香港科技大学、香港城市大学、香港理工大学、香港浸会大学、岭南大学、香港教育学院、香港树仁大学、香港公开大学、香港演艺学院、珠海学院。&  港校特色  特殊的历史背景,造就了香港独特的语言环境。一般香港人日常交流以粤语为主,课堂上则多用英语、粤语,偶尔也有普通话的授课。大多数教材都只用英文,图书馆也有大量的原版英语著作。如果去香港念大学,英语是必不可少的工具。
& & & &录取方式& & & &1. 提前批录取  香港中文大学和香港城市大学属于统招类,考生在填报高考志愿时,在提前批次填报即可,不需另行向大学申请报名,不需要参加面试,两校将依据考生的高考成绩择优录取。
  另外考生在填报这两所学校的同时,也可填报其他本科一批的内地高校。如果考生未被这两所学校录取,也不会影响本科一批的录取。& & & &2. 独立招生  除香港中文大学和香港城市大学之外的其他10所院校均实行独立招生。考生需独立向学校提出申请,这10所香港高校会根据考生高考总成绩、高考英语成绩和面试成绩进行录取。
  对于很多港校来说,但最终决定是否录取考生并不是高考成绩,而是考生的综合表现。所以在达到要求的分数外,面试环节也至关重要,有关面试的介绍与技巧请阅读本站相关文章。& & & 3. 分数线  & 因为针对不同地区招收学生数量不同以及面试成绩的保密,所以香港这几所大学没有很明确的分数线,不过根据以往经验来看,如果能被录取,分数线应该和本省清华北大分数线相差不多,同时对学生的英语水平有较高的要求。这12所学校中有10所学校是自主招生,所以学校不会只看你的分数而要根据你的面试成绩综合评定。
& & & &费用情况  香港高校每年学费在10万港币即人民币8万元左右,生活费在5万港币左右,学校会为考生设立奖学金,不过毕竟只是极少数人,在读期间的奖助学金也都竞争激烈。有意向报考港校的同学还要考虑到费用是否在自己的承受范围之内。
针对香港大学英语面试,为同学们整理出有关的全攻略,希望能够帮助同学们,顺利通过面试。&&& & & &香港,全称中华人民共和国香港特别行政区,是中华人民共和国所辖的特别行政区,英文名为Hong Kong。香港是一个充满诱惑感的城市,它是全球最富裕、经济最发达和生活水平最高的地区之一,是&亚洲四小龙&之一,是国际金融商贸中心之一,是世界大都会之一,然而除了这散发着金钱味道的&第一&后面,香港还150年惊心动魄的巨变,有着中西合璧的丰富文化,有着一颗容纳种族、语言、地域的包容之心。& & & &香港粗略可分为香港岛、九龙、新界东、新界西四部分,详细一点则可以分为18个区。香港管辖总面积2,755.03平方公里,其中陆地面积1,104.32平方公里,水域面积1650.64平方公里。   香港的人口绝大多数为华人,大部分原籍广东,主要说粤语和英语,近年普通话甚流行。居于香港的外籍人士数目相当多,共有约517万人,2011年中香港人口临时数字为711万人。  九龙及香港岛之间的维多利亚港,因港阔水深、四面抱拥,有利船只航行,获誉为世界三大天然良港之一。香港最初就是从维多利亚港两岸的平地开始发展,至今该区仍然是香港都市命脉所在。  & & & &地理位置  香港位于东经114&15&,北纬22&15&,地处华南沿岸,在中国广东省珠江口以东,由香港岛、九龙半岛、新界内陆地区以及262个大小岛屿(离岛)组成。香港北接广东省深圳市,南面是广东省珠海市万山群岛。香港与西边的澳门隔江相对,距离为61公里,北距广州。    深圳河是香港和中国内地之间的边界线。虽说是&一河之隔&却使香港和中国内地之间出现了陆地交接点。 && & & &地名来源  关于香港的地名由来,有四种说法:  说法一:香港的得名与香料有关。宋元时期,香港在行政上隶属广东东莞。从明朝开始,香港岛南部的一个小港湾,为转运南粤香料的集散港,因转运产在广东东莞的香料而出名,被人们称为&香港&。据说那时香港转运的香料,质量上乘,被称为&海南珍奇&,香港当地许多人也以种香料为业,香港与其种植的香料一起,名声大噪。不久这种香料被列为进贡皇帝的贡品,并造就了当时鼎盛的制香、运香业。后来香料的种植和转运逐渐息微,但香港这个名称却保留了下来。  说法二:香港是一个天然的港湾,附近有溪水甘香可口,海上往来的水手,经常到这里来取水饮用,久而久之,甘香的溪水出了名,这条小溪也就被称为&香江&,而香江入海冲积成的小港湾,也就开始被称为&香港&。有一批英国人登上香港岛时就是从这个港湾上岸的,所以他们也就用&香港&命名整个岛屿。直到今天,&香江&仍然是香港的别称  说法三:因&香姑&而得名。据说,香姑是一位海盗的妻子,海盗死后,她就占据了这个小岛。久而久之,人们就把小岛以她的名字为名,称之为&香港&了。  说法四:因为一名叫陈群(&阿群&)的渔民,带领英人从香港仔越山循此路至上环一带为英军开路,因而得名。她极有可能是一名疍家婆,因为路是阿群带的,所以就称之&阿群带路&了。有说英军初抵港岛时,由陈群带领在赤柱一带登陆,经香港村,薄扶林等地到港岛北部一带。经香港村时,英军询问该处地名,陈群以疍音回答&香港&,英人即以疍音"HONG KONG"为记,便因而成为全岛的总称。这也成了香港名字由来的其中一说。  现仍有人把香港称作&香江&、&香海&、&香岛&、&香州&等。  香港的英文名称,是照广州语音,原译作Heung Kong,香港有很多水上居民读&香&为&康&,所以英文名称也就随着改拼为Hong Kong。&& & & &自然气候  香港属亚热带气候,全年的气温较高,年平均温度为22.8℃。夏天炎热且潮湿,温度约在26~30℃之间;冬天凉爽而干燥,但很少会降至5℃以下。五月至九月间多雨,有时雨势颇大。夏秋之间,时有台风吹袭,七月至九月是香港的台风较多的季节。香港平均全年雨量2,214.3毫米,雨量最多月份是8月,雨量最少月份是1月。  & & & &自然环境的限制,香港自然资源匮乏。香港食用淡水的60%以上依靠广东省供给。矿藏有少量铁、铝、锌、钨、绿柱石、石墨等。香港邻近大陆架,洋面广阔,岛屿众多。有得天独厚的渔业生产的地理环境。香港有超过150种具有商业价值的海鱼,主要是红衫、九棍、大眼鱼、黄花鱼、黄肚和鱿鱼。农业主要经营少量的蔬菜、花卉、水果和水稻,饲养猪、牛、家禽及淡水鱼,农副产品近半数需中国内地供应。
HKIEd (Hong Kong Institute of Education)
The historical roots of the Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd) can be traced back to 1853 when the first formalized programme of in-service teacher training was introduced in St Paul&s College and 1881 when the first Government Normal School was established by the then Governor of Hong Kong, John Pope Hennessy, in Wan Chai.
With increasing interest in and demand for teacher education from the government and the public, the Northcote College of Education (1939), Grantham College of Education (1951), Sir Robert Black College of Education (1960), the Hong Kong Technical Teachers& College (1974) and the Institute of Languages in Education (1982) were founded respectively to provide formal teacher education in Hong Kong. On 25 April 1994, under the recommendation made by the Education Commission Report No 5 (ECR 5), the Hong Kong Institute of Education was formally established by statue by amalgamating the former four Colleges of Education and the Institute of Language in Education with a view to upgrading teacher education and professional development. From 1994 to 1997, HKIEd operated from a Main Office on Hong Kong Island and seven campuses and offered mainly Certificate Courses in Education and In-service Training Courses. In 1997, the Institute moved to its new campus in Tai Po. In 2004, the Institute celebrated its 10th anniversary, a milestone in the Institute&s history, as well as a 65-year heritage rooted in a 150-year tradition of teacher education. In 2009, HKIEd unveiled the Strategic Plan for 2009 & 2012 and Beyond & &Planning for the Future, Making a Difference&, following the Government&s endorsement of the stand-alone option proposed by the University Grants Committee&s Review Group for it to become an education-focused, research-strong and multi-disciplinary institution. The Institute, in 2010/11 academic year, launched its first non-Education programmes of Bachelor of Arts in Language Studies and Bachelor of Social Sciences in Global and Environmental Studies, followed by the third non-Education programme, Bachelor of Arts in Creative Arts and Culture, in the
academic year. Today, 84% of Hong Kong&s primary school teachers and 30% of secondary school teachers are graduates of HKIEd or its predecessor colleges of education. We are a pioneer in early childhood education and have trained, over the years, some 80% of Hong Kong&s kindergarten teachers. We emphasize the provision of total learning experience to our students, who in turn will become inspiring teachers to their own students in schools.As the largest teacher education provider in Hong Kong, our focus remains teacher education, guided by an &Education-plus& framework. Under this framework, we continue to broaden the range of our disciplines and subject specialization. The Institute offers a wide range of graduate and undergraduate degree programmes including research degree - Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Philosophy. We also offer Higher Diploma/Certificate in Education programme in early childhood education and a variety of in-service Professional Development Programmes and other programmes in Post-secondary, Secondary, Primary, Pre-primary, special education, and professional and vocational education.
LU (Lingnan University)
Lingnan University, formerly Lingnan College, is the only liberal arts university in the HKSAR, with the longest established tradition among the local institutions of higher education. The University was incorporated on 30 July 1999 following the enactment of the Lingnan University Ordinance. Its history, however, dates back to 1888, when its forerunner, the prestigious Lingnan University in Guangzhou, China, was founded.Following the closure of Lingnan University in Guangzhou due to the restructuring of the university system on the Chinese Mainland, its alumni set up Lingnan College in Hong Kong in 1967. In 1978, it was officially registered as an approved post-secondary college under the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance. Following the successful institutional review by the United Kingdom Council for National Academic Awards in 1987, the Government invited the then University and Polytechnic Grants Committee (UPGC) to advise on the upgrading of the College to tertiary status and in 1991, the College came under the aegis of the UPGC and began to offer its first degree programmes.In July 1992, the College was formally incorporated under the Lingnan College Ordinance as a degree-conferring tertiary institution fully funded by the UPGC. With its new status and improved funding, Lingnan moved rapidly to develop its portfolio of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of study. In 1995, Lingnan moved to its present location in Tuen Mun.As a result of the Institutional Review conducted by the University Grants Committee&(UGC) in January 1998, Lingnan was granted a self-accrediting status in September 1998and a university title in July 1999. Building on these foundations, the University will continue to pursue its goal of becoming a liberal arts university of international repute with Hong Kong characteristics, encompassing the best of Eastern and Western traditions.As a liberal arts university, Lingnan is fully committed to quality teaching as well as&excellence in research. Where some liberal arts colleges in the United States focus only on teaching, the University strives for excellence in both teaching and research. This is confirmed in the results of the latest Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) by the UGC released in March 2006, which showed that the University&s research strength stretches across its three academic areas of Arts, Business Studies and Social Sciences. Its institution-wide research performance index doubled to 76.35% from 38.85% in the last RAE in 1999 and the University was ranked fourth after the three research-intensive universities. In fact, its Business Studies and Economics Panel ranked second with an index of 84.14%.At present, the University provides programmes at undergraduate level leading to Honors Degrees in Chinese, Cultural Studies, Contemporary English Studies, History, Philosophy, Translation, Visual Studies, Business Administration and Social Sciences. With regard to postgraduate studies, Master of Philosophy programmes have been offered since the 1995-96 academic year. Starting from the 2000-01 academic year, the University has been offering its Doctor of Philosophy programmes and expanded the range of its postgraduate programmes. Ten research postgraduate programmes at Master&s and Doctoral levels are now being offered,viz. Chinese, Cultural Studies, English, History, Philosophy, Translation, Visual Studies, Business, Economics and Social Sciences. The University started offering taught postgraduate programmes in 2001, and six programmes are offered in 2012-13.A core characteristic of Lingnan&s undergraduate programmes is the integration of&professional knowledge with general education, which aims to equip its graduates with humanistic and intellectual capacities that are requisite for future leaders in a changing world. Another core characteristic of the programmes is their international orientation, which embraces both global and comparative perspectives.Besides the international orientation of the study programmes, the University seeks to&promote interaction and exchange with other institutions of higher learning around the world. The University has entered into agreements for student exchange programmes with over 110 tertiary institutions in many parts of the world, such as the Chinese Mainland, Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States, etc.The University has implemented a credit-based system designed to provide the richest&learning opportunities possible beyond the confines of disciplines. In addition to taking&compulsory and elective courses in their main discipline, as well as required credits in English, Chinese and General Education, undergraduate students can accumulate credits towards their degrees by choosing from the pool of elective courses available across all programmes of study. From the 2005-06 academic year, science electives have been offered as the University feels that it is important for students to have an understanding and awareness of the world of science to achieve a well-rounded education.In January 2003, the University established the Community College to provide full support for pre-associate degree, associate degree and higher diploma programmes. The programmes are designed to provide an educational experience that prepares students for work and an enriched life as educated persons, as well as a solid foundation for possible further studies.The establishment of the self-funded Lingnan Institute of Further Education (LIFE) in&July 2001 has put Lingnan&s fervent belief in &Education for Service& into action. Most of the courses and programmes are designed and academically articulated to form unique continuing learning ladders with studies at the levels of certificate, diploma, bachelor&s and master&s degree. LIFE aims to enable and encourage students to pursue continuous education and to obtain recognized qualifications for their career and personal development. Opportunities for further studies are provided for school leavers. LIFE will continue to source and collaborate with overseas universities and universities on the Chinese Mainland to offer a variety of programmes that meet the needs for life-long learning, either as stand-alone modules or curriculums that build up to an award.Facilities on campus include academic buildings, a library, a plaza, a Chinese garden,&an art gallery, an auditorium, a student function hall, an indoor sports complex, a swimming pool, an outdoor sports ground and a student activities centre. To prepare for the launch of the four-year undergraduate system in 2012, a complex consisting of a new academic block and two student hostels has been built.The University currently offers hostel accommodation for 2,200 students out of its 2,600 total enrolment. This high proportion of residential places enables students to receive more personalized attention from faculty and staff, and better prepares them for their subsequent careers and endeavors.The introduction of the four-year system has given Lingnan an excellent opportunity to&further its liberal arts ethos, and the University has been engaging its best efforts to ensure that its infrastructure, facilities, curriculum and staff resources are ready for a smooth transition. Following the increase in the number of credits students are required to obtain from the Core Curriculum and Chinese and English language courses, Lingnan is providing the highest proportion of general education programme in the new curriculum among local universities.In line with the adoption of hostel education as part of the Integrated Learning Programme for students in the four-year system, the University has been building more student hostels. With the completion of two more student hostels by 2013, the total number of student hostels will increase to ten. This will provide on-campus accommodation for all undergraduates and make Lingnan the only fully-residential university in Hong Kong.Learning at Lingnan extends well beyond the campus, and more opportunities for exchange and civic engagement will be provided for students in the four-year system to help broaden their horizons. Half of Lingnan students are now able to study in a Chinese Mainland or overseas partner institution for one term and the percentage is expected to increase in future. Participation in civic engagement projects (including both service-learning courses and community service), which enables students to use their academic knowledge to deliver meaningful services to those in need, will be mandated as a graduation requirement in the four-year system.
& &45.&What&can&you&read&from&the&picture?46.&What&s&your&view&of&news&report&nowadays?&how&do&you&think&of&the&injustice&of&report?47.&How&many&stray&dogs&in&China,&what&s&your&view&of&this?
哪些是加分点?1. &清晰的思路,全面、透彻,看待问题2. &创造性、批判性、逻辑性、条理性思维3. &对问题的分析和把握
如何处理陌生的话题?& & & &首先,如果自己没有听懂面试官的问题,可以直接提问,请教授重复一遍。如果小组成员已经开始了讨论,也可以从发言里面,分析具体的问题是什么。切忌不要在不清楚问题的情况下发言,答非所问的话,也会影响考生的表现。& & & &其次在清楚了问题后,如果在不了解该问题的情况下,可以先听取其他组员的阐述,从中汲取意见,再做不用意见的阐述;或者在其他组员讨论完后,做总结性质的发言,这样也引导了整个面试局面的走向,成为了一个优秀的领导者。
& & & &如何成为工作型的人& & & &一个优秀的团队,需要由一名领导者,引领着一群工作型的人组成,只有这样才能把每个人的作用发挥到极致。一个人孤身奋战不可能成功,一个群龙无首的团队,也肯定不会优秀。一个优秀的团队中,每个人都发挥着举足轻重的左右,不可忽视。& & & &所以专家给大家的建议是:在面对某个问题的讨论中,如果考生给出了一个有价值的建议,实际上就会使该考生不知不觉的成为核心。要做到这点,就需要考生拥有广博的知识积累和良好的思维品质。
& & & &如何成为有领导才能的人?& & & &这里所说的领导者是指,能把握整个讨论思路的方向,在没有思路时,能够出来发表自身意见;在激烈讨论时,也能够力挽狂澜,把控局面的人。如果考生熟知讨论的话题,又能够发表深入的阐述自我见解,就自然地主导本讨论话题的局面,在面试中,对于面试官来说,有印象加分。要学会在团队中,使讨论能向善意的、高效的方向前进,使自己成为小组的核心。
& & & &哪种类型的人容易得到加分?& & & &1.& 领导才能的人(领导者)。这类型的人自然是非常出色的,有可能得到10&分的加分。有的香港高校在面试时,需要选group leader,那么leader的表现就很重要了。& & & &2.& 工作型的人(优秀组员)。虽然不那么出众,但是这类型的人也同样有着至关重要的作用,也能拿到很高的分数。


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